His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 9

by Jenn Langston

  “Not as of yet. I find introductions are not as easily acquired as one would expect.”

  “Well, that is probably for the best.” Brianna shook her head in mock pity. “Did you know she abhors attention of any kind? The poor girl has to endure being the focal point at her parents’ urging. She puts up a good façade, although she would prefer to be ignored.”

  “That is rather odd.” He looked in Sarah’s direction.

  Brianna had noticed Sarah watching them, so she turned to gauge her reaction. When Mr. Gregory made eye contact with Sarah and quickly turned away, the confusion on Sarah’s face was almost comical.

  The remainder of the evening turned out to be amusing for Brianna. She could not have been more pleased at how everything progressed. It was obvious Sarah intrigued Mr. Gregory, and the comments Brianna continuously made about her only seemed to increase his interest. He worked hard at ignoring Sarah, and Brianna saw the steps Sarah made in response to attempt to secure his regard.

  When it was time to leave, Brianna actually felt disappointed. She had always been impatient, and she had to stop herself from asking Sarah what she thought about Mr. Gregory.

  The next day, as she sat at her dressing table, Brianna still could not contain her amusement at the events of the previous night. It would have been a perfect morning if not for the sense of dread filling her at her prospect of the upcoming meeting with the Marquis of Stonemede. She knew after the introduction, her mother would use every opportunity to push them together until the marquis completely devoted himself to her. After that, there would be no escaping him, and her dream of freely painting at her quiet house in the country would be obliterated.

  Considering her mother’s determination, there was only one possible way of avoiding that fate, but it would not be easy. She would need to become betrothed or unattainable in some way. Thoughts of Richard assailed her, and she smiled at the idea of him as her husband. He obviously had an interest in her, or he would not have gone along with her unorthodox plan. The next time she saw him, she determined to obtain more than a simple kiss from him. Perhaps with a little persistence, she would find herself married before long.

  As Brianna made her way to the schoolroom, she came up with many ideas on how to proceed with Richard. Regardless of the means, she knew the end result would be the same. With these pleasant thoughts, she entered the room and was delighted to see Ashley there, no doubt prepared for Brianna’s fake lessons.

  “Good morning, Brianna,” Ashley greeted as Brianna sat down.

  “Good morning.” Brianna looked around, noticing her sister’s absence. “Where is Grace this morning? It’s not her custom to be late to lessons.”

  “Your mother has taken her to purchase a new hat,” Ashley said dismissively. “I was rather glad, for I had hoped to have an opportunity to speak with you.”

  “What do you wish to speak about?”

  “I would like to discuss your marriage prospects. I hope that, as a friend, you will at least consider my opinions.” Ashley paused and took a deep breath. “Let us begin with Mr. Gregory Locke.”

  “Actually, I’m no longer considering him.”

  “Really? When did you come to that decision?”

  “Last night I spoke to him for a time, and I realized I have no desire to marry a gentleman who is solely interested in my dowry.”

  “I’m glad to hear that, for regardless of your reason, I never felt he was worthy of you. Now, I believe Mr. Richard is still under consideration.”

  “Yes,” Brianna replied hesitantly, not anxious to hear that Ashley viewed him in a negative light.

  “The more I think about him, I don’t believe he is trustworthy. You don’t know much about him, including his family name. It all seems a little suspicious to me.”

  “I do admit, that is strange, but so is the entire courtship. Nothing has been traditional about our relationship, since I have never officially been introduced to him.”

  “Does that not concern you? He could be a notorious gambler, or worse, an infamous rake.” Ashley shuddered.

  “I appreciate your concern, but I’m positive he is neither of those. From what I understand, he isn’t in any financial trouble, so if he does gamble, it’s not to his detriment. As far as being a rake, he has always been a perfect gentleman around me, and I have never feared for my virtue.”

  “I’m not as confident as you. In the event you are wrong, I have asked James to inquire about him. If Mr. Richard is hiding something, I expect James to discover it in a matter of days.”

  “If that’s what is necessary to convince you, then I give you my approval, although I know James will be unable to discover anything negative.”

  While thankful Ashley was concerned for her, Brianna didn’t believe it necessary. Richard may have secrets, but she believed he would willingly tell her anything if she only asked. In the past, her mind had been too filled with him to bother with an interrogation. However, since she wanted him as her husband, she knew it was time to learn more about him, starting with his name.

  “I would like to speak to you about one more prospect—the Marquis of Stonemede.”

  “Ashley, you know how I feel about him.”

  “Please, at least allow me to share my opinion. In a few days, you will finally meet him. Grace and I were visiting shops the other day and we overheard some conversations about him. If the gossip is to be believed, he is in his prime and quite attractive.”

  “I don’t care what he looks like.”

  “I know, but it’s more than that. As a marquis, he can offer you anything you want, and think of how elated your mother would be.”

  “I understand your views, but you need to see mine as well. I have grown up as the daughter of an earl, and I have personally seen what the life of a countess is like.”

  “How bad can it be?”

  “My mother has so many requirements placed upon her from my father as well as the house. It seems as though he sees her as more of a servant than anything else. She is unappreciated, overworked, and has no time to live her life the way she wishes. I have no desire to end up that way.”

