Beaumont [Battle Bunnies 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Beaumont [Battle Bunnies 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 13

by Stormy Glenn

  “We have ten minutes before these things blow this room to pieces,” Basel stated. “Let’s at least be underground when it happens.”

  Beau went to the double doors and peered out into the hall. When he felt Bailey’s hand on his back, he headed out. They made it to the stairway without incident, but after that, their luck ran out. Halfway down the second set of stairs, Beau heard the thuds of boots hitting the metal of the stairs from below.

  “Railing,” Basil ordered.

  Beau leaped onto the railing attached to the wall and balanced on the slim tube of stainless steel. As the group of guards ascended the steps Beau held his breath. If one of those men decided to touch the railing, they were goners.

  “Breath slow and steady, Beau,” Basil ordered. “I can hear your heart pounding from here.”

  Beau didn’t think it would be possible to follow Basil’s orders, but soon a calmness steeled through his system. The group of ten guards began to pass by the brothers. Beau continued to breathe easily as he watched for any sign of trouble. At one point, a shirt sleeve passed a hair’s breadth away from his thigh.

  As the last guard passed, a wisp of sour sweat reached Beau’s nose and his stomach lurched. Beads of perspiration broke out along his brow and trickled down his back.

  Beau began to panic and, in desperation, put his hand over his mouth.

  “Don’t you dare,” Basil threatened.

  “Please don’t or I’ll start,” Bax begged.

  “Think of Dario’s love,” Bailey’s calm tone came through the link. “Feel his fingertips tracing along your spine. A hand caressing the inside of your thigh, from your knee until it brushes the edge of your sac.”

  By the time Beau stopped seeing Dario’s hand on his leg, the guards were gone and his stomach had calmed. Now he had another problem plumping up the front of his pants.

  “Thanks, Bailey,” he sent over the mind link. “Where’d you ever learn that?” Although, hearing his brother talk about sex was a little off-putting.

  Bailey’s chuckle came through the link. “Sometimes thinking about long, slow loving was the only way I could keep any food down when I was carrying my kits.”

  “We need to get going,” Basil interrupted. “We’re running out of time before the explosives blow.”

  They all jumped down from the railing and easily made their way down the rest of the stairs. While Basil and Bailey easily took out the two guards standing in front of the door leading to the first underground level, Beau and Bax kept descending down to the bottom floor.

  There were four guards standing at attention in front of a thick iron door with no window. After all the worrying about Clay, and the rapid changes in his body that were causing nonstop, all-day sickness, Beau was just happy to be kicking some bad-guy asses. Soon the four guards were lying off to the side with zip-ties around their wrists and ankles and a piece of duct tape over their mouths.

  Once Bax opened the electronic lock, it took both of them to push the heavy door open. Beau would never forget what he saw when he looked inside that room.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Shock held Beau immobile as his mind tried to comprehend what was in front of him. The room contained only three wrought iron beds. In each of those beds lay a naked woman. A grotesquely formed woman. And each of those women was in the late stages of pregnancy.

  Beau ran over to the first bed and pulled out his laser pen. As he cut through the chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles, he tried not to stare at her huge thighs. This tiny, skinny woman sported a pair of upper legs that were the size of pumpkins. The woman’s calves and where her feet should have been were thin, shriveled stumps with ragged bone sticking out of the end.

  And her swollen blue veined stomach stuck high in the air.

  “Please, help me,” she whispered in a sweet melody that belied the horror her body had become.

  “I will be right back.” Beau assured the lady. “I’m going to free the other lady. I will be right back. I will. I promise.”

  The woman nodded and Beau hurried over the last bed. The woman looked relatively normal, except that her stomach was the size of a wrecking ball. As soon as she was free, Beau helped her to sit up.

  “I will be right back.” Beau told the woman. “I need to help the other woman out of here.”

  Eyes that turned from blue to red to white, then back to blue, glared up at Beau. “I won’t give birth to a monster,” the woman stated. “This thing is part animal. Give me your knife.”

  The woman reached for Beau’s knife holder strapped to his arm. Beau grabbed her hand.

  “Look, we have a safe place for you to stay until you have your baby,” Beau tried to assure her. “You are safe.”

  Troubled at the woman’s attitude, Beau left her and went to the poor woman with no feet.

  “I’m going to lift you and get you out of here,” Beau assured the woman.

