If I Can't Have You

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If I Can't Have You Page 6

by Dawn Jiles

  I was headed over to Sam’s house now to break the news to her. I had started to dump her ass through a text message, but I’d decided that would be taking the cowardly way out. When I got to her house, I said a little prayer before I knocked on her door. I should fuck her ass one last time and dump her ass right after, but I was not that cruel. She opened the door and greeted me with a kiss and a hug. I didn’t stop her, because I knew that this would be the last time she would ever get to kiss me. She put her arms around my neck and stared in my face.

  “So, what do you want to talk about?” she asked.

  I looked at Sam’s face. Man, she was so beautiful, but she was a ho, and I knew she was never going to change. I removed her arm from around my neck, and then I walked inside the house and asked her to sit down so that we could talk. We both took a seat in the living room.

  “There isn’t an easy way to say this, but you and I are over,” I said, a little nervous.

  “What do you mean, we are over?” she asked, her voice sounding a little shaky.

  “This relationship is over. There is no more you and me. I cannot do this anymore,” I said.

  She laughed at me and then tried unbuckling my pants. I pushed her away from me and stood up to leave.

  “Baby, please don’t go. Whatever I’ve done, I’m sorry. We can fix this,” she said, now crying.

  “Sam, I am done. When I caught you with my best friend, fucking in my house, I knew then that I could never give you my all again,” I told her.

  “But I haven’t messed with him since then. I haven’t been with him or anyone else. I have been faithful to you. I love you so much, Kevin. Please, don’t leave,” she begged.

  I looked at that bitch like she was crazy. “So what were you doing in the car with Brian yesterday?” I said.

  “He was giving me a ride home from school. My car was messed up,” she lied.

  “He was just giving you a ride, huh? So do you tongue kiss everybody that gives you rides?” I asked.

  She looked like she wanted to shit on herself. “Who in the fuck is lying on me? I didn’t kiss his ass,” she lied again.

  “So you’re trying to tell me that I don’t know what I saw? I caught your ass with that nigga, not someone else. You ain’t shit but a ho-ass liar, and I will never be with your skank ass. I’m out! Bitch, lose my fucking number,” I told her.

  She dropped to the floor and wrapped her arms around my legs; snot and tears were all over her face. I kept walking and dragged her ass all the way to the front door.

  “Let me go, Sam. You are not going to change my mind,” I said.

  She wouldn’t let go, so I had to force her off me. Once I got out of the house, she ran out behind me.

  “Baby, I’m sorry. I promise to do better,” she said.

  I ignored her pleas and kept walking.

  “Fuck you, nigga! I don’t need your sorry dick ass, anyway!” she shouted.

  “Whatever, bitch. That’s why I left your neighborhood-pussy-having ass. Go find that nigga Brian, and whoever else you’re fucking, because I’m through with your no-good ass,” I spat.

  I got in my car. I heard her say, “Fuck you, bitch,” when I drove off. It felt good to finally dump that bitch. Now she was the next nigga’s headache.

  I was so happy to be done with Sam. A few days after I broke things off with her, she began to call my phone all day, every day. I changed my number ASAP. I made things official with Zoe about a week later, and we had been going strong ever since. My life was in a better place, and I couldn’t be happier. Zoe and I practically stayed together. Zoe was a year older than me, and she had her own place. She was a freshman at Cardinal Stritch University, and she was very mature for her age. I was starting to fall for this girl, and I was starting to fall very hard.


  I had called David and Kevin up so that we could go and purchase our tuxedos for prom. When we met up at the tuxedo shop, I was happy to see my niggas, because I had a bombshell to drop. Kevin and I hadn’t been friends until I started dating Mo, but now that nigga and I were damn near inseparable.

  “So, guess what, y’all?” I said to them.

  “What?” they asked in unison.

  “I’m thinking about proposing to Monique on her birthday.”

  “Nigga, ain’t that in a few weeks? Are you sure you’re ready for that?” Kevin asked me.

  “Yeah, but I love her, and I know I want to marry her. Why wait to do it?” I asked.

  “I love Bria with all my heart, and I want to marry her too, eventually, but I’m not in a rush. When you get married, kids come into the picture. Are you really ready for all that, my nigga?” David said.

  “Yes, but just because we’re getting married doesn’t mean we have to have kids right away. And if we do, that’s cool too,” I said truthfully.

  “Damn. I ain’t ready for neither. I will be faithful to Bria, but I’m not about to marry her right now or get her ass pregnant,” said David.

  “I’m with you on that one, David, but look, man, if you love her, and you really want to marry her, I support you, my dude,” Kevin said to me.

  “Me too,” David said.

  “Now, I just have to get her dad’s approval. Either way, I’m still going to propose to her,” I said matter-of-factly.

  We got everything we needed for prom and then went our separate ways. I couldn’t wait until everything came together. I couldn’t wait to make her the happiest woman in the world.

