Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)

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Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) Page 10

by Evans, Bryce

  River got in front of Jonas and leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed Jonas lightly on the lips then turned and kissed Reece. “I love this,” she squealed as she ran down the stairs to the sleigh.

  Reece chuckled. “Man, this was a great idea,” Reece muttered as they watched their mate start up a conversation with the horses.

  “I know. We need to do something special every day for our mate. She deserves something special in her life.” Jonas and Reece watched as River spoke softly to the horses as she smoothed down their mane.

  Jonas leaned toward Reece. “So you better start thinking. Wooing this woman is going to be a job; so get your thinking cap on and have something special for her tomorrow,” Jonas replied as they walked down to the sleigh. The man waiting at the sleigh was part of Reece’s clan. He bowed his head as the two Alphas stepped in front of the sleigh. Reece and then Jonas stuck his hand out and shook the man’s hand.

  River watched the exchange the man gave Reece and Jonas. Wonder why they do that? I have so much to learn. Why did he bow to them?

  “These are our best horses we have at the Lodge. The thermos and cups are in the storage. You should have a good ride. The trail is going to be smooth tonight with the new snow. Have a great time.”

  Jonas got on first then grabbed the blanket out of the storage bin, waiting for River to sit down. “Come on, baby. Your chariot awaits.”

  Reece bowed to her as she pet the side of the horse. She smiled as Reece helped her up into the sleigh. Reece got in next and took the blanket from Jonas, covering their mate’s legs. Reece and Jonas’s temperature was warmer than hers would be. She cracked a smile as Reece tucked the blanket around her legs. The care they took in getting her warm crushed one of the walls she had built up in her heart. She smiled back at Reece when he patted her legs.

  “Warm enough?” Reece asked.

  She grinned sheepishly as she nodded yes. She turned and looked over at Jonas smiling.

  Jonas smiled then grabbed the reins. “You ready, baby?”

  “Yes, oh yes I’m ready.” River gushed as she watched Reece smile back at her. He didn’t smile much but when he did, he was breathtaking to look at. He was gorgeous and knew it. She couldn’t stop glancing at each of the men. She was so excited about riding in the sleigh. She loved this and would never forget it.

  “Then off we go.” Jonas puckered his lips and whistled then gave the reins a little pop for the horses to start walking. The horses had bells attached to them. As they walked the bells jingled and it was fantastic to hear. She felt like she was emerged in a Christmas movie.

  Jonas was taking the tourist trail up to the top of the mountain. He had already made plans to have dinner at the restaurant after they returned from their ride. He wanted this to be like a fairytale for her. He couldn’t help but smile as she tilted her head back as the snow fell on her face. People waved at them as the sleigh went up the mountain. River waved back as they passed each other.

  Finally, River looked over at Reece who was watching her with a smile on his face. “What are you grinning at?”

  “Just you, baby. You make me smile at how excited you are,” Reece muttered as he picked up her hand and kissed it. She looked at him as her body shivered, not from the cold, but from the touch of his lips. These men had a way of making her feel safe and happy. Could this be true? Can I be happy? River thought as they rode up the mountain.

  “There is a thermos, darling, filled with hot chocolate in the storage bin,” Jonas suggested as he pointed down at the box. River looked down at the wooden box and opened it up to find a thermos and three mugs. She quickly grabbed it and then handed the mugs to Reece. She poured the hot chocolate into one of the mugs then placed the top on it and handed it to Jonas. Then she filled the other two, sat back, and took a sip of the drink. River closed her eyes as the milky chocolate flavor cascaded down her throat. She couldn’t stop the moan of how good the flavor tasted. Both men looked over at River who had her eyes closed. River opened her eyes to see the sleigh had stopped. She looked over at Jonas who was staring at her. His eyes had turned yellow and were filled with pure lust. He looked like he was going to devour her.

  “Baby…” Jonas’s voice was short and hoarse. “If you keep doing that then I will have to pull the sleigh over and drag you to the nearest surface and fuck you.”