  “From what I can tell, your mother does not seem to mind. In addition, the majority of your concerns are of your father’s doing. You don’t know if the marquis will be the same way.”

  “He is a titled lord. I guarantee he will view his wife in the same manner. Regardless, this whole conversation is pointless, as the marquis may not fancy me at all,” Brianna replied, sincerely hoping it would be true.

  “Then we shall speak of this again after the weekend.”

  “I look forward to it.”

  Richard leaned his elbows on his desk and rubbed his forehead. The never-ending stack of papers piled in front of him was wearisome, and his patience wore rather thin. The steward his father had hired was either incompetent or simply had no desire to learn how to handle the estate.

  Richard had made the decision to return to Stonemede early in hopes to resolve any outstanding problems, but after spending the previous day sorting out the accounts, he had no desire to waste his morning in the same manner. Today was his mother’s tea, and he needed to keep his frustration to a minimum in order to make it through the day.

  His mind began to drift, and he once again found himself thinking of Brianna Denton. He had purposefully avoided seeing her after their meeting in the park, hoping to increase her anxiousness to see him. He was not sure how effective his absence had been on her, but it certainly affected him. When he left her in the park with a promise to kiss her upon their next meeting, he had expected her to seek him out again to claim her reward. Her lack of reaction was not encouraging.

  He shook his head, as if doing so would clear thoughts of Brianna. He needed an escape, and he needed it now. Pushing his chair back from the desk, he stood up and headed for the stables. As a boy, he remembered his father had frequently ridden out over the property to visit tenants. It was about time Richard did the same thing.

nbsp; Two hours later, Richard conversed with a few tenants and made assurances that he would provide them with what his father had before him. He had also helped some of the farmers with repairs to the mill. He was hot, dirty, and exhausted, but above all he was pleased.

  Approaching Stonemede reminded him of his purpose for returning home, and he sighed. The day had only begun, and he sincerely hoped he would not be required to spend the remainder of it entertaining his mother’s guests. Until he was once again presentable, he needed to avoid his mother as well as any guests that had arrived ahead of schedule, so he quickly hastened to the stairs.

  “Richard! What are you doing down here looking like that?” his mother exclaimed, catching him before he could escape.

  “I’m on my way to prepare for your guests. There is no reason to be upset.”

  “I’ll order you a bath immediately. I can’t imagine what you were thinking being down here like that.” She waved her hands at him in disgust. “Go. Some of the guests have arrived. What if one of them caught you in such a state?”

  “I don’t intend for that to happen.” Richard turned and made his way to his bedchamber. He knew his mother was anxious to see him married, but he imagined the ladies would not care about his appearance; it was his title they craved. In any case, he had already decided who would become his marchioness, and her opinion was the only one that mattered.

  Soon he was in the safety of his bedchamber without having run into any guests. Before long, the bath his mother had ordered arrived and, once alone, he thankfully stripped off his clothes. Sinking into the inviting warm water, Richard allowed the tension to drain from his body.

  Feeling more relaxed, he cleansed his body and tried not to dwell on the upcoming events. Keeping his mind clear didn’t last long, for soon visions of Brianna flashed into his thoughts. As usual he could feel his body reacting to her. He debated waiting for the water to cool to take advantage of the effects of a cold bath, but decided against it. Due to his exhaustion, he would fall asleep, and his mother would not forgive him if he were absent for her gathering.

  Stepping out of the tub, he stood, allowing the drops of water to fall down his body. The sound of a feminine gasp alerted him. He spun around, unsure of who would dare enter the marquis’ chambers unannounced, particularly on a day when he was in residence. The rebuke he prepared died on his tongue when he saw Brianna standing before him. Unable to comprehend her presence, he remained frozen until he realized upon which part of his anatomy her eyes were resting.

  Her face was flushed and her eyes were wide. He watched as she licked her lips, and his member swelled to a greater size. As the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, he pulled himself out of his preoccupation with her reaction.

  “What the devil are you doing here?” he demanded, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around his waist. “Regardless, you must leave now.”

  She blinked, but her eyes only rose enough to rest on his chest. The way she was staring at him made him wish he was not standing in his undressed state, or rather that she too was similarly clothed. When her eyes slowly traveled to his lips, her mouth curled up in a full smile.

  “I remember you promising me a kiss upon our next meeting.” Her breathless voice made his chest tighten in anticipation. “I wish to collect it now.”

  She sauntered toward him, and his mouth went dry. This was wrong, but he was powerless against her. When she was within arms distance, he fought the urge to drag her against him.

  “Stop,” he rasped. “I promised you a kiss, and you shall have it, but not now.”

  “Why not? There is no one around to catch us. I think now is a perfect time.” Closing the distance, she boldly placed her hands on his bare chest.

  The feeling of her warm hands upon him nearly destroyed his resolve, but he refused to give in to her. His body ached and having her here in his bedchamber tested his control. As she looked into his eyes, she rubbed her hands up his chest until her arms encircled his neck. Her body pressed against his, and he could feel every delightful inch of her. The sensation was almost too much to bear.

