The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 2

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  However the most striking feature was a deep intricate carving across the faces of the two doors. It appeared to be a tree, but one that was bent to form a very stylistic shape that resembled the letter Z. The roots were twisted and gnarled from the right across the bottom to the left and became the base of the trunk of the tree but they were more than that for they also looked like they were the feet of a startlingly beautiful but completely naked woman. She leaned to the right, her legs crossed slightly, she was naked and it actually caused the young woman to feel herself blush as she looked at how sensual the woman was, yet she was still the trunk of a tree.

  One of the tree woman's arms crooked above her head and it and her hair became the branches which intertwined across the two doors. Down at the base one of the tap roots descended and connected to a circle that surrounded the entire work. Connected to the circle at twelve equidistant points were characters that she recognized from the Hebrew alphabet.

  The young woman had never imagined anything like this in her life. The entire cabinet was the most strikingly beautiful piece of furniture she had ever seen. She could not even begin to imagine what kind of treasures it might hold within that he would defer to them and not to the cabinet itself as so valuable.

  The old man turned and left the room as she began to walk over to the case. When she got closer she noticed that the engraving that formed the pattern was more than simply a deeply carved line. There were raised portions within the lines so she inspected them even closer. In the poor light it was hard to tell but it looked like there were some strange characters carved within the lines.

  "Yes, the case is a beauty.” She nearly jumped out of her skin as she had not heard the old man approach and he was less than a foot behind her. She turned and stepped away a bit, smiling at him. She did not feel frightened of him it was just that she was not used to having people get that close to her without her noticing them. He continued, “It is a copy of the original that was made when the original store was open."

  The old man laughed and placed a key into a hidden spot at the bottom of the doors, “Don't go asking me how long ago that was because I have no idea. It has been in my family for many generations.” Then he sighed, a deep, heavy sigh and added, “It looks like it will pass into the hands of my great-great nephew though for I have no son to pass my trade on to."

  With a twist of the key the two great doors swung open almost magically. The backs of both doors and the interior behind them were lined with red velvet. Sliding glass doors further divided the case and protected the pieces of jewelry within.

  She stared in awe at the hundreds of pieces adorning the shelves. There were rings, bracelets, necklaces, pendants, cameos, and many more items and each one looked as if it were crafted with a care and artistry beyond anything she had ever seen or even imagined. She had seen exceptional jewelry before. Her mother wore very expensive pieces but what was in this cabinet was far beyond anything she had seen even in museums. The craftsmen that had made these pieces of jewelry were true masters and she had no doubt that she was looking at the finest works that had ever been created.

  Her gaze was caught by an exquisite golden ring, like two coiled serpents, that held the very first place within the cabinet. Her eyes were drawn down to a pendent that looked so delicate that she was sure it would crumble beneath the touch of a feather. All the upper shelves were mostly full but once in a while there would be a blank space as if a piece was missing from the collection. She continued with amazement through the various pieces, a set of pendants all alike except for a size variance, a bracelet of gold and lapis which were one of her favorite gemstones. All the pieces were of gold, some had silver in them some had gemstones others did not.

  Finally her gaze lit upon the bottom shelves and she noticed that they were empty like they were waiting for new pieces that had yet to be made.

  She started to turn wanting to ask him about the blank places in the collection but before she said a word he was answering as if he had read her mind. “The blank places are for pieces that have been sold. In time it seems that all the pieces that are marked with the jeweler's mark of The Crimson Z find their way back to this shop so it has been a tradition to leave the spots open."

  She could feel her own eyes widen at the thought that somehow the pieces always returned. Could that mean that they were somehow magical? She imagined them being woven with some special enchantment that enveloped the person that bought them and then when the person was no longer in need of the magic the piece would mysteriously find its way back into the hands of the owner of The Crimson Z. She turned and looked at the empty places amongst the jewelry and wondered what wonders those pieces were weaving in the lives of the people that possessed them.

  Her gaze drifted amongst the variety of rings, chains, charms, earrings, and other jewels that had every size and type of gemstone imaginable. Slowly she turned towards him and smiled broadly. “Did you make all of these?"

  He laughed, “Sometimes I feel like I did. They mean so much to me. But that ring of coiled serpents up in that corner is several hundred years old. Do you think I could have made it?” He smiled at her and raised an eyebrow, “Surely you do not think I am that old?"

  She smiled, “Well, I guess not. You are old, but not quite that old.” She smiled teasingly and added, “At least I do not think so."

  The old man wiggled his eyebrows and she realized he had seen through her tease. She giggled. There was something about the old man that made her feel very warm and safe. If she had had a grandfather she would have hoped he would have been a man like this man. She held out her hand, “My name is Melanie it is nice to meet you.” Then as an after thought, something she thought a gentleman of his era might like, she curtsied.

  The old man's face brightened, “My, that is something I have not seen in a very long time. I did not know anyone even knew how to do that anymore."

