Just A Friend: A Hotwife Fantasy

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Just A Friend: A Hotwife Fantasy Page 1

by Lexi Archer

  Just A Friend

  Lexi Archer

  Copyright 2014 Lexi Archer


  Individuals pictured on the cover are models and used for illustrative purposes only.

  First digital edition electronically published by Lexi Archer, December 2014

  Let your fantasies come true with Lexi Archer…

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  Table of Contents

  1: Snake in the Grass

  2: Taking Control?

  3: Confession

  4: Spying

  5: Betrayal

  More from Lexi Archer

  1: Snake in the Grass

  Noise from the front door pulled my attention away from talking with Jake about the current state of affairs in the Middle East and why his opinion on the whole thing was completely wrong. I smiled as I looked over, wondering who’d arrived fashionably late to the house party.

  My smile immediately turned to a frown as I saw who walked through the door with a huge grin on his face and a six pack of beer under one arm.

  “Who invited that asshole?” I asked.

  Jake glanced over my shoulder and his own eyes narrowed as he saw Eric standing just inside the front door. “Yeah, seriously? Who invited that asshole?”

  I turned back to Jake. “It’s your house man.”

  Jake held up his hands in a defensive gesture. The smile was gone from his face and he was all seriousness now. He looked over my shoulder again.

  “Hey man, it wasn’t me. You know I know better than to invite him to a party where you’re going to be. I definitely know better than to invite them to a party where Katie’s going to be!”

  “Don’t worry about it. It’s okay man,” I said.

  Besides, I had a good feeling that Jake had nothing to do with this guy showing up at the party. He seemed to always show up wherever Katie was on the weekends. At least he always seemed to show up at whatever party she was at on the weekends. He hadn’t shown up at her house as far as I knew.


  I needed to figure out where my girlfriend was. Because if Eric hadn’t already found her, that was going to be the first place he went. Hell, I didn’t even have to look for her. I could just wait and follow him, because he sure as hell was going to make a straight line for my girl. And I’d have to stand there while she smiled and talked with him. Pretend I didn’t have a problem with it. Pretend I didn’t want to beat the crap out of him every time he showed up at one of these things and started sniffing around Katie.

  No, better to try and reach her before he did. With a little luck I could convince her to leave the party before he found her. With a little luck we’d be back at her house having a little fun of the variety that he’d like to have with her before he even got a chance to find her.

  I was in the kitchen with talking to Jacob, but I knew Katie was probably in the combination living room and dining room that had been turned an impromptu dance floor. I plunged from the light of the kitchen into the darkness of that dance area, the only illumination coming from some DJ equipment that one of Jake’s buddies had. A pounding beat moved up through the floor and I was surrounded by a press of bodies. There were a lot of people at this particular party, and Jake’s house wasn’t big enough to accommodate all of them.

  I glanced through the crowd trying to find Katie and I caught a glimpse of blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. I made my way over, and sure enough there she was.

  I stopped and stared. I couldn’t help myself. I had to admire the sight before me as she moved to the beat. Katie loved to dance, and I absolutely loved watching her dancing.

  Tonight she was in a deliciously low cut halter top that showed the curves of her amazing tits up above and was short enough that it exposed most of her stomach down below. She was swaying her hips back and forth in a pair of impossibly short shorts that revealed plenty of her amazing ass. An ass that made my mouth water. That normally would make me want to move up next to her, to feel her grinding against me.

  Only not tonight, because I knew that soon enough Eric was going to show up. He’d be looking at her ass as well, only when she wasn’t looking of course, and I’d have to put up with it. I definitely wasn’t in the mood for dealing with that shit tonight.

  I put my arm around Katie’s waist and she turned to smile at me. A moment later I was delighted as she pressed her body against me. That was a sensation that I’d never get tired of. She smiled and started moving her body against me. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling for a moment, allowed myself to get lost in the sensation.

  “What brings you out to the dance floor?” she asked.

  “I was thinking maybe we could go back to your house? Have a little fun?”

  Katie’s face broke into a wide smile. God I loved it when she smiled like that. “Why would we want to leave now? The party’s just getting started!”

  “I just feel like going back to your place is all,” I said.

  I had to be a little evasive. If I let her know Eric was here then she’d probably go and try to find him just because I was trying to get her away from him. She knew how I felt about him. She knew how annoyed I got when he was around, particularly when he started pulling bullshit like checking her out when he knew she wasn’t looking. I know he did that just to drive me insane, just to try and drive a wedge between us, but Katie never seemed to notice and so it was tough for me to try and prove anything.

  Katie looked like she was actually considering it. Looked like she was actually thinking about going ahead and going back to the house she had off-campus just a few blocks away from this party. Only her face went from consideration to a huge smile. I squeezed my eyes shut. I knew what that smile meant. I’d lost. I wasn’t fast enough.


  I turned and sure enough there he was with a huge smile on his face. He was wearing his usual uniform, the outfit that I figured they issued to frat douches like him as soon as they pledged a fraternity. A polo shirt and some khaki shorts. He also stank of cologne. God I hated that cologne!

