Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter)

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Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) Page 19

by Evans, Bryce

  “Okay,” River replied. She reluctantly agreed to it. She could see how happy it made Mary. She would only buy a few things because she didn’t feel comfortable using their credit card to buy her clothes. Mary put the card in her hand then she looked over at Jonas who smiled then winked at her. She reached over and kissed him on the lips, which were still swollen from the night of beautiful passion and lovemaking she had ever experienced. “Thank you, Jonas,” River said simply.

  “You’re welcome, baby girl.” Jonas watched as River grabbed her pocketbook and put the credit card in her wallet. “First thing I want you to buy is a new pocketbook and wallet. Then get you some underwear and bras. The good stuff and then buy a whole new wardrobe too. Promise me you will do that?”

  River Channing blushed at the mention of underwear and bras. Thinking about the night she had just spent with her mates made her heart flutter and an instant arousal grow within her legs. She nodded and looked away from Jonas knowing he could smell her arousal.

  The waitress picked the perfect time to walk over to the table to get the focus off her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Standing outside the furniture store, River eyed the table sitting in front of the window. “Oh look, Mary, at that table. I love the color and how perfect it would look in Reece’s home.” River blushed thinking about Reece’s home as hers too.

  “You know, I think it would be great if you showed it to Reece and Jonas. You need some of your own touches in the home you are going to share with them. A kitchen table would be a great start,” Mary suggested.

  River tilted her head to the side thinking about that. “But it’s not my house. It’s Reece’s house. I couldn’t just buy a table and say hey I bought a table so get rid of the other one.” Mary grabbed Rivers arm and dragged her in the furniture store.

  “You listen here, missy. You are going to buy that table and you are going to say that and you are going to get used to it, because those men love you and want to spend the rest of their lives with you and that includes making that house yours too with your own personal touch on it.” Mary waved at the man who was watching from his desk.

  The man came over and smiled. “The table is great don’t you think?”

  River was running her hand down the side of the table. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Rod Tracy. My wife and I own this store. We make all the furniture in house. This was just made. I don’t think it will stay much longer. Too many people have been eyeing it.”

  “You see, River. It won’t be here long and somebody else will buy it. You need to go ahead and get it,” Mary urged.

  “I need to talk to the guys first. How much is it?” River asked.

  “Twenty-Three Thousand dollars.” River paled as she heard the price.

  Rod Tracy had seen that look before. He knew he needed to explain why it was so expensive. “You see it is a one of a kind. Nobody else will ever have this table. We only use the best wood and it will hold up to anything, like kids or big strong men. It takes a long time to make these specialty pieces. We guarantee all of our work. That is why it cost so much money.”

  “Um…it is beautiful but I would need to talk to someone first.” River looked up at the man.

  “Okay. But I hope it is still here if you decide later to get it.” Rod handed River his card before they walked out the door. River had a funny feeling when they walked out of the furniture store. She turned around looking for whatever she felt.

  “What is it?” Mary asked as River turned around like she was looking for someone. “What is wrong, River?”

  River could hear the panic in Mary’s voice. “Nothing.” River looked back again. “Nothing. It’s just, I felt like someone was behind me. Have you ever felt like that?” River asked as she laughed.

  But Mary knew the differences in River’s laugh and this laugh didn’t sound like a happy laugh. Mary turned around, looking at the people walking down the street before they walked off.


  Star stood in the alley until River turned back around. Certain the woman didn’t see her, Star continued to follow River at a slower pace. When River turned around, Star would act like she was window shopping. She was the one, Star kept saying to herself. She needed Sky to be here to see if they both felt the same way. Star pulled out her cell phone and called Sky to see if he could leave the shop. Star concentrated as she waited for Sky to arrive. She wanted to see if there was any type of connection with the woman. Every time she did it, the woman turned around trying to locate her.

  “Hey.” Sky ran up beside her. “Where is she?” Sky asked. Star pointed up at the storefront where River and Mary were looking at the clothes in the window.

  “That is her in the green jacket.” Star pointed toward River.

  Sky grimaced as the woman walked into one of the stores. “Damn. They went into the store and I can’t see her face yet,” Sky said sullenly.

  “Come on. Let’s go window shopping,” Star proposed as she took Sky’s arm then walked up to the store River was shopping in. Star and Sky acted like they were just looking at the clothes in the window but Sky got to see River when she turned around looking at the blue jeans.

  “It’s her. I can tell,” Sky advised.

  “How can you tell?” Star asked.

  “The same way I knew who you were when I saw you walk in the orphanage,” Sky answered. Star looked at him like she was thinking about something he said. “It may be strange to you to understand but I just know things,” Sky explained.

  “No reason to explain it to me, brother. I trust your judgment. I feel the same way. I believe it’s her too. Let’s watch and see what we can find out,” Star advised as they continued to walk slowly behind River.

  Wrapping her arm through River’s arm, Mary dragged her down the street into another clothing store. River couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. All day while they walked in and out of the stores, River continued to think someone was following her. Irritated, River needed a break from all the stores.

