Hannah's Journey

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Hannah's Journey Page 10

by June Venable

  “You found a picture of her mother and me in the locket, didn’t you?’” he asked, then described the pictures in detail.

  “I knew then that he was truly Hannah’s father.” Teddy stopped and took a deep breath. Margaret could see than John Monroe’s story had affected him greatly.

  “Mr. Monroe told me that when he first left home, he traveled south looking for work in the textile mills. Week after week, his search proved futile. He missed his family and decided to return to New York. He was ashamed that he hadn’t found work, and his small funds were running out. He felt that he would do anything if only he could be reunited with his family.”

  Tears slipped down Caroline’s cheeks as the young man bit his lip.

  “Teddy, can you go on with your story?” Margaret asked.

  Just then, a white-coated porter came through the cars. “First call for lunch now being served in the dining car.”

  “Why don’t we have lunch now and continue our conversation later?” David suggested, relieving the tension.

  Everyone ordered and settled back to enjoy a nice meal as the countryside unfolded before them. By unspoken agreement they didn’t return to John Monroe’s story.

  Caroline lingered at the table eyeing a big slice of chocolate cake on the dessert cart.

  “Are you sure you could eat all that, Caroline?” Her mother asked.

  “Maybe Teddy would help me?” Caroline ventured, smiling at her new friend.

  “I think I could do that.” Teddy smiled back at her.

  David Logan instructed the waiter to bring the cake with two plates. Teddy and Caroline had no trouble finishing the dessert. When the cake had been polished off and Caroline had finished her milk, the four of them returned to their seats.

  “Shall I go on?” Teddy asked.

  Everyone nodded, ready to hear the story of John Monroe’s search for his daughter.

  “When Mr. Monroe reached his flat in New York he found the door locked. He thought his wife and daughter were out. When they didn’t return after some time, he sought out the janitor of the building and asked if he had any information. Shifting in his seat, Teddy said Mr. Monroe had described the look on the janitor’s face and realized something was terribly wrong. The janitor told him in halting English that his wife had died and his daughter had been taken away. He was so stunned by the news he didn’t know where to turn.”

  “What did he do then, Teddy?” Caroline hung on his every word.

  “Well, he went to the police. He told them his story and they checked their records. Hannah’s name was nowhere to be found. Sad and discouraged, he left the building, hardly aware of his

  surroundings. He walked down the street, not noticing where he went. He finally found himself in a strange neighborhood and realizing he hadn’t eaten all day, went into a small restaurant and ordered a cup of coffee and a piece of pie with the last few coins he possessed.”

  The kind-hearted Caroline could barely contain her tears at the account of Hannah’s father.

  “He blamed himself for ever leaving,” Teddy went on. “While he had his coffee he looked around and saw two men gazing at a notice on the wall. When he finished his meager meal he started out the door, but something made him stop to see what the men had been reading.”

  David Logan spoke up. “What did it say, Teddy? What was in the notice?”

  “It was an offer from a company in Houston for various jobs in the oil fields. I guess it was very much like the posters I saw. They were all over the country after the big finds in Texas. Sort of like the gold rush in California, I guess.”

  Teddy paused for a moment and stared out the window. “Mr. Monroe said he left the restaurant thinking, Why not? I’m not a young man anymore, but I’m a hard worker. He had borrowed a pencil and a scrap of paper from the restaurant owner. On it, he wrote the name and address of the company, and stuck the scrap in his pocket, then found his way back to the flat. The janitor had told him since no one had rented the flat his furniture was still there. He had a wagon and helped Mr. Monroe load the furniture. The grieving husband and father then took his belongings to a used furniture shop and sold everything. It hurt him to sell their belongings, but he needed the money to find Hannah. He then returned the wagon, went to the railroad station and bought a ticket to Texas. He vowed to earn some money and find Hannah.”

  “What did he do then, Teddy?” Margaret was caught up in the story.

  “Well, when John got to Houston he got hired, but the owner of the company saw more in him than a roustabout. Soon, he became an assistant to the owner and learned everything there was to know about the oil business. With the money he earned, he made a few investments that paid off. When he came to Barber’s Hill, he looked for more fields in which to invest. He made some deals and had just left to go to Houston for some supplies when your letter came. I left him a message. I told him if he returned to please call your office, Mr. Logan. I was sure you wouldn’t mind. Do you think they will give him your home number and Delia will let him know where we are?”

  “I’m sure they will, and Delia will be happy to tell him our whereabouts. She cares very much for Hannah and nothing would make her happier than to be part of a reunion.”

