Spank Me

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by Kenzie Haven

  Spank Me

  I’m his secret submissive…

  By: Kenzie Haven

  Published by Smutpire Press

  Copyright 2017 All Rights reserved

  Other books by Kenzie

  This is part 2 of the Obeying Daddy’s Best Friend series. Other books in this series can be found below:

  If you enjoy this story, why not spend a few minutes browsing over Kenzie's entire naughty catalog? Don’t forget to sign up for her mailing list and follow her on Booksprout while you’re there! :)

  Spank Me

  * * * * *

  I smelled his cologne before I saw him. It drifted in on the breeze like an aroma beckoning me forward. My heart skipped a beat when I realized he was here, in my house.

  I’d spent so much time with Michael over the past few weeks, I would be able to identify his cologne anywhere. He was wonderful and perfect, a billionaire that showered me with gifts. The only problem was he was also my father’s best friend. Our relationship had to be a kept a secret from everyone in my life.

  Hurrying through the house, I tried to find Michael so I could kiss those luscious lips. I made it all the way to the living room before stopping dead in my tracks.

  My father looked up at me as I stood in the arched hallway. “Ah, Carlie. You remember my friend Michael, don’t you?”

  I locked gazes with the man of my dreams and tried to quiet my racing pulse. “Yeah, I do. Hi Michael, nice to see you again.”

  “Same to you, Carly.”

  “Why don’t you join us?” Dad asked me. “Your mother has just made tea and we’ve got chocolate cookies. I know they’re your favorite.” He waved the plate at me, reducing me back to nothing more than a small child. I inwardly cringed.

  “I should get back to studying.”

  Michael picked up a cookie and took a bite. I remembered those teeth and lips nibbling on my clit just the night before. “Yes, Carlie, you should join us.”

  It would seem rude now to leave. I sat down, across from the two men and took a cookie. A blushing heat rose up my neck and reached my cheeks. I’d always lusted after Michael but my fantasies had never been real before. Now, our intimate times together kept playing in my head.

  “Michael was just telling me about his company,” Dad continued, completely oblivious. “He might have an opening when it’s time for you to graduate college. That would be great, wouldn’t it?”

  “Yes, I think the position would suit you perfectly,” Michael added. His blue eyes glinted with mischief. I got the strong feeling he wasn’t talking about his company now. There were many positions he’d had me in over the past few weeks.

  “I’ll definitely think about it,” I replied. It was best if I talked as least as possible. Then I couldn’t accidently say something that would reveal our forbidden relationship.

  “Aren’t you going to thank Michael for thinking of you?”

  Now my cheeks did blaze red. I would thank Michael…later. Probably naked. “I appreciate you thinking of me. I’m sure my graduation will come around before I know it.”

  Thankfully, their conversation steered back to their own business and I was left as nothing more than a third wheel. I eventually excused myself and slinked back to my room. It was difficult still living with my parents but rent was too expensive to move out while I was studying full time at college.

  If my parents found out I was fucking Michael, they would likely kick me out. He was only forty-two but they would consider that too old for me. With him being a trusted friend of the family for many years, they wouldn’t understand our relationship. Sometimes even I didn’t quite understand how we worked so well.

  But we did. Fantastically well, especially with our clothes off.

  I slumped in front of my laptop and tried to focus on my studies and not the sexy man in the living room. I wanted so badly to be that cookie he’d just devoured. He could eat me any day and I would gladly enjoy it.

  A short time later, something tapped at my window. I expected to see a rogue bird when I turned to investigate but it was Michael. He grinned as I opened the glass pane. “What are you doing?” I asked in a whisper.

  “Did you really think I would leave without seeing you first? Move aside.”

  I stepped back from the window a moment before Michael climbed through it. He wrapped me in his arms as his lips pressed onto mine. He kissed me deeply, bringing my body alive with all the possibilities it could lead to. I opened my lips and our tongues danced together.

  My pussy throbbed with need from the connection. Even though we’d been together only last night, I would never get enough of the powerful man. He could fuck me every day for the rest of my life and it probably wouldn’t be enough.

  When he released me, I was breathless. “Did anyone see you come back here?”

  He shook his head. “I drove around the corner and then walked back. My cock has been hard ever since it felt your presence earlier. It was so difficult not jumping over the coffee table to fuck you.”

  “It will have to wait for later. Someone will hear us here.”

  He walked me backwards until my legs hit the bed. We tumbled onto the mattress as a single, connected mass and I had to hush the giggle that wanted to escape my mouth. I moved over to give Michael enough room to lie down comfortably.

  “We’re going to have to be really quiet then,” he whispered. His eyes darkened with need—a look I had come to know well since that fateful night I helped cater a party at his mansion.