  They had made three trips back to the car when River told Mary that it was time to meet Reece and Jonas at the Ramsey Pub. Reece owned it and three more like it in different cities. River found out that Reece was one of the richest vampires in the world. He lived in a nice house but he didn’t flaunt that he had money. She loved that about Reece.

  River and Mary looked up at the cool sign that welcomed you into the pub. River opened the big wooden door for Mary then they walked inside searching for Jonas and Reece. Immediately River’s stomach growled from the scents of the food drifting in the air.

  “Hungry, baby girl?” Jonas asked as he came up behind River and hugged her. She could feel her breasts tingle as Jonas hugged her closer to him. Her body ached already for him to touch them. It didn’t hurt that they rubbed, licked, sucked, and massaged her breasts all night long. They knew what they were doing to her and she loved every moment of it.

  River’s voice sounded muffled as she talked into his shirt. “Starving but first I need to go to the bathroom.”

  Jonas reluctantly released River and pointed to the hallway for the bathroom. Jonas watched until River got to the bathroom then escorted Mary to the table Reece had reserved for them by the fireplace.

  When River left the bathroom again she felt like someone was watching her. She turned around but the pub was crowded and she didn’t see anything or anyone out of the ordinary. Walking to the table, both her mates stood and kissed her on the cheek then sat down beside her.

  “I already ordered some appetizers for us,” Reece explained.

  When River looked up, Mary was smiling like the cat who just found catnip in her drink. Then looked over at her mates who looked down at their plates. River narrowed her eyes at everyone. Looking back and forth she couldn’t help to smile knowing that something was up. “All right…what is up with all of you?”

  “Oh, I almost forgot.” Jonas change
d the subject quickly. “Mary, the woman who watches over my nieces and who means the world to me is coming to see the girls. I want to introduce her to you. I think you would have a lot in common. Her name is Nancy Melton. She is going to be here for dinner. I was hoping you could eat with us and get to know her. She means a lot to the girls and me. She kinda reminds me of you and how you feel about River. She is moving here with me to help with Kerra. She loves my nieces and Kerra and Kammy love her too.”

  River could see how excited Mary was about meeting someone who was her own age.

  “That is great, Jonas. I would love to meet Nancy. Maybe we could hang out while River is at work and off with you guys. Keep me busy.”

  “Great.” Jonas picked up his beer and drank from it.

  River was nervous at meeting Kammy and Kerra Lincoln. Making a good impression with them was essential for their future. These were Jonas’s nieces but they had become more than that. They were like daughters to Jonas. He loved them and they loved and depended on him. They would live with him while Kammy took college classes and worked at the Lodge. Kerra was still in high school but she would live with Jonas and if they were going to be mates then she would be living with the girls too.

  Nancy Melton was going to live with Jonas too and help him with the girls. She loved the girls like she was their grandmother. Jonas had explained how packs and clans lived. They looked after each other even if the person wasn’t blood kin, they were still considered family. River knew she loved that about these people. She had always wanted a big family and now she was getting one.

  She had yet to meet the girls but tonight at dinner would be their first meeting. She had bought both of them a gift with her money so she could give it to them. Jonas had told her about the girls and what they liked. Kerra was into making jewelry so River found a bead store and purchased some cool beads. Kammy was starting college so she purchased her a leather agenda notebook so she could keep up with her schedule and classes. It was pretty cool so she bought her one too so she could keep all her stuff from the unit in it. She hoped to make a good impression on both of them. This was an important night and she didn’t want to blow it with making them think she was a bum and using their uncle.

  Reece and Jonas watched as River nervously watched the door and people coming in and out of the pub. Reece leaned over and asked, “Is something wrong? You act nervous, baby, is something bothering you?”

  River was shocked they could tell that about her. She didn’t think she was acting like it. “No nothing is wrong,” River answered, shaking her head.

  “River, don’t feel that you have to hide when you are worried about something. I can tell something is bothering you. We only want to help,” Reece added.

  “No nothing is wrong. It’s just that…” Reece and Jonas leaned forward waiting to hear what was bothering her. “No it’s nothing,” River added.

  “Tell them, River,” Mary pleaded.

  River rolled her eyes. She didn’t want to sound weak or for anyone to think she was a whiner. “I keep getting the feeling someone is watching me, but every time I turn around nobody is there. I know it’s just my imagination. Probably since I haven’t been out in public much and it just makes me nervous. It’s nothing.” The waitress brought the appetizers before anyone could ask more questions about her feelings. She grabbed some of the apps so she didn’t have to explain how she was feeling anymore. Certain that everyone would think she was crazy, River tried to change the subject.

  “How was your day today? Did you get a lot done?” River asked Jonas and Reece.

  Jonas and Reece smiled at each other knowing that River had changed the subject. Reece got his phone out and texted his guards who were outside. He advised them to see if someone was watching the place or acting like they were waiting for someone outside.