  “David,” Margaret said, “Just to be sure, let’s call Delia when we get to the hotel We’ll tell her exactly where the music competition will be held and give directions in case Mr. Monroe does get back and gets Teddy’s message.”

  “That’s a wonderful idea. We’ll take no chances on this meeting going awry. We’ll have a couple of hours before the concert, but we don’t want to get to the auditorium too early. We would have to see Hannah and we don’t want to meet her until afterward. Teddy is our surprise. We’ll make our call and rest until it’s time to go.”

  Caroline echoed all their thoughts when she said, “I’m going to say a prayer that Mr. Monroe gets the message and he and Hannah will find one another at last. And don’t forget,” she whispered to her parents, “to see Hannah walk without her brace will be our surprise for Teddy.”

  “You did fine keeping the secret, Caroline,” her mother said. “It looks as if a lot of people will be surprised tonight.”


  Hannah looked at her image in the mirror. She wore a simple ivory colored chiffon dress and matching shoes. Resisting the present fashion of bobbed hair, she had left her blond locks long. Tonight, she held them back with a tortoise shell comb. Her only jewelry, the heart-shaped gold locket now gleaming against the pale hues of her outfit. The Houston Symphony Orchestra that traveled to Galveston to be a part of the Texas Music Society Contest would accompany her tonight. For her piece, Hannah had chosen the hauntingly beautiful music of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata, Number 14 in C Sharp Minor.

  On this tour, an extra feature had been added. Before she played, Hannah stood in front of the audience and told a brief story of the work she had chosen. The professor thought the audience might appreciate it more if they knew a short history behind the music. The crowds throughout the tour had shown its appreciation with prolonged applause.

  With a nod from Professor Webster who stood behind the curtains, Hannah walked with confidence to the edge of the stage. She was the sixth contestant of ten participants from around the state. She took a deep breath and greeted her audience.

  “Beethoven wrote this Sonata in 1801, dedicating it to the Countess Giulietta Guicciardi, who was only seventeen. It’s said that Beethoven was in love with her. Several years after the death of the composer, a poet compared the music to moonlight shining on Lake Lucerne. Since then, it has been known as the Moonlight Sonata. I hope you enjoy my rendition.”

  Bowing to the crowd, Hannah turned, intending to take her place at the piano and signal the orchestra to begin. However, as she looked into the audience a face in the crowd caught her attention. Surely I am mistaken. She thought for a moment she had seen a young man who could be a grown-up Teddy. Shaking off the illusion, Hannah ste
pped to the piano, acknowledged the members of the orchestra, then launched into the first movement of the powerful but quiet melody of the Sonata. Her fingers trembled for a moment, then became sure and strong as she played the familiar notes of the lovely work.

  She knew the Logans were in the audience and she played for them, smiling as she thought of Caroline who once wanted so much to play the piano too. Now, she was a budding dancer who had found her love in the graceful movements of the ballet. Hannah played superbly. The first two movements led to the final one, which demanded precise and skillful playing. This movement brought Hannah to the finale filled with fast arpeggios and strongly accented notes, making it one of the composer’s most famous works.

  At last, the music ended. The hall remained silent, until the crowd rose as one to its feet applauding until the contest coordinator called for the next participant.

  Hannah stood to take a bow, glancing at the spot where the young man had been seated. He was no longer there. Hannah thought she must have imagined it as she made her bow and walked toward the curtains. Reaching backstage, both the Websters greeted her.

  “You were wonderful, Hannah,” Benjamin said.

  “Your family will meet us in the lobby after the awards,” Sylvia said. “Meanwhile, they sent these,” she said, nodding toward a large vase of flowers.

  “How lovely they are, and how thoughtful of the Logans.”

  Hannah bent to inhale the fragrance of the long-stemmed yellow roses.

  Hannah and the Websters waited backstage until the last contestant had finished. Then, those who had participated were called out for the award presentation. The master of ceremonies addressed the audience.

  “The winner of the Texas Music Society Competition is considered the best musician in the state. We have a lot of wonderful competitors with us this year making the choice difficult, but the judges have arrived at their decision.”

  Hannah knew the others must have butterflies in their stomachs just as she had. The lights were still dim and though she could not spot the Logans, she felt an almost overwhelming sense of love, as if they were sending it to her through thin air. Her fingers went to the gold locket and held on until the name of the winner was announced. She stood there listening to the audience applaud until she felt a touch on her arm.

  The girl standing next to her said, “Hannah, it’s your name he called. You’ve won!”

  Feeling as if she were dreaming, she stepped out of line and walked to the center of the stage where the master of ceremonies hung a heavy gold medal around her neck. The applause was deafening.

