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Remember Love: Saints Protection & Investigations

Page 15

by Maryann Jordan

  Smiling, Grace allowed the warmth of the sun to penetrate as she listened to Bethany talk about the Saints and their women.

  “Sabrina is Bart’s cousin and her fiance, Jude, was medically discharged from the SEALs and became a Saint. Angel and Monty met when she was involved in a case the Saints were working on. Dani and Chad were old friends when they both worked for the ATF, sort of lost touch and finally found their way back to each other. And that just leaves Evie. Her fiancé is Angel’s brother, Patrick. Like Jude, when he left the military, they moved here so he could work as a Saint also.”

  “Wow,” Grace said, looking over at Bethany, whose face was turned to the sun as well. “That’s quite a group!”

  “Yeah, I’d like to think that I got things started for them all.” Seeing Grace’s gaze turn to her, head cocked to the side expectantly, she explained, “Jack didn’t think his world would allow for a relationship. But when we got together and made it work, I think the other men realized it could happen to them as well. But,” she added, meeting Grace’s gaze, “It takes a special woman to be with a Saint.”

  Grace dropped her eyes, moving them back to the sunlight glistening over the water. Hearing Bethany giggle, she looked over.

  “Honey, you’re just like us and you’re perfect for Blaise!”

  The acceptance warmed Grace as much as the sun. Before she had a chance to reply, the sound of other vehicles pulling into the gravel nearby had both women looking up.

  Soon, the sound of all of the Saints’ women’s voices filled the air as they finalized the plans for Bart and Faith’s wedding. Grace hovered on the outside of the group for a few minutes, feeling like an interloper, until the others quickly pulled her into the fold.

  Remembering the counselor’s words…It’s fine to want your memories back, but you don’t want to waste time not building a new life…she knew it was time to move forward, embracing the new Grace.


  Bethany dropped Grace off at Blaise’s house and offered to come in and wait for him to get home.

  Smiling her appreciation, Grace declined. “Thank you, but I’m good. I need to take care of the animals and get dinner started.”

  “You know,” Bethany said softly, placing her hand on Grace’s arm. “Blaise would never expect you to work just to be here.”

  Sucking her lips in, Grace ducked her head. “I know. But I want to stay busy and I love the animals.” Giving a wistful sigh, she added, “I owe him so much…”

  “Sweetie, from the look I’ve seen on Blaise’s face lately, I’d say he knows he’s the lucky one to have you in his life.”

  Laughing, Grace leaned over and hugged her new friend. “Thank you…for everything.”

  With that, she hopped out of the old truck and called for Gypsy. Twenty minutes later, Blaise crunched up the gravel driveway stopping as soon as he cleared the trees. The vision of Grace in his kitchen last night had his heart pounding, but the sight of her and Gypsy trekking around the kennels as she fed the barking dogs made his breath catch in his throat, rocking his whole world.

  Stepping on the accelerator, he drove straight to the front of the house, barely getting out before she greeted him as she did last night—jumping straight into his arms. One arm under her ass and the other holding the back of her head as her lips slammed into his. Tongues tangling, the greeting flared into an inferno.

  Gypsy began barking and jumping on them with Ransom joining the fray, both dogs enjoying a chance to frolic. Throwing her head back, Grace giggled. “I’m sorry! It’s hard to keep kissing when she’s seeking attention.”

  Laughing, he hefted her as a signal to put her legs down and then set her feet on the ground. “You must have had a good day,” he commented, happy to see her smile.

  “I did. I had Bethany take me to the counselor again to let her know about the dreams.”

  Dropping his smile as he carefully peered into her face, he searched for signs of distress. Seeing none, he asked tentatively, “And…did she help?”

  Nodding quickly, she answered, “Yeah. She said that at night when I’m relaxed is when my memories may come back. She also said it seems that now that I feel safer, I’m starting to remember the happy times in my life.” Shrugging slightly while scrunching her nose in distaste, she admitted, “But the memories that I am frightened of, may take longer. My mind is shutting out whatever tragedy occurred.”

