If I Can't Have You

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If I Can't Have You Page 32

by Dawn Jiles

  “It’s okay, Bria. I respect you even more for being honest with me and going about things the right way,” he said, and then he smiled at me.

  “Nathan, I love everything about you, and under different circumstances, I would definitely be your woman.”

  “I know you would, but if that nigga acts up, you know how to get in touch with me,” he said. Then he grabbed my face and gave me one last kiss.

  We walked outside hand in hand, and I gave him one last hug when we made it to his car. Just as we were releasing each other, David pulled up in front of my parents’ house, hopped out of his car, and walked over to us.

  “I thought I told you to stay away from my girl,” David said, sizing Nathan up.

  “Bria, remember what I told you,” Nathan said as he ignored David and got into his car.

  When Nathan pulled off, I looked at David, shook my head, and turned to walk in the house, and he was right on my heels. I had had plans to call his crazy ass when I got back in the house, but he had already beat me to the punch by just showing up.

  “Bria, I need to talk to you,” he said once we were inside.

  “You’re right, David. We do need to talk,” I said calmly.

  “I took the blood test,” he blurted out.

  I tried my hardest to hide the smile that had spread across my face, but I couldn’t.

  “Your ass can’t even try to fake like you aren’t happy,” he said.

  “When did you take the test?” I asked.

  “Well, you know I had to sneak and do it, because she doesn’t let me see him without her being around, so I took Caiden and Junior to the bounce house, and when Caiden said he had to use the bathroom, I used that as an opportunity to swab him,” David said.

  “So, how long before you get the results back?” I said, trying to hide how excited I was.

  “I got them back today, but I haven’t opened them yet. I wanted to do this with you.”

  “Okay, but before you open them, there is something I want to tell you,” I said.

  “What’s that? Please don’t tell me that you’re pregnant by that nigga or you’re really trying to be with him. I don’t want to have to murder his ass,” he said.

  I had started to play on his emotions, but I decided against it. “No, I am not pregnant, boy, and I have never had sex with him or anybody else—unlike you,” I said with an attitude.

  “Sorry, baby. Just say what you got to say,” he urged.

  “Well, I ended things with Nathan today because I couldn’t stop thinking about you. I love you, and I want us to be together, but you have to put your mother and Meka in check. Otherwise, we can’t be together.”

  “Baby, I am so glad you said that, and as you can see, I love your ass, because I got the test done. I just want us to be happy,” he said.

  “Me too.” I kissed his lips.

  “I have one more thing I want to ask you,” he said.

  “What’s that?” I responded.

  All of sudden, he dropped down on one knee and pulled out a little black box. My heart began to beat out of my chest, and my legs felt like they were about to give out.

  “Bria, I love you with every inch of my being. I would never love anyone the way that I love you, so can you please make me the happiest man on Earth and be my wife?” he said, with tears of joy coming out of his eyes. I had started crying when his knee hit the floor. He opened the box and pulled out a fourteen-karat gold, heart-shaped diamond ring.

  “Yes, I will marry you, David,” I said as more tears streamed down my face. He placed the ring on my finger, and it was a perfect fit. He picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around his waist as I planted kiss after kiss on his face.

  “Okay, baby, I know you’re excited, but there are some things that we have to take care of tonight, because after today, all the games end,” he said.

  “Okay,” I said, wiping away both of our tears.

  “First things first. Open this envelope,” he said.

  I snatched the envelope out of his hands and opened it. I stood next to him so that we could see the results at the same time. I couldn’t believe my eyes; I almost broke down in tears again.

  “Let’s go to this bitch’s house and nip shit in the bud right now,” he said as he snatched my arm and led me out of the house....


  “Yes, baby, right there,” I said to Mitch as he was beating Miss Kitty from the back. Mitch and I had never stopped sleeping together, and personally, I wouldn’t mind being in a relationship with him, but I felt like I loved David just a little bit more. He pulled his pole out and began eating my kitty from the back. I loved when he did shit like that; he had me ready to climb up the walls.

  Mitch had been trying for months now to be with me, but I had kept stringing him along because I felt like there was still hope for David and me. Mitch had money but not on the level that David did. As far as sex went, Mitch had David beat, but that was only because David refused to eat Miss Kitty, no matter how many times I suck his pole. Now, don’t get me wrong. David had a big dick, and he knew how to use it, and if he ate pussy as well, he would be the perfect man when it came to that area. He said he had never gone down on any woman.

  Mitch had just flipped me over on my back and entered me again when my doorbell rang. I ignored it, until they started beating on my door.

  “What the hell?” I said as I slid out from under Mitch.

  “Baby, what are you doing? I was just about to cum,” he said in a whiny voice.

  “Me too, baby, but I have to get the door. Someone is beating on it like they are the police,” I said, pissed as hell that I couldn’t finish my orgasm. “You stay right there. I’ll be back to take care of him, so keep him nice and hard for me,” I told Mitch as I got up and put my robe and house shoes on.

  I went to my front door and snatched it open without even looking to see who it was, and I didn’t even bother asking. I was shocked to see David and Bria standing there together, holding hands. I had just known when we had the last fight that they would be over, but I guessed I was wrong once again.

