His Perfect Bride

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His Perfect Bride Page 14

by Jenn Langston

  Brianna bit her lip, wondering if she should tell Elizabeth the truth. Seeing the determined set of her jaw, Brianna decided the girl would not refrain from asking questions until she was completely satisfied with the response.

  “If you must know, my problem does not lie with him, but what I would be with him.” Elizabeth turned her head to the side in confusion, forcing Brianna to elaborate. “I have no wish to be a marchioness. I think your brother is a wonderful man, and I enjoy spending time with him. My worry is the more I’m with him, the greater the possibility feelings will grow on either side.”

  “I see, but if your feelings could increase, why would you wish to avoid them? You are so willing to discard him over his title?”

  “It’s a complicated matter,” Brianna stated inadequately. She could not describe exactly how much she wished Richard didn’t have a title or how much she wished she didn’t care. Everything was already so muddled she had resorted to hiding in her bedchamber.

  “Well, complicated or not, I hope you are not holding him accountable for something not within his power to change,” Elizabeth lectured as a knock sounded at the door announcing the arrival of Brianna’s maid. “Well, I’ll leave now to give you time to prepare for your ride. Thank you for speaking with me.”

  “It was my pleasure,” Brianna obliged, although her feelings were quite the opposite.

  As she allowed her maid to dress her, she thought about Elizabeth’s words. She didn’t feel she acted unkind to Richard. However, she was not being fair. Her offer of friendship was a sham, for she had not held up her end of the arrangement. One thing was certain, either he or she needed to marry fast or this farce would never end.

  Less than an hour later, all her troubles faded as the wind caressed her face, and the speed of her mare bolstered her spirits. There was nothing quite like the elation she felt from the freedom of riding through the property. Although a pastime she typically took pleasure in alone, she found it more enjoyable with Richard. When they reached the cool stream that had become their favorite location, they dismounted, allowing the horses a much-needed rest.

  “Are you looking forward to returning to London in a few days?” Brianna asked, her joy slightly fading at the thought of leaving the freedom of the country. “I’m sorry my mother forced you to stay another week.”

  “I’m not overly anxious to return to London,” Richard assured her, leading the horses to the stream. “I don’t recall being forced to do anything. I have enjoyed spending time with your family. In addition, Lady Grace mentioned, several times in fact, how honored your mother was to have me as a guest. I imagined my acceptance would be appreciated.” Richard shrugged as if his sacrifice was unimportant.

  “Grace probably told you how much she wanted you to stay as well.” Brianna tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice.

  Richard stopped, the corners of his mouth twitching. “Actually she did, which made it harder to deny two ladies’ requests for my company.”

  “I noticed you have been spending a considerable amount of time with her.”

  “She is a lovely young lady,” Richard explained with a bright smile.

  The pleasure in his face caused a surge of anger to pass through her body, and she stalked toward him, fists balled. The overwhelming urge to slap the smile off his face nearly won out over her better sense.

  “I hope she also told you she has barely reached her fourteenth year,” she retorted.

  “It may have come up in one of our conversations, but her age is of no consequence to me.”

  “I would think it would be of great importance, considering she has not reached the acceptable age for marriage,” she ground out, but Richard’s mirth only seemed to increase. “May I ask what is so amusing? This is a serious matter.”

  “I apologize. You are right. Lady Grace’s age isn’t a jovial matter. Your jealousy, however, I find delightful, if not amusing.”

  “Jealousy!” Brianna exclaimed, staring at him in disbelief. “I’m not jealous.”

  Although she hated to admit it, he was right. She could not believe she had given into the feeling. Of all people, it was her little sister she felt envious of, simply for holding a few conversations with Richard. The notion was completely ridiculous, but she could not help the emotion, nor could she stop it.

  “If you are not jealous, why are you so concerned with your sister’s relationship with me?” His words brought on a new wave of envy that burned her with its intensity.

  “As her older sister, I’m merely looking out for her well being. I would hate to see my sister wrapped up in a scandal because she was pushed into marriage at an unacceptable age,” Brianna explained, grateful for the cooling breeze that helped calm some of her ire.

  “Well, rest assured, as much as I enjoy your sister’s company, I’m not interested in her for anything other than as a friend.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Brianna allowed the jealousy and anger to leave her body.

  Once the drive to harm him dissipated, she became more aware of her surroundings. What a picturesque day. The sun was shining, the breeze was cool, and Richard was so close she could feel his warm breath washing over her face.

  Her body called out in need and anticipation, begging her to reach out to him, but she stood still. She knew Richard could feel the change as well. His smile faded, and his brilliant blue eyes fell to her lips. Her breath hitched as she waited for him to lean forward and calm the ache within her. Less than a minute passed before his smile returned, and he turned away from her.

  “It’s a beautiful day, is it not?” he inquired after he stopped a fair distance away.

  “It is,” she whispered, barely able to find her voice. Her body burned in turmoil, and her mind contemplated impossible scenarios. She didn’t know how much longer she could stand this. The only solution to her problem lay in marriage. Suddenly a brilliant solution struck her. “Richard?”

  “Yes?” He turned back to face her.