  “We’ll get there, babe, I promise.”

  Throwing his arm around her, they walked into the house with the dogs trotting at their heels. As they sat at the counter, side by side, eating dinner, he noticed her pushing her food around her plate.

  “What else is on your mind?”

  Jerking her head around, she asked, “What makes you think something is on my mind?”

  “ ’Cause if you smush your peas any more, you’re just going to have pea soup on your plate.”

  Glancing back down, she realized her dinner was somewhat messy. “Oh.”

  Chuckling, he added, “You got something to say to me besides ‘oh’?”

  Huffing, she responded, “I’m not crazy about peas.”

  “Then why did you fix them, sweetheart?”

  “They were in your cabinet, so I figured you liked them.”

  Turning on his stool so that he was facing her, he maneuvered her legs around so that her knees were captured between his as he took her hands in his. Leaning over slightly so that they were at eye level, he said, “Grace, first of all, you don’t have to cook for me. You don’t have to clean, feed the animals, or anything. You’re not here to do anything except be safe and heal. Second of all, can we end the conversation about peas and you tell me what you really have on your mind?”

  Biting her lip, she replied, “I was wondering…well, I would do it myself but I don’t have a car…or a driver’s license—”

  “Come on, babe,” he softly prodded.

  “Well, for starters…since I now remember my parents, I’d like to go back to my apartment to get more things…just until I move back there, that is,” she rushed to add.

  His eyebrows lowered as he said, “Move back? You can’t move back now. If someone is still looking for you, that’s the first place they’d look.” He did not add that he wanted her here in his house, afraid of overwhelming her. “We can go back to get some of your things to make you more comfortable here.”

  “That’s the problem,” she admitted, her gaze dropping to where he clasped her hands in his larger, stronger ones. “I’m very comfortable here.”

  Lifting her chin with his fingers, he smiled. “Grace, I told you last night that this was the beginning of you and me. I want you very comfortable here.” Seeing a shy smile curve her lips, he continued, “You said, ‘for starters’,” he reminded. “What else can I do for you?”

  “I’d like to visit my parents’ gravesites. I didn’t at first, but after a nice day with the other women, listening to the wedding plans, getting ready for babies…I decided that I don’t want to be afraid of learning about the past. I don’t remember quite everything about my parents, but I’m ready to learn more.”

  “Are you sure?” he asked, his voice laced with concern.

  Nodding quickly, she said, “Yes. I mean, it’s all well and good to remember the happy times in my life, but I need to remember everything. Opening myself to the pain of losing my parents, might enable me to be ready to open myself to learning about the night I was attacked.”

  He had to admit her reasoning was logical and, as much as he wanted to protect her from sadness, as well as hurt, it was the right thing to do. “Okay, sweetheart. I’ve already had Luke pull up your parents’ information and we can go tomorrow. Both to your apartment and to the cemetery. I’ll leave work early and we’ll go after lunch.”

  Heaving a huge sigh of relief, she tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear and glanced back down at her plate. “Um…do you think we can skip the rest of dinner and go straight to the dessert?”

aning over, he placed a kiss on the corner of her mouth. “You’re the only dessert I’m interested in.”

  She heard the desire in his low voice, shooting straight to her core. Her nipples hardened and she squeezed her legs together.

  His hands slid down her legs, gently pulling her knees apart as he stood, stepping into her space. His crotch nestled against her heat as he kissed her again, this time sealing his lips firmly over hers. Thrusting his tongue into her warmth, he plundered her mouth. Angling for better access, he deepened the kiss, the taste of her intoxicating.

  Grace felt lightheaded as their tongues danced, tangling around each other’s, his scent filling her nostrils. Swooning. I’m fucking swooning. He was more than any romance book hero as he bent her back in his arms, his mouth leaving hers only to kiss a trail down to the edge of her shirt and then back again.

