The Pack

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The Pack Page 16

by LM. Preston

  Jerking her hand away, she headed to the door. She felt his gaze on her back. Breathing deeply, she grabbed the jacket and put it on before heading down the hall to meet the others. Her cheeks burned in a blush of humiliation at the not-so-secret kiss she had given to his hologram that morning.

  When she got to the door, she pulled on the jacket and saw the guys waiting there in solemn silence. Figuring they were preparing for their attack, she said nothing. Valens came up behind her. She could feel his presence, and she straightened, placing her hand in the jacket pocket. Feeling around, her hand landed on the gloves he’d given her that added electric shock to her punches. She smiled.

  Valens walked over to Anthony without sparing Shamira a glance. “Anthony, you can take one of the motorcycles. The car is more difficult to get out of tight spots. Mitch, you grab the gold one. Kurt, there is a black one next to mine for you,”

  Shamira went to the garage and called Pearl. She climbed on and let Kurt take the lead as they took flight to Sector Five.

  Chapter 19

  They came up to a large building, which stood taller than the rest on the city block in the business district. Looking around, Shamira realized the building wasn’t far from the Security Force Headquarters. You have got to be kidding me. They’re conniving right under the nose of the Security Force, mocking the Force by doing this within a few miles of the Force’s home base. Pulling up behind Valens’ motorcycle, she came to a stop and climbed off her bike. She took off her helmet and walked over to the others.

  Valens stopped his bike next to Mitch’s. “Mitch and Anthony, your target’s not far from here. We’ll meet you at the location of the cylinders. Stay alive,” he said.

  “No one’s going to kill me now. Thanks to Valens’ implants, I’m one bad mutha. I survived before, but now, I’m going to crush a fool,” Anthony said, pimping his walk as he sauntered over to Valens to get ammunition for his gun.

  Mitch smirked while he put his gun in his belt. “Please. You always thought you were a ‘bad mutha’. Remember, you were the one to promise me and Hedi that you’d get us out of there.”

  Anthony slapped Mitch on the back. “Well, looks like you were the lethal one, Mitch. Valens told me you took one of them out to save Shamira. That’s bad mutha in my book, man.” Then he headed to his motorcycle.

  Stonefaced Kurt warned, “We better get going. I contacted Ryan, who is going to let us in the office next to the conference room so we can eavesdrop on that meeting,” Kurt said.

  Shamira looked at Kurt and saw a face of cold calmness. She nodded at him, and he nodded back.

  “We’ll follow you, Kurt. How do you feel, since this is the first time you have used the enhancements?” Valens asked while he watched Anthony and Mitch ride off.

  “I feel powerful, and I’m going to use it to bring these bastards down. I hate them for what they did to my family and me. I’ll die trying to wipe them off the face of Mars,” Kurt said and then spat on the ground before taking off.

  They parked their rides in a hidden alcove behind the building and went to one of the doors in the back. Kurt knocked lightly on the door. It opened almost immediately, and a boy with black hair streaked with purple stared back at them.

  “You came! You really came, man. Kurt, I’m starting to think we can actually do this. Everybody follow me,” the kid named Ryan directed. He led them down the well-lit hall to an office next door to a conference room. He quickly shoved them inside the double doors while looking around to make sure the coast was clear.

  Ryan grinned, adoration shining in his face. “Hey, you must be Shamira and Valens. Kurt told me a lot about you. I’m honored to help. There are other kids here tonight that work for Monev, but you have our loyalty. You’ll make a safe exit. You have my word on it.” He slowly nodded his head in assurance of their safe departure.

  Shamira acknowledging his claim with a nod and smiled. “Who will be at this meeting, Ryan?”

  Ryan rubbed his hands together with glee. “Oh, you guys hit pay dirt today. Renu is actually going to be here. He’s meeting with Slasher and his gang before the rich heads get here. But here is the kicker… one of the invitees is a Security Force guard. He works for one of the Security Force Elite.”

