Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5)

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Bringing It Home (Up-Ending Tad: A Journey of Erotic Discovery Book 5) Page 11

by Kora Knight

  But soon Scott’s ministrations drew to a stop. “You ready,” he murmured, “for a little indoor fun?”

  Huh? Dazed, Tad looked back up, confused.

  Scott’s lips curved scandalously.

  Tad stilled, his head-fog dissipating fast. Uh oh. Oh, no. He knew that look. Knew that glitter in Scott’s eyes. The man was about to go full-blown evil and make him lose his ever-loving mind.

  Shifting warily, he quickly shook his head. “Ah, no, wait. Hold up. I—”

  He sucked in a breath at the curt twist of fingers as Scott resituated so his palm faced up. Aw, fuck. He knew it. The dude had his sights on Tad’s motherfucking G. A target he’d never had any issues finding. Tad’s heart raced faster. The guy was about to strip his ass of any and all control. Which was fiercely exciting and unsettling as hell.

  A nervous chuckle rose up his throat.

  Scott’s big-ass grin turned downright smug. “What was that?” he murmured, slowly probing around. “Didn’t quite catch what you said.”

  But right as Tad opened his mouth to answer, the big bastard found his mark. Air punched from Tad’s lungs at that first, pointed stroke.

  Scott hmm’d, then started to steadily rub.

  Instant ecstasy ignited Tad’s ass. Cheeks clenching, his hips lifted off the bed. “Ungh! Goddamn. That shit’s f-fucking intense.”

  Scott made a sultry alpha sound and shoved him right back down, pumping his slippery digits faster.

  “Uh! Sh-sh-shit!” Tad ground through clenched teeth, wide eyes rolling back.

  But Scott just paused and squeezed his dick, wordlessly prompting him to focus. Another ragged exhaled shoved past Tad’s lips. That man was going to be his end. Fisting his pillow, he breathed in deep and reestablished eye contact.

  “That’s it, shy boy. Keep those hazels on me.”

  “Easier fucking said than done.”

  “And what makes it so much fun.”

  Smirking sinfully, Scott got back to biz, leisurely jacking Tad’s shaft. All slick and unhurried and way too loose. Just enough to drive him insane. Something Scott’s other hand had down pat, too, loving on Tad’s prostate like a fiend. Making him shudder and jerk and cuss alongside the juiciest sounds. God, all those super-lubed fingers getting freaky…

  Shnick-shnick-shnick-shnick— fucking his hole.

  Shlick-shlick— pumping his cock.

  Euphoric sensation pulsed through his channel. Tickling his tailbone, lighting up his junk. Quaking his whole frickin’ frame.

  “F-fuck, yeah,” he ground out, clenching up tight. “P-please, God, d-don’t fucking stop.”

  Scott’s handsome features visibly tightened. “Jesus, you’re gripping me so damn hard. Can’t wait ’til you do that to my cock.” And yet, he didn’t stop, just kept on going, as if trapped by the heady view.

  Stars. Oh, God. Tad was seeing stars. Hands shooting out from under his pillow, he fisted the covers at his sides. “Ugh!” he strained out, neck tendons bulging. “So good! —Aw, fuck!— Jerk faster!”

  “Can’t,” Scott gritted. “Don’t wantchu to come.” His hips gave a restless rock. “This is just to break you down. It’s my dick that’s gonna take you apart.”

  Tad’s breath hitched on an exceptionally powerful jolt, pleasure sparking every which way. Holy hell, Scott’s fingers were driving him wild. Wrenching out rapture from his cock and G at the speed of frickin’ light.

  Another quake rattled him, top to bottom. “F-f-fuck, baby, fuck! I’m b-b-broken down!”

  Scott rocked against him harder. “Getting closer. I can see it. In your brow. And your jaw.” A husky rumble emanated in his chest. “God, you’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  “Scott,” Tad gasped out, struggling to hold his gaze.

  But the guy was lost in his own kind of stupor, watching him restlessly squirm. “Shit, I can’t wait to sink inside you and melt the fuck away.”

  Thighs twitching, toes curling, Tad clung to his words, even as they tried to upend him. Sliding across his body like some hungry-ass, velvet caress. Such tangible need, such honest desire, to be one in the closest of ways. It boggled Tad’s mind and arrested his soul. And sent him staggering for balance.

  As if punched with a sudden dose of impatience, Scott blinked, then growled and let go. Fingers sliding free, he swiped up his lube. Which gave Tad a much-needed breather.