  Chapter Seven


  Bria and I were at the mall, getting some last-minute things for prom. I hadn’t heard from Sam in a long time. She never answered calls from me anymore. Bria and Sam weren’t even friends anymore. It was crazy because we had been friends since elementary school. Bria didn’t trust Sam, and she’d said she didn’t want to be around people she couldn’t trust. Bria had said that I needed to leave Sam alone, but she hadn’t done anything to me, so I was not as willing to let go of our friendship.

  “Friend, there is something that I need to tell you,” Bria said.

  “What is it?” I asked as I browsed through some shoes.

  “I think something has happened or is going on between Sam and Corey,” she blurted out.

  “Why would you say that, Bria?” I asked, a little mad.

  “Well, the day that we went bowling, she and Corey both disappeared for about ten minutes. When he came from the bathroom, you could tell he was pissed, and Sam looked like she had been crying. I noticed her staring at you two like she wanted to kill both of y’all. Every time we bring up Corey or he’s around, she gets pissed, and on top of that, she never wanted you two to be together,” she said.

  That was true. He did come back looking pissed that date at the bowling alley, and Sam didn’t want me to be with him. “I don’t think he’s cheating on me,” I said.

  “Well, maybe he’s not cheating, but maybe they slept together,” she said.

  “But why would they hide something like that from me? Why would my best friend sleep with someone she knew I had had a crush on since the ninth grade?” I said.

  “I don’t know, friend,” she said.

  I thought long and hard about what Bria had just told me, and I really didn’t know what to believe, but I did know that this better not be true. I wouldn’t worry about this, because I knew that what was done in the dark would definitely come to the light.


  I decided to go to Sam’s house and question her about my suspicions. I could no longer hide how I was feeling. I knocked on the door, and she let me in. She looked like she had been stressing. She had lost some weight, and her eyes were dark.

  “Listen, I just wanted to ask you something. Do you think you can be honest with me?” I said.

  “Sure,” she said.

  “Are you, or have you been, sleeping with Corey?” I asked.

  “Seriously, Bria. Why would you ask me that?” Sam said in a shaky voice.

  I ran d
own everything I saw, and I could tell that she knew that she had been caught, but she still insisted on lying. “Bria, don’t come up in my shit, accusing me of some bullshit. If I did fuck him, why would that matter to you? He’s not your man,” she snapped.

  “Because Monique is my best fucking friend, and I don’t want to see her hurt. Bitch, you’re supposed to be her best friend as well. You know damn well she has always wanted to be with Corey,” I snapped.

  “Fuck you, bitch! I do what the fuck I want to do. I will fuck David if I want to, and your ass can’t do shit about it. I’m that bitch, so get the fuck out of my house before I whup your ass,” she said, pointing at the door.

  I acted as though I was about to walk out the door, but then I spun around and punched the shit out of her. She flew against the wall, and I walked up on her.

  “Bitch, if you ever talk to me like that again, I will do more than punch your ass. Bitch, my man will never touch your dirty ass. If I find out that anything happened between you and Corey, I’m coming for your ass. Now, stay the fuck away from me and Monique.”

  I started walking away, but that bitch tried to grab my hair. I might be little, but I got them hands. I turned around and double punched that bitch, and she fell on the floor. I walked out of her house, pissed as hell. I was fighting and, shit, and I was almost three months pregnant.

  On the way home, I broke down crying. I couldn’t believe that I had lost one of my best friends. We had been friends for all these years, and now it was all over. Sam was not the same person anymore. She had started to change for the worse when we were about twelve years old. I meant every word I told her. If I found out that anything had happened between them two, I was really going to beat her ass.


  My life had been in bad shape lately. Kevin had broken up with me, and that hurt me so freaking bad. On top of that, Bria had punched the shit out of me three times. I didn’t have Corey or Kevin, and this shit was driving me crazy. I honestly hadn’t thought that Kevin would ever leave me, and especially not for someone else. I had tried calling him to plead my case, but he had changed his number on me. Every time I stopped by his house, his mom said that he was not there.

  One night, I sat at his house all night, waiting on him to come home, but he never showed up. I later found out where his new girlfriend worked through a mutual friend of ours. I also found out that she had her own apartment, so that was probably where he was every night. I hadn’t found out where she lived, but I knew I would real soon. I started plotting and planning to get all those fuckers back. I would never let them get away with what they had done to me. I had hurt people before, and I didn’t have a problem hurting someone again. I know you’re probably thinking, What is this crazy bitch talking about? Well, let me catch you up.

  When I was twelve years old, I had the biggest crush on this boy named Brent. I would let him kiss me and rub on me, but he wouldn’t leave his little girlfriend. One night, I grabbed my bat and some Mace and then followed them to the park. I watched them from a distance to make sure that they were alone. Once I discovered that they were alone, I crept up on them. They were sitting on the swings. I tapped the girl on the shoulder, and she looked behind her to see what was going on. When she did, I sprayed her eyes with the Mace, and she started screaming.

  Brent looked back to see what was going on, and I sprayed him in the eyes and hit him in the head with my bat. He hit the ground, and then I hit him a few more times. The girl started to run, but I caught up with her. I swung the bat and hit her in her head from behind as hard as hell. Once she hit the ground, I kicked her in her face and stomach and then took off running. I found out a few days later that Brent had a concussion and the girl was in a coma. She eventually woke up, but the cops never found out that I was the one who did it. I didn’t have a problem doing that shit again.