  “What the hell are you two doing at my door this time of the night?” I snapped as I tightened my robe.

  “We have something we need to talk to you about,” David said.

  “Me and her don’t have shit to talk about. Now, if you want to talk, that is fine,” I said and rolled my eyes at that stupid bitch. I really hated her with everything in me. She thought she was the shit.

  “Look, Bria is about to be my wife, and whatever concerns me concerns her. Show her that ring, baby,” he said, knocking all the breath out of my body.

  “Wife?” I said, fighting back tears.

  “Yes, wife,” Bria said, flashing a big-ass heart-shaped ring in my face.

  “What’s up, man?” Mitch said, startling me. I hadn’t even heard him walk up. I felt like shit, knowing that two men I had slept with were friends. Bria looked at me with a smirk on her face and shook her head.

  “Look, what are you here to talk to me about? I don’t have all day to deal with this shit. If you came here to tell me y’all are about to get married, you could have kept that shit to yourself, because, trust me, I don’t give a fuck,” I lied. Truth was, I was hurt as hell to know that he had chosen her and not me.

  David handed me a piece of paper.

  “What the hell is this?” I asked before opening it up.

  “Oh, that’s just paperwork stating that Caiden is not my son,” he said, with this dumb-ass look on his face.

  “What do you mean, he isn’t your son?” I said as my heart began to beat out of my chest. My hands were trembling so badly that I could barely unfold the paper he’d given me.

  “Just like I said, Caiden is not mine, so you stay the fuck away from me and my family,” David said and then turned to leave.

  “You let this bitch talk you into testing my son. You are all Caiden knows,” I screamed after them.

  “Well, you better introduce hi
m to his real father, because I am not him, and if your ass texts me or comes around me or my family again, your ass will be going to jail,” David said.

  “David, don’t do this to our son,” I begged as I tried to run after him, but Mitch grabbed me and held me tight.

  “He’s not my son, but I know whose son he might be,” David said, nodding at Mitch. He and Bria then got in his car, and he pulled off.

  I collapsed in Mitch’s arms and cried my eyes out right there on my porch.

  “Meka, is there a possibility that Caiden is mine?” Mitch asked me.

  Instead of lying, I decided to tell the truth, because at that moment, I was sick of all the drama and the lies, and I knew I needed to get my shit together. “Yes, Mitch, there is a strong possibility that he is yours. I just thought that David would be a better fit, and I was in love with him, so I never told you,” I said, now scared to look into his eyes.

  He lifted my head up and looked me in the eye. “We will get a test done to make sure. Either way, I am here for you and little man,” he said, shocking me. I had never taken Mitch as a stand-up guy. He lifted me up off the porch, and we went inside the house.

  Maybe this was all for the best....


  My dad had invited all of us over for a small get-together. At first, I wasn’t going to go, but he said it was okay if my friends came with me. I hated being around Kendra, especially knowing how she and my father had hurt my mother. Also, they had been acting like shit never happened and like I was supposed to be okay with their relationship. I definitely could not stand being around Sam’s silly ass for too long, either.

  “Baby, please loosen up and try to at least act like you want to be here,” Corey whispered in my ear as we stood in my dad’s backyard, where everyone had gathered.

  “But, baby, I really don’t want to be here,” I pouted.

  “Well, act like it, anyway,” my husband said as if his was the final word on the matter. “Besides, you are doing this for your father, not Kendra,” he said.

  I plastered a fake smile on my face and continued to mingle. Sam kept stealing glances at me. Her condition had me feeling slightly scared, because I didn’t know what her crazy ass was thinking.

  “Hey, everybody. I want y’all to gather around and come closer to the dance floor,” my dad said.

  He had gone all out for this little event he was having. He had the backyard decorated really nicely. He had also hired a DJ and had had a dance floor erected. He had had Foodtique’s Urban Cuisine cater the party, and he also had had a bar set up.

  “Kendra, come stand next to me,” my dad said. Just the mention of her name had me pissed the hell off. “Also, can I have my son and daughters come up here?”

  Sam and my little brother walked up front, but I just stood there.

  “Baby, get your ass up there,” Corey said through clenched teeth, then pushed me forward slightly. I dragged my ass up front and put a fake smile on my face.

  Kendra, Sam, and my little brother stood on the opposite side of my father, with big-ass smiles on their faces, and I was on the other side, feeling like an outsider.

  “Well, I called you all here because I wanted you to be here to share this special moment with me,” my dad said and then dug in his pocket, looking for something. I was staring at my husband when I thought I heard my father say, “Kendra, will you marry me?”

  My head snapped in their direction, and when I saw my father on one knee, about to put a ring on Kendra’s finger, I nearly lost my damn mind. I rushed over to my dad and snatched the ring out of his hand before he could get it on her finger well enough.

  “What the hell are you doing?” Kendra screamed.

  “Bitch, you will not ruin this for my mother,” Sam said and then ran toward me. Before she could get a lick in, I punched her ass right in the mouth. I tried to knock her teeth out of her mouth, but I didn’t hit her ass hard enough. Corey and Tremaine grabbed us and held us apart.