  Shamira frowned. “What? Do you know the guy’s name?” Shamira demanded. This is getting uglier by the minute. Her temper simmered. The adrenaline pumped through her, but she pushed it down. She didn’t want to lose control too early. Needing to think clearly without rage at this moment, she forced herself to breath calmly.

  “No, but he comes around now and then to pass on information to the upper crust of Monev,” Ryan said.

  Valens asked, “What do the rings mean? The ones they all wear?”

  Kurt crossed his legs and leaned back on the desk. “The rings signify their brotherhood and the blood they had to shed to build Monev, or at least that’s what they tell us. Only thing is, it wasn’t their blood that was shed. These bastards knew each other before they even came to Mars. They had this planned out. It was to be a breeding ground for them to gain power and become kings. The Security Force and everyone else just got in the damn way, so Monev knew very early they would have to bring them down. The kicker is -no one really knew how.”

  Shamira smirked. “Someone in Monev found out how. Otherwise, they would not have been able to bring any member of the Force down”

  “If anyone knows that answer, it’s Renu,” Kurt responded.

  “Well, if that’s the case, then he’s the one I want,” she said, then placed her hands on her hips as her lips thinned in anger.

  Kurt leaned on the wall and put his hand in his pocked. “Yeah, well I’m impressed if you think you can get to him. He’s the one who teaches the assassins everything they know. I heard he is as twisted as he’s beautiful.”

  “It’s not surprising. They’re all twisted, these men who hurt the innocent. But our day is coming, and we will bring them to their knees—to their knees begging for mercy!” Valens said with a voice heavy with anger and distaste as he punched down on his open palm.

  “The meeting is beginning. I’ll check on you later. I have to send Ty to attend to the meeting members,” said Ryan as he left them alone.

  Valens reached in his pocket. “Here, take these so we can see through the wall,” Valens said and handed out shades for them to wear. Shamira pushed his hand aside.

  Turning to the wall, she pushed her sight through to see the first members of Monev walk through the door. Upon laying her eyes on the first to enter, she felt a punch in her chest at her discovery. It was Broc! He was the Security Force member whom Ryan mentioned, and when she saw him there with those thugs, a piercing pain filled her heart. Broc had been a close friend of her family’s, and she couldn’t understand his purpose here. Why is he betraying us and the Force? She growled through the pain as if she were some seething, wounded animal.

  She had to turn away from Broc’s smiling face as she did a double-take at the last person to enter the conference room. “What the freak? It can’t be. No way. That’s Cal, the head of the friggin’ Security Force!” Shamira said in menacing anger as her eyes studied Cal’s familiar face. He looked rather different from the day he had walked into her father’s office and almost caught her fiddling around with the supercomputer. He looked harsher somehow, with stubble sprinkled on his chin and jaw.

  Kurt pointed at the wall where Renu stood. “No. If that was the Security Force leader, you’d know by the brand on his neck. All Monev’s head guys get brands on their necks. See there? He has it just under his cheek. You’d have picked that out easily.”

  Shamira tried to concentrate. She couldn’t seem to get past Broc’s betrayal, and now she remembered how strange Cal had looked and acted that day. She didn’t remember seeing a brand, something she was sure would have stood out. Besides, Cal looks way more professional and cleaner than this Renu guy, she grimaced. Maybe they just looked similar. “Valens, call Hedi and have her do a search
on the Earth computer records on criminals released to be rehabilitated in Mars. Have her check birth records of Cal Long and Renu,” Shamira said to Valens while looking intently into the conference room.

  “Done. I think you’re onto something here,” Valens added.

  “Okay, they’re starting,” Shamira said, and the room went into total silence.

  Valens placed a flat circular device on the wall, and he and Kurt adjusted their earpieces so they could hear into the next room. Valens held out an earpiece for her, but she shook her head. He looked at her and nodded while placing the piece back into his pocket. She closed her eyes to block out images around her so she could hear clearly into the next room.

