The Farmer & The Belle (Baymoor Book 1)

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The Farmer & The Belle (Baymoor Book 1) Page 20

by D. A. Young

  He dialed and waited for his friend Casey Sullivan to pick up.

  “What’s good, Mad Max?” Casey greeted cheerfully.

  Max chuckled, “Everything, brother. Listen, I’d like to use your friend’s services after all. I don’t care about the price.”

  There was a silence on the other end of the phone before Casey laughed softly. “So what’s the name of the woman that’s got you sprung?”

  “What makes you think this has to do with a woman?” Max countered as he reached into the fridge for a bottle of beer before walking over to the microwave to retrieve the hot plate Betty had left of her famous mac ‘n’ cheese, baked chicken, and green beans and walked over to sit down at the table. He popped the beer cap and waited for his friend’s response. Max’s mouth watered as he looked at the work of art sitting on his plate. Betty’s macaroni was the only one he would eat. He didn’t really know what she put in it aside from her foot and some elbow grease; he just knew it was a work of art and was probably the real reason she wound up with four kids.

  “Because I haven’t heard that level of desperation in a man’s voice since Jack needed to help his wife out of a jam,” Casey retorted smugly and Max laughed.

  “If that’s the category you placed me in, I’m in good company,” Max said seriously. Casey’s oldest brother Jack had come to be a good friend of Max’s as well. They met when Jack, a P.R. whiz, came to Baymoor to help one of his clients out of a scandalous situation. Jack recommended his wife Noelle’s event planning company to Max when he mentioned Cinnamon Farms was revising their preserves and condiment line. Aside from Nate and Valerie Banks, Max had never seen a couple more in love than Jack and Noelle Sullivan.

  Casey whistled, “So it’s like that, Max? Does Raquel know?”

  “Raquel and I were never serious. She knows the deal, and I’ve never given her the impression that it could ever be more,” Max stated firmly of his companion in D.C. “But because this is that serious, I am going to reach out to her when I come to the Take A Stand charity dinner next week and talk to her.”

  “Well damn, brother! Welcome to Club Sprung!” Casey said jokingly and Max laughed. “Shit man, did you ever think this would be us? I know I sure as hell didn’t ever think along the lines of something long-term with a woman.”

  “Ever since I changed careers, I thought I might eventually, but my uncle was a confirmed bachelor and while I respected and loved him dearly, I knew I didn’t want to spend the rest of days alone,” Max confessed, looking down at his plate. “But I just didn’t want to settle with comfort. Who the hell wants Kraft mac ‘n’ cheese when you can have homemade macaroni and cheese? You really want basic, plastic orange shit that you can make in five minutes? Or do you want to put in the work shredding several different types of cheeses and making sure they blend together in melodious harmony with the secret spices and breadcrumbs because you committed the time and effort to create that relationship and then watched over it carefully-”

  “Dude, are we still talkin’ about relationships? Because I’m hungry as fuck, listenin’ to you rhapsodizin’ about mac ’n’ cheese,” Casey inquired with a groan. “You must really like this woman if you’re comparin’ her to one of womankind’s most glorious creations.”

  “All bullshit aside, I do Case. She’s beautiful, smart, and complicated as fuck, but I wouldn’t have her any other way,” Max said seriously.

  “Amen. That’s how I feel about Sidra,” Casey said softly.

  “You mean you wouldn’t want her to be just a little more…stable?” Max asked delicately.

  “Nope! Don’t knock sleeping with one eye open until you’ve tried it,” Casey said cheerfully, and Max snorted. “You’re just jealous because your eyes aren’t strong enough to do it.”

  “Trust me, I’m not,” Max assured him. “But that does explain why I thought you looked a little cock-eyed the last time I saw you,” Max replied, causing Casey to howl with laughter. “Bye, fool. I’ll email you all the information and see you next week. Tell the family I said hello.”

  Casey was too busy laughing to reply.


