The Dragon's Flame (The Chronicles of Terah # 2)

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The Dragon's Flame (The Chronicles of Terah # 2) Page 23

by Morgan, Mackenzie

  Chris nodded and handed Kevin a brownie.

  “What’s this?” Kevin asked with a puzzled frown. “A brownie?”

  “You call it a brownie. I call it an energy bar. Eat up. You’ll need it,” Chris answered. When Kevin’s frown deepened, Chris asked, “What’s the matter? Didn’t you ever sneak brownies for breakfast when you were a kid?”

  Kevin took a big bite of his brownie. “I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen, remember? Only the cook knew where anything was. How could I sneak anything?”

  “You had a deprived childhood.”

  “I’m beginning to agree with you,” Kevin said as he ate the brownie.

  They heard a soft knock on the door. When Chris opened it, he found Rigel standing in the hall looking a little sheepish.

  “Sorry to bother you, sir,” Rigel said softly. “Alek said that you needed to be in Timera Valley by 7:00, and that’s only five minutes from now.”

  “You’re right,” Kevin agreed. Then he quickly ate the rest of his brownie and gulped another swallow of coffee. “We need to get going.”

  As he turned to go, he felt a tug on his tunic. Chris had wrapped a couple of the brownies in cheesecloth and dropped them into Kevin’s pocket.

  “That’s for when the energy starts to run out,” Chris said with a grin.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  A few minutes after seven, Kevin and Rigel materialized on the front porch of the chapel in Timera Valley. Kevin raised his hand to knock, but the door opened before he had a chance.

  “Good morning, sir,” the guard said as he held the door open for Kevin. “The girls are in the kitchen if you’d like to go on back.”

  Kevin nodded and walked towards the back of the chapel.

  When he reached the kitchen, Theresa handed him a cup of coffee and said, “Good morning.”

  “Thank you,” Kevin said as he sipped the coffee. “Theresa, take a walk with me. I need to talk to you about something.”

  Theresa nodded, topped off her coffee cup, and led the way out the back door. Once they were outside, she said, “Okay. What’s up? More soldiers?”

  “No, but I am going to have a sorcerer stay here until we get this figured out, and I’m going to send one with you to Drisden.”


  “To set up protection wards around the windows and doors. If we had alarm systems on Terah, I’d have one installed in both chapels, but we don’t, and protection wards are the next best thing.”

  “I don’t think so, Kevin. What happens if someone needs me in the middle of the night? They come to the chapel, touch the door, and bam! They’re toast.”

  “Not if the ward is a mild one. We don’t have to make it strong enough to destroy anyone, just enough to zap them a little. We’ll put a small bell outside for someone to ring if they need you in the middle of the night.”

  “And wake up the neighbors?”

  “Are you trying to be difficult?”

  “Just realistic,” Theresa said. “How are we going to explain putting a ward on the door in Drisden? Here, they know what happened, so they’ll understand what’s behind it, but no one in Drisden has any idea what’s going on, and I’m not sure we should tell them.”

  “Maybe not, but I still want wards on the doors and windows, Theresa.” Kevin paused and sipped his coffee. “We’re assuming that the lamp is the reason for the break-in, but what if that was just a cover? What if this is an attack on the Sisterhood? With Brena out of commission, Drusilla would be the next target, and if whoever it is breaks in while you’re there, you might not be as lucky as Brena. All I’m trying to do is protect you and Hayley.”

  “Okay, maybe so, but how are we going to explain the wards? And they already have a sorcerer living in Drisden. Isn’t he going to wonder why he wasn’t asked to protect the chapel?” Theresa argued. “How do we explain why a sorcerer from Camden is in Brendolanth anyway?”

  “Well, I think we’ve come up with an answer to that one,” Kevin answered slowly.

  Theresa heard something in Kevin’s voice that told her he was expecting an argument. She looked at him closely and asked, “Why do I get the feeling that I’m not going to like this?”

  “The only reason we could come up with for why a sorcerer would travel with a sister to a village in another province, and set up protection wards all over the place where she’s staying, was if he was protecting his fiancé.”