  The heat of his words spread quickly over her body. She could feel how much his dirty words affected her by the moisture pooling between her legs.

  Jonas closed his eyes as he scented her heat. He could tell she was turned on too and he was fighting for control. The mating pull may not be affecting her but it was raining havoc on his control.

  River looked down then turned and looked at Reece. His eyes had turned red, but it didn’t scare her this time. River couldn’t keep eye contact with him long. They were making her want things. She could see that Reece’s hands were balled up in his lap. She could tell he wanted her as she looked down and watched as his erection tented the front of his jeans. She tried to calm her body. No more drinking and moaning, she told herself.

  River cleared her throat. “So tell me about mates.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Paddock growled at the news he received from his second, Rick Johnson. “The Vampire Council and Alphas started a new unit. There will be vampires, shifters, and witches on this unit.”

  Paddock hated werewolves and witches even more. “Whom will they be going after?” Paddock asked nonchalantly.

  “I don’t know yet. My connection stated the unit was formed and they would do the dirty work for the Council and Alphas,” Rick answered.

  “Funny. The bastards are too chicken to do it themselves so they formed a group.” Paddock laughed as he sat back down staring at Rick.

  “I’ve got a feeling they will be searching for us since that fucking idiot of a vampire drained all those girls.” Paddock leaned over then glanced back up at Rick. “They just don’t make smart vampires anymore.” Rick laughed at his Prime’s comment.

  “Well then, why don’t we find out who is on the unit and take the fight to them. Take them out before they know what hit them,” suggested Rick.

  Paddock frowned then grinned. “That is why you are my second, Rick. Find out who is on the unit and where they are stationed. Also, any news yet on Jacky Boy?” Paddock replied.

  “Not yet, but he isn’t far off. The man isn’t smart enough to go too far from what he knows. He will be betting soon enough and I will find him and bring him back to you,” Rick explained.

  “Good, I want him found.” Paddock turned and looked over at the wall. “Now where were we?”

  “Road Trip,” Rick yelled out as he watched the woman whimper in the corner.

  Paddock lips parted as his fangs dropped down. He was staring at the two women he had chained to the wall.

  Turning his head to the side, Paddock asked, “Which one do you want?”


  “So you are telling me that you will never want another woman ever again?” asked River.

  Jonas smiled as he looked over at River, “No, baby, I will never want another woman but you.”

  “Please tell me you are joking. This can’t be correct. I mean how can you do that?” River asked.

  “Why do you do that?” Jonas asked.

  “Do what?” River replied.

  “Sell yourself short.” Jonas watched as River stared straight ahead.

  She shrugged her shoulders at his comment. She didn’t know why she did it. Never feeling worthy of a home or family had done a number on River. She wanted all of those things but time and time again she never got them. Only heartache and running was what her life was about. When people think you are nothing much of anything then it was easy to think that as well.

  Jonas watched as River pulled the veil of not caring across her face. “I know you are not a shifter or vampire but, River, we mate for life. It’s like that so our race continues. You are used to men and women who get tired
of each other and get a divorce then go to someone else. We don’t ever. It’s not in our nature. You see women but you don’t desire them like we do you. I will never have sex with another person and if you don’t mate with us then we will go through life without one. We can never love another woman.”

  River shook from his statement. He would never find a mate if she didn’t mate with them. “Jeez, Jonas. Tell it like it is why don’t you. Oh no pressure, baby, but you just told me if I didn’t mate with you two then you would go through life alone. How do I take that? Really?”

  Reece snorted as his wildcat mate tore Jonas a new one. Jonas looked at Reece like he needed help. “River, what Jonas is saying is true but, baby, we are not going to pressure you into mating with us. We want to court you properly like we should and let you get to know us and we want to get to know you. We understand how you feel. I just hope you let yourself get to know us. We want this to work. I know it can.” River was about to say something when Reece put his finger across her lips. “Don’t say anything right now. We know this is a lot to take in. It’s okay to feel scared. Just let us get to know you and then you can make a decision,” Reece whispered as he watched her lips as she listened to him talk.

