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iDrakula Page 2

by Bekka Black

  They say he’s in isolation for his own protection. I don’t know about that, but I’m sure scared of the thought of him stalking around eating kittens. What do you suppose set him off? Was he ok when he got back from Romania last time? Maybe it’s something in the water…:)

  Seriously, be careful. I want you back safe.

  Miss u. C u soon, I hope.

  Off to work out at the dojo! Will tell Sensei John you said salut.



  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Count back

  Sent: June 14 8:47 PM

  * * *


  Count came back right after sunset. He’s all weird and creepy, hissing like a lizard.

  It gets so dark here. Not like in the city. The dark is so thick it practically climbs down my throat and smothers me. I can’t see my hand in front of my face. Have to use a candle to get into bed. A candle. Like in a horror movie.

  Tomorrow the SUV will schlep me through the bats to the airport. I hope.

  Wish you were here. I can think of a few things we could do in the dark without parents around…Why aren’t you emailing me back?


  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Locked in again

  Sent: June 15 6:06 AM

  * * *


  Count gone. Locked in house. I know it sounds paranoid, but I think it’s not an accident. I’ve tried every door and window. Only way out is to jump 100 feet into that rushing river. After another day alone here, I might chance it.

  Am getting more and more exhausted. Can’t sleep because of the freakin’ bats. Have bad dreams if I do manage to doze off. Blood and death. I know, you’ll say it’s the paprika. But I’m not so sure.

  Count never eats. He’s been here for dinner every night but never eats. Or drinks. When I asked him about that while he was filling my goblet, he said, “I never” I’ve never seen him drink anything.

  What if he’s poisoning me?

  Call Renfield’s dad and tell him to get me the hell out of here.

  Miss u.


  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Lucy Westenra

  Subject: Freaking out

  Sent: June 15 6:16 AM

  * * *


  My phone is dead. Can’t charge the laptop either. I’m starting to freak out here.

  I’m trapped in the castle. I think the Count locked me in. When I got back to my room, I noticed that there was blood on my pillow. I think it’s from that hickey. There are puncture wounds in the middle of it. Oh crap. What happened to me last night?

  Don’t tell Mina. She’ll panic. But call my dad and tell him to get a hold of Mr. Renfield and get me the hell out of here. I’d call him myself, but the Count doesn’t have a phone in the whole castle.

  I am not screwing around here, Lucy. Please help me out.


  Text message from Mina Murray to Lucy Westenra

  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 7:40 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed due to server problems.

  Mina Murray

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Phone dead

  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 7:40 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed due to server problems.

  Mina Murray

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Locked in

  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 7:40 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed due to server problems.

  Mina Murray

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Count back

  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 7:40 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed due to server problems.

  Mina Murray

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Locked in again

  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 7:40 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed due to server problems.

  Lucy Westenra

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Lucy Westenra

  Subject: Freaking out

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: I love you

  Sent: June 15 7:42 PM

  * * *

  My dearest Mina,

  All my emails bounced. No news in or out. Cell battery long gone. Laptop battery blinking red. All day no Count.

  I broke into one of the locked rooms. It has piles of bones. Human bones. Tiny skulls, like from children. I know that sounds crazy. This whole thing is crazy. I have to get out of here before they kill me, too.

  Am jumping out the window with phone and laptop in plastic bags, just in case that’s all they find.

  Have to get the police here. Or Interpol. Or whatever they have. The Count must be stopped. Even in Romania you can’t just kill people.

  If this somehow gets through, know that I love you. I’ve done some stuff I regret, but you aren’t one of them.

  Cross your fingers for me.



  From: Postmaster

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Undelivered mail

  Sent: June 15 8:06 PM

  * * *

  This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



  Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

  Mina Murray

  —Forwarded Message Attachment—

  From: Jonathan Harker

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: I love you

  From: Mina Murray

  To: Frank Renfield

  Subject: Jonathan’s contact info?