  Melanie laughed and said, “I saw it in an old movie once. I thought it was sweet so I practiced it. I never thought I would do it. Yet, you seemed like someone that would appreciate it, and it felt right."

  He took her hand, kissed it and then bowed to her, “Why thank you, Miss Melanie, it was indeed a pleasure."

  She giggled shyly, the kiss was a little more than she had anticipated and her heart raced. Why would an old man kissing her hand cause her heart to race? And make her feel giddy?

  The old man added, “Most people call me Zach. My last name is Zachariah and it is where the Z in The Crimson Z comes from."

  Melanie giggled again, everything seemed so formal. Yet she felt it was somehow more. Her own heart was telling her she needed it to be more. She did not know why, but she felt comfortable around this man. It frightened her a little, that it was the first time she had ever met him and she was having such deep emotions but all her life she'd had feelings about things and they had never steered her wrong. She knew that she would be safe with this man and she knew that he was going to play a major role in her life.

  She smiled at him and said, “It has been a true pleasure to meet you, Zach ... um, Mr. Zachariah.” She lowered her gaze to the floor and thought. It did not feel right calling him by the name Zach as everyone else did. That just did not show him enough respect and yet calling him Mr. Zachariah seemed too formal, almost like it was distancing him from her and she did not want that.

  There were no adults in her life that she was close to other than a couple of teachers, and even more disturbing to her was that there were no male figures in her life at all. She did not hang around the boys her age because she could tell all they wanted from her was to get under her dress. They did not care that she had a mind and a heart. They were too worried about their own hormones, and what conquests they could brag about to the other boys.

  Something about this man told her she would be safe. Even if he saw her as a sexual being he would not pursue it. She raised her head and looked at him, she could tell from the look on his face that the look on her own face had
caused him to worry, “Excuse me, Sir. It just does not seem right me calling you Zach, and I know it is proper to call you Mr. Zachariah however I am worried that that would send you a message that I want to be distant from you, and I do not.

  "I would like to be your friend. I would like to come and visit and talk with you more. Would it be alright if I call you Papa Zach? That is how I would refer to a grandfather if I had one and it would mean a great deal to me to be allowed to show you that respect."

  "I do not know what I did to earn the respect, but I would be honored. You certainly may call me Papa Zach."

  She smiled brightly and said, “Papa Zach, you said you were not done unpacking. Could you use some help? Your sign says you will be opening next Friday, and tomorrow is Saturday. I could come and help you."

  The melody of her voice as she said the word ‘Papa’ catapulted Zachariah's mind back to a moment in the past, to a happy time when his mother had called his father ‘Papa’ and it warmed his heart to hear the lovely young lady call him by that name. His gaze had also drifted to the floor while his memories of his loving parents and the love they shared filled his head. He suddenly realized that it had gone quiet in the shop except for the girl's exuberant breath. He looked up at her. For a moment he had forgotten the question she had asked him. He quickly replayed her last words through his mind and then it returned, she had asked if he could use some help, and he could see from the bright look in her eyes that he would have a bit of an argument with her if he were to say no. Yet there were things about this girl he already felt that told him he wanted her near. He could feel her emotions coming off of her like radiant heat from an old wood burning stove. He could see occasional flashes of light dance around her, little bits of energy that clued him in that she was more than just a special girl in her polite and sweet nature. This girl had a gift that was something he needed to be close to. It made him feel alive and even younger than the magic of his shop. His heart felt youthful for the first time since the death of his wife.

  Yes this girl was far more special than any of the other clients that had come into his shop but most importantly she had given him the first of the elements of the commission. She had given him a gift of blood of an innocent child. Now he had to wait for her to commission a piece of jewelry. It was imperative that she be around as much as possible and even though that was part of the requirements which he had to fulfill, it was something his heart was more than pleased to follow. He hoped that what she would ask for would be something very special so that he could put all of his heart and soul into its design. He wanted to create for her something that would help her feel how beautiful she truly was.

  He smiled, “I guess I have made you dance long enough for your answer. Melanie, you are welcome to help but I do not have any cash on hand. I have not sold a piece in quite some time and all my money is either tied up or has gone to paying the rent on this place and buying back one of the treasures."

  "Oh no! No, Papa Zach. I don't want to be paid. Well, if you want to pay me you can tell me some stories about the treasures. I get the feeling from the way you say they return to you that each of them has a special story, almost magical and my curiosity about them is piqued. Besides I love to listen to stories from older people about the past. People my age just do not respect the generations of the past and there is so much rich history in their tales and legends.” She looked at him. He could see the anticipation building to where she was almost dancing before he finally gave his answer.

  "Yes.” He smiled for to hear the respect in her voice about history was just one more thing that made this young girl so special to him. She truly was a treasure. He already knew she was more valuable than all the treasures in that cabinet combined for she was a living, breathing jewel.