  “You have the most beautiful lips I have ever seen.” River grinned as Reece touched her lips.

  “You’re a smooth talker, Mr. Ramsey.” River looked forward and saw the ice-skating ring up on the ridge. In the middle of the ring was a beautiful tree with twinkling lights. River gasped as the ice skating ring got closer. “Look!” River pointed to the ice skating ring. “It’s so beautiful. I love to skate,” River gushed as she looked on the ring with excited eyes.

  Jonas smiled when he saw how excited his mate was. It was the simple things that made her happy. He would need to always remember that.

  Jonas pulled up beside the ring allowing Reece to get out. “Come on, baby. Let’s go skate.” Reece extended his hand up to her.

  “Really?” River looked over at Reece.

  “Yes, baby. Come on,” said Reece.

  River smiled then looked back at Jonas. “You’re coming too? Right, Jonas?”

  Jonas smiled when she thought of him too. “Let me go park the sleigh then I will be up there in a few minutes. You like this, right?” Jonas asked.

  River jumped back into the sleigh then slowly placed her lips on his and kissed him. “Thank you, Jonas. I will never forget these moments.”

  Jonas watched as a tear slid down her face. “Be back in a second,” Jonas whispered. He could see the emotions of pure happiness on her face. She took his breath away. Something so simple made her this happy. He wasn’t used to that from the women he had dated in the past. Most were looking for more than the basic date. Most were shifters he dated and they knew he was an Alpha and could afford to spend the money on them. River was different. Basic was nothing short of great to her. She had done without her whole life so when she received just the simple things it excited her. Jonas loved that about her and made a vow to continue doing these simple things for her. He remembered a quote from William W. Purkey he read that fit River: “You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, Love like you'll never be hurt, Sing like there's nobody listening, And live like it's heaven on earth.” They still didn’t know how hard her life had been but he bet that even going to Walmart would be special to her.

  “Okay.” Reece helped River down from the sleigh. He looked back at Jonas and smiled.

  Jonas pulled off smiling. He loved making her happy. Jonas knew now that his goal in life would be making his mate happier than she had ever been.

  River dragged Reece up to the edge of the ring, smiling all the way. Her excitement made him ache for her. She was like a kid on Christmas. Reece knew he would make sure River had the best times at the holidays. He figured River never had a time with family where they celebrate with each other. The simmering anger continued as he learned more and more about River’s life. She never had any happy times to talk about and he hated Paddock even more now. His mate couldn’t even stop running because of the fear she felt from him. She had been hunted like a dog.

  Reece stood and watched as River leaned over the ring and waved at the little kids who glided by her. Her smile was contagious as he watched. Paddock Reed was a dead man. Society would be much better without the likes of him in it.

  “Let’s skate?” River said excitedly.

  “Okay, baby.” Reece grabbed River’s hand and walked with her over to the shoe stand. River and Reece gave their shoe sizes then sat and put their skates on.

  For some reason, River found herself opening up to Reece and Jonas telling them about herself without realizing she was doing it. “When I was young I would go to one of the ponds surrounding the orphanage and skate. The love of skating started when I was snooping around one day in the attic and found a box that had skates in it along with some other junk. They were old, falling apart, and two sizes too big, but I put socks in the end of them and went for it. It was the only happy time in my life until this day.” River reached over and put her hand on Reece’s leg. “I…need to thank you, Reece, you and Jonas for this date and I…well just… thank you for such a wonderful time. It has been the time of my life. I will never forget it.”

