Close Protection (Blood Brothers #2)

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Close Protection (Blood Brothers #2) Page 20

by Manda Mellett

  With unexpected grace, Mia surprises me and complies with my instruction. Now she’s kneeling at my feet. Seating myself, I study her pose. It’s not bad for a novice, but there’s one thing wrong. “Mia, part your knees.” She’s holding them tightly together, only too conscious she’s naked under her very short skirt. She looks up at me pleadingly, but I refuse to bend. I know I’m pushing her, but as her Dom, that’s my job, and she’s got an out if she really can’t cope.

  As slowly she pulls her knees apart, I feel so proud, but I don’t let it show. “More,” I tell her. She takes a deep breath, and this time, she’s quicker to respond and comply. She bows her head and puts her hands on her thighs, palm up. “Good girl,” I tell her. As I turn to Jasim, he nods in approval. The other Master grins, and then gets up and leaves us.

  “I think we should give the architect the go ahead.” I continue my conversation with Jasim as though we’d never been interrupted, ignoring the woman at my feet.

  “I’m happy with that,” he tells me, “Has Jason any comments?”

  I’d have a long phone discussion about the plans with our other partner, and he’s cool with the ideas and content to leave it in our hands as he’s stuck overseas and won’t be returning any time soon. As we talk, I idly rest my hand on Mia’s head, registering that when I make physical contact with her, she relaxes into my touch. I file that thought away. As I keep my hand there, she moves her head so it’s resting on my leg. Slowly, I being to stroke her hair, and she pushes back into my hand.

  Once Jasim and I have thrashed out the business we need to, he leaves us.

  Now we are alone; the time has come for us to have that conversation. I instruct her, “Come here, Mia.” As she stands, I pull her slightly off balance so she’s no option but to lie in my lap. “Are you alright? If this is all too much for you, just say.”

  There’s a pause before she answers, but when she does, what she says takes me by surprise as she gets right to the heart of the matter. “While you were talking, Jon, I was thinking — I’d been sitting at the bar, and I felt quite relaxed. I was intrigued, interested by what I was seeing, understanding what you meant when you said everything was discussed and mutually agreed. I saw nothing to make me feel threatened; it was nothing like my experience in the past.” She pauses, and swallows, “And then that man came up, so quickly, as if zooming in on a target. I’ve never, ever hit someone before. I shocked myself! It wasn’t just the fact he approached me; it was what he said. Without introducing himself he just simply stated what he wanted to do. And everything he said just sent me straight back into the past. And he used the word ‘cunt’.”

  “But you use that word in your books.”

  “I know, but it’s different to write it than to hear it. They used it differently, derogatively. And a stranger, approaching me like that, using that word. His voice, his tone. It was so rough. I immediately thought the way I’m dressed lured him to me, and suddenly, right at that moment, I was right back being raped and hurt.”

  “He hit a trigger.”

  “Yes. I think he did.”

  I stroke her arm, noting the goose bumps rising on it. She’s not at all immune to my touch. My cock stirs beneath her, showing neither am I to hers. “I shouldn’t have left you, I’m sorry.”

  “It’s my fault; I asked you to.”

  And I’ve spent the past half-hour trying to understand why. I have to know, so ask the direct question, “Why, Mia? Why did you want me to go?”

  She sighs, and takes a deep breath. For a moment I don’t think she’s going to answer, then, when she speaks, her voice is so quiet I can hardly hear it, and I realise she’s finally admitting the truth, confirming what I’d expected, hoped, all along. “Because of what you make me feel.”

  My heart misses a beat, but I have to be sure. “And what’s that?” I can’t afford any more misunderstandings tonight. “Be honest with me, Mia.”

  This time, she draws in air so deeply I can see her ribcage rise. “You scare me. Because you make me feel alive, for the first time in seven years,” she admits. She’s looking down, and I suspect she’s got more to say. I squeeze her to encourage her. “I feel things around you, Jon, things I write about, but have never experienced before.”

  Something leaps inside and my chest loosens at her disclosure. I hadn’t appreciated how much it would mean to hear her admit her feelings toward me. It’s time for my confession. “You make me feel too, Mia. You must know how much I’m attracted to you.” The evidence is fast growing hard beneath her.