  The woman was heavier than she looked. Maybe because she was all belly and upper legs. Beau managed to stagger to the door with her in his arms. He had to slow down because Bax was half-lifting, half-dragging a woman with breasts so big they almost reached her knees. Only her pregnant belly kept them sort of horizontal.

  The moment Bax and the woman cleared the door, a thin metal collar around her neck turned fire red. The woman’s whole body jerked as her spine arched awkwardly back and a geyser of blood erupted out of her mouth, leaving a thick red line across the floor. Bax couldn’t keep his hold on the woman as her dead weight collapsed to the floor.

  Beau tried to take a quick step back, but he, too, had already cleared the door. As with the first woman, the collar around her neck turned red. The convulsions that struck her body ripped her out of Beau’s arms. She landed with a dull splat on the concrete floor. In seconds, blood began streaming out of her pores and turned her whole body a bright, gory red.

  In horror, Beau looked at Bax, who was staring back at him in terror. Together, they turned to look at the remaining lady. She was right there in front of them, holding her massive belly with both hands. Like the wrecking ball he had mentally compared her stomach to, she pushed them both aside as if they were a set of bowling pins.

  A scream echoed off the walls as she fell to the floor. Before Beau could go to her to do…something, blood sprang in mini fountains from her eyes, nose, mouth, and any other open orifice. Beau turned away, unable to watch.

  A hand grabbed Beau’s arm and wrenched him back until he hit the wall near the stairs.

  “Holy shit, Beau. What is that?” The dismay in Bax’s voice had Beau looking over at the dead women.

  Their stomachs were moving, and then they began to churn. The skin stretched until it became too thin and tore open. Blood mixed with clear liquid poured out. And then, a blue-black mass of tissue plopped onto the floor. Within seconds there were three jiggling, trembling masses.

  And then they stopped moving.

  “Are they dead?” Bax whispered.

  “I think so,” Beau whispered back.

  “You should go check it,” Bax said.

  “No,” Beau responded.

  “Get out of there now!” Basil screamed through their link.

  An explosion from above them rocked the building. Beau reached into his pocket and pulled out a couple of explosive canisters that Basil had given him. After pushing a button on the sides, he threw one into the room of horror and one in the middle of the women.

  Breaking into a sprint, Beau and Bax ran out of that lab and didn’t stop, not even when bullets rained down around them, until they were in the arms of their mates.

  Beau closed his eyes and let Dario’s hard length stretch his lips wide. After everything he had seen in the last twenty-four hours, he needed this. He needed the connection of his lover, his mate, the one person meant to soothe his soul.

  Beau swallowed around Dario’s cockhead and gloried in the feel of it penetrating his throat. They had been touching, tasting, and loving on each other for hours.
Dario’s quick intake of a breath told Beau he was close to finally giving him that sweet spunk he was craving.

  “Here it comes, my darling,” Dario breathed out.

  Warm, tasty cum pumped into Beau’s mouth. He savored every bit before swallowing like a good bunny. Shivers of pleasure raced over his hypersensitive skin as he joined Dario in orgasmic bliss.

  When Dario finished, he pulled his cock from Beau’s reluctant mouth with a loud pop. Lying behind him after pulling Beau up the bed, Dario lifted Beau’s leg and slid his cock deep inside his ass.

  Beau loved this moment, when they could lay connected and just be. He loved his mate with every fiber of his being.

  “I love you, too, my darling,” Dario murmured against Beau’s hair.

  Laughter spilled from Beau’s lips. He turned his head to look into his mate’s dark eyes. “How did you know what I was thinking?”

  “Your beautiful feelings filled our mating bond, my love.”

  Beau loved that. When he was feeling down, Dario knew and either came to him or sent him such warmth that he couldn’t help but feel better. When he was horny, Dario was right there. When he was angry, he heard Dario’s laughter from wherever he was in the house, almost as if Dario enjoyed it when Beau grew fierce.

  “Dario?” Now that they were sort of sated, and connected as closely as they could be, Beau was ready to talk.

  “Yes, love?”

  “Do you think the Old One will be able to figure out how to help Clay?”

  When they had gotten back from the mission, a semi truck had been parked out in front of the mansion. Vampire guards were unloading boxes and equipment. The Old One had taken over one of the downstairs rooms and converted it into a laboratory. He planned to work with Alberto to discover what the scientists were trying to do with the blood samples Bax had found, and what they had already done to Nicky.