  His throat constricted as her words crushed into him. Never had he felt such sorrow for someone. Even when his sister was killed, he only felt anger then. His emotions were kept at bay so he could protect himself from the pain. But these emotions flooded his heart. She was real and brave. Reece had to feel her lips on his. She broke his heart with how damaged and alone she was. He reached over and kissed her then kissed the end of her nose. “You are quite welcome.” He bent down to tie his skates so she wouldn’t see the tear that hovered in his eye.

  River touched her lips as the heat of his kiss scorched her lips. His lips were soft and sweet. She had to look away from him before she pulled his head toward her and kissed him more.

  Bringing her out of her erotic thoughts, Reece asked, “Let’s skate.” He stood and held his hand out to her. She couldn’t stop the smile that broke through. River allowed Reece to help her up as Jonas walked up behind her smiling.

  Reece stepped out on the ice and held his hand out to her. River excitedly took his hand then stepped onto the ice. Pushing out, Reece guided River around the ring. Letting her get her feet wet again. He watched as the smile never left her face. He couldn’t believe how beautiful his mate was. He had a feeling about her, that once she found her way here, she would be a force to be reckoned with.

  Jonas waved at River when she glided by. Her smile was addicting and her giggles made him smile wider. Her laugh was music to his ears. The giggles would never grow old to him. She was a diamond in the ruff. One that had been overlooked all her life, but she would sparkle more than the others if given a chance. He knew he already loved her. River Channing was his mate that was for sure. Never would anyone harm her or take anything from her again. He would make sure of that.

  River hesitantly released Reece’s hand. She had to take a chance and do this on her own. She knew she could do this. It was like riding a bike as her past came back to her gliding on her own on the ice.

  Jonas grinned as River glided by again. He could watch her forever. All he wanted to do was make this woman happy. She deserved that and he would be the one to make sure she got anything she wanted.

  Reece skated over to the side where Jonas was standing. They both watched as their mate glided by again giggling. “I love that sound,” Reece commented.

  Jonas sighed then blew out his breath. “Yeah, me too.” Jonas couldn’t stop the image of someone taking her away from him. “We need to prepare for that nut of a vampire coming for our girl. I’m going to get some Protectors from the pack to come here so they can watch over her when were not around.” Reece nodded, agreeing with him.

  “We can’t let her know that she is being protected or she will freak out. She just needs to know they follow me around and your guys fol
low you around being a leader,” Reece explained as he waved at River as she glided by.

  Jonas pointed at River, “Look at her. All I want to do is make her happy. She has never had a family who did the normal stuff with her. That’s what we start with. Movies, ice skating, and shopping.”

  “The first thing we need to do is get her to do some clothes shopping,” Reece muttered.

  Jonas glanced over at Reece. “Yeah, good luck with that one.”

  Reece exhaled because he knew that was going to be hard to accomplish. They could tell that River’s pride would be a problem when they wanted to shower her with gifts.

  “Maybe we can get Ash to help us with that one,” Jonas suggested.

  “She will need a whole new wardrobe. Looking at her clothes she doesn’t get that luxury much.” Reece glanced down at his fingers. “You know we take everything we have for granted. The money, clothes, and freedom we have are never respected enough. I just never thought about it until she came along.”

  “No arguments here,” Jonas acknowledged.

  Reece pulled out his phone and snapped some pictures of River as she skated. She was so caught up in the moment she didn’t know that Reece had taken them.

  Skating up to the side, she stopped in front of Jonas and Reece. “Come on, Jonas, and skate with us?” River asked.

  “Okay but, you may be picking me up off the ground a lot.” Jonas went over and got some skates.

  A few minutes later, River laughed as Jonas reached out a little further. “Stop laughing at me,” Jonas grinned. The last time he had been on skates was when he was a pup and it wasn’t coming back to him on how to do it.

  “Just a little bit more. Little bit more.” River scooted back a little further. As Jonas pushed a little bit further, his skate turned and down he went. Hitting the floor, Jonas looked up at the most beautiful face he had ever seen. The twinkling lights glowed around her face as she smiled down at him. She was his angel. She reached down for his hand and tried pulling him up.


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