  Now she looks at me, bewilderment in her eyes, “I didn’t know, but I hoped. And these feelings frighten me, Jon. That’s why I pushed you away. I didn’t want to see you play with someone else, but I wouldn’t be able to be what you need, to play how you would like. I’m terrified of you, of whatever this is between us. You’re too much for me. You’re a Dom!”

  I’m still reeling from the revelation that she’s as much attracted to me as I am to her, but rapidly I think through the implications. I’d told Jasim I didn’t do relationships, and that’s the simple truth of it. But with Mia? She clearly wouldn’t be a one night stand. The thought creeps up on me that I’d already decided I wasn’t looking forward to walking away at the end of the case. Perhaps it’s time I give commitment a try? Either I end it here now before we get in any deeper, or we start something which is going to take us God knows where. I’m in unfamiliar territory here. What is plainly evident is that she’s got a whole tonne of issues we will need to work through if we’re going to be together. Can I commit to that? Of course, I can! I’m a Dom; she’s someone who needs nurturing; to be cared for so she regains her emotional and sexual confidence or perhaps finds it for the first time, remembering at what young age she’d been assaulted. I’m a Dom, so how can I walk away?

  I pull her up so she’s straddling me. She wriggles, but can’t escape the physical sign of my arousal as she’s sitting right on top of it. The last time she was this close to a male was seven years ago. I hold her in place, and will myself to stay still, the only part of me moving is my cock twitching in my leathers and that I can’t control. “Mia,” I start gently, but firmly. “I want to be your Dom. And I want you as my sub. Exclusively.”

  She reaches forward, and her hand touches my bare chest under my vest, I’m not sure she realises she’s doing it. “I can’t be what you’d want, Jon.” Her unwitting action belies the words she’s repeating.

  “Master.” I correct her. “Here you call me Master.” Her eyes widen when she realises the implications when I don’t tell her to use my name. I’ve claimed her; I’m her Master. Before she can say anything else, I decide to explain how this is going to work. “You’re already what I want, Mia. Make no mistake about that. As for how this is going to work, we’ll go at your speed, sweetheart. As a Dom, I’ll want to push your limits, but as the sub, you’ll have all the control, you can stop me at any point.”

  She starts to protest. Placing my fingers over her mouth, I stop her and continue, “I know you think I have a lot of experience, and you’re right. I won’t deny I’ve played with a large number of women. But that just means that I’ve the knowledge that I’ll be able to use to help you.” It some ways it’s refreshing and, I have to admit, exciting to have someone so new, so innocent to train. But I lay it on the line for her, and as the pledge leaves my mouth, I know it’s the truth. “I want you, Mia, not anybody else. Whatever this attraction is between us, I’d like to explore it further.”

  A tentative smile appears on her face, and there’s a moment’s pause before she answers shyly, “Okay,” Gently, her fingers trace the scars on my chest, her soft touch making me want to explode. She hasn’t finished, “I want to try for you, Jon. You’ll have to understand if I use my safeword if I want to slow down, or stop. I can't promise anything won’t freak me out, hell; I didn’t see what happened with Donavan coming. But I trust you.” Her words impress the hell out of me.

  She trusts me. Or th
ink she does. That’s something to work on, but we’re certainly in a good place to start. Examining her carefully, seeing a glimpse of excitement and anticipation flare in her eyes that wasn’t there before, I think she’s ready.

  “I’m going to take you into the dungeon in a minute, and you’ll be perfectly safe. You will have all the power. There are dungeon monitors all around. And you’re right; you have your safeword.” Placing my hand under her chin, I raise it until she’s looking straight at me. I wait for her nod of affirmation before continuing, “Remember, what I told you when we were driving here. Say Green if you’re okay to continue, Yellow means back off, and we’ll discuss it, and Red means Stop. Nothing else means Stop, little one, but if something’s upsetting you, or you can’t take any more, you shout out Red. I guarantee you’ll have the dungeon monitors over within seconds.”