  “I don’t know if I can be,” I replied honestly. Michael made me scream with pleasure. It wasn’t something I could avoid when so lost in the moment.

  He looked around the room and retrieved a silk scarf from a wall hook. He wound the fabric around his hands to test it before returning. “This will help.” He pulled the blue scarf around my head and weaved it through my mouth. He tied it in a knot so it formed a gag and I couldn’t talk anymore. The fabric gave me something to bite down on when I felt like screaming out. Michael liked to tie me up with various items. Gagging me was a first but I relished the new item.

  He kissed my open mouth but I couldn’t kiss him back. Once more, I was giving him complete control over my body and we both loved it. Michael was a dominator and I was his happy submissive.

  “You’ve got way too many clothes on, Carly,” he whispered.

  I still worried about my parents hearing us. This was not being smart but I couldn’t say no to the man. It was impossible when I wanted him this much.

  He slipped my T-shirt over my head and then whipped off my bra. My boobs were massaged in both his hands before he moved over to my skirt. He tapped on my bottom until I lifted it so he could remove the article of clothing. My panties were next.

  Michael preferred it when I was naked around him. He rarely let me wear clothes at his house. It always made me hornier when I wasn’t wearing anything—something he took full advantage of.

  He unzipped his jeans and slid them off. His shirt was next, showing me his sculptured abs. All his workouts at the gym certainly paid off and gave me some eye candy to look at. It was just luck that I didn’t drool every time I saw them.

  His trunks bulged from his hard cock. He slid them down his legs to expose his lengthy member; the head of it already glistening with his excitement. I wanted to lick it clean and then suck on the rest of it, but with the gag on I knew that wasn’t on his agenda this time.

  Michael whisked another scarf from the hook. He brushed it down my stomach, making it flutter with the gentle caress. He slid it over my boobs and tickled my nipples with the soft fabric. I closed my eyes as the sensation made me shudder.

  He pulled both my arms over my head and then tied them together with the silk scarf. He was so gentle, but the knots he made
were rock solid. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get out of them, even if I wanted to. But I trusted Michael. He wouldn’t do anything to hurt me. I knew that with complete certainty after spending every available minute with him the last two weeks. He had been nothing but perfect with me.

  His fingers traced patterns down my body as he lightly moved over my skin. Everywhere he touched caused goosebumps to form in his wake. He was acting like we had all the time in the world, even though we could be caught at any moment.

  “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever seen,” he whispered. “You are truly something special, Carly.”

  I smiled around the gag. I’d never felt more special before. Michael made me believe I was with every touch, kiss, and stroke. Even when he was using his leather whip on me.

  “I’m not going to fuck you this way,” he said against my ear. A moment later he picked me up and flipped me over. I bounced down on the bed on my front. I leaned on my elbows as Michael pulled my ass up until I was on my knees.

  His body covered mine, his front to my back. “I’m going to fuck you like this.” He trailed kisses down the back of my neck before leading onto my back. My skin came alive as sparks of lightning bolted off in all directions. I loved it when he kissed my neck.

  His knees pushed my legs apart. His fingers delved into my pussy and started massaging my clit. It was instant relief from the ache he’d caused with that first kiss. I pushed my pussy against his hand, wanting his touch to be harder and harder. He obliged, working my clit with his palm until I was almost screaming with pleasure.

  He took his hand away just in time, avoiding my quick climax. He did that a lot—brought me right to the cusp and then backed off. I never could work out how he knew I was so close before he stopped.

  “Hmmm. You’re so wet, babe. I’m going to have so much fun fucking you like this.”

  His fingers returned to my clit as his cock slid into my entrance. He entered me slowly, every thrust taking him just an inch further. It took a long time for him to fully fill me and I relished every moment of it.

  I braced myself on my elbows as his hips bucked in earnest. My pert hanging boobs bounced forward every time his cock raged inside me. His fingers never stopped their relentless tugging and massaging pattern. I bit down on the gag so I didn’t make any sounds.

  Footsteps sounded just outside my bedroom door and I froze. Michael continued on, perhaps he hadn’t heard the noise like I did. I listened intently, praying they would leave the hallway and not come inside my bedroom. If my parents walked in now, we would definitely not be able to explain away our compromising position.

  The footsteps faded away down the hall until I could no longer hear them. I relaxed again and focused on the pleasure Michael was giving me. The tingle in my clit peaked again as his fingers started flicking it. I concentrated on his body as it hugged mine from behind. His cock filled me with happiness and connected us. That was all the mattered in the moment.

  His hips sped up. He was being unusually quiet as his efforts increased. Perhaps he was aware of being caught and the horrible consequences that would follow. We’d never had sex so quietly before. There was nobody to hear us in his mansion and Michael enjoyed it when I was loud enough for him to hear the effect he had on me.

