Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series)

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Keeping Hope (Broken Girl Series) Page 5

by Rachael Tonks

  “I’m sorry,” she sniffles.

  “Don’t apologize, Hope. I’m just trying to make sure neither of us gets into any more trouble, okay?”

  “Okay,” she murmurs in agreement.

  “Do you know what happened to your mommy?”

  “She went and never came back. That’s when one of my mommy’s friends brought me here. He said they would look after me and I would like it here, but I don’t like it here. I mean I like you, Kennedy, but everyone else is mean to me.”

  “That’s why we need to stick together. We need to get out of here, but we have to be very careful about it. Do you know where Christopher keeps the keys to my door, Hope?”

  “I’m not sure. I sometimes see them on the nightstand when he sleeps at night.”

  I contemplate the information, wondering how I can use this as a way of escaping. Involving Hope would be risky if the plan didn’t work.


  We sit, mesmerized in horror as Chuck relives the story of his search for Sara. We are completely silent as he tells us how he gave up and turned to the biker life, trying to escape the pain of never finding his daughter. It’s odd how the tragedy of these circumstances can bring people together. Never did I expect to be sitting here, discussing my situation with the scariest looking dude I have ever seen, but that’s exactly where I find myself.

  “If you guys want any help trying to find your girlfriend just say the word. Me and my boys will be more than happy to go on the search with you.”

  My eyes widen spontaneously at his suggestion.

  “I’m serious, Cole. If you don’t try you may never find her. Please don’t live every day with the regret of never trying,” he speaks out solemnly.

  “You couldn’t have done anymore to try and find your daughter,” I reassure.

  “I was too late, boy. I left it too late. It’s my biggest regret! I lost everything; my family, my friends, my job. Don’t let her go without a fight! That’s all I’m saying.”

  I look to my right, catching Pete’s eye. “What you reckon, man?” I ask him seriously.

  “I’m up for it if you are. Only one problem though, your truck is fucked, isn’t it?” he quizzes.

  I hear the deep rumble of laughter from behind me. “No fucking way are we going in any god damn truck, you lunatics. The only way to travel is on a bike,” shouts Chuck.

  I look at Pete, confused.

  “You ride with us. No arguments,” he gruffs. I wasn’t really in a position to argue with him.

  “Count me out,” calls Ash. “I’ve had enough nightmare road trips to last me a lifetime!”

  “I don’t really think it’s your sort of thing anyway.” Chuck laughs, raising his eyebrows at Ash.

  Ash jumps down from his stool, mincing his way in a huff toward the bathroom.

  We let out a little laugh before Chuck calls over the three guys sitting in the corner, introducing us to them.

  Fuck, I’ve never seen anything quite like it. Each one is over six-foot-tall, covered in tattoos and scars. As we are introduced to them, I see there’s a guy similar in age to Chuck. I would say in his late forties and the two others are a little younger. Maybe in their mid-thirties?

  We sit with them for hours drinking and discussing our plans for the road trip. I explain to Chuck exactly where we were when we got run off the road. We study the road map intently. He seems to understand exactly where I’m talking about and suggests places to check out in that area.

  I have to say, these guys are growing on me. They may look scary as fuck, but they’re committed to helping me find Ken.

  We plan to meet back outside Joey’s tomorrow morning.

  This is it.

  I’m keeping hope that we will find her!

  We have to find her.

  I can’t live my life without the girl who has stolen my heart.


  I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone since yesterday evening when I was last brought food.

  The endless darkness in the room is hurting my eyes. I have one hell of a headache. I know this is Christopher’s way of trying to break me, but it won’t work. Keeping me isolated and half-starved is his way of trying to control me, both physically and mentally.

  I won’t let him.

  I’m stronger than that.

  I have to be for my baby.

  I have been trying to nap all day, but I am constantly disrupted by noises inside the house. I try and remain focused. I will find a way out.