  Renu lashed out and grabbed the guy named Slasher by the shirt. “Before our illustrious paying guests show up, I want to ask you one question, Slasher. What the hell is going on? Where the hell is Thor? Why can’t we find him with the tracking device in the ring he never takes off?” He dragged Slasher across the table to stare at him face to face.

  “We’re… we’re on it. He was after some girl. Said she stole his ring off his finger. We can’t find him or the damn device,” said Slasher. The words sputtered out. Renu’s other hand, which was now wrapped around his throat.

  Renu narrowed his eyes in anger. “You have two days, Slasher, and then you’ll see just how much I can slash you and how long I can draw out your pain,” Renu spat bitterly. Then he bit down hard on Slasher’s ear. A spray of blood shot out from the side of Slasher’s head as Renu spit out a piece of his earlobe on the table. Everyone in the meeting room watched stone-faced as the grotesque scene played out. They seemed completely unaffected. Slasher growled through the pain and calmly picked up the discarded piece of his ear with a shaking hand. Renu casually took a napkin to wipe his mouth clean, offered to him by a teenage Asian kid who Shamira figured was Ty.

  “Sir, would you like a briefing on our clients?” another guy who sat beside Slasher said.

  “Why not? You may start the briefing,” Renu said while he leaned back in his chair at the head of the table.

  “Telwell Industries, which built and maintains the Mars air management systems and hardware, will be joining us. They want to add a little side business to their empire. Trafficking of human parts and fetuses for Earth’s wealthy is a high priced business. We know that because it’s been profitable to Monev in the past. Now that our airspace and travel to Earth has been stunted, Telwell is willing to cut a deal with us. They still have permission to travel to Earth and back. The want a 50 percent cut of all the proceeds from these sales in exchange for assisting us in smuggling the cargo to Earth,” the young man next to Slasher said.

  “Richard, would you like to tell me who the hell they think they are dealing with? We’re still shipping our cargo even now without their help. Who’s showing up from their company today?” Renu asked calmly.

  “George, Steven, and John Cruz—a family operation. We know this John has a mild scream addiction and comes to the gaming hells frequently enough to give us a small interest in Telwell. He’s signed over about ten of his twenty-five shares already. I must say I was happy to help him find money to play with. George is the father and a very seasoned negotiator. He has a lot of connections on Earth that would allow us entry into the Earth markets. We could start selling dream, the addictive drug we sell to those who aren’t gamers or gamblers, unnoticed while using his connections. It seems as if scream production will have to stay in the Mars domain since Earth doesn’t allow the gaming or gambling dens. Also, the Earth Security Force is difficult to penetrate. They’re the most loyal bastards around. Therefore, we can definitely focus on the sale of dream on Earth and our flesh sales,” Richard said smugly.

  He’s definitely confident, Shamira thought.

  “Now I must admit, control of the air management system will bring Mars to its knees. We may be willing to negotiate something,” Renu said, as the door opened and owners of Telwell walked in.

  After their brief hellos, they found their seats at the opposite ends of the table. George faced Renu from his end of the table and had the stern, unforgiving look of a true negotiator. He began by giving the history of his company and the benefits of Monev’s alliance with them.

  “Well, I’m sure Richard clued you in on our expectations. I’d like to add that doing business with us is your only way to mainstream your services. Hell, I can even get some of them legalized,” George said confidently.

  Renu exuded calm detachment. “What exactly makes you think I’m going to give you 50 percent of our profits?” Renu smiled wickedly, never taking his cold gaze from George.

  Shamira smelled an inkling of fear in the air, and she noticed a faint bead of perspiration on George’s forehead.

  George gulped then recovered. “We’re the only company currently allowed to travel and land in Earth’s airspace. I believe that is an uncompromising benefit of our union, one I know you won’t refuse or regret,” George added with fake bravado.

  “Well, let me clue you in. My production, sales, and delivery to my Earth market for flesh replacement have not been hindered in any way. Not only do I own my own ships to transport our goods, but I also use a most trusted source to send and deliver anything I desire to or from Earth. You, sir, don’t really know who you are dealing with here, do you?” Renu said, slowly rising from his chair. He casually walked down to George and grabbed him by his hair. George’s sons tried to stand but were immediately held down by Renu’s guards.