  It was ten-thirty later that night when Max heard the knock at the door. He was lying on the sofa watching ESPN and thinking about Georgina. Max was really surprised when he looked out the peephole and saw her standing there. Quickly he opened the door.

  “Hey, Georgie, what are you doing out here so late? Everything okay?” he asked with concern as his eyes quickly checked her over— brown trench coat, scarf, skinny jeans tucked into boots, and a large-sized duffel bag at her feet. He looked at the bag before raising an eyebrow in question.

  “Everything’s fine. I was just driving by your house and decided to stop and say hi. I…ummm…also wanted to see if you felt slightly off balance or out of the loop today?” she asked nervously, and Max smiled down at her slowly, glad to know it wasn’t just him feeling a certain way.

  “Are you by chance making a booty-call, Ms. Carlton?” he teased, watching her nervous expression change to one of seriousness.

  “As long as it’s not a mind-fuck, I’m good with whatever you want to call it,” she said to Max solemnly, and he felt his spirits lifting because this was a big confession for someone like her. He bent down and picked up the duffle bag, before stepping back to let her in.

  “Did you eat dinner?” Max asked as he set the bag by the stairs. He watched as Georgina shucked off her jacket, boots, and socks before walking over to him in a rumpled white t-shirt and jeans. With her bare feet and fresh face, she was adorable. She tilted her face up for a kiss, and he eagerly obliged as he wrapped her in his arms and picked her up. The kiss was long, tender, and perfect when they broke apart; they just smiled at each other.

  “Hey,” he said gruffly, still boggled by the way she’d flipped his world upside down in such a short time.

  “Hey, yourself,” she said softly.


  The next morning Georgina woke to her six thirty phone alarm going off. She stretched and opened her eyes with a smile and remembered she was in Max’s bedroom and that he’d kissed her shoulder softly, before leaving for work. Last night after Max secured the house and set the alarm, they came upstairs, took a shower, and cuddled spoon-style in bed. Despite the way his large hands caressed her body with the loofah sponge and his rigid erection pressing against her backside in bed, Max hadn’t made any moves to jump her bones, which she appreciated because she wanted to do more than just have sex with him. She had fallen into the most peaceful sleep that she’d had in a long time. Georgina rolled over to Max’s side of the bed to snuggle deep into the imprint he’d left behind and inhaled his scent. With a soft laugh, she thought of how incredible he made her feel. Max made her feel safe enough to let down her guard, something she’d never done with anyone, and surprisingly, she was okay with that. Georgina wondered if he could see them being together past four weeks. Would he want to do a long-distance relationship now that he knew her situation? With a sigh, she told herself, “Don’t go jumping the gun, Georgie.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  After another luxurious shower, she was pressed for time. Leaving her hair curly, she slipped into dark skinny jeans, a long white tank top, and her black blazer. After running around yesterday in her heels, Georgina opted for black ballet flats to give her aching feet a rest. She put on just a little more makeup and ran downstairs. There was a note propped up on the table.

  G, Breakfast is in the microwave. Coffee is prepared, just reheat. I left you a house key under your mug. From now on, use it. I’ll be at the café at six tonight. I order you to have a nice day. M

  He was just so bossy and good to her. Opening the microwave, she found bacon, eggs, and croissants. She ate and washed her dishes, before locking the house up behind her.

  Outside, the weather was bright and sunny with a small breeze. As Georgina hurried to her car, she glanced over to the barn, hoping for a glimpse of Max, but she only saw Tavish who gave her a wave.
Smiling, she waved back, before getting in and driving away, feeling just a tad bit sad not to have seen Max before starting her day. The drive into town was beautiful with the winding road framed on either side by full, lush trees. Her phone rang and she switched on her Bluetooth when she saw Eliza’s number.

  “Hey, boo, heeey!” Georgina said cheerfully.

  “Georgie?” Eliza asked suspiciously. “Who are you, and what have you done with my sister?”

  “It’s me, Eliza,” Georgina assured her. “Are you okay? Why don’t you recognize my voice? Too much sun?”