  “His what?!” Theresa stormed out at him. “Are you out of your mind? Did you think for one minute that I would go along with this?”

  “It’s only a cover story, Theresa. Think about it for a minute. That would explain why he’s with you, why he escorts you whenever you go out, and why he wants protection wards at the chapel.”

  “No. I am not going to go along with this one, Kevin,” Theresa said firmly. “No way. I left Earth so that I wouldn’t have to marry the man my father picked out. I’m certainly not going to let anyone pick out a husband for me here, not even you.”

  “Theresa, I’m probably the last person on Terah who would try. Do you know how many people out there want to find a wife for me? I more than understand what you’re saying, but listen to me. This is only a cover story. That’s all. I’m not saying that you’ve got to marry this man, just pretend to be engaged, just while you’re in Drisden.”

  “Kevin, on Terah, all two people have to do to be married is sleep under the same roof. No.”

  “That doesn’t include places like the chapel. There’s only one bedroom. You and Hayley will have to share that one, so she’ll be able to verify that you and Marcus never spent the night in the same room.”

  Theresa didn’t say anything for a minute. She looked hard at Kevin, studying his eyes. Then she sighed and said, “All right. But I want Hayley in on this from the beginning, and Agnes, and Drusilla, and Laryn, and everyone at the castle. I do not want to come back here and have people look at me as a married woman. Is that clear?”


  “And I’m not agreeing to a ward on the front door of the chapel.”

  “If you really can’t handle one on the front door, maybe Marcus could put one across the door that separates the clinic area from your living quarters. All I want is something between you and someone who sneaks in during the dead of night.”

  “How are we going to explain all of this to Harald? He’ll have to know about the wards. He’s used to having free run of the chapel.”

  “He’ll go along with anything Drusilla says, won’t he?” Kevin asked.

  “Yes, and if she tells him not to say anything, he won’t, but he won’t feel the same loyalty towards me that he does towards her.”

  “Should I suggest that he come to Timera Valley with her? Would that help?”

  “I don’t know. Let’s see what she says.”

  “Okay. Now, are you ready to go to Milhaven?”

  “I guess. But I want to go by the castle first and talk to Laryn. I want to be absolutely certain that I’m not going to be a married woman when this is all over.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was a little after nine by the time Kevin and Chris got to Willow Canyon, and Kevin felt like he’d already put in a full day. Although Laryn had talked with Theresa and Marcus, and had assured both of them that they would not be considered married when they left Drisden, they were still uncomfortable with the arrangements. They agreed to go along with it, but Kevin had the distinct feeling that he’d forced them into a distasteful situation and that he’d be lucky if they didn’t end up resenting him for it.

  Chris rang the gong at the entrance to Glendymere’s cave and a couple of moments later they heard Glendymere yawn. It sounded a lot like the roar of a blowtorch.

  “Come on in.”

  “Were you asleep?” Chris asked as they walked down the passageway towards Glendymere’s sleeping cavern.

  “Sure was. Isn’t that what most people do on Sunday morning?”

  “Sorry to wake you up, but what we need to see you a
bout is fairly important,” Kevin explained. “Why don’t you scan my mind and get the details?”

  A moment later, Glendymere said, “Sorry to hear about Brena. Hope she’s going to be all right. Chris, go to the storage room and find an oil lamp. Be sure there’s some oil in the base.”

  While Chris was getting the lamp, Kevin asked, “Will the pendants still work even if someone extinguishes the flame in the lamp that was stolen?”

  Glendymere tilted his massive head and knitted his eyebrows. “Of course. Why wouldn’t they?”

  “Well, according to the legend, you told Drixanne that the pendants would protect the Sisterhood as long as the flame burned in that lamp.”

  Glendymere sighed and shook his head. “What I told Drixanne was that once the flame went out in an opal she could re-awaken it by putting it back in the flame of the lamp, so as long as the flame continued to burn, the sisters could make pendants to protect themselves. I guess over the years it was romanticized a bit. However, they do have to have a lamp in order to make new pendants.”

  Chris walked back into Glendymere’s chamber with a lamp. “What do you want me to do with this?”

