Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 19

by Brian Hutchinson

  Chapter 6

  Thaddeus's Rage

  “Be ready to defend yourselves, but do not retaliate. He has just lost everything,” said Locmire.

  “Defend areselves from what?” Red asked as he frantically looked around for another incoming wave of attackers.

  River raised her hand, pointed to the King, and said, “From him.”

  Thaddeus walked with purpose down the steps and toward the three strangers. As he approached the group he cracked his neck from side to side. Locmire began to speak, but as soon as Thaddeus came within striking distance he wrapped his large hand around the throat of the Wizard and effortlessly slammed him into a nearby statue.

  “You will tell me your reason for being here!” Thaddeus bellowed as spittle flew from his mouth. “Why is it that these demons show up here today? Conveniently enough the same day a Wizard and mage show up to my wedding uninvited!”

  “Look er matey. It be kinda hard for da Old One ta tell ye anyting wit yer big hand caressin him throat like dat,” said Red.

  It now made sense. Thaddeus understood why the strangers were here. The army of Causperias said that the wanted mage had escaped with a Wizard, and a stranger with a foreign tongue. Indeed they had. It was these three who had summoned the creatures here. It was these three who had been responsible for the death of his most loyal servants, and his beloved Emilia.

  Thaddeus, with all of his might, flung Locmire through the air, sending him tumbling across the bloody courtyard. He turned on Red, but before the Pirate could put distance between himself and the enraged King, two large hands wrapped around his throat, hoisted him up into the air, and drove him down onto the marble walkway that ran through the middle of the courtyard. A loud thud came from Red's body as the air fled from his lungs. Thaddeus set his gaze upon River. She began to back away from him, but the quicker she backed away, the quicker Thaddeus advanced on her. She had her back against a wall and in front of her stood the large King, full of fury and hate. He picked up his bloody axe from the ground. River fell to her knees as Thaddeus lifted his dragon bone axe high into the air, ready to plunge it deep into her petite body. Just as he brought his axe down he seemed to have become frozen. A hazy aura surrounded him. He could not move.

  “That is enough, My King. While I understand your plight, I cannot allow you to shed innocent blood. I do believe you are mistaken concerning the events that have taken place here today and our most ill-timed arrival,” Locmire said as he made his way over to River and Thaddeus.

  Red began to stir on the ground. He made his way to his hands and knees and looked around. His head was spinning, but air had filled his lungs once more. Red's eyes fell upon Locmire and Thaddeus. The Pirate was furious over the inhospitality that King Graystone had shown him, but he did not say a word, especially since his last innocent statement seemed to act as a well-aimed rock at a hornets' nest.

  River jumped up and hid behind Locmire. She could not seem to gather her composure. Electricity ran through every fiber of her body. Next to the narrow escape from the hanging post, this was the closest she had ever come to death.

  Locmire stood in front of the magically bound King. Speaking softly he said, “I know these circumstances do not favor us. I can assure you we did not bring forth these creatures. We simply came to seek your aid in our quest, your quest, a quest for which you are destined.”

  Thaddeus shouted, “Free me from this magic now! If you do not, I promise you I will get free on my own. Then, not quickly, but slowly, I will kill the lot of you!”

  “Please, Thaddeus, listen to reason. My name is Locmire, from Fogarth.”

  “Fogarth! I now spit on Fogarth,” the King said as he spat at Locmire's feet. He was silent for a moment as hate boiled inside of him. “You travel with outlaws. You travel with a mage wanted by the Kingdom of Galdarath for crimes against nature and humanity. I doubted for a moment that you were in fact a Wizard, until this display of cowardly magic. Free me so we can end this!” Thaddeus exclaimed, as more spittle flew from his mouth with each hate filled word. His red puffy eyes, along with the saliva that hung from his lips, made him resemble a hound stricken with the madness.