  Jonas allowed River to change the subject but he knew Reece was texting his guards. They would find out if someone were watching her. Gut feelings were what saved his life several times. He knew they were your warning system and to always believes in them. River was a healer and she could see things nobody else could see so if she had that feeling then he was going to believe what she was saying. He would let this conversation drop for now but he would check it out himself later.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  River stared at herself in the mirror. The dress she had picked out for this dinner matched her eyes.

  “You look beautiful,” Mary said.

  River smiled as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. “You think the guys will like it?” River asked Mary.

  “Like it. Nope I don’t think they will like it. I think they will love it.” River giggled as she smoothed her hair down and off her shoulder. “But let’s be honest. You could wear a sack around you and they would still think you were beautiful. Those two young men look at you and all they see is your beauty inside and out. Only you. They are in love with you.”

  River teared up thinking about love. “I always dreamed about having a family and someone who actually loved me. They mean the world to me, Mary. I…don’t know what I would do if something happened to…” Tears fell from her face as she thought about how her heart would break if they didn’t really love her. She would be crushed if they decided that this was only a phase or just something for a couple of weeks. It would break her heart.

  Coming up behind her, Mary placed her hands on her shoulder. “Now, now. Don’t ruin your makeup.”

  River snorted. She loved Mary who could make her laugh in a heartbeat.

  “Did you just snort?” Mary tilted her head back and laughed with River. “Okay dry your eyes and let’s go meet those girls.”

  River touched up her makeup then picked up the two gifts she had purchased today for the girls. She hoped the girls would like the gifts. She was so nervous that she thought about staying in the room and telling the guys that she was sick. But Mary knew all and pulled River out of the room toward the elevator.

  The lodge was busy with new people checking in for the conference. “Wow, who let the gates open?” Mary asked, as they had to wait to get out of the elevator. People were standing in front of the doors as they tried to get out. River grabbed Mary’s hand and politely asked people to excuse them. River gasped as she saw polar bears, wolves, coyotes, lions, and some tigers lying inside of people standing around.

  “What is it?” Mary asked.

  “They are all shifters,” River whispered.

  “Well this is a lodge ran by Shifters so it would be expected that they would come here too,” Mary said softly, trying to whisper as they walked to the dining room.

  “Well they did tell me there were other kinds of shifters. I just never really thought about it,” River said as she turned back around to find Reece standing in front of her. He had on a suit and tie and looked hot. Her eyes widened as she looked at his muscular shoulders. The suit fit him like a glove. He looked like a million dollars in that suit. He was always good-looking to her. But her eyes blazed when she thought about peeling his suit off him then fucking him with his shirt still on but with the buttons undone.

  “Dirty thoughts, angel? If you keep looking at me like that, this dinner will be over before it even gets started,” whispered Reece in River’s ear.

  “You look great.” Smiling, Reece took a step back looking her up and down.

  “No, angel. You are the one who looks great and I love the shoes. Later, you keep the shoes on.” Keeping her eyes on him, she leaned over and licked his lips then sucked his bottom lip inside her mouth. He stopped and shook his head as he blinked at her. “You are a naughty girl. My naught girl and for making me want you right here in front of everyone you will be punished later with those shoes on. You will scream until you can’t scream anymore as I fuck you.”

  River moaned as the thought of what Reece wanted to do to her came vividly into her thoughts making her moist between her legs.

  “Okay, I can smell my baby all the way over there and I can’t stan
d it any longer. Let’s go. I told them we would be back in a few minutes. We got ten minutes at the most.” Jonas grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the dining room and straight into an office belonging to Larken.

  Jonas locked the door as Reece pulled the zipper down on her dress. His hands shook from wanting her all day but having to work stopped him from going to her. He knew she was having fun for the first time today shopping with Mary. The guards reported that she looked happy and carefree. They reported that they didn’t see anyone watching River or Mary. It was so busy downtown that it was nearly impossible to watch everyone.

  “Step out of it, baby,” Reece growled.

  River didn’t hesitate to step out of the dress. Her body was on fire. She felt Reece’s hands shaking as he got on his knees in front of her.

  “Back up, baby, until you hit the desk. Leave the shoes on,” Reece demanded. River smiled as he looked at her. She looked like she had gained some weight and it fit perfectly over her curvy body. Reece licked his lips as he stared at her pretty pink lips.

  Jonas unzipped his pants as River leaned back on the desk. The moans escaped their mouths as she leaned her back on the desk arching her breasts in the air as the cold desk touched her back. She glanced over at Reece who had his pants undone watching her as she got comfortable on the desk.

  Pushing papers out of the way, Reece placed River’s shoes on the edge of the desk. Her head almost fell off the other side until Reece pulled her until her ass was at the edge of the desk. “I can’t go slow, angel. Please tell me if I’m hurting you. I thought I could wait until later tonight but I can’t. I want to fuck you too badly.” River smiled as she watched Reece.


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