  “Take the wick guard off and set the lamp down over by the basin,” Glendymere said. Then he turned to Kevin and said, “I’ll light it when you get ready to leave and you can take it to Timera Valley to replace the one that was stolen. I didn’t pick up anything about the pendants when I scanned your thoughts. Were any of those stolen?”

  “We don’t know yet. It’ll take Brena’s assistant a while to go through her records and see how many extras are supposed to be at the chapel. We hope to know if any are missing before the end of the week.”

  Glendymere nodded and breathed a narrow flame towards the lamp to light the wick. Then he picked up the lamp mentally, floated it over to Kevin and said, “When you take this to Timera Valley, tell Drusilla that the pendants are fine; they never stopped working. And be sure you let me know when you find out whether or not any of my opals were stolen.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin and Chris stopped by Timera Valley and gave the replacement lamp to Verna on their way back to Kevin’s office.

  “Guess I’d better get over to Milhaven and hurry Theresa along if I’m going to be in Drisden by 10:00,” Kevin said with a yawn. “I wonder if Marcus and Rigel are ready to go.”

  “I’ll see if they’re in the outer office,” Chris said as he started to open the door. “Do you have any idea when you’ll be back?”

  “I hope to be back by noon. I’m supposed to meet General Crandal and his retired soldiers in his office around 1:00.”

  Chris nodded. “When do you want to take Colin out to Timera Valley?”

  “Same time as the soldiers.”

  “Okay. I’ll let him know.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  A few minutes later, Kevin, Rigel, and Marcus materialized in the backyard of the chapel in Milhaven. Before Kevin could approach the back door to knock, Theresa stepped out onto the porch with her bag in her hand.

  “It’s about time you got here,” she said to Kevin. “I was beginning to think you’d forgotten about us.”

  “We aren’t late,” Kevin said. “In fact, we’ve got about five minutes to spare, and considering the day I’ve had, that’s pretty good.”

  Theresa laughed. “Have you been to see Glendymere yet?”

  Kevin nodded. “Your pendants are still working, and he sent another lamp so that Drusilla can make more if they’re needed, but I still want Marcus to go to Drisden with you.”

  Before Theresa could argue, the door burst open and Hayley came charging through with her bag swinging in her hand. Her hair bounced with each boisterous step, her eyes were sparkling, and the grin on her face ran from ear to ear.

  Then she spotted Kevin and stopped dead in her tracks. Her eyes opened as wide as saucers and her mouth formed a small “o”.

  “I’m … I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” she said as a blush spread over her face and she started to step back into the kitchen.

  Theresa put her arm around the other woman’s shoulders and patted her back. “Take a breath, Hayley. It’s all right. He doesn’t bite.” Then Theresa turned towards Kevin and teased, “Personally, I don’t see it, but she thinks you’re sort of special. I think she’s even a little in awe of you.”

  Kevin stepped forward and slowly took Hayley’s hand. “Hayley, we’re pleased to meet you at last. We want you to know how much we appreciate your going with Theresa to gather herbs last month. She told us how much help you were.”

  Hayley’s eyes got even larger and her blush deepened. She couldn’t say a word. All she could do was stare at Kevin.

  Theresa struggled to keep a straight face as Kevin continued playing the role. “And we want to thank you for agreeing to accompany her to Drisden. We know what an inconvenience it is to have to leave the comforts of your home and travel to an unfamiliar place, and though we can never repay you, we’ll try to bring you back home as quickly as possible.” Then he bowed over her hand and gently kissed it.

  Meanwhile, Marcus was having trouble catching his breath. When he first saw Hayley come plowing through the back door, he felt like someone had sucker punched him in the stomach and knocked the wind right out of him. For a moment he had tunnel vision. He saw no one but Hayley. Then he mentally shook himself and reminded himself that, as luck would have it, he was supposed to be planning to marry the other one. This whole thing was going to be a lot tougher than he’d thought.

  As soon as Hayley recovered a little, Kevin introduced Marcus and Rigel. Then he said, “I think we’d better get going. Have you got everything you need?”

  Both Theresa and Hayley nodded.