  “Once again you are mistaken. River is not a threat. You have seen this as she fell before you. If we came here to see your demise then answer me this. Why did we help you? Even still, why did we not attack you when you began to release your anger upon us?” Locmire asked.

  Silence came over Thaddeus once more as he carefully pondered these statements. This is all true. They had more than one opportunity to attack me. Even when I caused them harm they did not retaliate. When the Wizard did finally act, it was out of protection to his female companion, and even then it was not an offensive spell that was cast, only a binding spell. Any person capable of casting such a spell must truly be a powerful wielder of magic. Maybe, just maybe, this Wizard speaks the truth.

  “If not to see me dead, what other purpose do you have here today?” Thaddeus asked.

  At that moment the orb that bound Thaddeus disappeared. Locmire had released him. River quivered behind Locmire, anticipating another attack by the powerful man. Red stood up and placed his right hand on his pistol. Thaddeus eyed him carefully.

  The Wizard said, “I hope I am not making a mistake by releasing you, Thaddeus Graystone.”

  “You speak to me as if you know who I am. Who are you, Wizard, and what is your purpose here?”

  “Oh, but I do know you, Thaddeus. I saw your face over 500 years ago in a prophecy that is being fulfilled at this very moment. Tell me, what do you know of the Saviors and the Dark Wizard, Hasbarie?”

  “You mean the children’s tale about the Lord of the Dead?” Thaddeus asked as he wiped the spittle from his mouth. “But you know as well as I do that it was no children's tale. You know as well as I do that it was a member from my bloodline, Ryker, who destroyed the Necromancer and his forces at the Onock during the Great War.”

  “Yes, that is correct. I see no need to educate you on the events of that day, for I am sure you have been told and retold the tale from your father and his father before him. I even see that you wear the fabled armor of Ryker. Your family is one of the few who holds tight to this important part of history,” said Locmire.

  Thaddeus nodded, “We are proud of our lineage. What does any of this have to do with today?”

  Locmire continued, “I will tell you the importance of you and your bloodline and of the events that are taking place at this very moment. The Onock and the Dark Wizard have returned,” said Locmire.

  Thaddeus interrupted, “It cannot be. He was destroyed along with the Onock many years ago. He was a Wizard, not a god. He does not have the power to return from the grave.”

  “The Dark Wizard has powers beyond your imagination. While he did not conquer death alone, nonetheless he has been resurrected.” Locmire paused.

  He took a brief look into the eyes of the groom who had just lost the one thing he loved most, his bride. The eyes that met him were cold and emotionless. How could this man turn off his rage and emotions this easily? Moments ago he lost his beloved and was on the brink of killing every last one of us. Now he stands listening and engaged in conversation. This man, King Thaddeus Graystone, is surely the one to lead the Saviors into victory.

  He continued, “500 years ago when Ryker defeated Hasbarie and his dark horde, I stood atop Mt. Pizenchaffe watching the events unfold. Hours before the final battle, while in deep meditation within the Sands of Seeing, another prophecy was revealed to me. The threat that looms at our door today is much more perilous than it was so many years ago. Otherwise I would need not become involved.”

  “If, he has in fact returned, why has he not made his presence known?” Thaddeus asked.

  “He has made his presence known. The creatures we just battled were Hasbarie's doing. He calls them the Breathless. They posed a huge threat during the last war. They are his most numerous and loyal servants, for without him they would not know lif
e,” Locmire said as he started to pace back and forth.

  Red whispered to River, “Blow me down. How old ye reckon Locmire be's?

  “Shhhhh,” she whispered.