  I lay here, remembering Cole’s touch and it sends a shudder down my spine. I would give anything to feel his breath on my skin or to be wrapped in his loving embrace again. The thoughts of Cole and our future keeps me going.

  The small amount of light that shines through the covered window begins to fade, alerting me to the approximate time of day. That sliver of light and the noises within the house are the only indicator I have of the time. I’m familiar with the times they pray as the chants echo through the old house.

  There has been no water or food all day, and the stench of the bucket in the corner is becoming unbearable.

  As the time passes, it’s obvious I won’t be fed again today. The sounds in the house begin to quiet as night draws in. All I can do is lie here and preserve as much energy as possible. My legs feel weak and my hands tremor. I need more food.

  With my body unable to keep going, I doze in and out of sleep until I hear the small finger tapping against the wall. It takes me longer than normal to get on my knees against the wall. My energy is low, my body almost lifeless.

  The sweet voice whispers, “Kennedy?”

  “I’m here, sweetie,” I answer.

  “I’m going to bed now. I just wanted to say goodnight.”

  “Good night, Hope. Sweet dreams, sweetheart,” I croak. My throat is sore from lack of use and fluids.

  “Are you okay, Kennedy? Your voice sounds funny,” she quips.

  “I’m just tired and hungry, Hope. Nothing for you to worry yourself over,” I offer back.

  “Did they not bring you food today?” she quizzes softly.

  “Not today, angel.”

  “Let me go get you something.” Her voice tails off and before I have a chance to say something, she’s gone. I hear the bedroom door open and close.

  Shit, I don’t want this little girl getting into trouble for me. I move over and sit on the side of the bed, biting my nails anxiously, waiting for some sound or inclination that she has returned. The next few minutes feel like hours and I jump at the sound of the key in the lock.

  I wait to see who will enter, fearing that Hope got into trouble. As the door slowly opens, my eyes blink rapidly, trying to adjust to the light flooding the room.

  I see the little girl struggling with a plate full of food and a drink.

  Every part of me comes to a dead stop.

  I’m confused. Really confused.

  “How… How, what…How did you get in here?” I ask as she stands there with the door open, hands shaking due to the heavy plate.

  “Here, let me take that,” I offer.

  “Gee, thanks. I feel like my arm is going to fall off,” she giggles, shaking her arms from side to side.

  “We need to be quick. Master is sleeping downstairs. I need to get the key back before he realizes it’s missing,” she states matter of fact.

  She pinches her nose and scrunches her face tightly with disgust. “What is that bad smell?” she quizzes.

  I point sadly to the bucket in the corner.

  “It smells bad in here.” She starts wafting her hand dramatically. “Now, eat,” she prompts, pointing to the plate I’m holding

  My hands shake as I place the food on the end of the bed. I kneel in front of Hope, pulling her in for a hug. “Thank you so much, Hope. This was very kind of you.”

  I hear the sudden sound of footsteps and stop. I’m pretty sure even my heart skipped a few beats. I look up and the presence of evil interrupts us.

ell, isn’t this cozy?”

  Goose bumps cover my body as we freeze on the spot. I pull back, releasing my hold on Hope. She takes small steps backward, leaning her back against the door at the sight of Christopher standing in the doorway. I shuffle back as he starts to take small steps toward me.

  Dropping my head before him, I freeze, kneeling on the floor, not lifting my head to meet his eye.

  “You are here on borrowed time, bitch. As soon as my child is developed enough, I will remove it and feed you to the fucking dogs,” he growls, every word annunciated in his evil voice.

  I glance to the side, seeing the long knife I found in the closet a right after I was brought back. It’s tucked under the bed. I slowly work my hand under the bed sheet, grabbing hold of the handle. I grasp it as tightly as my weak body will allow.

  He glances over to Hope and I see my chance. I yank out the knife, holding it in my right hand. I bring my arm up with enough force to plunge it down and through his foot.

  The knife slices through his bare foot and into the wooden floor. The sound of flesh ripping causes me to shudder.