  The surprise of the day was Barclay standing in the living room with his ever-present duck at his side. He was pale and a bit weak, but he was there, talking and asking questions with his usual brisk manner.

  “Yes, I do.” Dario’s answer was firm. “I believe Barclay will soon be ordering all of you brothers around and pissing off us mates. Now, squeeze down, and love me.”

  As Beau squeezed and Dario began to move, he let his concerns slide away. If Dario said Clay would be okay, then he would be. After all, Dario was a smart man who saw everything—including Beau.

  Sitting cross-legged on the middle of the bed, Clay cuddled the duck close. “I’m sorry, little one. I know I’ve asked much of you, but you can’t shift into your human form, not yet.” Clay ran his chin over the duck’s downy head. “We both know I wouldn’t be able to stop from mating with you. It’s all I long for, but the scientists said I would transfer the poison to you and our union would cause both of us to die within minutes.” Clay closed his eyes, trying to withstand the constant agony pushing through his insides. “I will die soon anyway, but I will not take you with me.”

  Clay smiled as the duck nibbled at the tips of his finger. The bird was the only thing keeping him sane over the last few weeks. He was the only one Clay could talk to, the only one that truly understood his anguish.

  “At least my idea to find companions for my brothers has finally paid off.” Clay lightly scratched under the duck’s eye and was rewarded with a dreamy look covering its sweet face. “I had hoped by exposing them to paranormals in the lab rescues that somehow they would find someone to help elevate the shock when I’m gone. How wonderful it is that they found real mates. At first, I was sure it was a trick of the scientists, but they have proven to be true mates of the soul.”

  The duck turned his head and took one of Clay’s fingers into his bill before tugging on it. “What is it, little one?”

  The moment Clay loosened his embrace, the duck launched into the air and landed by the door. When he began jabbing at the door with his bill, Clay knew what he wanted.

  “You’re feeling it, too, aren’t you?”

  The duck looked at Clay and waited.

  “What if it is a trick of the scientists?” Their tricks were Clay’s greatest fear. As a child, he had fallen for so many while imprisoned in the labs. “What if this urge is a trap to capture us so they can do something despicable to both of us?”

  The duck continued to stare at Clay.

  Clay rubbed his forehead, trying to cope with the constant ache. If it grew any worse he wouldn’t be able to think anymore. Looking back at the duck, he gave in.

  “All right, I will go check out whatever this is that is calling to us and see what’s going on, but you are staying here where it’s safe.”

  The duck responded by plopping down on the floor in front of the door.

  Clay raised one eyebrow. “I can easily move you out of the way, little one.”

  The duck tipped his head to the side and Clay swore it raised both of its nonexistent eyebrows. Without saying a word, the seven pounds of feathers could do something no one else could get away with.

  Change Clay’s mind.

  Sighing, Clay left the bed and suited up in his tactical gear. Once he was ready, he looked at the duck. “All right, let’s go, but be extra quiet,” he warned. “We don’t want anyone know we’re gone.”

  As he slipped out of the room, Clay wondered why he couldn’t resist this overpowering need. An unbreakable, heavy chain around his soul was drawing him in. He could do nothing about it

  What was waiting for him? He only sensed it was big and overwhelming. Somehow, he knew that much. Well, so be it. He had nothing to lose in this life—nothing but excruciating pain.

  With the duck waddling behind, Clay went to meet his fate.





  Stormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy boots is two or three men in cowboy boots. She also believes in love at first sight, soul mates, true love, and happy endings.

  You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her hand and a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy man for one of her stories. Stormy welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website at

  Bellann Summer lives in the middle of nowhere with her husband and children surrounded by lakes and woods. In the summer Bellann enjoys fishing, camping, gardening, and growing flowers. Autumn is spent out in the woods exploring the beautiful colors and nature at its finest. In the winter there is ice fishing, snowmobiling, and sitting in front of the wood fireplace.

  She has always loved to read and any free time is spent with a book in her hand. When major life changes occurred, she decided to try writing what she liked to read. And it worked. Visit her website at

  For all titles by Stormy Glenn, please visit

  For all titles by Bellann Summer, please visit

  Siren Publishing, Inc.




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