Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel

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Locmire's Quest: Book One A Tales from Calencia Novel Page 21

by Brian Hutchinson

  Looking at the painting he realized that this was the memory he wanted to forever hold of his dearly departed Emilia, not the blood covered image that haunted him now. He tore the painting down from the wall, folded it neatly, and stuck it in his bag. He was now ready to embrace his destiny; only one loose end remained before he could depart.

  Locmire, Red, River, and Thaddeus stood around a long stone slab which supported Emilia's body. Her bloody gown had been replaced with a new white dress. River had brushed her hair and pulled it in a braid behind her head. She tied a scarf around her neck to hide the wound that ended her life. She looks at peace, Thaddeus thought, even though the color had left her face and her pink lips had turned a pale blue.

  The joiner, who an hour ago was performing a marriage ritual, was now performing the traditional burial ceremony. Once the joiner had finished, Thaddeus nodded to Locmire. Stepping forward with his staff in hand, Locmire extended the long piece of wood and a red spark flashed at the tip. He touched it to Thaddeus's love and a large flame engulfed the Queen in eternal slumber. A moment later her ashes slowly floated away with the wind. He then touched his staff to the bodies of five little girls, Emilia’s sisters, and her parents. Within moments, their bodies became ash and were swept away with the wind as well. They all stood and watched as the ashen remains slowly floated away. The only family Thaddeus had left was now gone.

  Thaddeus collected himself, turned to Locmire and said, “Let us go. We have many leagues to travel. The Engenium Kingdom of Lasticall is at least a half a day’s ride away. We must reach them soon, before they suffer the same fate as so many did here today.”

  “I agree. We must hurry, but our work in Ravendale is not done. There is another Savior here that we must seek,” stated the Wizard.

  “Another Savior?” questioned Thaddeus. “There are no other races currently in Galdarath. From what land does this Savior come? Morgorath? The Dead Marsh?”

  Locmire replied, “Neither. He hails from Galdarath.”

  “What?” Thaddeus asked in disbelief. “If he is from Galdarath then he must be Human. You said the new Saviors were to be the last of their bloodline. I am the last of the Graystones. Stop speaking in mystery and tell me what you mean!” Thaddeus commanded.

  “It is a most unusual circumstance with the Human bloodline. While all of the other bloodlines are on their last limbs, the Graystone bloodline is a little stronger. Earlier when I told you of the prophecy, I said you were part of the last of your bloodline, part being the key word. The other part resides somewhere in this kingdom. The other one I speak of is your brother. Your twin brother.” Locmire paused waiting for Thaddeus to reply.

  Thaddeus looked as if he just found out the world he had known was a lie. How could I have a brother and never know of him? Why has no one told me? He took a moment to ponder these thoughts.

  “You must be mistaken, Wizard. I have no brother. I am an only child,” Thaddeus told Locmire.

  “But you are not an only child. Your father feared a day like this may come. He could not have both of his sons together, it would be too dangerous. When the two of you were born, your father decided to separate you. You, Thaddeus, were the fortunate one. You became the Prince of Galdarath. Your brother, on the other hand, was given away to a family in the village. He was erased from Graystone family memory to protect his identity. Your own mother did not even know of this plan. She was led to believe that he was too weak and did not survive the birthing process. Your brother’s new family took him as their own, along with a small monthly sum of gold to care for the child. Your brother lives today, and I have strong reason to believe that he still lives in the Kingdom of Galdarath,” Locmire finished.

  “How do you know these things, Wizard?” Thaddeus asked.

  “I know many things, Thaddeus. It is one of my duties,” said the Wizard.

  “If this is true then tell me my brother’s name. We must go to him. If you know such things, I am sure The Dark Wizard knows as well. I am familiar with the majority of the people living in Galdarath. Tell me his name so we can go to him,” Thaddeus demanded.

  “His name is, Lot. Lot Caskill,” said Locmire.

  With the mere mention of this name Thaddeus's face turned from that of joy and excitement to disgust and anger.

  “You must be joking, Wizard. That man cannot be my brother,” Thaddeus said.

  “Aye! Great, ye know em den! Gonna make da whole process of findin him loads easier. Me loves da taught of a family reunion!” exclaimed Red.

  Thaddeus gave Red a sharp look, and the Pirate's excitement ended abruptly.

  “You know of this man? If so, Red is right. This will make finding him much easier,” River spoke, for the first time in quite some time.

  “Yes. I know of him. I know him very well, and I know exactly where he is at this precise moment,” he paused briefly. “Locmire, are you certain this man is my brother. No mistaking it. He is definitely my brother and we must take him along?”

  “I am certain,” Locmire replied.

  “Very well. Follow me,” Thaddeus said blandly.

  The four gathered their belongings and set off. It took Locmire by surprise when they did not leave the courtyard, but instead began to make their way toward the castle.


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