  “I’ve written about that.” She seems happy enough with the arrangements that ensure everything is consensual.

  “Yes, I know. And you realise if you ever call Red that I’ll have failed as a Dom? I won’t have read you correctly?”

  She sits up on my lap, the pressure on my cock almost unbearable. But I’m happy to suffer. “Why are you going through all this? What have you got planned…” she hesitates, looks down, and then finishes her sentence, “Master?”

  God, that sends a shudder right through my body triggering, even more, blood flowing to my already engorged cock. No woman has ever affected me quite like this. Shaking myself, I force myself to continue the conversation and answer her, but indirectly, “You can say Red at any time, and I’ll take you home.” And then as the next words leave my mouth I realise how true they are, I want Mia. Any way I can have her. “If you don’t want to try, or can’t continue, I won’t mind, Mia. I honestly don’t know if I could have a vanilla relationship with you, but I’m willing to give it a darn good try. You can say the word right now if you want and I’ll take you home. But that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you. I mean it Mia. I’ll attempt to keep it vanilla. Do you want to go home?” Fuck, I hope she doesn’t, but I mean everything I’m saying. I want this woman any way I can have her, and if kink needs to take a back seat, so be it. “What’s it to be, Mia?” I hold my breath.

  “I don’t want to go home,” she whispers. Her eyes widen as if she’s surprised herself.

  With immense relief, I nod slowly. “Okay, this is what is going to happen. You insulted and struck a Dom, baby. I need to discipline you for that.”

  “How?” I feel her muscles tense.

  “We’re going to go into the dungeon, and I’m going to put you on a spanking bench. I won’t tie you down; you won’t be restrained, except by your desire to please your Dom.” Now it’s my turn to hold my breath. Am I pushing her too far? “Will you try that for me, sweetheart?” She’s staring at me and biting her lip. I let her have the time to decide.

  “Yes, I’ll try.” Her reply is tentative, but it’s a positive response. My cock almost jumps out of my leathers and my heart leaps and swells with pride. It’s an enormous step for her to take.

  “Now, I’m going to kiss you.” Having warned her of my intention, I put my hand behind her head and gently pull her towards me conscious that this is our first kiss, our first real intimacy, so I take it easy. How long since she’s even kissed a man? Has she ever been kissed before? Christ! This is untrodden ground for me. Our lips meet. My tongue flicks over her mouth, willing her to give me entry. Tentatively her mouth opens, and she allows me in. I control the kiss, my tongue gently playing with hers, advancing and retreating, encouraging her to take an active part. It’s as if even this is novel to her, and if possible I get even harder thinking I’ll be the first to teach her. I deepen the kiss, taking hold of her hair so she can’t escape. Instead of protesting, she pushes forward, taking all I have to give. As she starts to respond, matching my actions I begin to realise I could become addicted to her taste.

  It’s some time before I even think of pulling away. I release her hair and gently push her away. Her lips are swollen, but her eyes sparkle.

  “Jon, I…”

  I put my fingers to her mouth. “Shush,” I tell her. And then I smirk. “And it’s Master!”

  “Master.” She tries it out again and smiles that beautiful smile.

  Picking her up, I put her on her feet. “Ready?” She hesitates and stiffens. I wait. Is she going to call a halt now? Have I already blown it? But then she puts her small hand in mine, and with that small gesture she’s demonstrating how much she does trust me. I need to make sure I continue to deserve it. Fuck, it’s like walking on egg shells. I want to make this so right for her, but I’m only too well aware how easily it could all go wrong.

  I lead her out into the dungeon which is busy and buzzing now. At first, all the stage areas appear to be in use, but I’m lucky enough to spot a spanking bench which has just been vacated and cleaned. Leading her over to it, her fingers tighten around mine, and her pulse becomes rapid. She’s full of nerves, but I’m still going to push her, I can’t back off now, I’ve told her what to expect and have to follow through unless she safewords out.

  I gesture towards her corset. “You’ll be more comfortable if you take that off.”

  She shudders, and looks around at the crowd surrounding us. “Jon, don’t make me. Please, I can’t,” she says, quietly adamant.