  “Brianna, I, we, can’t do this now.”

  She ignored his plea and pressed her mouth against his. Groaning in defeat, he wrapped his arms around her in surrender. He may have lost this battle, but it felt like a victory as pleasure flowed through his veins. She rubbed her body against his, and he vehemently kissed her mouth in response. His resistance melted in the presence of her willingness, and he could not stop his hands from running across her back and cupping her bottom.

  Richard’s body hummed in gratitude and frustration when Brianna drew back from him. He knew he lacked the willpower at the moment to accomplish such a feat. Due to his desire for her, his body had grown hard, causing him physical pain, and all he could think about was the big bed looming before them.

  They stood there breathing heavily, only inches apart. She had a strange look in her eyes, a mixture of determination and something else he could not place. Regardless, the look would not bode well for him.

  When she took a step back, Richard cursed under his breath. Realizing his lack of restraint mixed with his unclothed state had scared her, he took a step back as well. She didn’t speak, but took another step away from him. He was grateful for the distance, yet angry at the need for it. Her eyes never left his as she continued to back up until she almost hit the bed. He cursed again as he struggled against the compulsion to follow her.

  “Brianna, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to . . .” The words stuck in his throat as Brianna’s hands moved to the front of her dress. He watched in enthrallment as she began unfastening buttons and exposing the creamy white skin beneath. His hands itched to help her, but he knew he needed to find his voice to stop her.

  “What are you doing?” he finally choked out.

  “I believe it would only be fair if we were similarly dressed.” There was only a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

  What should he do? He desperately wanted her, and she was willingly offering herself, but he knew making love to her would be wrong. Although determined to have her as his wife, traditionally the much-anticipated event occurred after the wedding. On the other hand, nothing about their relationship had been conventional, and his selfish side reminded him that going forward would force her to accept his suit in the future.

  Fighting with himself the entire way, Richard took the necessary steps toward Brianna. Stopping inches in front of her, he reached out to still her hands, unsure of how to proceed. She gazed up at him with such emotion on her face that he could not deny her.

  “Would you care for some help?” Without waiting for a response, he captured her lips. She eagerly met him, while he efficiently unfastened the remainder of the buttons. With anticipation clawing at him, he pushed the dress off her shoulders. The fabric caught at her waist, so he untied her petticoats, not satisfied until they, along with the dress, pooled around her ankles.

  When she was clothed only in her thin chemise, he drew back to survey his prey. His eyes drank in the sight of her half-dressed body, but it was not enough. She shivered, watching him from under her lashes. Although she obviously tried to hide it, he could see fear lurking in her eyes. He desperately wanted to keep going but refused to do something she was not ready for.

  “Are you sure?” he asked in a voice he no longer recognized. Holding his breath, he prayed she would say ‘yes’.

  “I am.” She lifted her chin as if confirming her resolve. “What about you? Do you wish to continue?”

  Richard would have laughed at the absurdity of the question had he not been trying to keep a tight control over himself. Knowing a response was unnecessary, he scooped her up into his arms and laid her on his bed. Hesitating, he realized he needed to distance himself, or the experience would be over much too soon. Grabbing his trousers off the chair, he slipped them on before discarding the towel. With a more restrictive garment, he was able to cool a little of his ardor.

  Returning to the
bed, he saw Brianna lying completely still, and he wondered if she was aware of the mechanics of what they were about to do. Knowing she was new to this, he decided to take things as slowly as possible. He sat down on the bed and gently ran his finger over her cheek.

  “Don’t worry. I will not hurt you. I promise to bring you pleasure,” he whispered huskily, then leaned over her to press his lips to hers. Her arms wound around his neck, bringing him closer, so he allowed himself to stroke her soft breast through the chemise. She arched her back, clearly enjoying the contact. Encouraged, he slipped the chemise down and then returned his hand, loving the feel of her naked flesh. The sound of her moan forced Richard into a frenzy. He sat up, pulled her chemise off, and fell on top of her.

  Once again claiming her mouth, he caressed her breast. Her hands tugged on his shoulders, asking for more. Only too happy to comply, he replaced his hand with his mouth. Brianna let out a small cry as her hands dove into his hair, holding him to her breast. She was so sweet and responsive Richard knew he would not be able to deny himself much longer. His hand slowly slid down her soft body until it rested on the place for which his body ached.

  As he slowly trailed kisses up her neck toward her lips, he began to stroke her. Breathing heavily, she brought his lips to hers as she squirmed beneath his touch. Suddenly, she jerked back, calling out as pleasure overtook her. Her fiery passion and her enjoyment was such a beautiful sight Richard smiled tightly through the cloud of lust welling up inside him.

  When her spasms subsided, he left her for a second to rip off his trousers. His body raged and burned with desire for her, but once positioned at her entrance, he held himself back. Suddenly he had a stronger need. He needed her acceptance of him. He knew withdrawing now would be near impossible, but he had to have her assent before he continued.

  “Do you understand what this means?” he asked through clenched teeth.

  She peered up at him, eyes wide with surprise, then tentatively nodded.


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