  Katie ran forward and wrapped her arms around him in a huge hug. He wasted no time wrapping his own arms around my girl, and then he looked up at me with a huge grin on his face. Of course he looked up at me with a huge grin on his face. The look was plain on his face. A hint of a challenge, a huge smile that he was feeling her body against him, and a little bit of gloating because of course if I bothered to say something he’d immediately get that innocent look on his face and she’d look at me like I was being a jealous prick.

  God I wanted to punch him in that ridiculous face.

  “So Katie? We were talking about going home?”

  Katie turned around and smiled. “Maybe in a little bit. We can hang out at the party for a little while longer. Why don’t you go get a drink or something? You know how you get.”

  How I got. I wanted to roll my eyes. That was code. She knew I hated Eric’s guts and that I was as likely to try and punch his lights out as I was to try and have a civil conversation with him. And he’d play completely innocent the entire time making out like I was the jerk.

  Normally I wouldn’t leave her alone with him for a second, but I was angry. In fact, I was pissed off at the way she was brushing me off like that. And how she suddenly wanted to stay at the party because this asshole was here. So I rushed past both of them, making sure to shoulder asshole perhaps a little more than was strictly necessary, and made my way back to the kitchen to grab a beer.

  2: Taking Control?

  Jake was still there when I walked through the door into the kitchen and he looked absolutely incredulous. “What the hell are you doing man? You know he’s out there looking for your girl!”

  I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter. I grabbed another beer and took a couple of swigs. Jake watched me guzzling it down and took a sip of his own.

  “I take it he already found her?”

  “That’s a bingo,” I said.

  “Damn,” Jake said. “That guy pisses me off and I’m not even dating Katie. I tell you what though, if I had guys sniffing around a hottie like that I’d give him a piece of my mind. A piece of my fist too.”

  I rolled my eyes again. “How can I? He’s got her convinced the only thing he’s interested in is studying with her. Any time I bring it up she acts like I’m some jealous asshole, and he never does anything where she can see.”

  “Maybe take a video or something of him when he’s acting like an asshole? I don’t know man, but I’d think of something,” Katie said.

  I took another pull of my beer. I still couldn’t believe he’d been brazen enough to look at me like that while he was hugging Katie. And he pulled crap like that all the time. I also wasn’t quite sure why I left the room. I was so pissed. I could feel my pulse racing, I felt lightheaded, and surprisingly enough, though I don’t know why I was surprised since it seemed to happen every time I found myself in this situation, my cock was rock hard down below as I thought of the two of them in there talking to each other. Particularly as I thought of him hugging her.

  Maybe that was part of the reason why I was in here. Give them time to get a little closer because on some level it was a turn on. Though I wasn’t going to stay long. Jake was right.

  “I need to go back in there,” I said.

  “Damn straight you do!” Jake said.

  So I made my way from the kitchen back into the impromptu dance floor. Loud music assaulted me as soon as I made my way through the door, and once again I had a hard time seeing anything in the crowd. I kept my eye out for the telltale flash of blonde hair that would tell me where Katie was.

  It was tough making my way through the crowd, and when I finally did come across the two of them I almost wished I hadn’t. My eyes narrowed as I looked at the scene playing out before me. My cock throbbed as I watched the scene playing out before me. I couldn’t believe it.

  Eric stood there in his polo shirt and khaki shorts, and Katie was right in front of him, shaking her ass in those of delicious shorts grinding against him. He had a ridiculous smile on his face, though that smile turned to a flash of fear when he saw me coming through the crowd.

  I felt a little bit of satisfaction at that. Good. At least he had the good sense to be just a little bit worried when he was putting the moves on my girlfriend. Not enough to pull away from her, not enough to prevent him from giving me another one of those self-satisfied grins like he knew there wasn’t a damn thing I could do about what he was doing, but at least there was that momentary flash of fear.

  Katie looked absolutely amazing as she moved her body against him. Watching her made me wish I’d stayed out on the dance floor so I could be enjoying my girlfriend rather than this asshole having all the fun.

  This was definitely crossing a line she’d never crossed before. Of course this was also the first time I left her alone with him while she was out on a dance floor, so maybe it was partially my fault even though she was the one sitting here grinding her ass against him. Her eyes were closed and she had a smile on her face as she swayed back and forth. I recognized that look all too well. I’d seen it plenty of times when I was dancing with her. I loved seeing that look on her face.

  And once again I was surprised at how hard I was watching them. I didn’t know what the hell was wrong with me. What kind of guy gets turned on watching his girl dancing with some other guy? Particularly a guy who’s been doing his best to get with her at every opportunity? And yet I couldn’t deny how I was feeling. I couldn’t deny how hard my cock was.

  She hadn’t seen me because her eyes were closed, but he was staring at me the whole time with that smile on his face. As she danced against him he moved his hands around and ran them up and down her stomach. She didn’t exactly react the same way she reacted when I was the one moving my hands up and down her body, but at the same time she didn’t exactly reach down and push his hands away either.