  “Nooo, it’s just that one of us, and I don’t mean me, isn’t a morning person, which leads me to believe that my sister may have been body-snatched,” Eliza drawled. “Why do you sound so happy?”

  “I’m not really sure how to take that comment,” Georgina said indignantly; she wanted to frown, but her face wouldn’t settle into it with the ease that it normally did, so she just kept smiling. “So how’s your trip going? Is Camille having fun?”

  “Camille is having tons of fun. I’m the one that’s exhausted,” Eliza said. “We’ve been sailing, fishing, scuba diving, and jet skiing. You name it, and we’ve done it in the water. My old ass can’t take it.”

  “Old my ass! You’re only forty years old! Eliza, you are such a good mom. Camille is very lucky to have you, and I know I don’t say it enough, but thank you for trying so hard on me,” Georgina said humbly.

  “Oh, baby, you don’t have to thank me,” Eliza said, “I love you so much, my little itty-bitty-witty Georgie Porgie-”

  “Ugh! I’m about to throw up in my mouth; cut it out!” Georgina shouted with a laugh “No but seriously, I owe everything to you and Graham for trying to make the best out of our situation. I have to ask…do you ever wonder about…her?”

  “No, I don’t,” Eliza said readily. “If I never saw her again, I wouldn’t shed a tear over her trifling ass. She is dead to me, and that’s what I told Camille the one time she ever brought it up. Don’t waste a moment of your life thinking about her, Georgie. Uncle Nate coming to get you is the best thing that ever happened to you. Thank goodness she’s out of our lives,” Eliza said coolly.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Georgina mumbled. Guess she would be staying on the west coast after all.


  Good mood now dimmed, she pulled up to The Comfort Table and noticed the Spring Chickens were huddled by the front door.

  “Kill me now,” she groaned. Plastering a bright smile on her face, she approached them cautiously.

  “Good morning, ladies. Out on another walk?” she asked politely as she rummaged in her purse for the restaurant keys and…oh good, Effie was present too. “Well please don’t let me keep you.”

  “Good morning, dear. We were actually waiting for you,” Mrs. Laurent said with a friendly smile, and Georgina was immediately suspicious.

  “You were…waiting…for…me.” She pointed to herself. “What can I do for you?” she asked cautiously. Mrs. Laurent was already shaking her head.

  “No, dear girl, it’s what we can do for you. The girls and I were talking and well, we just feel absolutely horrible for the way we treated you. Plus, Valerie also called to give me a piece of her mind. We’d like to make it up to you by making you an honorary member of the Spring Chickens. Isn’t that right girls?” The ladies nodded their heads enthusiastically.

  Georgina stared at them incredulously. “You want me to join the Spring Chickens?” The youngest member was fifty-eight, and it was Aunt Val. “That’s very nice of you, but unfortunately, I’m not going to be in town that long-”

  “Oh, I know dear; that’s why we’re making you an honorary Spring Chicken. You can come and go as you please, no initiation period. We even rushed your jacket. Ida, the jacket,” Mrs. Laurent demanded with an impatient snap of her fingers. Georgina watched in horror as a Pepto-Bismol pink velour jacket, with her name in rhinestones on the back, appeared and was presented to her. The ladies, all wearing proud smiles, began to clap. “And just to show you there’re no hard feelings, we are going to help you get a man since it appears you can’t get one on your own.”

  “I don’t know what to say….” Georgina said smiling weakly.


  Max was bent over with laughter as she told him the story. When she first mentioned the Spring Chickens Max, was concerned due to their last run-in. Then he started to smile, and it was quickly followed by uncontrollable laughter as he doubled over Uncle Nate’s desk. The café had closed for the day, and he had come to pick her up.

  “Stop it, it’s not funny!” she said through gritted teeth, her arms crossed over her chest. She glared at him as he continued to chuckle, struggling to get his laughter under control. “If you don’t stop laughing, I won’t have sex with you.”

