Protected By Fire (Alpha Colorado Firefighters Book 3)

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Protected By Fire (Alpha Colorado Firefighters Book 3) Page 3

by Anna Heskin


  When the tea finished brewing, I poured us each a cup, and we sat on the kitchen floor. “Sorry I only have one chair and no table in here,” I said.

  “Not a problem.” Justin smiled at me with his post-orgasmic glow.

  “Justin, we need to talk.”



  “We need to talk.” I don’t like the sound of that.

  “What’s on your mind?” I asked. Rachel looked gorgeous with her wet hair and glowing pink cheeks.

  “Sorry things got out of hand in there.”

  “I’m not,” I said, waiting for the tea to cool off enough to drink.

  “I don’t want to give you the wrong idea.”

  “What idea?” I asked.

  “That I’ll do that with any man who walks through the door.”

  “I’m not just any man,” I said.

  “I know. There’s more to you.”

  “Rachel, I’m a forward guy. I always say what’s on my mind. I want you.”

  Rachel blinked several times. “What do you mean?”

  “I want you to be mine. I want to protect you, not only in the immediate future, but forever.”

  “How can you know that? We just met today, under harrowing circumstances.”

  “I don’t understand the urge.”

  Rachel averted my eyes, turning her head to the side. “It can’t work out.”

  A lump formed in my throat. “Is it the age difference? Because when I’m with you, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal.”

  Rachel returned her gaze to my face. “No, no. It’s not that. I like your maturity, how you have your shit together. You’re hot as fuck too.”

  “Then what is it?” I asked.

  “I’m moving to Seattle soon. I accepted a position as a director at a small private school. It’s a huge leap, especially for someone who has only been teaching for two years.”

  A fiery arrow to the heart wouldn’t hurt more. “Why Seattle? Were you looking to leave?”

  “After my sister moved out, things felt empty. She had a man. I couldn’t seem to find anyone worth dating. I wanted to make a change, shake up my life.”

  “Would I not be worth having around? Dating, and what not?” I asked.

  “Justin, I can’t trust my judgment. You saved my life today. I have feelings for you but is it only because of how we met?”

  “We can’t know the answer unless we explore,” I said. She was mine but needed some time to see that.

  Rachel sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I’m moving next month.”

  I took another glance around. “So that’s why you don’t have furniture.”

  “Well, my teacher’s salary didn’t allow me to replace all my sister’s furniture at once. But with my new job that won’t be an issue.”

  It hurt to talk about Rachel moving but I wouldn’t have a chance with her if I acted butthurt. “Are you putting your house up for sale, or renting it out?”

  “I have a realtor coming out in two weeks to start the process,” Rachel said.

  The home was adorable but needed fixes in a few places. “Let me make a few repairs I’ve noticed. Also, you need new steps out front and deck in the back.”

  “I can’t afford all that,” Rachel said.

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it.” I’ll take care of you.

  We made small talk as we finished our tea, then drank a second cup. I hated to hear about her move but I didn’t accept that as a sure thing.

  “I’m exhausted. It’s been a long, rough day and it’s time for bed.” Rachel tried to stretch her arms overhead but stopped short with a wince.

  “I’m not leaving you alone. Seeing you don’t have a couch, I can watch your house from my truck,” I said.

  “No,” Rachel said. “I can share my bed. In a professional way, of course.”

  “Of course,” I said. It seemed hard for her to resist me. The odds were in my favor.

  “Give me a minute,” Rachel said and disappeared into her bedroom.

  I took off my shirt and pants, planning to sleep in my boxer briefs. I’d have to figure out a change of clothes in the morning, while not leaving Rachel unattended.

  “Can you help me wrestle on this pajama top?” Rachel asked from the doorway. She stood there in a pair of lacy black panties and no shirt. The air conditioner vent blowing from the ceiling hardened her gorgeous nipples.

