His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 12

by Jenn Langston

  She knew he was the same Richard, but he was completely different from the man with whom she shared a bed. The memory of what they had done brought a blush to her cheeks, forcing her to put her head down to hide it. No longer having the desire to keep up the façade of eating, she placed her fork on the plate.

  “Are you feeling better, Brianna?” Jillian asked with a touch of concern. “You seem to have more color than you did earlier today.”

  “Not exactly, but I shall be fine. Did you enjoy your stroll with Lord Stonemede?” Brianna inquired, anxious to know how Richard had reacted when he saw Jillian waiting for him.

  “I did, very much. I discovered we have common interests. It appears as though we both share a love of plants.”

  “That is wonderful. I’m glad to hear you had a pleasant time.” Brianna took great effort to contain the unexpected jealousy Jillian’s words invoked.

  “Are you certain you have no interest in him? Even if he didn’t have such a high title, I believe my head still would have been turned by him.”

  Brianna could not explain to her friend exactly how much she wished he didn’t hold that title. She looked at Richard while attempting to form her response. The thought of never seeing him again distressed her, but she would move on. She had to. Her eyes slid to his mother, who still carried out the duties of the marchioness, and her resolve firmed. That would not be her.

  “I’m certain,” Brianna replied while her eyes strayed back to Richard. “He is quite a man, but not for me.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Jillian’s smile lit her eyes.

  As dinner progressed, Brianna more than once caught Elizabeth Carrack’s eyes upon her. The girl appeared amused, and Brianna wondered if Richard spoke to his sister about her. Dismissing the thought, she decided secrecy suited his nature better, but Elizabeth certainly had some interest in her.

  When Lady Stonemede called for the ladies to withdraw, Brianna’s body sagged in relief to escape from putting up pretenses. Unfortunately, Richard decided to forgo his port in preference to joining the ladies in the drawing room. After using the afternoon to plan out her next steps, she felt more prepared to speak to him civilly, if the situation called for it. However, her preparations didn’t reduce her apprehension at the notion.

  Telling herself he no longer mattered to her helped to minimally ease her anxiety. She still had her plan and being a ruined woman would not impact her marriage prospects, as her husband would not have a need for heirs. The details of how to explain her experience to her future husband still escaped her, but she imagined she would come up with something before that time.

  Hoping to gain several minutes to prepare herself further, she went to stand beside the nearest lady as everyone followed Lady Stonemede to the drawing room. She would have preferred Jillian, but she knew Sarah would achieve the results she wanted much quicker than her friend.

  Sarah was developing an interest in Mr. Gregory. However, the look in Sarah’s eye had made it clear Richard held her first choice. Although the thought of pairing Sarah with Richard was distressing, Brianna needed a distraction, and her desperation won out.

  “Are you enjoying yourself this evening?” Brianna inquired while smiling.

  “Certainly, for Stonemede’s hospitality is superb. What about you?”

  “Yes. I only wish someone would start a game of whist,” Brianna complained, thankful her voice cooperated.

  “If you wish to play, why do you not start one?” Sarah tilted her head questioningly. “I imagine you should be able to find three willing players.”

  “I would, but I don’t have a mind for the game. However, I enjoy watching. I have heard Lord Stonemede is quite skilled, and I hoped to observe a game of which he was a participant.”

  “Well, that being the case, I may be able to help you. I do enjoy a good game of whist,” Sarah confessed, straightening her dress and pushing out her chest. “If you would excuse me, I shall see if he is amenable.”

  “Thank you.” Watching Sarah approach Richard, Brianna felt real gratitude. Knowing he would have no option but to accept, Brianna could not contain her smug smile.

  The game set up with Richard partnering Sarah against Jillian and her mother, while the other ladies were quietly conversing off to one side of the room. Brianna sat down on the sofa and leaned back. She relaxed, pleased to be excluded from the others.

  As the game progressed, Brianna found herself impressed with the level of precision with which Richard handled his cards. Sarah was skilled as well, but her performance paled in comparison to her partner’s. It was clear they would be the victors of the game, and Brianna soon lost interest in the match.

  Glancing around, she noticed the game had caught the attention of all the occupants in the room except one. Elizabeth once again gave her an odd look, increasing Brianna’s estimation that the girl wanted something from her. She sighed when Elizabeth started toward her.

  “May I join you?” Elizabeth asked. Brianna nodded, then waited while the girl sat down. “Our introduction was very brief. I’m Elizabeth Carrack.”

  “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance again. I’m Brianna Denton.”

  “I’m sorry for being so forward, but you look as bored as I feel. I thought perhaps together we could think of something entertaining to discuss.”

  Brianna’s eyes widened, taken aback by Elizabeth’s bluntness, for it was not a behavior she would associate with Richard’s family. Embarrassed, she blushed at the thought of being so transparent.

  “Forgive me, I don’t mean to appear uninterested in the evening.” Brianna attempted an agreeable smile. “I’m not bored, merely lost in thought.”

  “Oh, again I’m sorry. I’m bored and thought I had found a kindred soul.”

  “Why are you not enjoying yourself? I understood you and your mother were anxious for guests during your period of mourning.”