  Taking a deep breath, she calmed her nerves. “Since we decided to be friends, we should be able to help one another, right?”

  “Regardless of where we stand, I’ll always be willing to offer my assistance to you whenever you require it.”

  “Thank you.” She blushed at the sincerity in his voice. “Well, we are both looking to marry and have very specific qualifications, correct?”

  “Yes.” He drew the word out as he watched her through the corner of his eye.

  “As a lady, I have more access to the true nature of the other debutantes. With that knowledge, I’ll be able to inform you which ladies will suit and which to avoid. Then you can do the same for me with the gentlemen.”

  He paused so long, Brianna wondered if he was going to respond.

  “I see,” he said at last. “If you don’t like my choices, what happens then?”

  “We would only be offering options to one another. There would be no obligations to go forward with any of them.”

  “As it turns out, I already have a perfect option for you—the Marquis of Stonemede.”

  “If you don’t wish to help, you only need to say. Bringing up unsuitable gentlemen will not help either one of us,” she snapped, then shook her head. She was not surprised he offered himself first as she had expected it.

  “Obviously the two of us have a difference of opinion on suitability.”

  “Then perhaps it would be best for you to keep your opinions out of it, and simply adhere to the facts.”

  “Like the fact that you crave excitement?” he challenged as he stalked back to her. “Like the fact that you need purpose? Or perhaps it’s the fact that you desire passion?”

  His voice was gentle yet commanding, and Brianna felt the conflicting emotions swirling around inside her. A part of her wanted to believe him, to believe she was the type of lady who would be happy living the life he could offer, but she was not. He was wrong about her. Accepting him would mean a great deal of sacrifice, and it was too much to
ask of her to let go of her dreams.

  One of the horses whinnied and nudged Richard, dragging his attention away from her. She sighed and turned away, grateful for the interruption. When he looked at her, she found herself contemplating things she had no desire to.

  “We should probably get back to the manor,” she suggested, before he could distract her again. “First, I would like to know if you are willing to help, at least with suggestions other than yourself.”

  “It would mean spending more time with me. Do you think you can handle that?” he questioned, and she turned to see a wicked gleam in his eyes.

  “Easily. As it turns out, I don’t mind your company,” she teased, feeling better now that his charming demeanor returned. It was his intense determination that made her uncomfortable.

  He laughed as he assisted her onto her mount. She shivered when he allowed his fingers to linger about her waist. The fact she could not have him had yet to register with her body, and her desire for him overpowered her.

  “If that is what you wish, then I’ll try my best to help you in your search.”

  His face tinged with sadness, and it hurt her more than she thought possible. Then he smiled so quickly, Brianna wondered if she imagined the sorrow. Matters between them were so convoluted she feared she was losing this game they were playing.

  Brianna paced her bedchamber, unable to calm the turmoil within her. Tonight would be their last night at Ransley, and she found herself dreading the return to London. The country offered a pleasant change to the constant activity, only increasing her reluctance to leave.

  She had been trying to fall asleep for what seemed like hours, but had no success. Much to her mother’s disapproval, she had excused herself early from the evening’s entertainments, unable to endure the sight of Grace outrageously flirting with Richard any longer. To make matters worse, Richard continually watched her in such a way it made Brianna want to throw herself into his arms, regardless of the consequences.

  Thinking of Richard sleeping down the hall caused many restless nights, but tonight felt much worse because she would not have the benefit of having him under the same roof any longer. Suddenly she froze as an odd thought struck her. There were no consequences, at least not anymore. Her innocence was already gone, so there was nothing to lose on that end. They had not been caught the first time, and she would ensure discovery would not be an issue this time either. She knew the house well enough to be able to get in and out of his assigned bedchamber while avoiding detection.

  Feeling energized with the idea, she slipped out of the room, and darted down the hallway. Much to her surprise, his door remained unlocked, so she entered, trying to make as little noise as possible. The room was lit by a small bedside candle, limiting her view. When her eyes rested upon the empty bed, she wanted to scream in frustration.

  Time was not something she had in excess. In addition, the idea of waiting here in his bedchamber made her physically ill. Surrendering was not her style, so she took a deep breath, deciding to stay, but for no more than five minutes. The bed looked inviting, and the sight made her realize how tired she was.

  The silken coverlet had been turned down, making it too easy to slip between the cool sheets. Enjoying the feeling, she snuggled under the covers, making herself comfortable. Unable to resist, she closed her eyes with the intention of only resting them for a second.

  Noises brought Brianna awake with a start. At first she was disoriented but quickly recalled her purpose here. Eyes darting to the door, she watched as it slowly crept open.

  “Thank you again,” Richard said, his voice slightly muffled on the other side of the door. “As I told you, an escort was unnecessary, though I appreciate your thoughtfulness.”

  “You are very welcome, my lord.”

  Brianna immediately recognized the voice. Josephine, the downstairs maid. She had no business escorting guests, and Brianna wondered what she had hoped to gain from assigning herself the extra duty.

  “I bid you a goodnight.” Richard’s voice grew clearer as the door opened another inch.

  “Are you certain there is nothing I could get for you?”