  Renu grabbed a fistful of Georg’s hair. Then hissed, “Now, let me make this plain. Your company WILL give me 51 percent controlling interest in Telwell in exchange for your life, your sons’ lives, and the lives of every living relative you have. If I’m not given this, I’ll personally hunt down and kill everyone with the last name Cruz who is related to you, knows you, has spoken to you, or is connected to you in any way. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Cruz?”

  “I can’t. I won’t do it. This is my family legacy,” George forced out in anger.

  “Really? Then why is your son John squandering it away in my gaming hells? Ask him how much we already own of Telwell,” Renu said, then glanced over at John and winked.

  John hit his hand on the table as his eyes watered from the pressure of the guard’s hand on his neck.

  Shamira’s head turned when she heard Ryan enter quietly. Keeping an ear on the conversation, she looked at him questioningly.

  “You better get outta here. Ty tipped me off that the meeting is ending soon. I can split them up so it’s easier to ambush them. I’ll take Slasher to one exit and then send Renu and his guards to another,” Ryan said quietly.

  “Valens, you can get Slasher, and Kurt and I will get Renu,” Shamira said, knowing she could trust Valens to get the job done. She was still figuring out Kurt’s loyalties, so she wanted to keep a close eye on him, and taking him with her to ambush Renu would show where he really stood.

  Ryan said, “The exits are near one another, and I have some kids willing to play lookout and keep the perimeter guards busy while you take the scum out. Valens, you can follow Ty, and you two can follow me. Let’s roll.” Then he turned around and led them out the door.

  Before Shamira left the room, she heard Renu’s raised voice, “… and don’t think the Security Force can save you! I have them completely under my control. You contact them, you sign your death certificate!”

  Shamira wondered on that. He did have them crippled, but she knew he didn’t have a complete hold on them. Tonight she would get answers, and she would bring Renu down now. She followed Ryan down the hall they came through earlier, and he took them out the door.

  “Kurt, give me a lift. I’m going to completely disable this camera. I got a guy scrambling the cameras and surveillance. We started when Valens tipped us off you were coming,” Ryan said. Kurt easily lifted Ryan up, and he disabled the camera above the exit door. Kurt turned to stare at Shamira while Ryan was at work. She returned his hard stare with
her own. He nodded to her and smirked before he put Ryan down.

  “What’s the setup for the ambush? I still can’t believe we hit pay dirt getting that bastard here,” Kurt said.

  Shamira figured he had started to relax now that he appeared to trust her.

  Ryan chimed in, “You can catch them when they come out the door. The guard comes out first, and Renu follows with three guards behind him. Watch Renu, though. He carries some nasty weapons on him. We’ll keep the rest of security at bay. We set up some traps for them, so don’t mess this up. If you can’t get Renu, run. Run fast as hell away from here, because he will track you down like dogs and kill you if he knows what you look like. He has an uncanny memory and ability to do things you can’t even begin to imagine. Damn, I gotta go. They’re on their way out.” Turning, Ryan took off another direction.

  She looked over at Kurt, who moved to the opposite side of the door and took out his gun. Shamira smiled at him and put on one claw glove with retractable knives and one of the gloves Valens made on her opposite hand.

  Smiling back, Kurt whispered softly, “I’ll take out the guards, and you get Renu.”

  The first bulky guard walked out as the door slid open. Kurt moved with lightning speed and fluency as he attacked. Shamira was impressed at the gracefulness of it. She listened to see if Renu was closely behind. She didn’t hear a sound, and she found that odd. Slowly, she moved closer to the door and pushed her eyesight forward in barely enough time to slide out of the way of Renu’s lightning attack. A punch landed on the side of her face, and she fought piercing pain unlike any she had experienced before. Her head snapped back as a reflex of her years of training. He stared at her with a slight look of recognition. How does he know me? Shamira wondered.


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