  He began again, “The prophecy told of a time when Hasbarie would return. His return was made possible by the reuniting of the four shards of the dark crystal that sat in his chest, the one that Ryker destroyed. The crystal fragments were found by four individuals who had become obsessed with Hasbarie and his return from the grave. Their obsession with his return finally paid off when they found the four parts of the crystal. With the crystal fragments brought together, the Onock has reemerged in the unsettled area west of the Arplasia Mountains. The Onock itself has allowed Hasbarie to return from the black abyss that he was absorbed into when his crystal was destroyed. The crystal and the Onock, along with Hasbarie's life force, are directly connected. The four worshipers that brought him back have now become Dark Priests, high ranking members of Hasbarie's court, and he has bestowed them with great power. The prophecy showed that they must be dealt with before we can pursue the Dark Wizard himself, but there is much work to be done before that time comes. Hasbarie has not yet returned to full power. Without an intact crystal to harness his magic, he is a mere shell of his former self, but still poses a dangerous threat. The Onock itself bequeaths him with power that no other Wizard in Calencia holds. If we do not stop him before he regains his powers, I fear that that task will become impossible.”

  Thaddeus listened intently. His train of thought was focused solely on what the old Wizard was telling him. He absorbed every single word like a sponge.

  “The prophecy showed me what must be done. Hasbarie could not have been able to return until the time was right; a time when the Saviors last remaining bloodline was down to its final strand, as so it is now. Every single descendent of the Saviors has perished, all but one from each bloodline, as is such with you. No living relatives from your father's side and no children. You are part of the last remaining bloodline of the Graystones. The same goes for the rest of the new lot that I seek to enlist. I have come to you first, Thaddeus. At the Calling of the Greats it was Ryker who united the Saviors. Will you follow in your ancestor’s footsteps?”

  Locmire walked over to Thaddeus; the King stood up to meet him.

  “My direct involvement with this matter was revealed to me, as was part of my purpose. It was also revealed that there would be three more heroes destined to help in the conflict, join our cause. Two of them stand before you. There is more to be told of the prophecy, but this is all that needs to be divulged now. The rest will be told when all of the Saviors are united,” concluded Locmire.

  Thaddeus stood for a moment staring at the Wizard. It made him very uncomfortable that he could not see Locmire's eyes through the black goggles. Thaddeus could tell much about a person's eyes. This Wizard is mad, Thaddeus thought. He can't be mad; no one could make up such a story. The King's heart and mind were at conflict with one another. He knew a decision must be made. Which would he follow; his heart or his mind? Ultimately, he sided with the part of him that had never once led him astray, his heart.

  “Well, it does not make me feel very confident about this whole situation knowing there are parts that you are unwilling to share,” said Thaddeus skeptically.

  “I cannot reveal the rest of the prophecy at this moment. All I can do is ask you to put your trust in me and join us in the fight. We have much work to do, and time is short. What will your decision be, Thaddeus Graystone?” Locmire said as he extended his hand. “Will you take up arms beside us?”

  Thaddeus did not hesitate; his hand met the hand of Locmire with a firm grip.

  “I will join you, Wizard. I will destroy Hasbarie just as my bloodline before me. I will avenge the death of my beloved Emilia.” He released Locmire's hand. “I will return to you shortly. I must gather my things.”

  As he began to march off toward his castle, he stopped and said, “I apologize for the ill temper I showed earlier.”

  “All is forgiven,” said Locmire.

  “Aye, no hard feelins. Glad ye be on are side,” added Red.

  “All is well,” said River hesitantly.

  Thaddeus nodded as he entered his empty castle.

  Inside the castle Thaddeus began to gather his belongings. He took two swords, his helmet, sharpening stones, a purse of gold, a change of clothing, a small carry bag, and a mechanical device that he tucked away under his right bracer. As he began to exit his chamber something on the wall stopped him in his tracks. It was a painting of Emilia. He instantly became lost in its memory. The painting had been done before the feast in which he announced his intent to marry Emilia. As she sat motionless on the stone bench, it was then that Thaddeus realized he had been blessed with the most beautiful and kind woman in the entire kingdom. Looking at the painting he thought, what did I ever do to become so lucky? He sat down in an arm chair and before he realized it, he was swept away into the memory of their first meeting.


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