  “No, I have everything I require.”

  “Then perhaps there is something I could do for you,” Josephine uttered in a husky voice. “I would be more than happy to satisfy your every desire.”

  Anger flowed through Brianna and she launched out of the bed. Although she desperately wanted to strangle the girl, reason stopped her. If she were seen in Richard’s bedchamber, especially in her nightclothes, gossip would spread like an uncontrolled fire.

  Gripping the bedpost, she held herself back and allowed the loose bed curtain to shield her from the door. Taking a calming breath, she waited anxiously to learn of Richard’s response and her fate. If Josephine entered the room, there was nothing she would be able to do to protect herself against the scandal.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m exceptionally tired this evening. Considering I have a long trip ahead of me tomorrow, I would prefer to rest tonight.”

  “I understand, my lord, but—”

  “I’m pleased to hear that,” Richard replied quickly. “Have a good night.”

  The closing door didn’t bring the relief Brianna had anticipated. Instead it only increased her anxiety. Heart beating wildly, she cursed the impulsiveness that brought her here tonight. She’d chosen the wrong night to come since he was tired. Touching her forehead to the bedpost, she waited, knowing it was only a matter of time before he discovered her and then she would have to explain herself.

  The sounds in the room were a clear indication Richard had removed some of his clothing. The banging of his boots falling to the floor further encouraged her imagination to take flight. Thinking of him in his undressed state compounded her desire, making the idea of leaving more of a disappointment. She heard his heavy sigh, then the room went silent.

  Deciding to reveal herself in her own time, she peeked around the curtains to survey the room. Richard was leaning back in a large chair with his eyes closed. He was dressed in his dinner attire, but had removed his coat and cravat. The once finely pressed shirt fell unbuttoned and no longer tucked into his trousers, allowing her to examine his stunningly muscled chest.

  Another small sigh pulled her eyes off of his chest to rest on his face. His closed eyes did nothing to hide the sadness in his face. Being so close to him and witnessing his pain left Brianna helpless. She had to comfort him.

  As if drawn by an unknown force, she silently moved forward, stopping less than a foot away from his chair. The momentum blew the hem of her nightdress forward, and the light fabric brushed against his leg. His beautiful eyes snapped open.

  Frozen to the spot, she watched him closely.

  “Richard,” she breathed, unsure of what else to say.

  He studied her as the shock slowly drained from his face.

  “This habit of yours of randomly appearing in my bedchamber is rather pleasant. Is there something I can help you with, or is this purely a social call?”

  “No, it’s not, nor do I need anything,” she answered, regretting her impulsiveness once again. “I’m here trying to be hospitable. I simply wished to inquire about your stay and ensure the accommodations are satisfactory.”

  “Now? At such an hour and in my bedchamber?” His voice was incredulous, but his eyes calmly flowed up and down her body. “Your timing was not well thought out, but I find your manner of dress very hospitable.”

  “I suppose you are right, about the late hour I mean,” she stammered, refusing to be taken in by his charm. “I do apologize for bothering you. Good night, my lord.”

  As she turned to leave, the disappointment of the failed night left her with a bitter taste in her mouth. Although her feet felt as though they were made from stone, she shuffled them along. Pausing at the door, she turned, unable to refuse herself one last look at Richard. He was in the same position as before, but he eyed her in amusement.

Why did you really come?”

  With sagging shoulders, she took a deep breath and prepared herself, for she could not see the harm in telling him the truth. “Since we are friends now, I thought we could enjoy each other once more.”

  The fire in his eyes burned unmistakably. “What made you change your mind?”

  “I overheard you telling Josephine you were tired, and I have no wish to deprive you of your sleep.”

  “So you are giving up?” he prodded.

  “I’m simply honoring your request.”

  “You don’t have to explain yourself.” He shrugged. “I’m only surprised. I never imagined you would surrender so easily when presented with a small challenge.”

  Her hands involuntarily balled into fists. She knew he was goading her, but she could not prevent her reaction. Fighting against herself, she kept still until his smug smile pushed her over the edge. He was wrong. She was not a quitter. She prided herself on her determination.

  Allowing her anger to propel her, she bolted the door and then marched over to him and took his face between her hands. Their lips met and immediately a battle for control ensued. When Richard forced her down to straddle him, she lost her will to fight, content to allow him to lead her to pleasure.

  As his warm hands slid around her, her body quivered in anticipation. He grasped her bottom, pressing her more firmly against him. She gasped, overwhelmed by the sensation. Everything was moving too fast, yet not fast enough for her aching body. Time no longer existed and nothing mattered more than joining with Richard, and soon.

  Her hands dove into his hair as she frantically kissed him, hoping to communicate her desperation. As he reached under her nightgown and closed his palm upon her breast, she drew her head back, hoping to give him better access. He took advantage of her new position and began to trail kisses along her jawbone and neck.

  “Richard,” she pleaded. “Please.” The friction from their moving bodies intensified her need, and she could no longer wait.

  He abruptly edged back. “I’m sorry, but we can’t go any further tonight.”

  “Why not?” she demanded, failing to conceal her desperation.


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