  Immediately he stopped laughing. Pulling her close to wrap his arms around her while still leaning against the desk, he looked down at her. He lowered his head to press his lips against her pouting mouth. “I have had plenty of sex. I’ve fucked some girls that just wanted it that way, but what you and I do is neither. It’s on a whole other level, got it, baby?” he murmured as he continued to feed her soft kisses. She unfolded her arms to cling to the lapels of his denim jacket, her knees going weak at his touch. Closing her eyes, she captured his sexy lips in a steamy kiss that had him gripping her hips. With a groan, he pulled her back and then stood up to get her coat and help her into it. He buttoned her up and bent to kiss her nose. Then he grabbed her hand. “C’mon, I promised you a football game.”

  She smiled and let him lead the way out of the office. Outside, they ran into Farah.

  The younger woman only had eyes for Max, whom she smiled seductively at and ignored Georgina completely. “Hi, Max, how are you?”

  Georgina felt her irritation growing with Farah. Yesterday she seemed to have a hard time doing anything Georgina asked, and her responses had been borderline insolent. Today she had caught her side-eyeing her on more than one occasion. She had asked Raymond about her, and he just shrugged and said that ever since Farah came back from college two years ago, she had set her sights on Max.

  “Cherie, she has her pick of any of the boys in town, but she doesn’t want any of them. Say she want a real man. Her grandmamma done told her about her foolishness, but she thick-headed.”

  Georgina knew Max well enough to know he wasn’t interested in Farah, and she couldn‘t help but feel sorry for the other woman. “Hi Farah, I thought you were already gone for the day. Did you need a ride?”

  “I’m waiting for my grandmother to pick me up,” the younger woman replied testily as a navy Buick pulled up to the curb. The passenger window rolled down, and Mrs. Laurent’s beaming face was suddenly visible. “Helloooo you two! Georgina, I don’t know if Valerie told you, but the Spring Chickens weekly meeting is held here on Monday mornings at ten. Bye, dear!”

  Farah got into the car and crossed her arms with her mouth poked out. The window was sliding back up, but not before Georgina saw Farah roll her eyes at her.


  The stadium was jam-packed. Georgina had forgotten what football was to small towns. The other team was from Rockland, three miles away. The Baymoor Cougars were undefeated and had beat the Rockland Falcons twice last season. Town Rockland had driven in five busses deep to come support their team. Law enforcement was heavy everywhere.

  Max found them a spot next to Baymoor’s sheriff Wade Holloway, a big muscled man that stood as tall as Max. His shoulder-length, dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes, killer smile, and goatee made him a dead ringer for the hot son on that show Sons of Anarchy. Georgina found out he was an ex-New York City cop who had had enough of terrible crimes and came back home to Baymoor when the old sheriff decided to retire. Georgina could tell from his eyes that he had seen a lot. Every once in a while, Georgina could feel his eyes on her when he thought she wasn’t looking, but whenever she glanced at him, he quickly averted his gaze.

  The game w
as intense, and the noise, deafening. At halftime, the score was tied 21-21, neither side willing to give. Georgina was standing in the concession stand line, talking with Kenya Griggs who was now the head high school coach for girls’ sports when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning, she saw Davis standing behind her with a friendly smile. Kenya stared at Davis hard before rudely excusing herself. Puzzled, Georgina stared after her, but Davis ignored the situation entirely.

  “I didn’t know you were a football fan,” he said with a raised eyebrow. She found herself thinking of the many times she and Chelsea had gone to a game just so she could swoon over him in his tight uniform, unbeknownst to Chelsea. At the time, she used to think that Annabelle was so lucky to have him for a boyfriend.

  “I’m not, really. I just thought it would be a great idea to support BHS,” Georgina replied. It was her turn to order, so she ordered nachos, a hotdog with everything, and two large sodas. She turned back around to face Davis, who was still smiling at her. He did that a lot, and she found it to be a bit unnerving.


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