Journey to Her Dreams

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by Iris Blobel

  Journey to Her Dreams

  by Iris Blobel

  Published by Clean Reads

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, and events are fictitious in every regard. Any similarities to actual events and persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. Any trademarks, service marks, product names, or named features are assumed to be the property of their respective owners, and are used only for reference. There is no implied endorsement if any of these terms are used. Except for review purposes, the reproduction of this book in whole or part, electronically or mechanically, constitutes a copyright violation.


  Copyright © 2011, 2015 IRIS BLOBEL

  ISBN 978-1-936852-69-7

  Cover Art Designed By AM Designs Studio

  To my husband, Trev, for his encouragement to put my story onto paper and follow my dream, and my beautiful girls, Carleigh and Tara, for the never ending patience ‘that Mum’s writing again’.

  I love you all very much.

  Last but not least, to my mum – I hab Dich lieb!

  Chapter One

  Take control of your future today.

  Sam rolled her eyes and shook her head at the sleazy slogan on the back of the bus. Yet, it gave her an idea, and she was thinking about a possible Mega Rear ad on the Dublin bus when her phone announced an incoming call.

  “Good morning, it’s Phoebe here–”

  But her assistant didn’t have a chance to finish the sentence. “Phee, I’m on my way to the office. I’ve only just come out of the meeting with Mr. Fitzgerald.”

  It was a convenient lie.

  “Give me ten minutes.”

  Phoebe persisted with her message, though. “The meeting this afternoon with Mr. Jackson has been cancelled. He’s still out of town. The new appointment will be next Wednesday, same time.”

  As Sam strode by the shop window, she admired her reflection. She liked what she saw. So what? She was vain, but appearance was important to her, and she loved to accentuate the main feature in her face—her beautiful, bright blue eyes. She watched herself in the window, her long legs seeming even longer in her new high heels—which had cost a fortune—her delicate fingers proudly showing off her wedding ring, the diamond earrings, and her cheeks, which had turned slightly rosy after the facial.

  “This actually suits me fine,” she finally replied after admiring herself. “Don’t expect me in the office this afternoon. I’ll be out for the rest of the day. I'll work on the layouts for the January edition tomorrow.” She hung up without even waiting for a response, checked the time, and dialled a number.


  “Claire?” Sam opened her car and threw her bag in the back. “How about some lunch?”



  “Sam, seriously, someone has to tell you one day that other people actually need to work hard for their money,” Claire replied, but added, “How about I meet you in about half an hour on George Street?”

  “Grand. I look forward to it.”

  Sam got in her car and drove back into the main streets of Dublin. The cars ahead of her were slow, and she took a deep breath, trying to ignore her obvious dislike of the winter season. Dublin’s streets were still wet from the rain the last few days, and Sam cursed at the glare off the street from the afternoon sun and the heavier than usual midday traffic. Christmas wasn’t far off, and the shops were doing their best to lure the customers into the main streets for some last-minute shopping—Ireland’s capital was packed. While searching for a parking spot, she noticed how many Christmas lights had already gone up. The smells of candles and candies were in the air, which put a smile on Sam’s face. She remembered her family Christmases with great fondness. As she crossed the street, she came out of the protection of the building and was brought back to reality by the icy breeze on her face. Sam pulled the collar of her coat a tad higher in a weak attempt to shield herself from the cold air.

  Approaching the café, Sam saw Claire was already waiting. When her friend started to shake her head in disbelief after studying Sam’s face, Sam chose to ignore her.

  “Don’t tell me,” Claire said with a courteous but patronising voice.

  “Okay, I won’t,” Sam said casually as she greeted Claire with a kiss on the cheek.

  Claire flashed a look of frustration. “You know exactly what I mean. He did it again, didn’t he?”

  Sam’s mouth spread into a thin-lipped smile. “Let’s not talk about it.”

  “Is this why we’re here?”

  “No!” Sam protested. “I had a meeting cancelled, and instead of going into the office, I thought I should catch up with you before Christmas. Things have been so hectic lately. It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever. I can’t believe it’s the end of the year already. No idea where the time has gone. What are you up to for Christmas?”

  Sam and Claire had been friends for a few years. Both had worked for a small Irish newspaper in Dublin before Sam got the promotion to her current job as Head of Advertising with a popular and well-established magazine. The women kept in contact over the years, developing a wonderful friendship. Claire moved to Dublin after she had finished school in Limerick on the west coast. She wanted to enjoy life in the big city—London was out of her reach, so she had settled for Dublin. Even though Sam knew Claire considered herself an attractive woman with her long dark hair, Mediterranean complexion, dark brown eyes, and beautiful facial features, she always teased Sam about the time and effort she invested in her appearance.

  The women went into their favourite café and made themselves comfortable in the far corner next to the open fire. Sam hung up her long black coat and ordered her coffee. Claire had her usual espresso. They both loved the rustic atmosphere of the cosy little place amidst the Irish capital, the old-fashioned flair and the constant aroma of freshly made coffee—perfect spot for a chat and some time out.