  Bowing to her admirers, Hannah whispered, “Mama, Papa this is for you.” The young woman stood for a few minutes accepting the congratulations of her fellow artists, then went to collect the Websters and meet the Logans in the lobby. Sylvia and Benjamin Webster hugged Hannah and added their congratulations again.

  “We knew you could do it, Hannah. We’re so proud of you.”

  “You’ve both been wonderful. You’ve taken so much time with me, I really don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Just seeing how well you’ve done is thanks enough,” Benjamin said. “Now, let’s don’t keep the Logans waiting. I’m sure they want to congratulate you too.”

  Walking toward the lobby, Hannah saw Aunt Margaret,

  Uncle David and Caroline. Then getting closer she saw a stranger standing beside them.

  “Congratulations, Hannah,” Caroline called as she came nearer. “We knew you would win.”

  “Thank you, Caroline.” Hannah stared at the young man instead of Caroline.

  “Congratulations, Hannah,” chimed in Margaret and David Logan, waiting for her to recognize Teddy.

  This time, Hannah didn’t answer. She couldn’t. She had stopped still and stared at the young man who stood there with his impish grin. Then moving in slow motion toward the group, she tried to speak. Her voice only a whisper, “Teddy, is it really you? I wasn’t dreaming.”

  Galvanized into action, Teddy rushed to cover the space between them. Lifting Hannah off her feet, he swung her around and yelled, “You bet it’s me.” He set her down and stepped back and looked at her. “You’re walking! I couldn’t believe it when you came out on stage without your brace. Seems your family wanted to surprise me too.”

  Hannah continued to hold Teddy’s hand. “You must tell me everything. Oh, excuse me. This is Professor and Mrs. Webster. And you’ve already met Uncle David and Aunt Margaret.

  “And me, Hannah. I met Teddy first of all!” Caroline broke in.

  “I’m sure you did, Caroline.” Hannah laughed at the young girl.

  When the introductions had been made, Uncle David broke in. “Let’s save the explanations for the moment. We have reservations for a late supper. You two can catch up at the restaurant.”

  The happy group started down the long hallway from the lobby with Hannah and Teddy in the lead, talking as if they had never been apart.

  Teddy stopped suddenly and took her arm. “Look, Hannah, do you remember this?” From his pocket he took an envelope. Reaching in, he took out the curl he had cut from Hannah’s hair so long ago. He had tied it with a blue ribbon, the color of the dress she wore that day.

  “You’ve kept it all this time,” Hannah said, in wonder.

  “I have so much to tell you, Hannah.”

  “And I have a lot to tell you, Teddy. I still can’t believe you found me. I almost…” Hannah stopped and looked toward the entry. The rest of the group watched as she moved toward a figure standing in the shadows. As she got closer she broke into a run.

  Teddy raised his hand to stop the others from following her. Smiling, he murmured, “Thank goodness. He got my message.”

  The man was a little more stooped and had a few gray hairs, but she knew who it was the moment she saw him. Sobbing, Hannah threw herself into her father’s arms. Her tears mingled with those of John Monroe’s. He held his daughter as if he’d never let her go.

  “Papa, you found me. You finally found me.”

  “We’ve found each other, Hannah, and we’ll never be apart again.” Holding her at arm’s length, John Monroe gazed at his daughter, standing straight and tall before him. He could find no words.

  “I made a vow that I would walk to you, Papa, and I have,” Hannah said through her tears. “Oh, we have so much to catch up on, but please come meet the people who’ve taken such good care of me.”

  Turning, Hannah and John Monroe walked toward the little crowd waiting. Smiling through their tears, the group surrounded the two, a family united at last.


  Hannah’s Journey is the story of one child’s experience on the Orphan Trains. She is a composite of the many riders who were sent by trains that crisscrossed the country from the mid-1800s until 1930. The riders numbered over two hundred thousand orphaned and abandoned youngsters who were “placed out” to families in distant states.

  Each child embarked on this unknown journey filled with fear and excitement. The one emotion that held them together was hope. Hope for a new life and a longing for the unity and security of a loving family.


  June Venable’s love of writing came early, when as a first-grader, she won a story contest sponsored by a local newspaper. She was born and raised in Mobile, Alabama, but after marrying a Texan, she’s been a resident of the Lone Star state. June earned a degree in elementary education and taught in the North Texas area. Later she satisfied her love of travel by working in a travel business, and even opened her own cruise agency. June writes young adult novels as well as short stories. Hannah’s Journey is her first novel and she’s working on her second. June is a member of the San Gabriel Writer’s League, currently serving as secretary. She is also a member of Story Spinners.




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