  I scowled and my and my nostrils flared. I took a step forward but didn’t do anything. I didn’t want to cause a scene in the middle of the dance floor. I had a feeling we were already going to have one hell of an argument when we got back to her place, and she’d just be pissed off and shut the argument down before it started if I did something like cause a scene at the party.

  Eric leaned down and whispered something in her ear. A smile crossed her face as his hands continued moving up and down her tight stomach, never quite moving high enough that he was going for her tits or low enough that he was going for the indescribable treasure between her legs, but it was still enough to piss me off and make me see red. She smiled and nodded at whatever he said and he broke contact.

  Breaking contact was enough to bring her back to reality. She opened her eyes and blinked when she saw me standing there. For a moment I saw worry cross her face as well. She was well aware how upset I got when she was around this guy, and something told me she was more than aware she’d crossed a line by dancing with him like that.

  “We’re leaving. Now,” I said.

  “You can’t tell me what to do!”

  I sighed and stared at her for a moment. “You’re right, I can’t. You do what you need to do, but I’m leaving.”

  I turned and started towards the kitchen once more. I shouldered past Eric and saw a flash of self-satisfaction on his smug face. No doubt he thought this was his moment. Just what he’d been waiting for. I storm off leaving him to dance the night away with my girlfriend. Who knows what they might get up to? I found thoughts of exactly what they might get up to running through my head, and I have to admit I was intrigued by those thoughts. They twisted my stomach and sent butterflies dancing, they made me feel sick, but at the same time my cock was pulsing every time I thought of him dancing close to her. Every time I thought of her, so naïve about his true intentions, moving closer and shaking her ass against him.

  There was no doubt in my mind that she could feel him. That she could feel his cock pressing against her ass while they were dancing, and yet she danced closer to him! I couldn’t believe it. What was she thinking? What was I thinking leaving her alone with a guy who was so obviously trying to put a wedge between us?

  “What’s up?” Jake asked as I made my way into the kitchen. Again.

  I shook my head and didn’t say anything. His eyes narrowed and he looked towards the dining room.

  Jake raised an eyebrow as I made my way back into the kitchen for the third or fourth time that evening. I was starting to lose count. “What’s wrong? Where’s Katie?”

  “She’s making her own decisions,” I said. “And I’m going to let her do whatever the hell she wants.”

  I was almost to the kitchen door when I heard a voice behind me that made me stop.

  “What I want is to go home with you babe.”

  I wheeled around and could hardly believe it. Katie was standing at the entrance to the kitchen staring at me with wide eyes and looking so sexy in her outfit. Light flashed behind her completing the impression of a gorgeous raver girl. My mouth watered just looking at her. My cock twitched looking at her. More importantly, what she said finally registered.

  “What about your friend?”

  A cloud passed across Katie’s face. A peculiar mix of emotion. It seemed like there was anger there, which was understandable considering this was a fight we’d had time and time again. There also seemed to be a tinge of regret there. And something else. Something I usually only saw when we were together in the bedroom. Seeing that look on her face when I mentioned Eric was wor
rying. Seeing that look on her face when I mentioned Eric was also enough to make my cock sit up and take notice. As though it could stand up any more than it already was, but you get the point

  Damn my treacherous cock. Why did I have to get turned on in these situations? Why did I always get turned on by these arguments? Sometimes I wished those feelings would just go away. Sometimes I thought those feelings were part of the reason why we had so many arguments about him in the first place. Like my mind was subconsciously associating arguing about her “friend” with getting turned on about her antics with the asshole.

  I shook my head to clear it. I needed to cut this out. I needed to clear my head and focus on the obvious olive branch my beautiful girlfriend was offering me.

  I smiled and held out a hand. “Glad you decided to spend the evening with me.”

  Katie smiled a radiant smile and came forward, wrapped me in a hug that definitely had my cock throbbing. If I was turned on by her carrying on with that asshole, well that was nothing compared to how turned on I got when I felt her amazing body pressing against me, felt those incredible firm tits pressing against my chest, felt her hot pussy rubbing against me through her shorts. God I loved her. She was so gorgeous.

  As we hugged I looked over her shoulder into the dining room and saw him standing there. He was looking at us with barely concealed hostility and I took the opportunity to smile and wave to him behind Katie’s back. If he was going to be an asshole about it when he got a little one-on-one time with my girlfriend, well I wasn’t above twisting the knife myself. Especially since we both knew I was the one going home with her tonight and he’d be the one going back to his dorm, frat house, whatever the fuck rock he crawled out from under to jerk off thinking about what I’d be getting with.

  My grin widened at that thought and I gave him a thumbs up. His face clouded over and it looked like he was about to step into the kitchen and try to start something. God I hoped he’d try and start something. If he was the one acting like the aggressor then I could finally punch his lights out without worrying about pissing off Katie. Plus Jake and my other buddies would have no problem giving him a beat down the likes of which he’d never had before, and it’s not like his douche bag buddies at his frat could say anything about it since he was in somebody else’s territory poaching somebody else’s girl.


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