  Claire loosened her scarf a bit. “I’ll be with Mum and Dad over Christmas. Hannah will be having her birthday party on New Year’s Eve. You should come. You remember Hannah, don’t you?”

  Sam knew how much Claire missed her family in Limerick. Life in Dublin was wonderful, and everything her friend always wanted, but nothing could replace the comforts of family and home.

  “I don’t know about the party, yet. Padraic’s going skiing, but I’m not sure whether he’ll be back for New Year’s Eve or not,” she muttered uneasily.

  Claire shrugged. “Well, let me know if you can come. It’ll be a grand party.”

  “I haven’t seen Hannah since your birthday in June. How is she?”

  “She’s still in Limerick. I did tell you about her pregnancy, didn’t I? The baby is due in late April. I cannot wait to become an auntie,” Claire said excitedly.

  Hannah was Claire’s younger sister who had chosen a different path of life than her sibling, but, despite their different lifestyles, they were close. Sam envied them for their close bond.

  Sam took another sip of her coffee. “We’ll be with Padraic’s family on Christmas. The usual, you know. I'll go to Mum and Dad’s the day after. Dad’s not doing too well at the moment, so I'll be staying with them for a few days.”

  “The usual, indeed. Is this his excuse to go skiing?” Claire replied with heavy irony.

  “No. You know he doesn’t get along with Mum and Dad too well. And a little break will do me good, too.”

  Sam felt Claire’s gaze on her. “Sam. What you need is a big break. What is it with you? You’re beautiful. You’re intelligent. You’re successful, confident, and married to a husband who doesn’t appreciate you. It’s time, Sam. It’s time for a change.”

  “He’s not a bad person, you know. You see some bruises and instantly assume it was Padraic. Accidents do happen. He is a caring husband. And he is extremely successful and easy on the eyes.”

  Claire shook her head. “Accidental bruises. Good one.”

  Sam waved her arm in the air. She didn’t want to hear about it anymore. “Anyway, what I actually wanted to tell you about was this dream I had the other night. The weirdest one I’ve had for a while,” Sam said. “Quite bizarre, actually. There was this girl, somewhere in the countryside, who was with this truly handsome guy. Short dark hair, beautiful eyes, tall, and, boy, did he have a sexy body. Anyway, they were driving in this dashing car. Once he made a move on her in the car, she panicked and got out. Bizarre how clear it all seemed. I can't recall ever having a dream like this.”

  “Who was it?” Claire asked, and Sam knew her friend would be annoyed with the change of subject.

  “No idea. But you should have seen him. No way would I have left the car.” Sam couldn’t help herself, but her mouth twitched into a grin.

  She was aware Claire disapproved of her love for flirting, particularly since she was married, and often expressed her opinion on whether that could be a reason for Padraic’s moments of rage.

  Claire gazed over the rim of her espresso cup as she took a sip. “So you’re telling me about your dreams now, because we can’t talk about your real life?”

  Sam's eyes darted around the café in frustration. “Give it a break, Claire. I’m telling you because this one felt so real. You know, you have dreams, odd ones and mostly truly weird. This one was different. It was like somehow I sensed his touch on me.”

  “Now you’re giving me shivers. Honestly, I don’t want to drag on about it, but I honestly think it’s just another sign of you and Padraic…”

  Sam shook her head regretfully. “Never mind! Just forget about it.”


  Anger and disappointment creeping up in her, she glanced at her watch. “Sorry, Claire, I forgot to keep an eye on the time. I’d better go.”

  Chapter Two

  Later that afternoon, Sam checked the time as she maneuvered through the traffic on her way home. The drive took longer than usual, and she was tapping the steering wheel to the beat of the music. She had stayed longer at the café than intended. It poured rain like all the skies had opened all at once. When she finally arrived home, she pushed open the door, and the warmth of the house engulfed her.

  “Hello, sweetheart. How are you?” Padraic asked as she stepped into the lounge room. He leaned forward to give her a kiss, but she moved slightly to the side and offered him her cheek. Sam took in his attractive male physique, which was obvious even in his dull metallic-grey suit from work. His short black hair showed the first hints of grey, but to Sam that made him even more appealing—yet not today, and not even with his warm brown eyes gazing lovingly at her.

  “Good,” she replied with as much confidence as she was able to put into this one word. “We got the deal with Fitzgerald and Co. signed, and I thought I deserved a nice treat at Body Shine.”

  Padraic put his finger under her chin and moved her face towards him. He kept his eyes locked on hers as he slowly leaned in and kissed her gently on her lips.

  “How about I treat you at George’s?”

  George’s was a well-established restaurant only a few streets away. Because of its reputation as one of the best Mediterranean restaurants outside of Dublin, Padraic and Sam had been guests there on a regular basis. They enjoyed George’s cuisine.

  Sam sighed as she moved her face away. She was tempted to go to George’s to enjoy her favourite food instead of dishing up dinner at home. It should have been an easy choice. Yet, unable to hold back a yawn, she rubbed her temples and slowly tilted her head to face him.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” Padraic said eagerly.

  She exhaled slowly. “Give me ten minutes to freshen up.” She smiled awkwardly. “It’s your turn to drive, though.”