  Fists unclenching, he gulped down some air. God, he needed Scott in him so bad. And not just for the physical. But to feel the dude’s spirit inside his own, expanding and filling him up. ’Til his ribcage strained with so much passion there’d be no room left to breathe.

  Scott reclaimed Tad’s raging cock as more fingers pressed to his door. Three, to be exact, that definitely wanted in. Tad tensed, heart pounding its way to his throat. Things were about to get really snug.

  “C’mon,” Scott chuckled. “Let me in.”

  An anxious smile played at Tad’s lips. “You didn’t say the magic word.”

  “Hmm. Open sesame?”

  Tad couldn’t help laughing. “No, you dumbass. Just a simple fucking— Fuck!”

  Fresh pain derailed him as Scott’s trio surged deep. Grimacing, he clutched the covers and sucked in breath as his stretching hole tried to adjust. That is, until those wily fingers shoved against his G. Promptly, all stinging collided with bliss. Rattling his whole flippin’ frame.

  Scott grinned smugly. “‘Just a simple fucking fuck’?”

  Tad laughed in exasperation. “No. Just a simple fucking… Oh, forget it.”

  Scott smiled wider as he got back to pumping, his fist and fingers swiftly stoking up another storm. Tad moaned, spine bowing back off the bed. Man, the way Scott got that pressure pulsing deep in his groin.

  “Shit,” he panted, eyes rolling back. “Your hands are frickin’ magic.”

  Up and down. In and out.

  Juicy fingers and that lubed-up fist, working as a team.

  Ecstasy welled, growing stronger and sharper. Inundating his channel, filling his dick and his sac. He could feel his nuts rising, firming, coiling. Readying to violently unload.

  “Fuck,” he gasped, hands fumbling for purchase. “I’m gonna —aw, fuck— gonna come.”

  Scott whispered a curse and ceased all movement.

  Tad growled, then winced, hips twitching with need. “Jesus, that was unnecessarily close.”

  Scott laughed. “But now your ass is officially unlocked.”

  Tad chuckled breathlessly and shook his head. “My ass has always been unlocked for you. Both literally and figuratively speaking.”

  Scott’s expression softened, clearly understanding that Tad was talking about his heart, too. “Well, that is very nice to know.” Sliding his threesome back in deep, his lips gave a little twitch. “Thing is, I really like picking your lock.”

  Tad groaned at the feel as he held his gaze. The man was watching him like a drunken lover, his heated eyes swallowing him whole. Drugging his head and melting his heart in those big-ass pools of chocolate.

  A few more times, Scott pushed in to stretch him, then slid out and reached for a condom. Tad shivered with an exhale. The sudden emptiness felt strangely oppressive. Made him want to drag Scott atop of him just to feel his weight.

  Pressing his knees against Scott’s body, Tad watched the dude sheath up. God, that dick never ceased to unnerve him. So damn ridiculously big.

  Scott glanced his way and slid him a smile, then bottoms-up’d that little bottle. A thin, steady stream had his cock nice and doused, but those base-to-tip strokes finished the prep.

  Bringing Scott’s attention back to Tad.

  And fuck if those eyes didn’t get his pulse racing.

  Holding his stare, Tad shifted atop the covers, knowing that this was it. The moment he both dreaded and intrinsically craved. Being flat on his back, watching it all as Scott’s big body moved inside him.

  Or more to the point, when he opened his chest and handed the guy his heart.
br />   Out of nowhere, a soft thrum rose from Scott’s throat as his demeanor seemed to suddenly change. Tad stared at him, feeling the shift to his bones. As if, right before his eyes, Scott had consciously chosen to drop every one of his guards. But why? So he could let Tad in? Whatever the case, his expression was the most moving thing that Tad had ever seen. Raw vulnerability. Genuine hope. And this really fucking beautiful kind of trust.

  Tad’s chest clenched tightly in realization.

  Shit, Scott was handing over his heart, too.

  Insides going nuts with that other kind of passion, Tad sat up and grasped his wrist. “Come here,” he murmured. Pulling that big body atop him, he peered into his eyes. “How can just watching you, just looking at your face, make me come undone?”

  Scott blinked, staring back at him, but didn’t say a word. Which was fine— Tad hadn’t really wanted a response. Fingers tunneling into the dude’s dark hair, he palmed Scott’s head and drew him closer.

  So he could kiss his bruised jaw… and that cut on his cheek.

  Scott turned on a sigh and captured his mouth. At that very same moment, Sheeran’s “Kiss Me” strummed to life. Tad moaned on contact and parted his lips, the music only deepening his need. A need Scott’s tongue seemed keen on sating. Sliding inside, the thing got busy melting Tad into a puddle.