  My eyes grew wide and throat turned dry. “Yes. In a respectful manner, like a nurse.” The shirt had buttons, so it didn’t need to be stretched over her head. I suspected she could’ve done it herself if necessary. Somehow, I got her situated without brushing against her breasts.

  After I double-checked all her doors and windows, we crawled into opposite sides of her queen-sized bed. The sheets had a heavenly scent, a mixture of vanilla and flowers. I didn’t think I’d be able to fall asleep because I wanted to keep her safe.

  Every time I peeked over, Rachel was staring at the ceiling. “Having trouble getting to sleep?” I asked.

  Rachel turned her head to me. “Yes. Hold me?”

  She rolled over and scooted her back against me. My heart raced as I spooned her in my strong arms. As my nerves settled down, I enjoyed the warmth of her body pressed against mine. She must’ve felt safe because several minutes later, her exhausted body enjoyed a deep sleep.

  I didn’t know what time I fell asleep, but I woke to a warm, silky sensation on my hard cock. My eyes jerked wide open when I realized Rachel had her mouth around me.

  She looked up at me with needy eyes. “I’m sorry, Justin, I had to. Your embrace wasn’t enough.”

  Did I die and go to heaven?

  “No, don’t apologize. I already told you I want you to be mine.”

  “I couldn’t stand it any longer. You had morning wood, and I wanted to feel you in every part of me.”

  “As you were,” I said and leaned my head back, moaning in pleasure.

  “But I feel bad since I’m moving away.”

  “Rachel, don’t worry about that right now. I want you.” Her sweet, delicate fingers were slowly stroking my cock and balls, driving me insane.

  Rachel reached over to the nightstand drawer and pulled out a box of condoms. “Hold on, let me check the date. It’s been a good while.” She inspected a wrapper. “Okay, still good.”

  I reached down and slid a finger into her tight hole and found her to be dripping wet. She rolled the condom onto my throbbing cock, then put me inside her with urgency. Without skipping a beat, she slammed her hips up and down like a wild animal.

  “Rachel, I’m not going to last long like this,” I said. The intense sensations made my hips writhe with tension.

  “Good,” Rachel said. “I want to feel you come.”

  The rhythmic pulsing increased as the sensations in my cock hurried toward the tipping point. With two fingers, I stroked her hardened clit with abandon.

  “That’s it, Justin! Ugh!” She screamed out. “Come for me.”

  My orgasm sneaked up on me out of nowhere. I struggled to keep rubbing her pussy as my cock released wave after wave, much longer than normal. I wondered if I’d filled the condom too much.

  Before my spasms had time to subside, Rachel dug her nails into my hand and came. Her tight hole constricted around me as she threw her head back in ecstasy. Rachel’s ultimate moment of pleasure was the most beautiful thing I ever witnessed.

  When Rachel caught her breath, she planted her hands on my chest to catch herself from collapsing. “Justin, I’m sorry.”

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” I asked, stroking her hair.

  “I don’t know what overcame me. I needed you.”

  “You’re mine,” I said.

  “No. I’m moving. That’s why I’m sorry. I can’t lead you on like this.”

  “But you feel it too,” I said.

  “I’m moving,” Rachel said, her eyes looking at the floor as she climbed of
f the bed. “I’m going to the bathroom.”

  I had more than an urge to protect Rachel. I wanted her to realize I was her man, but time was slipping. She couldn’t move away to Seattle.

  “Can I use your other bathroom?” I asked through the door.

  “Yes, other end of the house.”

  I took my cell phone with me to the other bathroom. After I cleaned up, I had a call to make.

  Four years ago, the superintendent of the school district Rachel resigned from suffered deteriorating health. She wouldn’t have been a teacher there yet. His kidneys had been failing for some time, and the dialysis treatments got more frequent.

  With the national waiting list for a kidney transplant being so long, his family knew he could die while waiting, so they all got tested to see if they were a match. After none of them were considered a good candidate, they put out local ads, begging for a living donor.