  "Yay!” She jumped up and down and kissed his cheek. Then she walked backwards toward the door, he watched as she turned her head every once in a while as if she were trying to make certain she didn't bump into something as she headed for the door, but she kept looking back to him to make eye contact as she spoke to him. “Papa Zach, I am sorry I cannot stay longer but dinner will be on the table soon and I do not want my mother to worry. I will tell her about you and this place and she may stop in to check it out to make certain it is what I say it is. I will be here bright and early tomorrow. Just tell me when?"

  "It is Saturday get here when you feel like it. I am usually up before the sun."

  She ran to the door then stopped ran back and kissed his cheek again, “Thank you, thank you,” she said then ran out the door. The last thing he heard was her singing happily, as she was nearly halfway up the block.

  As the sound of her voice faded, the mirror on the wall began to rattle. Zach got up and walked over to it. “Quiet, Lilith. Do not be jealous. I know she is young and sweet but I still love you my wife. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you and I will always love you.” Softly he stroked the glass of the mirror and slowly it settled down. Zachariah felt a cold tingling at the front of his skull, he could remember a time when it was warm and pleasant but that had ceased long ago and now it felt more like icy fingers reaching into the frontal lobe of his brain.

  Zachariah, the blood of this child that she brought you, I can tell it is truly an innocent this time. Zachariah could feel a quivering of those cold tendrils as he felt her excitement.

  "What has happened? Why has it taken so long? I do not remember ever getting this old before."

  It has not been that long, my love. Living in New York and Boston finding innocent children was hard to do. When the blood of a non-innocent is used you do not regenerate as much. The last time you only gained back ten years. That was only thirty years ago. Your body is the same as a man who is one hundred and ten.

  "It is not that the magic is getting old?"

  No my love. He remembered one of the things that had always been a strong hatred for Lilith was to see a child harmed or abused. It was one of the few times he could recall while they were married that she had actually gotten violent with someone. Innocence is harder to find. These are days of child molestation, and parents teaching their children to hate others because of race, or religion. Even small children steal, lie, cheat and not just little innocent things of growing up but things of a malicious nature so they are not innocent. Their blood is not as strong.

  "Oh yes. Now I remember. Back in the 1920's wasn't there one time when the blood actually caused me to age?"

  Yes, the little monster was killing cats and dogs when he was only three and four years old. He killed his sister when he was six and his parents when he was seven. We happened to get his blood when he was eight. We were both weak because it had been sixty years since the last time we'd had an innocent and I could not tell his blood was tainted. It nearly killed you my love. A sudden memory a fiery flash in her eyes surfaced, eerie almost supernatural, he could not recall when it happened but he remembered the feeling that it was not right. That night when I became corporeal all I could do was hold you in my arms. We were lucky that another innocent came only a couple of days later or you might have died and I would have been forever trapped in this mirror.

  "Well, Melanie has to commission a piece for me to work on for the blood to work. I do not know how to get her to get the courage to do that. Maybe just bide my time."

  The mirror began rattling again, Melanie, is it! This had better just be business Zachary or when I get my body back you will wish it had been.

  Zach smiled then his heart grew cold as he suddenly remembered the cruel temper Lilith had shown when she had been even the slightest bit jealous. Though there had been no reason for her to be jealous her hatred would boil within her until she exploded and hell's fury would be unleashed upon the object of her jealousy.

  "There is nothing to be jealous of Lilith. Look at me I am an old man, she is still a child she could not possibly see anything in me. You know I would be a fool to care for anyone but you.” He prayed with all his heart that that would ease he
r temper but there had been times that nothing he would say would douse the flames once they had been lit.

  We will see Zachariah, and you had better not be lying to me. He could almost feel her smile wickedly at him. It was a strange sensation to know what her spirit was doing even though she had no form. Why did you not tell me Zaven had appeared?


  I can see him in your mind, you old fool! Have you lost your memory of him already?

  The image of the shadow was pulled into his memory by the icy tendrils, forced there for him to see again and relive. His heart raced wildly, he had not known she could force him to recall memories and see things from his recent past. He wondered if she could only see things he had seen or if she could see and feel all his thoughts, if it was the latter he was a dead man.

  He tried to build a barrier in his mind to protect those other thoughts just in case and as he did he began to distract her by discussing what she wanted to hear, “It had been so long since Zaven had been a harbinger that I had not even recognized his sign. The shadow nearly scared the wits out of me."

  Yes, my Love, Zaven has searched long and hard this time, we could not afford to have the child be another monster. Someone like that would surely kill you this time, it could have last time.

  Zach leaned forward and kissed the mirror, “You will see Lily it is only you I love and I am looking forward to holding you in my arms again, even if it is only for a night. Now I need to bid you a good night, I suspect the girl will be here before I normally get up in the morning so I am going to set my clock an hour earlier.


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