  Scott’s kiss was fucking paradise.

  As he settled between Tad’s thighs, Tad grabbed his ass, then rocked himself against Scott’s crotch ’til the guy did the same thing, too. Man, slicked-up dick nuzzles were a glorious thing. So glorious, they just made Tad’s cock twice as hard. Made his balls pretty happy, too. He could totally get used to Scott against him like this. Heavy and grinding, dicks all slipping and sliding together.

  Tad growled against his mouth, utterly addicted. “Everything… fucking everything you do lights me up…”

  Scott captured his tongue with a gruff little rumble and hungrily started to suck. Which got Tad’s hips grinding extra hard. Scott groaned and shifted, not breaking their kiss as he shoved a hand between their bodies. Again, he wrapped his fingers around their shafts.

  “Fuck my fist, Tad. Fuck my cock.”

  Oh, shit yeah...

  With hands splayed on his man’s sweet ass, Tad thrust through his super-tight grip. Scott purred in approval and stilled his hips, letting Tad run the show. In— out— in— out, he pumped his dick against Scott’s veiny length.

  Tad’s jaw went slack, the entirety of his focus on the pleasure rushing from his balls to his crown.

  “Oh, fuck,” he panted, thrusts turning erratic.

  Scott’s chuckle was ragged against his lips. “Yeah, let’s.” And just like that, he was back on his heels, one hand clutching his own erection while the other secured Tad’s hip. “Feet against my shoulders,” he murmured. “Time to let me in.”

  Heart pounding wildly, Tad assumed position, watching as Scott lined things up. Firm, hot flesh pressed against his hole. Despite his efforts, Tad tensed up tight. God, he wanted this so damn bad, but couldn’t help his nervousness. The guy was just so freaking huge. And not just in dick size or muscle mass. But in the magnitude of his very presence. He flat-out overwhelmed Tad, body and soul, ’til he didn’t know which way was up.

  Scott lifted his smoldering eyes to his. “Bear down, beautiful. And don’t look away.”

  Oh, Jesus. Here we go. Cue the red cheeks.

  Holding Scott’s stare, Tad did as he was told. But as the dude bit his lip and gave a push forward, that sharp sting stole his breath. Shit, shit, fuck. White-knuckling the covers, he fought not to clench.

  “That’s it,” Scott breathed, crown sinking through Tad’s ring. “Take me nice and deep.”

  Tad shifted restlessly, fighting back a grimace. “Goddamn,” he ground out. “You massive motherfucker.”

  Scott grinned. “Flattery won’t help you now.”

  Tad’s hips tried to twist as that big dick gained ground, but two hands were holding him now instead of one. Holding his hips, holding him secure, as Scott kept sinking deeper.

  The dude’s eyes gleamed as his lashes fluttered. “Keep pushing against me… Ah, fuck, babe, you’re tight.”

  “Yeah, well,” Tad growled, body struggling to comply. “I’ve only had a cock up my ass three frickin’ times.”

  Scott chuffed out a laugh. “Trust me. I’m not complaining.” Again, he rocked his pelvis forward, then gave Tad’s hipbones a squeeze. “Look, babe,” he prompted, his chin gesturing down. “Watch my dick sink home.”

  Tad glanced down his torso, locking onto Scott’s eight-pack first. All bulging and tense as those hips slowly advanced. Tad’s hard-on pulsed eagerly. The sight was captivating, intoxicating as hell, and something he’d never seen. Even though they’d been in similar positions. Because his eyes had always been covered. And it was a damn good thing, too. Even after fully accepting how these things with Scott turned him on, he was still just one matchstick away from going up in flames.

  Grabbing his cock, he started to stroke, eyes glued to Scott’s heavenly torso.

  “Almost home…” the big guy rasped.

  Tad groaned, then licked his lips as the sensation of being filled gradually overrode the pain.

  “Shy boy, look up. Wanna see your gorgeous eyes.”

  Tad lifted his drunken gaze, having really enjoyed the show. Scott met his stare, made an abraded little noise, then pulled back and slammed to the hilt.

  “Uh!” Tad grunted, dropping his dick to clutch the covers.

  Motherfuck. The dude just blazed a trail up his ass— and leveled his effing G. Freshly-tapped ecstasy tore through his channel as more stars filled the room. And thank shit for that, ’cause if he’d been more lucid, he’d be mortified by the face he just made.

  “Better?” Scott chuckled, doing it again.