  “You don’t truly believe the purpose of this weekend was for my benefit, do you?” Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. “The entire event was orchestrated for you and the other ladies to capture my brother’s attention.”

  “I was not informed of that,” Brianna retorted, hoping Elizabeth didn’t believe she was only here to obtain Richard’s attention, although it was certainly her mother’s goal.

  “If this had been arranged for me, there would be gentlemen invited, scores of them. I would happily take my time conversing and flirting with them all, as I would if I were in London.”

  “I have found the London Season to not be as enjoyable as you would think,” Brianna declared, knowing Elizabeth had been denied participating in this Season due to her father’s passing. She could sympathize with the girl, as she knew how she would feel if their situations reversed. “Regardless, you will have an opportunity to travel to London and enjoy the Season sooner than you realize.”

  “Do you truly think so? Mother wants to endure an entire year of mourning, but I don’t believe I’ll be able to stand it.”

  “The time may seem to pass slowly, but I firmly believe everything will work out for the best.”

  “I have a wonderful idea!” Elizabeth exclaimed, becoming more animated. “I could return to London with you. I’m very easy to live with, and I don’t require much.”

  Shocked, Brianna stared blankly at her. She could not understand how Elizabeth could possibly be so desperate to take part in a Season that she would make such a request of a complete stranger.

  Elizabeth appeared to be a sweet girl, and judging by her unorthodox behavior today, she would not find her own dealings too outlandish. The problem was, she had to decide if she really wanted Richard’s sister living with her and enlightening her of all of his attributes. Her resolve already struggled enough to resist him with her current knowledge.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It will be fun, I promise. In addition, I know my mother would be more than happy to compensate your parents for any expenses they incur.”

  “My mother
would be the proper person to ask, for I hold no power to make such a decision.”

  “Then I’ll ask your mother once I have obtained your agreement. If your mother consents, we shall be spending a great deal of time together. I would hate to force myself upon you without first giving you the option to decline.”

  “If it’s your wish to accompany us to London, then I have no objections,” Brianna conceded, knowing she could not refuse the request. Elizabeth’s bright eyes shone with hope, and she would not be the one to crush her dream.

  “May I join you lovely ladies?” Richard asked, appearing in front of them.

  Startled, Brianna glanced to the card table, surprised to see the game had already ended. Considering the talent, the speed should not have come as a shock to her.

  “Certainly, Richard.” Elizabeth stood quickly. “You can take my seat, for I must speak with Lady Ransley.”

  Brianna watched as Elizabeth skipped off in search of her mother, and Richard took the unoccupied seat Elizabeth had vacated. Their bodies were too close. Brianna could feel the heat radiating from him. She steeled herself, trying to block out the way her body yearned for his. Considering they were in the drawing room and most likely being watched, she counted herself lucky.

  When the notes of a ballad from the pianoforte surrounded them, Brianna cursed under her breath. Sarah was certainly taking advantage of the opportunity to display her attributes to Richard. However, if she realized the romantic atmosphere she created for her competition, she would cease the show.

  “What are your plans now that you know the truth?” Richard asked softly, exploiting the privacy the music awarded them.

  “Plans, my lord?” Brianna feigned ignorance.

  “I believe we have passed the necessity to address one another so formally.”

  “On the contrary, my lord, for I was unaware I was addressing the Marquis of Stonemede. Therefore, my lord, I must atone for my egregious social blunder.”

  “Which was my error for neglecting to obtain an introduction. What can I do to acquire your forgiveness? You only have to name it, and I shall do everything in my power to make it happen,” Richard said, sincerity ringing with every word.

  Gazing into his earnest blue eyes proved to be a mistake, for she was lost. Nothing else mattered at that moment, not his title or his omissions or her future. It was only Richard and her, and how much she wanted him. Her eyes fell down to his beautiful mouth, and her lips slightly parted in anticipation.

  Richard cleared his throat and looked away, breaking the spell and bringing her back to reality. He held too much power, and she could not believe how one look could cause her whole life to become inconsequential. Face burning from her lack of restraint, she found herself not knowing what to ask of him.

  “You can stay away from me,” she whispered. “I believe it’s the only way to right the wrong.”

  “I’m sorry, but that isn’t something within my power. Besides, leaving would not do well for you or your reputation.”

  “What do you mean? I don’t see how my association, or rather my lack of one, with you could be harmful.”

  “As of earlier this afternoon, you have lost your ability to make the same claim as all the other debutantes seeking a husband,” he reminded, pitching his voice lower where she had to strain to hear him.

  “I’m fully aware of that,” she snapped back, not appreciating the reminder. “It’s of no consequence.”

  “It is the way I see it.”

  “Not that it’s any of your concern, but as my future husband will have no need for heirs, my lack of . . . well, it will not be relevant to him.”

  Brianna noticed anger flash in his eyes, but it only served to ignite hers. The feeling empowered her, and she reveled in it. His unwarranted anger and her justifiable rage mixed and sparkled, causing the room to become tinged with red. She longed to rant and yell at him to cool some of the flame, but she was denied the simple pleasure, which only intensified the blazing torrent of emotions within her.