  His cock felt amazing as it thrust into me. His fingers on my clit felt even better. My whole body was in a state of need as he whipped us both into a frenzy. His thumbs pressed down hard on my nub as he whispered, “Come,” into my ear.

  It was impossible for me to defy his orders. My body shuddered as my orgasm ripped me apart. Michael’s cock shattered inside me as he found his own completion. He stilled and held me in his arms.

  My head spun as the euphoria washed over me. It encompassed every part of me from my toes to the top of my head. Everything tingled and throbbed with complete happiness. My breathing became rapid as my heartbeat shot through the roof.

  How one person could make me feel this way was beyond my comprehension. He amped up every feeling until it was impossible to bear. The way he controlled my body was astounding.

  I was all his, that much was clear.

  We crumpled on the bed together, exhausted and panting. Michael untied the gag and slid it from around my head. I swallowed a few times to get the dryness from my tongue.

  “That was fantastic,” I sighed.

  “You’re always fantastic, babe,” he replied with a chuckle. He unbound my hands so I was now completely free. “I can’t see you this weekend.”

  “Why not?” Disappointment dawned on me.

  “I have to go away for business. I’ll be back on Tuesday.”

  “Why do you have to work on the weekend?”

  “I run a billion-dollar empire. Normal work hours don’t apply, Carly. I’ll bring you back a present from New York.”

  I wasn’t in this for the gifts. I would much rather have the man than a trinket. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “You mean I can’t bribe you with shiny things? That’s a pity,” he joked. I turned around fast enough to see his pout.

  I placed a kiss on his lips. “You can try to bribe me. But I will always choose spending time with you over anything you can buy me.”

  “How about a new car?”


  “Diamond bracelet?” I shook my head. “You’re no fun. How about I take you out for dinner on Tuesday night? Will you accept that?”

  “Yes, that would be fine.”

  “It’s a date then. I’ll choose somewhere private and discreet.”

  We only allowed ourselves another few minutes together before Michael got up and dressed. He slipped out through the window before I put my clothes back on. It seemed surreal that he had been there, in my bedroom, so close to the man he called his best friend.

  Returning to my studies helped me to calm down again. I wasn’t ready to face my parents again so soon after Michael tied me up and fucked me. I thought for sure our dirty deeds were written all over my face.

  The weekend passed very slowly without Michael. I caught up with my friend Anna on the Sunday. “It seems like ages since I’ve seen you,” she said over a cup of coffee at our favorite café. “What’s been occupying all your time? Surely it isn’t studying.”

  I took a sip of my latte as I wondered how much to tell her. “I might have a new…friend?”

  “As in boyfriend?”

  We hadn’t exactly defined our relationship but I guessed that’s what we were. “Yeah. His name’s Michael and he’s wonderful. I can’t believe how lucky I am having him.”

  She clapped her hands together. “You have to give me all the details. Where did you meet? And why is this the first I’m hearing about it?”

  “He’s kind of a friend of the family.”

  “Kind of?”

  “He’s my father’s best friend. If he finds out, he’s going to go ballistic. He definitely won’t approve.”

  “Ooh, a forbidden love with an older man. I love it. Where did you meet?”

  “You remember that catering job I helped you with a few weeks ago?” Anna nodded. “He’s the owner of that house.”

  “You mean he’s rich too? And hot? This just keeps getting better and better. What will you do if your parents find out?”

  “I hope they don’t.”

  “But what about if it turns into something serious?”

  I asked myself that question repeatedly. I was never sure if Michael thought that far ahead so I didn’t want to either. It would only be setting me up for a very big fall. “I don’t know,” I replied honestly.

  “Well, have as much sex as possible then. At least you’ll be happy,” Anna said. I could always trust her for the best advice.

  We finished catching up and parted ways. It felt good to be able to talk about Michael with someone that didn’t judge. Anna had had her own share of illicit affairs since starting college and was never shy to tell me about them.

  I didn’t hear from Michael a
ll weekend and I missed him. I knew he was working so it wasn’t a pleasure trip, but even a text message wouldn’t have taken more than a few seconds to type up.

  Tuesday came around slowly but I was grateful when it did. I dressed in a slinky black dress and walked to the corner of the street where Michael picked me up. I had to sneak out of the house if I wanted to avoid a bunch of questions about where I was going all dressed up. I never imagined I’d still need to sneak out at twenty years old.

  “You’re late,” he said. After four days, that was the first thing he said to me?

  “You can spank me later,” I replied sarcastically, trying to keep it upbeat. I didn’t want anything to ruin our night.


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