  Sent: June 16 9:05 AM

  * * *

  Hello Mr.

  I’m sorry to bother you, but I haven’t heard from Jonathan for three days, which is very out of character. Has he phoned into the office? Is he all right?

  I visited Randy about three days ago. He seemed disoriented. He also complained that he doesn’t see anyone and is very lonely. I will visit him again today. I’m sure he’ll get through it all ok.

  Mina Murray

  From: Frank Renfield

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Re: Jonathan’s contact info?

  Sent: June 16 9:15 AM

  * * *


  An agent for the Count contacted me and said that Jonathan would be there for a few more days wrapping things up. There are complications with a few of the items to be shipped. The agent mentioned that Jonathan was having problems with his electronic toys, by which I assume he meant the phone and laptop. He lives in a very rural part of Romania, so, unlike New York, they do not have cell phone towers and Internet service providers on every corner. I am certain Jonathan himself will get in touch with both you and me as soon as he is able.

  I appreciate your visits to Randolph. Once the doctors ascertain what went wrong, they hope to be able to cure him. Many of his friends have abandoned him, and I am grateful that you have not.

  Frank Renfield

  From: Mina Murray

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Call me

  Sent: June 16 8:10 PM

  * * *


  I am getting super frantic. It’s not like you to stay out of touch. Lucy says it’s probably a battery issue and said you probably forgot your adapter. Mr. Renfield says so, too, but it feels wrong. Still, I am going to pretend that they’re right.

  We saw Renfield again. Here’s exactly what he said:

  Renfield: The Master is coming.

  Me (massively creeped out): What master?

  Renfield: Jonathan Harker will be sorry that he stole him. He will.

  Me (wondering about the whole last names thing): Stole who?

  Renfield: A kitten, Mina Murray. Get me just a little soft kitten. Only one. I only need one.

  He started screaming and came at me. I hated to do it, but I used a wrist lock on him. It worked, just like in a tournament. Unlike a tournament, I almost panicked. Almost.

  Abe (that premed student Lucy’s gaga over) was in the room with us. I held Renfield down until the doctor sedated him, which took a bit because Abe had to run out to get help. He wanted to take over from me and have me go, but Renfield kept trying to move and I was afraid I was going to have to break his wrist or he was going to come at me again. There was no way I was going to let go of him at that point.

  Lucy was no help at all. She smashed herself flat against the wall and wouldn’t come near us, like crazy is contagious. I’d be mad at her, but she was so upset I didn’t have the heart.

  It took two shots of whatever it was. After I got out, I had to go throw up.

  Renfield has chewed his fingernails to nubs. He makes my skin crawl, but I also feel really sorry for him. (Except when he’s attacking me.)

  You should visit him when you get home. If he’s properly restrained.

  It can’t help Renfield any to see Lucy so happy. Maybe this guy is THE ONE that she’s always looking for. He’s old, twenty or so. But it’s the happiest I’ve seen her since her mom died. Wonder what her dad will say? A doctor-to-be is better than her usual losers.

  Call me. I’m trying not to be worried, but I’m failing.

  I want to know you’re ok.



  Text message from Lucy Westenra to Mina Murray

  From: Mina Murray

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: Call me

  Sent: June 17 10:39 AM

  * * *


  Call me. Your voice mail is full. Why aren’t you answering your email?

  I went out with Lucy last night. Here’s a picture. We went to a charity ball full of lacrosse players who made jokes about their sticks. You see how low I have sunk without you. Come home before things get worse. :)

  How can Lucy stand those guys? Abe is way better than them, smart and funny and sensitive. I hope she sticks with him.

  Worried about you,


  -----------------Attachment Below-----------------

  Text message from Mina Murray to Lucy Westenra

  From: Abraham Van Helsing

  To: Mina Murray

  Subject: Delicate question

  Sent: June 17 11:02 AM

  * * *

  Hello Mina,

  I know that this is very irregular, and I apologize for this email out of the sky. I am concerned about Lucy. Yesterday she visited with Renfield again. His doctor thought that her presence might help him, as I am sure that you know that they were once intimate friends.