  Her crotch pressed against his swollen erection, causing him to consider the possibility that his zipper was leaving a permanent impression. Stepping back, he gazed into her face…her moist, kiss-swollen lips barely parted, mussed hair and chocolate eyes now melting. Throwing caution to the wind, he held her face in his hands, smoothing his thumbs over her flushed cheeks and confessed, “Grace, I want you here with me. Not just for your safety, but for you. And what we’re becoming.”

  Her warm gaze never left his as she whispered breathlessly, “And what are we becoming?”

  “Us,” he replied, leaning forward to seal his vow over her lips. Bending, he slid his arm under her knees and stood, easily lifting her in his embrace. Striding to the stairs, he carried her up, this time not stopping in the hall, but heading directly to his bedroom.

  Seeing acceptance in her smile, he kicked the door shut before laying her on the bed. And showing her what becoming an “us” meant to him.


  Why won’t the knocking stop? Finally waking to realize someone was at the door, I stumbled to answer the incessant banging. As my sleep-filled eyes focused, I saw the two policemen standing outside, the icy rain pelting the walk behind them. No! I know why they’re here. They step in…and then rock my world. Mom? Dad? Noooo!

  Then blackness falls all around…and I am now in a grassy field and sunshine beams.

  “Grace! You and Gypsy take section C! I’ve got the section over here,” called out Carter, giving instructions as we maneuvered through the drug-dog training course. He had Beaumont with him, his beautiful dog.

  “Where’s Jocelyn?” I asked, knowing we were supposed to cover the area completely.

  “I see her over at section A with Torch.”

  Gypsy and I worked together, her skill at sniffing out the drugs unparalleled. “Good girl,” I praised. We finished our section and moved over to Carter’s, helping him finish the last part of his course. I noticed a flash of a glare, but he quickly hid it, knowing we were being judged as a team right now. I can’t help it if he was slower, I thought. Finished with our two sections, we jogged over to section A, just as Jocelyn was completing hers. The three of us made our way quickly back and had the fastest time of any team. Gypsy, Beaumont, and Torch pranced by our sides as though knowing they had completed all the tasks.

  Congratulating ourselves, we high-fived after giving our dogs their rewards.

  The clouds in the sky settled down to the ground as the world became foggy and the voices more distant…

  The bar was crowded, which I hated, but I knew that a graduation celebration was expected. I liked the people and the dogs in the class, but really only became close to Carter and Jocelyn. Coming back from the ladies’ room, I heard Jocelyn on the phone with her parents. I could tell from her excited comments, they were offering their congratulations, sharing her pride. Carter was busy texting when I approached. His eyes held mine for an instant, guilt flashing through.

  “I’m sorry, Grace,” he said. “I was just texting my parents.” He shot a look toward Jocelyn. “I know everyone is…well…”

  “Carter, it’s fine. You should be excited about talking to your parents.” Shrugging, I added, “It’s no one’s fault that my parents have passed. They would’ve been happy for me.”

  He walked over, giving me a sideways hug. “I’m glad we got to know each other, Grace, even if I’m jealous of your new job!”

  “I heard they would be hiring more soon, so keep your fingers crossed.”

  “Don’t worry! I’ll do more than rely on luck to get the job I want.”

  Unsure what he meant, I didn’t have time to ask when Jocelyn bounced over. The three of us group-hugged, then went back to the rest of the party, the beers flowing.

  The bar began filling with fog but I wasn’t afraid. It’s so hard to see everyone. Carter…Jocelyn…where are you?

  Jerking awake, she felt the bed shift as Blaise leaned over, grabbing the water bottle. Taking a long drink after he handed it to her, she settled back in against his chest.

  “You want to talk about it?”

  “I remembered Carter and Jocelyn…it’s the first time that I’ve remembered someone from my recent past,” she whispered into the dark, her hand absentmindedly running over his tight stomach muscles.

  “We were at the training and then, after we graduated, we had a celebration. I remember that I wished my parents could have been there.” Her tortured gaze jerked to his and she whispered, “And I dreamed of the night the police came to my house to tell me they had died in a car crash.”