  Another smooth drive, another perfect hit.

  “Fuuuuck,” Tad ground out. “My God, that feels good.”

  And to think they’d only just begun.

  Scott’s warm hands palmed the top of Tad’s thighs, right where they met his groin. “Feel me,” he purred as he started to thrust.

  Deep moans emanated up from Tad’s chest, each drive filling him impossibly full. Relentlessly stretching and opening him up, molding his ass like a glove. Yet, somehow Scott managed to pack each plunge with just as much pleasure as girth. Seriously, his aim was fucking impeccable, unerringly tagging his sensitized prostate with every single fluid thrust.

  Toes curling, a vicious quake rocked his frame. “Shit!” Tad gasped, eyes fighting not to close. “Oh, sh-sh-shit, dude! So f-f-fucking good!”

  Immediately, those pumping hips pulled to stop. “What’d you just call me?”

  Panting heavy, he blinked at the guy. “W-what?”

  Scott smirked and leaned over him, wrapping Tad’s legs around his waist. “You called me ‘dude.’” With a kiss, then a growl, he gripped Tad’s shoulders and gave a wicked thrust.

  Air burst past Tad’s lips, yet he couldn’t help grinning. Punkass bastard. With a breathless snarl, he flexed his thighs and squeezed the shit out of Scott’s sides. “Bite me, brat. My brain’s not thinking straight.”

  Eyes gleaming, Scott settled his weight atop Tad’s body. “Bite you? Damn, babe. You’re coming right along. My work here’s almost done.”

  “Fuck that,” Tad laughed. “Your work here will never be done.”

  Scott grinned and kissed him longer this time, his ensuing thrust coming easier. Felt just as sweet, though, as did the next. Tad moaned against his mouth, his own hips rocking. God, the guy was everywhere. On top of him, wrapped around him, anchored deep inside. An erotic, sensual securing of his body, made entirely by Scott’s.

  And the shit felt fucking fantastic.

  Scott broke their kiss and reestablished eye contact. Which Tad used to catch his breath. But the second their gazes were nice and rock steady, Scott delved right back to the hilt. Tad grunted, clutching his biceps
as he rode another quake. The dude’s big dark stare flashed intently. As if relishing Tad’s every reaction. Each moan and gasp and hitch and curse as Scott’s lean hips kept on pumping.

  But despite the raw pleasure flooding Tad’s system, he couldn’t help blushing profusely. God, the expressions he must’ve been making. Wouldn’t be surprised if his eyes even crossed. All the while knowing Scott was watching him unravel. Seeing how utterly ridiculous he looked when stripped of all control. Talk about a whole different kind of exposed. Way, way, waaay too intimate.

  Panting and flushed, he turned away. Immediately, Scott’s in-and-outs slowed down to lazy.

  “Shy boy,” he breathed against Tad’s neck.

  Tad shook his head, heart beating out of his chest. “No way,” he rasped. “You’re too fucking much.”

  Scott’s lips moved up and pressed to his cheek. “Damn, babe. That’s sweet, but really, I’m not. Well, unless we’re discussing my dick.”

  Tad refused to laugh, so he moaned instead as Scott’s easy pumps stole his focus. “Uhhh… C’mon… Can’t we just… fucking fuck?”

  “Nope,” Scott chuckled, mouth roaming down his jaw. “Got something I want you to see.”

  A shaky exhale emptied from Tad’s lungs. That rock-hard cock gliding inside his ass was making it hard to argue. Swallowing, he turned back… only to find the most intense gaze staring right back at him. Staggering hunger. Blistering need. And a level of affection that —if Tad had been standing— would’ve taken him out at the knees. His insides lit like a solar flare.

  “What… did you want me to see?”

  “Don’t look away and I’ll show you.”

  Sinking extra deep, he got back to pumping, triggering a fresh wave of tremors. In and out, in and out, again and again. Working them both into a frenzy. A stream of fresh curses rolled of Tad’s tongue. Whatever Scott wanted to show him, he’d better do it fast, ’cause Tad seriously was about to combust.

  Scott’s big body shook with a deep, heady groan. Tad clenched his dick and squeezed his waist, breath hitching as he clung to his gaze. Again, probably looking like a frickin’ loon.

  But that’s when he saw it, blazing in Scott’s eyes, tightening his masculine features. The immeasurable pleasure Tad was giving him, too. God, he could suddenly see it everywhere. In Scott’s parted lips and flushed pink cheeks. In his ragged pants and gasps. In the way his body trembled between thrusts, or in how his big arms caged Tad tight.


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