The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 8

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  Her eyes were closed with pleasure as she leaned against him. Her legs were spread around him as he sat there with his back against the wall. Her furry bottom rested on his thighs as she rocked on his shaft. Her clit pressed against him with each forward motion. She raised her head to his and kissed him gently. He was gasping for breath just as she was and he could feel his heart pounding as she leaned against him ... the erratic beats almost matching hers.

  Suddenly, she yipped as a fox would and nipped at his shoulder harder than she had before. Such wonderful sensations were building in her body. Her body was tingling, jumping with little shocks like lightning; her sex was dripping down over his thighs and balls as she rocked back and forth, side to side, up and down, always causing more pressure to tease her clit. Her muscles were clenching around him, then relaxing only to clench tight again. Her body was responding to him in ways she never thought about, as if it had a mind of its own. She rocked, shuddered, gasped and clung to him as the pleasure mounted and grew. All of a sudden, her head jerked up, her eyes wide as she looked into his eyes again.


  She had no breath for anything else. She was trembling over him, her body shaking uncontrollably. And he smiled.

  "Aye, Cara ... let it go, lass, let it go my sweet furry lady. Enjoy the pleasure."

  And it was as if the world exploded around her. Lights flashed behind her eyelids, her body quivered and she felt as though she were soaring into the sky and dropping into the deepest abyss at the same time. Her little hands clutched at his shoulders as the pleasure surged through her. Her body rocked harder, his large hands holding her down on his shaft as he twitched inside her. Together they reached the apex of delight and then slowly slid down the other side, clinging to each other, each breathing the hot exhaled breath of the other, moaning together as they kissed again and again.

  "Ohh, Zaven ... I never felt anything like that before. What did you do to me?"

  He looked down at her with a surprised expression on his face.

  "You never ... what are you saying Cara? You were wed to the lord of the realm and you're ... I don't understand, little one. How is it you never..."

  She was snuggled against him, her trembling body slowly becoming calmer when she replied in a whisper.

  "William only bed me once, Zaven and it wasn't the most pleasant thing I've ever experienced. I had heard of this pleasure, of course, but ... never felt it and after this change in me, I never thought I would."

  He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her.

  "Sweet Cara ... you are well rid of him. He is obviously an uncaring boor to treat you in such a manner. And to just bid you leave? I find that to be totally unacceptable. What you became is not your fault, but sweet Cara ... what you became is a lovely little creature that is unique in all this world."

  She snuggled against him, sighing happily. It was a few moments before she remembered something he said and looked up at him

  "You said you would be careful, Zaven. What did you mean? Careful of what?"

  He looked down at her and shook his head wonderingly.

  "Cara, are you not aware of it? How can that be, sweet creature?"

  "Aware of what, Zaven? I don't understand."

  He laughed loudly and hugged her against him.

  "Cara ... surely you know you are pregnant."

  "Pregnant? Why Zaven ... why would you say such a thing?"

  He put his large hand over her belly and rubbed a bit.

  "Cara, I have seen the change. How could you not know?"

  She had a shocked look on her face as she caught his meaning.

  "I ... it never crossed my mind, Zaven. I thought it was just that I was feeling better after the upset with William. You must be wrong, Zaven. How could that be? Between William and me? I'm so different from him now, it just couldn't be possible."

  "Maybe you are different now, sweet Cara, but you weren't when the seed was planted as they say. Talk to the Witch if you doubt it, I'm sure she will tell you true."

  All she could do was stare up at him, shaking her head, not sure she wanted to believe him. As she lay in his arms, she thought about the time since William had sent her away. She remembered the nausea, some vomiting ... losing weight and then seeming to gain it back even though she ate no more than usual. Her hand slipped down and covered his as it rested on her belly.

  "Truly, Zaven? You don't tease me?"

  He chuckled softly, moving his hand from her belly and sliding it around her back to hold her closer.

  "Truly, my sweet little Cara. Speak with the Witch, for it cannot be too many more months before there is another little furry bundle here."

  Then his finger was under her chin, turning her face up until he was gazing into here eyes.

  "If you allow it, my furry little darling, I would care for the child as I care for you."

  "Zaven? You would take the child as your own? Is that what you are saying?"

  His strong arms almost crushed the breath from her body as he laughed and held her tightly.

  "Cara, I would take a whole herd of the lord's get, if it meant I could have you for mine."

  His words melted her heart and she smiled against his neck. She leaned into his embrace and sighed happily. She reached up and caressed his face as he held her.

  "What would I have done if I had never met you, Zaven?"

  He leaned down to kiss her softly and whispered.

  "I don't know sweet Cara, but I'm glad we don't have to find out."

  The next days were spent thusly, loving and learning each other more intimately as each day passed. Cara came to know that she loved him deeply, in the way she had hoped to love William and she became acutely aware of the growth inside her belly. She had never considered what the gaining of weight could be ... never thought in any way that she might carry the lord's son in her small body. She knew it was a son, for the leaves and bones had told of her future, even though the lord had cast her away. She would bear his son and be damned with him and his arrogant ways.

  The Witch was a frequent visitor to the little cave and oftentimes spent the days with the couple, watching them together, watching the developing love affair. It wasn't long before she arrived at the little cave and found him alone again.

  "Cara has gone to the pool to bathe. She will return shortly and I know she will be happy to see you."

  "Aye, ‘tis sure I am of that, but will you be happy when I speak my piece?"

  Zaven looked at the witch, suspicion on his face as an invisible hand clutched at his guts. He stood up, took a deep breath, exhaled slowly and spoke between gritted teeth.

  "Speak your piece then, Witch and we shall see."