  They lay with their bodies pressed together as he smoothed her hair back from her face, offering quiet reassurances.

  “My memories are coming back more and more,” she confessed. “Sometimes, I’ll be sitting, doing nothing in particular, and something will slam into me. It’s as though a movie reel is playing in my head.”

  “This is good, Grace. This means you are more and more ready to accept what happened that night.”

  She nodded against his chest. “I think you’re right. The memories are very real now. I remember most of my childhood and now the training with Gypsy. Nothing beyond that, but…”

  “What, babe?”

  “I feel like I know me…know who I am. But I still don’t know what happened to me. Why someone would want to kill me. I want my life back, Blaise.”

  “We’ll get there, I promise,” he vowed. “Together…we’ll get there.”

  Chapter 19

  Grace stretched in the bed, the morning light pouring through the window. Never one to lie about in bed in the mornings, she reveled in the delicious feelings leftover from the night before.

  As Blaise had worshiped her body, she discovered that she enjoyed pleasing him as well. Moving as one, they made love long into the early morning hours before finally falling asleep in each other’s arms. Her mind roamed back to the words he promised as the moon moved across the night sky.

  “I need you to understand what we are,” he whispered into my ear as his body rocked into mine. “I want you, Grace Kennedy. And not because I’m protecting you. But because I can’t imagine my life without you in it.”

  My neck arched back, meeting his thrusts, but fear broke through the lust. “What if when I remember everything, you won’t feel the same?” I whispered to the ceiling, afraid to gaze into his face.

  “Babe, look at me,” he ordered and I had no choice—I immediately followed his command and held his eyes.

  “I pull into the driveway and see you in the yard playing with the animals and my heart soars. I see you in my house and know that this place is now a home with you in it. I’m falling, babe, and have no intention of letting you go. I only hope you want the same thing.”

  My throat threatened to close as tears stung my eyes. One slid down to the mattress but he captured the next on with his lips. “I may not know everything about me,” I managed to choke out, “but I know I want you in my life as well. If you’ll have me as I am, I’m yours.”

  Lifting his head to look down at me, a broad grin split his face, turning handsome into breath-haltingly gorgeous. “You’
re all I want…or need,” he replied before returning his lips to mine as we both plunged over the precipice.

  Gypsy jumped up on the bed, startling Grace from her musings. “Hey girl,” she greeted. Looking over at the clock, she saw it was already eight a.m. “Oh, my God, I never sleep this late!” she exclaimed tossing the covers. A piece of paper floated to the ground. Bending to pick it up, she read,

  Hey babe, I wanted you to sleep in so I snuck out to work. Already fed the animals so don’t let them lie to you and try to get another breakfast. I’ll come home early and we’ll make our trips out. Love, Blaise

  She read the note several times, grinning more with each reading. Love. He signed it Love. Even if he did not mean it now, he had made it very clear last night that he was falling. Sucking in a deep breath, she glanced down at the expectant faces of Gypsy and Ransom. “Are you two lying to me, just to get another breakfast?” she joked.

  Jogging down the stairs, still clad in only panties and Blaise’s t-shirt, she headed into the kitchen, placing a pod into the coffee maker and grabbing a slice of bread for the toaster. Feeling calmer than she had in a long time, she breathed deeply again, letting the memories of the night and the sunshine pouring in the windows warm her soul.

  Deciding to bond more with Talon, she walked to the back room and gently picked up the small, purring kitten. Talon tried to hiss when she saw the dogs at Grace’s feet, but she cuddled her closely, offering her protection.

  Walking back to the front of the house, she carried Talon in one hand against her chest, had a piece of toast sticking out of her mouth and reached for her coffee cup on the counter, when a noise had her whirling around.

  Two wide-eyed, open-mouthed women stood in the kitchen. Jumping in fright, Grace dropped her cup back onto the counter, coffee sloshing out over the side. Gypsy growled, placing herself protectively in front of Grace as Ransom began wildly barking. Talon, scared by the noise, used her claws to try to climb up Grace’s neck, causing Grace to howl in pain.


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