  Eric still hadn’t given up on him and me being together. He had popped up over at my house the other day and had begged and pleaded with me. He was really starting to make me want to kill his ass. It was his fucking fault that Kevin and I were no longer together, so he was on my hit list as well. Yes, I had a fucking hit list, and I planned to get revenge on everybody who was on it. Eric, Kevin, Corey, Zoe, and Mo had better watch their fucking backs.

  Why did these niggas keep leaving me? My daddy didn’t want me, so he had left me with my mother. I had never wanted any man to be in my life more than my daddy, but he had let that other bitch take my place. Why couldn’t he just love me and be there for me, like a father should? I sat in the middle of my bed, with my legs pulled up to my chest, rocking back and forth. I was crying my eyes out, thinking about all the people who had wronged me, and I vowed to make them pay. They wouldn’t get away with this.


  Today was the day that we were going to our senior prom, and I was super excited. We had all decided to ride to prom together in a stretch Hummer limo, so everyone had gathered at my house.

  Corey and I had decided to wear peach and white as our colors. I wore a mermaid-style peach-colored dress that hugged every single curve that I had. I had my hair in wand curls, and I wore some Chanel diamond stud earrings and bracelets. Corey had on an all-white Armani tux, with a peach-colored shirt underneath, and a fresh pair of Air Force 1s.

  Bria was looking as pretty as ever with a red cut-up lace minidress by BCBG and matching six-inch red pumps. She had let her hair grow out to shoulder length and had it styled in a bob with some red streaks. She was three months now, and even though her stomach was still flat, she definitely had that pregnant woman’s glow. David was matching her fly with a black and red Tom Ford suit.

  Kevin and his new girl wore white and royal blue, and they were fly as hell too. I was still getting used to having Zoe around instead of Sam. Sam had made her bed, and now she had to lie in it. She still was my girl, though, and I didn’t feel as comfortable hanging with Zoe. Bria and Zoe, on the other hand, got along very well. You would think they had been friends all their lives.

  When we finally made it to the hotel that was hosting our prom, I was taken aback by how beautifully it was set up. The DJ was playing everything we wanted to hear. After about an hour of us being there, Sam walked in with Brian. She pranced over and greeted us. No one was excited to see her except for me.

  “Friend, I’m so happy to see you. Why haven’t you returned any of my calls?” I said.

  “I was going through something, but I’m better now. Kevin, aren’t you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?” Sam said sarcastically.

  “I’m going to go to the bathroom, Sam. I’ll be back,” Brian said, excusing himself. I could tell that he didn’t want anything to do with Sam’s drama. Kevin looked like he wanted to strangle Sam.

  “This is Sam,” was all he said.

  “Kevin, how rude of you. I’m Samariah, Kevin’s ex-girlfriend of four years, to be exact,” Sam said with a smirk.

  “I’m Zaria, but everyone calls me Zoe, and I’m Kevin’s future,” Zoe said, not worried about Sam even one bit.

  Zoe walked up on Kevin and put her arms around his waist. He bent down and gave her a kiss on the lips. Sam looked like she wanted to kill them both. Bria was smiling so hard; she looked like she was enjoying every bit of Sam’s misery. Sam looked over at Corey and me, and then she stormed off.

  “You need to leave her alone, friend. She is not to be trusted,” Bria said.

  “Right,” Kevin and Corey said in unison.

  “Well, she hasn’t given me a reason not to trust her, so until then, y’all need to just drop it,” I said with finality.

  We continued to dance and chop it up until they announced the prom king and queen.

  “Can I please have everyone’s attention? We are ready to announce the class of twenty-twelve’s prom king and queen. This year’s prom king is Corey Anderson, and our prom queen is Samariah Reed.”

  I wasn’t surprised that my sexy face had won prom king, but I was definitely surprised that Sam had won.
For starters, no one liked Sam. Well, at least no girls did, because she had either slept with their dude or their dude wanted her, but then again, she was popular. Corey looked so uncomfortable as he walked up on the stage and joined Sam. He looked as though he would rather be anyplace but standing on the stage next to her. Sam looked like she was in heaven. A photographer took pictures of them, but Corey flat out refused to dance with Sam. I had even told him that it was okay, but he had said that he would pass.

  Noticing how he interacted with her made me feel a little suspicious. What if everything that Bria had said was true? He definitely hated being around Sam, but why? Either they had messed around before I came into the picture, and now he didn’t want anything to do with her, or he didn’t like how Sam had done his homeboy. I didn’t know, but my gut was telling me something was not right. I hoped that I was wrong. I didn’t want to lose two of the people whom I loved the most because of their deceit.

  Chapter Eight


  Prom was now over, and we all decided to get rooms at the hotel. Mo’s demeanor had changed after they crowned Sam and me prom king and queen. It seemed like she was deep in thought. Once we got to our hotel room, I stripped down to my basketball shorts, got in the bed, and turned on the TV. I was watching some highlights from an old basketball game when Mo came and sat down next to me.


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