  “No one’s looking at you, Mia.”

  Again her glance surveys the room. She sees what I said was right; most people are too involved in what they are doing to bother about what we’re doing, and many are naked, or nearly so. When she looks back at me, she asks in a shaky voice. “You really want me to?”

  “Yes,” I reply, firmly.

  A brief pause, then bravely, she starts to undo the laces. When she’s finished, she whips it off and almost jumps on the spanking bench as if hoping to hide. Her luscious breasts fall to either side; they’re not hidden, but not consciously on display. It’s the first time I’ve seen them, and I’m eager to get my mouth on them, but hold back on that impulse; now is not the time. I lay my hand on her back, and my earlier theory that my touch appears to relax her is proven as immediately some of her tension drifts away.

  “I’m going to take your skirt off now,” I tell her, I don’t ask. My voice is low and authoritative, showing I will tolerate no argument. Again she tenses but doesn’t object. In seconds, she’s lying naked before me. I move her knees so they are resting on the supports, and widen them a little. She’s completely exposed. I pause briefly, relishing the sight I never expected to see. Mia, naked in the dungeon. Fuck, that’s a beautiful sight. She’s got even more courage than I gave her credit for.

  “Give me a colour.” I move to her head and examine her. Glancing down at her face, I see her eyes tightly closed.

  “Yellow,” she replies hesitantly in a weak voice.

  I lean down, planting a quick kiss to her head, and stroke her hair. I move around her again, but make sure I’m keeping a hand on her at all times. Noticing Donavan has come up to watch, I address Mia, but keep my eyes on him. “It’s a count of twenty, Mia. If you move, I’ll wait for you to get back into position before I continue.”

  Donavan nods his head approvingly. Then, in a gesture that surprises me, puts his hand on my arm as if to stay it. Leaning forwards so he can speak quietly in my ear, “Go easy on her; I didn’t realise she was such a novice. It’s my fault; I rushed in.” I suspect he might have been speaking to Diamond. But however much I’d like to forgo it, she’s earned a punishment. As co-owner and a Master Dom, I have to lead by example, and violence of any form is strictly against the club’s rules. But at least he’s making it easier for me. If only he hadn’t been such a prat earlier, we wouldn’t have come to this. I shake my head to remove such thoughts and calm myself, as I would never raise my hand to a sub with anything but equilibrium.

  Taking a breath, I start to gently caress Mia’s butt cheeks. She leans into my soothing touch. I rub a little harder to bring t
he blood to the surface, taking my time to make sure she’s fully relaxed, and then raise my hand.

  Chapter 16


  Seven years ago

  Now they’ve pulled me off the bed, dragged me across the room, and forced me to stand, faced against something on the wall. With a rough touch, they bound my hands up high, stretching me up straight, my legs viciously kicked apart and my ankles secured with rope. My toes barely touched the ground; most of my weight was on my arms. Already my shoulders were starting to burn.

  “Hand me my whip.” A barked command.

  Oh God! No! A whip? No more, I won’t be able to endure it!

  “Which one?”

  “Single Tail, the six-footer.”

  If it was possible to be even more terrified, then that’s where I was heading at that precise moment as the crack of a whip sounded behind me. “Just getting a few practice strokes in, bitch,” he said. “Don’t want to ruin that pretty back now, do we?” His laugh was evil and almost manic.

  At the next crack, I screamed as the whip sliced across my back, knowing it had to have cut open my skin. It fell twice more.

  “Nice!” Number Two said with obvious approval in his voice, “Very nice.”

  But they hadn’t finished. Then the lashes started falling on my buttocks and thighs. I’d never known such pain in my life.

  Present day

  I should be scared; I should be out of my fucking mind with fear. I’ve been in this position before, forced to take spankings, whippings and canings, unable to escape. So how is it I find myself voluntarily lying on a bench, completely naked and exposed in a room full of people? The touch of Jon’s hand on my back is comforting, and I put all my faith in him, reminding myself that I trust him. If the memories of my past overwhelm me, and I can’t continue, I have a safeword to use. There’s no comparison with my past; he’s not going to torture me.


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