  “Monique, what the hell is your problem?” my dad shouted.

  Bria and Kevin were taking everyone at the party inside the house, so we could be alone, I guessed. Sam was trying to get to me, and Kendra was screaming at my daddy.

  “How in the hell are you going to marry somebody who destroyed your marriage and broke up your family?” I said.

  “No, you and you whore of a mother stole our family. He was with my mother first,” Sam said.

  “Tim, I want her out of our backyard and away from our house right now!” Kendra cried.

  “Bitch, what about all the parties you and your stupid-ass daughter ruined for me and my mother?” I said.

  “Kendra, I would never put my daughter out of my house. Mo, you were totally out of line with what you did, and you and your sister are out here fighting like y’all don’t even know each other. If I ever see you two fighting again, we are going to have some major problems,” my dad said.

  “Dad, how are you going to marry her when you and mom haven’t been separated for a year? That’s wrong,” I said.

  “Your damn mother is already married!” Kendra screamed.

  “Bitch, you don’t know what the hell you are talking about,” I snapped.

  “Oh, but I do, and your mom is married to Cameron.” I knew she had to be telling the truth, because that was my mom’s man’s name.

  “I don’t give a damn if she is. He still has no business marrying your ho ass,” I said as I tried to get out of Corey’s arms and choke Kendra. Sam tried to come for me again, but Tremaine held on to her tightly.

  “Corey, get her out of here so that she can calm down,” my dad said.

  “You better get a blood test for your so-called son, because if Kendra is anything like her daughter, then she has probably slept with half of Milwaukee. Like mother like daughter,” I shouted.

  Corey led me to the driveway. I got in the car, pissed as hell.

  “Baby, how could you do that to your father on his big day?” Corey said once he was behind the wheel.

  “Fuck all of them. Look at how many times they ruined our engagement party and our wedding. Don’t take up for them,” I said.

  “Sweetie, two wrongs don’t make shit right. You need to at least apologize to your dad,” he said, and he was right. I’d apologize later. Right now, I was ready to go home and forget about the bullshit that had happened tonight.

  Chapter Forty-one


  A few weeks had passed since everything went down at the engagement party for my dad and Kendra. I had called the next day to apologize, and all had been forgiven. I had also called my mother and given her a piece of my mind for not telling me that she got married. I wanted to be mad at her, but I couldn’t be. Even though my dad had said that all was forgiven, I really wanted to make up for ruining his party, so I had put together a birthday party slash engagement party for the two of them. Even though I couldn’t stand Kendra, if that was who he desired to be with, then I just had to accept her

  I had hired a DJ, and Bria and I had cooked all the food for the party. We had rented out a beautiful hall that was decorated very nicely. I had been running around like crazy, trying to make sure that this party would be a success. I had got two banners, which said HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TIM and CONGRATULATIONS, TIM AND KENDRA. I had had pictures of him and her set up throughout the venue, as well as pictures of my dad with his friends and his children. The setup was really nice, and I was satisfied with the outcome.

  Kendra walked in with one of her friends, and I decided to be the bigger person and apologize for everything that had ever happened between us. I decided I would give her a second chance and start again with a clean slate.

  “Kendra, can I speak to you for a moment?” I said just as Sam walked in with Tremaine.

  Kendra looked hesitant for a moment, but she eventually came with me.

  “Listen, I want to apologize for ruining your engagement party. I also want to apologize for disrespecting you,” I said sincerely. I wasn
’t expecting anything from her, so I was about to walk away when she began to speak.

  “I am sorry too for everything I did to hurt you and your mom. I just really love your father, and although I went about things the wrong way, I am glad that we are finally in a good space,” she said sincerely.

  I gave her a hug, and I felt someone’s eyes burning a hole through us. When we released each other, I saw Sam staring at us like we had boils on our face or something. I ignored her and went to mingle with my friends.

  The party had been in full swing for about two hours, and my dad still hadn’t shown up. I called him several times, but he didn’t answer. I walked over to Kendra and told her to call him. Just when she got her phone out of her purse, my dad walked in with a big bottle of Hennessy in his hand. He looked like he was drunk already, so I knew this was about to be a long night, but nothing could have prepared me for how this night really ended....


  It was my forty-second birthday, and you would think that today would be a good day, but it was far from good. I had been drinking all day, and I had nothing to celebrate. I walked into my birthday party and second engagement party drunk and mad as hell.

  “What the hell are y’all in here celebrating for? There ain’t shit to celebrate,” I slurred.

  “Daddy, where have you been, and what do you have on?” Monique said and snatched the bottle out of my hand. I snatched that shit back because I needed it.

  “Look, I am the father, and you are the child. Don’t question me,” I said, pointing my finger in her face.

  “Daddy, let me talk to you outside please,” she said just above a whisper.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kendra and Sam walking my way.

  “Daddy, come on,” Mo said, grabbing my arm, but I snatched it away, because I had some shit I needed to get off my chest.

  “Honey, why are you here, dressed in your pajamas?” Kendra asked.

  “Daddy, we have been calling you all night. What’s going on with you?” Sam asked.

  “Ask your trifling-ass mother what’s wrong with me,” I slurred.


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