  “That’s my girl.” Padraic moved out of her way, and she went upstairs into her bedroom, where she changed out of her business outfit into a more casual dark skirt with a lightweight white jumper.


  George’s was a small restaurant, yet it reflected the Italian atmosphere to the dot. The rustic furniture in contrast to the romantic yet bright colours of blue, yellow, orange, and deep red replicated a perfect seaside sunset.

  Sam went past the wall fountain and tossed one euro into it before she followed Padraic to the table. He took her coat and then offered her the seat closest to the window. Sam thanked him.

  The waiter poured the red wine.

  Padraic raised his glass. “To a well-done business deal. And to you, sweetheart. You deserve it!”

  “Thanks.” She slowly sipped her wine but couldn’t get herself to meet Padraic’s eyes.

  “You should be able to have some days off now. We could stay at Mum and Dad’s beach house in Cork.” He reached out for her hand and moved it towards his lips. “I’d love to spend some relaxing days with you. It’s been quite a hectic year. It’d be lovely to finish it on a happy note.”

  Sam loved his soft hands touching hers. She always thought about her father; he had used his big hands for work most of his life, and they were now rough and old.

  She sighed. “Padraic, I’m not sure whether I can. If I could, there’s still so much to organise for Christmas.”

  “Christmas! How about a few Christmas days, just you and me? We could head off after our dinner with Mum and Dad.”

  “I can’t. I promised Mum I’d come over for a few days. Dad’s not doing too well. But I was under the impression you would go to Switzerland for your skiing trip.”

  “I would obviously have arranged to leave a few days later, but it seems your mum and dad are more important.” Padraic removed his hands from hers and leaned back.

  Sam tried to hold eye contact. “Please, Padraic, don’t be upset. I will try to get a few days off, and we could have a long weekend down there.”

  “I suppose I should be content with that.” But Sam heard the sarcasm in his voice.

  “How’s Kieran doing with his election?” Sam asked. Kieran was Padraic’s brother and stepping into his father’s shoes by entering the world of politics. She knew she was walking on thin ice with this weak attempt to change the topic.

  “I haven’t talked to him in a while. But I think Dad’s influence as the former Lord Mayor has a positive impact on the whole campaign.”

  Making a name for himself in real estate had been easy with his father’s connections. Sam knew of, and envied him for, his success and good business even long after Angus’ retirement.

  Padraic seemed to disapprove of the subject of his brother’s political career, and his eyes hardened into a glare. “Anyway, how is your dad?”

  Sam’s lower lip trembled. “He’s okay, but still struggling to recover from his latest angina attack.”

  “Can’t you visit them before Christmas?”

  “Sorry, I can’t. They’ll be away with Auntie Aileen. I could come home earlier, and we could head off then.” Getting nervous, she tried her best to accommodate Padraic’s wishes; she knew only too well how uncomfortable the situation could get if he became irritated.

  “Honey, how on earth am I supposed to manage that? If I wait for you to come back, I'll never make it to the Swiss Alps and will miss out on the New Year’s Eve party.”

  “I didn’t know you were staying that long. Am I on my own again on New Year’s Eve?”

  “It’s just another day. And if I may remind you, I’m trying to arrange a few days for us to be together, but it seems your parents, as usual, are more important than us.”

  Sam tried to keep her composure. “That’s not true, and you know it.” She left it at that. None of her attempts at a compromise would get her anywhere. They ate their dinner without any more words and left soon afterwards.


�Won’t you join me for another glass of wine?” Padraic asked when they stepped into the house, and Sam was about to go upstairs to their bedroom.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m tired.”

  He took her hand, pulled her closer, and caressed her neck with his lips. “Come on, Sam. Let’s finish the evening in style.”

  Sam stepped away. “I’m sorry, but not tonight. I’m not in the right frame of mind.”

  “You’re never in the right frame of mind,” he replied with his voice raised.

  She stiffened as her husband’s grip tightened around her wrist. “You’re hurting me."

  He let go of her and stared at her emotionlessly as she cradled her wrist and then turned around to go upstairs.

  She heard him taking a beer out of the fridge and knew he was in a foul mood. She quickly had a shower, grabbed her nightie, and went to bed in the spare bedroom. Curling up under the duvet, she watched the door in anguish, hoping he wouldn’t come in, until she finally found sleep.

  Chapter Three

  Hollie paced through the rooms, but for the life of her, she couldn’t find her phone. She rushed through her little apartment, which was upstairs in the attic of the farmhouse just outside Launceston, a small town in Australia. Seventh ring and she stumbled over her shoes to reach it on the couch.

  “Hello?” she answered out of breath.

  “Hi, it’s Alex here. Lost the phone again, didn’t you?”

  “I sort of had a feeling it would be you who kicked me out of bed at this unearthly hour of the day,” Hollie said, holding back a yawn.

  “So tell me,” Alex begged her friend. “What happened? I want to know every tiny little detail.”

  Hollie laughed, though she didn’t feel like it at all. In fact, the previous night had been a bit of a disaster, to say the least.


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