  “Richard!” Elizabeth exclaimed, unwittingly interrupting them. “Lady Ransley has agreed to take me to London with her. Is that not wonderful?”

  Richard turned to his sister and blinked as if surprised by her presence.

  “That is very generous of her,” he snarled through tight lips, while obviously trying to moderate his voice. “I was not aware the topic was under discussion.”

  “I have only recently thought of it. I spoke with Mother as well, and we both believe it to be a wonderful idea.”

  “Are you able to join the Season with such short notice?” Richard queried.

  “Of course. Everything was settled and prepared for me to have my first Season before Father passed away. I only lost the opportunity, but now I shall have it. Just think of all the time we will have to spend with one another while I’m so close,” Elizabeth declared, causing Brianna’s heart to race. In London, she had hoped to distance herself from Richard, but his sister’s presence would not aid her in that respect.

  “Elizabeth, I’m afraid you will not have very many opportunities to indulge in familial visits. Since our goal is to find husbands, we must save our time for visits with acceptable matches,” Brianna interjected, shooting Richard a pointed look.

  He opened his mouth, but Elizabeth was faster.

  “We shall see,” Elizabeth said cryptically, then turned to her brother. “Richard, I almost forgot. Mother said Miss Luthor was hoping to speak with you tonight. She wants to talk about some of the unusual flowers you showed her today.”

  He narrowed his eyes at his sister before standing.

  “Then would you ladies kindly excuse me?” he asked, giving them a tight smile.

  “Certainly, my lord,” Brianna responded then she let out a relieved breath when he inclined his head and turned his back. She watched him approach Jillian and saw the light in her friend’s eyes. The sight of the two of them smiling and talking gave Brianna an uncomfortable feeling again, and she could not understand why.

  Elizabeth continued to chat along happily about their upcoming trip to London, but Brianna only listened with half an ear, her attention still focused on Richard. She needed to determine what she should do about him. If he felt as though he owed her marriage for taking her innocence, it was only a matter of time before she relieved him of his guilt. However, if his reasons were entirely different, he would prove difficult to get rid of.

  Richard pulled back the curtains, enjoying the sight of the bright sunny day. He would miss this. Today they would be returning to London, and he was not anxious for it. With the dreary weather, constant parties, and the distance it would put between him and Brianna, London held no appeal for him. He debated staying at Stonemede another day or two but was reluctant to give Brianna more opportunities to escape him.

  On his way downstairs, he felt the excitement of the house as the servants packed belongings and readied carriages for the departure this morning. The guests were all scheduled to leave at the same time, and he imagined the choice was not by accident. He shook his head at the absurdity of the women. They had not wished for any one of them to obtain more time with him than the others, as if a couple of hours would make a difference.

  When he entered the breakfast room, he found himself awarded with a pleasant surprise. Brianna was seated in the chair next to his. From the smug smile on his sister’s face, he knew who had maneuvered Brianna into that position.

  “Good morning, ladies,” he said as every eye turned to him, acknowledging his entrance. That is, every lady except one.

  Pleasantries were exchanged as Richard filled his plate and then took his seat. Once the conversation returned to topics that didn’t include him, he turned his attention to Brianna.

  “I hope your accommodations last night were satisfactory.” He hoped to engage her in conversation, but she merely nodded. “Did you sleep well?”

  “Yes,” she replied, followed by an irritated sigh. “I trust you had a pleasant nigh
t as well?”

  “Not nearly as pleasant as it could have been.” He pitched his voice low enough so only she could hear. Her eyes shot to his, ablaze with fury. Stunned by the force of her reaction, he silently watched as she worked to control her emotions.

  “That would have been different if you were who you claimed to be,” she ground out through clenched teeth.

  “Although I’m known by a different name, I’m still the same man.”

  “I realize that, however—”

  “Richard,” Elizabeth interrupted. “Are you not pleased to be returning to London today?”

  After giving his sister a questioning look, he noticed the curious eyes darting between him and Brianna. Mentally he added another tally to what he owed his sister. “Not particularly. This visit to Stonemede was much too short for my preference,” he answered, settling back into his chair.

  “Well, I, for one, am happy to be returning to London. Just think, in a few short days, I’ll be enjoying the festivities of the Season.”

  “Actually, my dear,” his mother began, “Lady Ransley was telling me of a slight change in your plans.”

  “Yes, before making the journey to London, we must travel to Ransley, but we shall only stay a week or two,” Lady Ransley explained.

  “Oh,” Elizabeth said, her tone sounding dejected, but to her credit, her smile didn’t falter.

  The conversation picked back up, allowing Richard a moment to plan his next course of action. Between the travel times and her stay at Ransley, he would lose more than two weeks with Brianna, which could be detrimental to his cause. At the moment, she was too upset. Allowing time for her anger to fester would make his job more difficult once he was with her again.

  “Lady Ransley?” Elizabeth asked loudly.

  “Yes?” Lady Ransley responded, raising her eyebrows.

  “Would it be possible for Richard to join us at Ransley? It has been so long since I have seen him, and I was so looking forward to spending time with him in London. I hate to miss out on an opportunity.”


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