  After losing my beloved grandmother to kidney failure, the story of the superintendent hit me hard. To everyone’s surprise, I tested as the perfect donor candidate.

  I knew there were long-term risks to becoming a kidney donor. I’d have to rely on one kidney and hope it never failed me. Most people around me said I was crazy giving to a stranger.

  I didn’t listen. Both the superintendent and me are enjoying a healthy life, several years after the surgery.

  I ignored those who called me a hero. I only did what I felt in my heart was right.

  The superintendent said he was forever indebted to me. He said if there was anything I ever wanted from him, it was mine for the asking.

  I didn’t want to be a hero. Repayment never entered my mind.

  Until now. It was time to call in a favor.



  Guilt ate away at me as I cleaned up in the bathroom. My emotions were a mess. I felt something strong for Justin, but I didn’t trust my judgment after everything I went through the day before. His attention and protection was amazing, but I didn’t know how long I could allow him to stick around. It seemed like I was leading him on.

  “Hey, get some clothes on,” I said as we both met back up in the bedroom. I was wearing my robe, but his used cock flopped around as he entered the room.

  “There, all decent,” Justin said after putting on his boxer briefs.

  “Your hot chest is still exposed,” I said, the blood still rushing between my legs.

  “You can’t keep being sexy and then apologize for it,” Justin said.

  “You’re right, I suck at keeping things professional.” That’s not all I suck.

  “I might have to call someone to bring some fresh clothes,” Justin said. “I’m not leaving you alone in case that nut job comes after you.”

  My heart fluttered. Justin’s protection outweighed any fear from yesterday’s events.

  “Should we order some breakfast to the door?” I asked.

  Before he could answer, Justin’s cell phone rang. He retreated to the next room. I couldn’t make out the words of the conversation, but his tone sounded serious.

  Justin came back into the room, a look of worry on his face. “What’s wrong?” I asked.

  “Nothing, really. It should be good news. Trevor Zientek got taken into custody on an unrelated drug charge, so you don’t have to worry about him coming around.”

  “Why so glum?” I asked.

  “That means you don’t need my protection,” Justin said, taking my hands.

  “Oh. I guess that’s true.” I didn’t feel a sense of relief that both Zientek brothers were detained. Rather, a sadness overcame me at the thought of Justin leaving my house.

  Justin let go of my hands. My skin ached to be put back in contact with him. “Since Trevor is out of the picture, I’m leaving to get fresh clothes.”

  “So will I see you again?” I asked.

  Justin raised an eyebrow. “You’re moving away.”

  “Yes. Next month.”

  Justin looked around the room. “Well, you could use my help in here. I’ll come back tomorrow with tools and work on things.”

  “That would be amazing,” I said, resisting the urge to kiss him. I watched the incredible, badass man drive away.

  My phone lit up moments after Justin left. I didn’t recognize the number, but it was local, so I picked up.

  “Hello, Miss Brooks? This is Superintendent Johnson.”

  “Oh, hi,” I said, baffled to why he was calling. “Did I leave behind unfinished business?” I’d never spoken more than three words to him.

  “Miss Brooks, we’re sorry to see you go but I understand a wonderful opportunity awaits in Seattle.”

  “Yes, I’m excited, sir.”

  “Miss Brooks, the board meets next week. And you may have heard, I get whatever I want from the board.”

  “Yes, you have that reputation,” I said.

  “Well, I don’t want to see someone with your skills leave our district. I’m prepared to demand—er, recommend—to the board we create a new position for you. Our schools need you as a curriculum developer.”

  I didn’t trust my ears. “Excuse me?”

  “You would be our curriculum developer. The position pays double what you made as a teacher. If you think you can handle improving the instructional design at our elementary schools, we’d love to have you stay.”

  The stunning call came from out of nowhere. Administration didn’t bat an eye when I turned in my resignation.

  “Miss Brooks? Are you still there?”

  “Yes, sir. I’ve already made plans to move to Seattle.”

  “I understand. Our board meeting isn’t until next Wednesday. You have until then to decide.”