  He lets out a screech and I rush past him, desperately grabbing Hope’s hand. We’re out of there so fast. I pull the door closed behind me, using the key still in the keyhole to lock the door.

  Shit! We need to get out of here and quick. I sweep the hall, looking for anyone who might try and stop us.

  We race over to the bathroom. I look in and see it’s empty. The window slightly ajar.

  “Quick, Hope, we have to get out of here and fast. I need you to listen to me carefully and trust me, okay?”

  I see the fear and horror in this little girl’s face. I rub my hand down her cheek. “I promise I will never ever hurt you, princess, but we can’t stay here. These people aren’t nice people.”

  “I know,” her voice is barely a whisper.

  “Quick then, help me get this in front of the door.” I speak in hushed whispers, pointing to the freestanding white vanity. I close the door and we push the heavy bathroom cabinet against the door, wedging the door handle.

  I open the window all the way and look outside. I know this building like the back of my hand. The flat roof below will allow us to climb out safely. I hop out, holding Hope’s hand tightly. My legs are so weak but my adrenaline takes over, and I somehow find the strength.

  I know we have to get out. I know we have to survive. This is our chance, our only chance.

  I see the drain pipe running down the side of the house and pull on it, testing its strength. I kneel down and whisper to Hope, “Get on my back and hold on tight, okay?”

  She nods, swallowing hard.

  She mounts my back and I grab on as tightly as I can to the drain pipe. We shimmy down the wall, falling as we get closer to the ground.

  I check to make sure that Hope isn’t hurt from the fall. “I’m sorry, Hope. Are you okay?” I ask breathlessly.

  “I’m okay,” she replies, brushing herself off.

  I grab her hand. “Come on, we’ve got to go. We need to run into the woodland rather than the road. I know for a fact they’ll send cars out soon and the only way we will get away is if we remain unseen.”

  “Are we going in the woods, Kennedy?”

  I nod

  “But it’s so dark!”

  “It’s the only way, Hope!” I exclaim.


  We’re collected from Joey’s early this morning. Too fucking early, but I know I have to do this.

  I didn’t bother telling mom where I was going. She would only freak and try to talk me out of it.

  I’m on the back of Chuck’s huge Harley Davidson and Pete is on with Archer.

  These guys don’t mess about. They are all carrying guns and it scares the fuck out of me.

  I’m not quite sure what I’ve got myself into.

  We’ve been riding for hours and make a couple of stops along the way. With dusk settling in, it’s getting difficult to make out everything, but I’m beginning recognize some of our surroundings. It can’t be much further from here until we arrive at where we were run off the road. When I see the tire marks on the grass, I tap Chuck’s arm and we pull over to decide where to go next.

  The other three motorcycles follow suit and we jump off, removing our helmets.

  “Where should we go from here?” I ask not really knowing what our next move would be.

  “Okay, so this road continues for a few more miles and then forks off. One direction will take us in the woods.” Chuck pauses, thinking for a moment. “Come to think of it, isn’t there some sort of community that lives down there?” Chuck turns, asking one of the other guys.

  “Yeah, I remember checking it out when we were looking for Sara. Weird fucking place if you ask me.”

  “Worth a try,” I say enthusiastically.

  “Then let’s go,” he orders.

  We jump back on, replacing our helmets. In that moment, I realize that even out of good intentions, this bike trip is a stupid idea. Kennedy could be anywhere. Arizona is huge, the world is gigantic, and she would be anywhere on it. I shake my head as we set back off, holding on tightly as the bikes rev and roar back into motion.


  We keep walking. The road is just within sight, but we are camouflaged by the dense woodland encompassing the roadside. I haven’t heard any traffic the whole time we’ve been walking. Maybe they don’t realize we are gone yet if Master is still locked up.

  “I’m tired. I need to stop,” cries Hope.

  “I know, sweetie, but we have to keep going. We don’t want them to catch up with us. The more we walk, the more chance we have of getting away safely.”

  She throws me a sad smile.