  “Good. I’m going to take Rigel and Marcus first. Then I’ll come back for you two. Here, Theresa, give me your bag. Rigel, you take Hayley’s. Marcus, are you ready to go?”

  Marcus nodded and put his hand on Kevin’s arm at the same time that Rigel put a hand on Kevin’s other arm. Kevin turned the key and the three men vanished.

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  Kevin brought them out of the energy field in the barn behind Drusilla’s chapel so that no one would see them suddenly pop in. They left the bags in the barn and walked over to the back door. As soon as Kevin knocked, Drusilla called out for them to come in. She was sitting at the kitchen table, making notes. Without looking up she asked, “Did you go see Glendymere?”

  Kevin told her that he had, that the pendants still worked, and that a new lamp was already in place in Timera Valley.

  Drusilla nodded and kept writing. When she put the pen down, she looked hard at Marcus. “And who have you brought with you? I’m assuming the other man is your bodyguard. He looks like one, but unless I miss my guess, this one’s a sorcerer. What’s going on, Kevin?”

  Marcus squirmed under Drusilla’s scrutiny.

  “This is Marcus. I want him to stay here with Theresa while you’re in Timera Valley. Before you say anything, hear me out. I’m still not convinced that the lamp was really the target. Something else could be going on here, and if the Sisterhood is under attack, you would be the next logical target. All I’m asking Marcus to do is put some weak wards on the doors and windows to keep the chapel secure at night. That’s it.”

  “Why bother? Theresa’s pendant will protect them,” Drusilla argued.

  “Brena was wearing her pendant when she was attacked,” Kevin said, “but if there had been a ward on the back door Friday night, no one could have broken in and she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. Until we find out what’s going on, I don’t want to take any chances.”

  Drusilla didn’t say anything for a moment, and then she nodded. “All right, but how are you going to explain his presence in Drisden? We have our own sorcerer.”

  Kevin cleared his throat and said, “He’s going to pretend that he’s here as Theresa’s future husband, that he’s simply escorting the woman he plans to marry.”

  Drusilla burst out laugh
ing. “That may be the only reason that would make sense. Good plan. Now, where’s Theresa?”

  “I’ll go get her in a minute. I’ve got a question first. What do you want to do about Harald? Will he go along with Marcus staying here and putting up the wards?”

  “He’ll be relieved. He knows what happened to Brena and, like you, he’s been concerned that someone might come here to attack me and get Theresa. He was afraid that we’d all be expecting him to protect her. Now he can pass that responsibility on to her betrothed, which will suit him just fine. I’ll tell him that Marcus will be staying here before I leave, and I’ll tell him to do whatever Marcus and Theresa tell him to. He won’t be a problem.”

  “Good. Then if there’s nothing else, I’ll go get Theresa and Hayley.”

  “Go. I need to talk to Theresa about a few of my patients before I leave, and it’s past time for me to go,” Drusilla said as she picked up her pen and started writing again.

  As Kevin turned the key, he heard her tell Rigel and Marcus, “I don’t have time to play hostess, but there’s coffee on the stove and mugs in the cabinet. Help yourselves.”

  ~ ~ ~ ~

  It was nearly 11:00 by the time Drusilla was finally ready to leave for Timera Valley. Kevin brought them out of the energy flow behind Brena’s chapel. He wanted to talk to Dru for a minute before she went inside.

  “Rigel, go on in and let the guards know we’re here. We’ll be there in a minute,” Kevin said as Drusilla fought to recover from the energy field.

  When Drusilla’s color was normal again, Kevin said, “I don’t know how you’ll feel about it, but I’ve arranged for a sorcerer to stay here, too. He’s young, like Marcus, and he doesn’t have a lot of experience, but he can put wards on the doors and windows.”

  Drusilla considered what Kevin said. “I’ll admit the wards are a good idea, so the sorcerer can stay, but the guards won’t be any use. You can take them back with you. If anyone gets in, either our pendants will protect us, or the bad guys have pendants, in which case your guards wouldn’t be able to do anything but get in the middle. They’d probably get themselves killed trying to defend us.”


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