  Unfortunately, it went awry. Lucy and Renfield ran into each other’s arms like lovers, then sat tailor-style on the floor of his room grunting at one another. I know that’s hard to believe, but it is so.

  When I made a move to remove her, they started using words. Renfield said that it was his fault, then again that it was his joy.

  Renfield said that he had been chosen, and Lucy had been chosen because of him. That she would take her place at the master’s side now. I warned Lucy not to buy into his psychosis, but she seemed to regardless.

  Then, Renfield leaned forward and said, “We will move beyond death.”

  I tried to jump between them, but I was too slow.

  He and Lucy embraced. He bit her and she bit him back. They drew blood from each other’s necks. I called for help and got him off her as soon as I could. He’s under the highest security now. They gave both of them a tetanus shot and cleaned the wounds. Lucy laughed it off and called me a prude, but I find it most peculiar. Perhaps this is just some kind of New York ritual that we would never do in Holland?

  Her father says she is sleeping now and seems very lethargic overall.

  I know you are her friend. Are she and Renfield still involved in an intimate relationship? Is this biting normal for them? I do not wish to ask you to break confidences, but if this is not normal for them, then I am at a loss.

  Apologies again for the odd contact. I care deeply about Lucy, and I am worried.


  From: Mina Murray

  To: Abraham Van Helsing

  Subject: Re: Delicate question

  Sent: June 17 11:05 AM

  * * *


  Only have a minute. My boyfriend, Jonathan, is very ill.

  I thought that Lucy and Renfield had been over for months. She dumped him after her mother died because he was into the occult and resurrection, and all of that suddenly wasn’t very funny to her anymore, as you can imagine.

  You should ask her yourself. She’s a free spirit and does all kinds of wild things, so nothing would surprise me. I know it seems strange, but if Lucy says it’s normal for her, it probably is.


  From: Mina Murray

  To: Jonathan Harker

  Subject: The cavalry is coming

  Sent: June 17 11:10 AM

  * * *


  I don’t know if you have Internet access where you are but am sending this just in case. Your father and I are coming to get you and bring you home. I’m sending this from JFK airport (see the picture?), so know that we are only hours away (13 or so, I think). Even though this is so not the romantic trip to Romania that I imagined for us. :)

  My mom had a fit when I asked if I could go to Romania to pick you up, even accompanied by your dad. You would have thought I’d asked to join a Transylvanian death cult to hear her carry on.

  I only got sketchy news from the embassy. They said that you are sick and upset. I can’t tell if it’s worse than I think or

  So, I’ve decided to go with better.

  I miss you, but I’ll see you very, very soon. Then we’ll bust you out of that nunnery (isn’t that supposed to be your job, busting ME out of nunneries?) and get you home.



  -----------------Attachment Below-----------------

  Text message from Mina Murray to Lucy Westenra

  From: Mina Murray

  To: Lucy Westenra

  Subject: Serious stuff

  Sent: June 20 5:18 AM

  * * *


  We’re finally back! It’s nice to be around real doctors and not Romanian nuns. They wore these old fashioned wimples with a top like a pillbox hat and a point under their chins like something from another century (a bad century). So, I’m sitting in this whitewashed room with a stone floor (it really WAS just like a nunnery from the movies) and this old lady with a face wrinkled up like a dried apricot comes in.

  Nun: He is well, child.

  Me (thinking he looks terrible and I can’t wait to get him to a real hospital with beeping machines and guys in lab coats with stethoscopes): Thank you.

  Nun: We have cast it out. The taint is gone.

  Me (pretty impressed by her English but confused): Taint?

  Nun: If he dies now (!!), he’ll be innocent and pure.


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