  It is so dark. The cloudy, late evening night isn’t providing us with much light.

  “It will be worth it, I swear.” I give her a genuine smile, trying to ease her fear.

  I hear the noise of an approaching vehicle. I tug on Hope’s hand, pulling her down to a kneeling position. I listen carefully and recognize the noise as a motorcycle approaching. My heart starts to beat frantically. I quickly decide that I need to get to the side of the road.

  The commune did not allow motorcycles, so there’s no chance it is them. I grab Hope’s hand, get to my feet as quickly as I can, and run toward the side of the country road. As we approach the edge of the pavement, I instruct Hope to wait there, hiding in the long grass. I walk closer to the noise, constantly checking back over my shoulder. I know this could be a risky mistake, but I have to at least try.

  I reach the road side, getting there slower than I had anticipated, and notice that the bike has already passed. I push forward, making myself visible to the next bike I see approaching. The headlights cause me to shield my eyes.

  I stand there at the side of the road, completely exposed, as I hear the roar of an engine getting louder and closer. I glance behind me at Hope. I have to make sure she’s nowhere near me, staying hidden in the overgrowth.

  I start waving my hands, desperately trying to catch the approaching biker’s attention. I throw my arm across my eyes as I’m dazzled by the headlight. I blink repeatedly, trying to rid my eyes of the dots. As I do, I watch the motorcycle skid to a stop. Two riders are on the bike and the second one dismounts at rapid speed.

  My heart begins to beat out of control. I have to be prepared to run like hell if this goes sour. I begin to turn, anticipating needing to flee, when I feel Hope wrap her arms around my legs, clutching tight. I put a hand on her, holding Hope protectively against me. My hands shake as I try to intensify my hold on her. I stand rigid, waiting for the biker to remove his helmet.

  Everything feels like it is happening in slow motion. Although it only takes seconds for him to remove his helmet, it feels like minutes.

  Could this be it?

  Our chance to be rescued.

  My mouth drops open at the sight of him standing in front of me.

  I feel sick at the realization. My legs buckle a
s they begin to feel weak and heavy. I crash to the ground holding my head in my hands.

  “Kennedy? Fuck, Kennedy, is that really you?” the deep and sullen voice cries.

  I wail loudly.

  Tears stream involuntarily down my face.

  This cannot be happening.

  He rushes over and grabs me, pulling me up by the elbow. I slowly lift my head to meet his eyes. As soon as he pulls me to my feet, I wrap my arms around him as tightly as my weak and frail body will allow.

  “Thank you, Pete,” I state, not really sure what else to say.

  “Jesus Christ, Ken, what are you doing out here? I can’t believe it’s really you. I can’t believe we managed to find you. I thought we’d lost you forever.” He pulls me toward him, embracing me in a bear tight hug, as we sway a little from side to side. I pull back and we lock eyes. My heart rate quickens almost instantly as I gaze into his caramel brown eyes.

  “I don’t know, Pete. It’s all a haze. We got out though. I can’t believe you found us. Is Cole with you? Is he okay? Please tell me he’s alright.” My voice trembles. My words roll out, barely making sense.

  For a second I had forgotten about Hope. The realization hits me as I turn to see she if she’s okay. She has a slight smile across her face.

  “Hope, this is my good friend, Pete. Pete, this is Hope. She’s been a good friend to me for the past few days. I couldn’t have gotten through it without this little ray of sunshine.”

  She smiles fondly at me, before sidling up to get as close as possible. Hope buries her head in my hip.

  Pete holds out his hand, as a peace offering to the child. Hope moves her head from side to side, not wanting to accept. Her tiny body quivers against my leg.

  “So, Cole. Is he with you?”

  “He was just in front of us. I should call him. He’ll be wondering where we are. Come stand with us.” He points across the road where three motorcycles are now parked. I was so lost in conversation I hadn’t even realized they’d joined us. Pete removes his jacket and wraps it around me. A very large, scary guy hands me another jacket and I wrap it around Hope.


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