  “I’ve already made my decision. Good day, sir.”

  I felt sick when I hung up the phone. Why am I so stubborn? Once I decided to move, it seemed the world was plotting to change my course. First, Justin moved into my heart, then my old school wanted to worship my feet. The universe conspired to drive me mad.

  To escape the turmoil inside, I curled up on the floor in front of the television and drifted away in a nap. The peace didn’t last long, as my phone woke me up. The caller ID showed my sister Ali.

  “Rach?” Ali’s voice sounded frantic. I suspected she’d heard something, but I wanted to convey everything was under control.

  “Hi, Ali. How’s Italy?”

  “Rachel, are you okay?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “A friend just called me and told me about an arsonist at your school. She said teachers were inside and there was some kind of hostage situation.”

  “No hostage,” I said.

  “Do you know who was in there? Oh dear God, were you there, Rach?”

  “Better have a seat, sis,” I said. In the best detail I could recall, I told her about the terror in my classroom, the blackout, and being rescued by Justin.

  The other side of the line sat quiet for a few moments. “I can’t believe that, Rach. Why didn’t you call me from the hospital?”

  “I didn’t want to worry you across the world. Knowing your ass, you’d flown back.”

  “You’re my younger sister, I want you taken care of.”

  “Justin has been taking care of me. He stuck by my side throughout everything.”

  “Firefighters are amazing,” Ali said. She would know, being with one herself.

  “We hit it off. Things got physical, sis. The man stirs things inside me, I lose control around him.”

  “That’s awesome. I knew you’d land a firefighter too, every time you teased me about it.”

  “I have other news too. Superintendent Johnson called and offered me a promotion.”

  “What? Did you take it?”

  “Sis, I’m moving to Seattle.”

  “Rach—you were offered a promotion and had your dream man drop into your life—and you’re still moving away from the state you love?”

  “Yes. Inertia is a bitch.”

  “Sis, when are you going to le
arn to stop being so damn stubborn?”



  I didn’t sleep well that night. Despite Rachel being safe, I still needed to be with her.

  After a big breakfast, I gathered my tools and headed over to Rachel’s house. Time ticked away. I needed to make Rachel mine.

  “Good morning,” Rachel said as she let me inside. It took every ounce of strength to not kiss her.

  “Hey,” I said with a wink. “I heard you have some leaky pipes.”

  “Yes, sexy plumber. Right this way.”

  “How are you feeling today?” I asked.

  “A lot less sore,” Rachel said. “Emotionally, I’m holding it together.”

  She needs to let me help more with that. At least she’s letting me through the door. She’ll come around.

  The sink in her master bathroom had a slow drip, so I went to fix it. I pulled out my adjustable wrench and the replacement washers and o-rings I picked up on the way over.

  In fifteen minutes, I had the faucet fixed. The sink remained dry after I tested the water.

  “Damn,” Rachel said from the doorway. “I was hoping to see your butt crack.”

  I turned around and pushed the top of my jeans down a few inches. “There you go.”

  “So tasty,” Rachel said. I couldn’t tell if she was teasing or not.

  “You’re tasty,” I said, moving closer to where she stood until I could smell her.

  Rachel’s cheeks and neck flushed red. I closed the gap between us and lowered my lips to hers. After a moment of hesitation, her mouth answered mine. I nibbled her lower lip, then she pulled away.

  “I…” Rachel started to say something, then stopped.

  I pulled her tighter into my body. My hard cock poked her through our clothes as I kissed her neck.

  After a soft moan, Rachel stopped me again. “We can’t,” Rachel said.

  I sighed. “Are we still on professional terms, even after everything we’ve experienced together?” Her reluctance to accept the obvious was frustrating me.

  “Yes, you need to accept I’m moving away.”

  “I can’t accept that,” I said. “I want to be your man.”

  “Well, I got an interesting call yesterday,” Rachel said. “You and my sister aren’t the only two who want me to stay in Denver.”


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