  "Ye fooled me for quite a while, but the truth has finally dawned on this old witch. I know ye now for whom and what ye are. So what will ye do? Strike me down? Strike me dumb so I may not speak the truth?"

  Zaven stood there staring at her, shaking his head, a sad expression on his face.

  "Nay, Witch. I will do naught but ask you to keep the secret for a while longer. The little one has come to love me, I think and I would not want to change that now."

  "The curse was bad enough but now ye intend to fool her the rest of her days?"

  He recoiled at her words, stricken to his core. He stumbled back and sat down heavily in the large chair, shaking his head as he held it in his hands.

  "Nay, Witch. I only wanted to..."

  "Ye only wanted to make her love ye."

  The Witch sighed and shook her head as Zaven's true form became apparent to her. He was not a large dragon, but a majestic one nevertheless. His scales shone with an iridescence that did not need the sun's light to glow. His voice was soft and the sadness in his eyes was unmistakable.

  "Yes, that's all I wanted ... for her to love me."

  "How is it that ye bewitched her? What did ye do to conceal yerself from her sharp little eyes?"

  He sighed heavily as he moved from the large chair.

nbsp; "'Twas the little bauble left outside the cave. It was bewitched and holds the influence of the maker and his wife within it. The maker was a true believer in love if my sources of information were correct and his spirit imbued the bauble with more powers than I have at my disposal. It was given to Cara to show her the truest love in her life and I think she has grown to know that is true.

  "I do love her, Witch. More than that beast of a lord ever could."

  "Aye, I've seen that with me own eyes."

  "Then keep the secret for a while longer, I beg you. When the child is delivered and she knows I take it as well as her for my own, perhaps then she wouldn't be so against the idea of being the mate of a dragon."

  "I must admit she is happy with ye. She has blossomed in her time with ye. She smiles now as never before and her heart is light even as her condition grows to a close."

  Zaven was pacing the interior of the cave as he talked to the Witch and became silent as the Witch considered his request.

  "Aye, all right then. Not a word will I say to the girl. But dragon ... if ye hurt her, I'll find the most potent spell I can find and..."

  "Have no fear of that. I love her and will do naught to harm her. This I swear."

  Cara returned to the cave and found them deep in a discussion that ended abruptly when she stepped into the coolness of the cave.

  "Ahh, my two favorite people in all the world. What secrets are you sharing that you have stopped so suddenly?"

  She stepped to Zaven and leaned into his embrace as he looked over her head and nodded at the Witch.

  "Simply plans for your little bundle to come, my love. Plans for his future happiness, of course."

  She leaned her head back and gazed up into his eyes.

  "Zaven, you do me honor by loving me and claiming the child as your own."

  "Nay, little Cara. You do me honor by accepting my love and letting me love you. It is little enough that I can do for you and your child ... our child."

  She snuggled against him and turned her face to the Witch to speak.

  "There is stew aplenty, my friend if you would join us. It would be a pleasure to share it with you."

  The witch took a seat at the little table, smiling broadly as she noted the growth of Cara's little body.

  "Come, child, let me feel."

  Cara obediently left Zaven's embrace and walked to the Witch's side. Her gnarled hand came to rest on the furry little belly and her eyes closed as she felt the life stirring within.

  "Aye, won't be long now, child. But I suppose I shouldn't call ye child any longer."

  Cara giggled softly as she felt the child within squirming under the touch of the witch.

  The old woman watched as the dragon reclaimed the furry little creature in his arms, able to see him now for what he was. The tenderness he showed her was beyond the Witch's comprehension. Dragons were supposed to be fierce, dangerous creatures but this one was taken over by a love she had not thought possible for a dragon to feel. She watched, smiling and nodding as the two together prepared for their little meal.

  The three of them sat together, enjoying the food and drink, chatting amiably about things that passed in the village, around the realm and gossiped of stories from beyond the realm. When they had finished, Cara stood up to clear the dishes and immediately grabbed onto the edge of the table. Her face had gone pale and she gasped and winced in pain as she felt a flood of water cover her legs. She looked down as Zaven jumped to his feet and saw a pool of liquid around her little feet.


  He towered over her and the Witch, concern etched into the planes of his handsome face. The witch saw shock on the dragon's face and maybe a touch of fear as well, as he gathered Cara into his arms.

  "Aye, lass, it would appear that the time is ripe for a new life in this cave."

  Tears slid down her face as she gazed up at Zaven. She was trembling in his arms as she leaned against him, her legs shaky and weak as another pain shot through her little body. Her belly was hard as the pain moved over it and she grimaced, her little claws now digging into his arms. He lifted her carefully and carried her to her little bed, glancing back over his shoulder at the Witch.

  "I'm hoping you know what to do for her Witch, because I surely do not."

  The old woman chuckled as she reached down into her ever present bag and pulled out four small packets of herbs.

  "Aye, I know what to do. Fetch me some water to mix these herbs to ease her pain and get out of the way."

  Zaven hurried to get the water then moved to sit at Cara's head, holding her hand in his. Long fingertips brushed the hair back from her sweaty face and soft words of comfort and encouragement fell from his lips.

  "Not long, my love. Not long before your babe is here and the pain is gone. Keep that thought in your mind and keep hold of my hand. I'm here for you and always will be, my furry little darling."

  Cara smiled up at him and saw the concern in his face. She squeezed his hand tightly as another pain shot through her body and she gasped loudly. Before another pain wracked her body, the witch was there and Zaven was raising her up to drink the potion the witch had prepared. Before the drink was finished, the pain etching her face had eased and her body relaxed as the pain disappeared.

  "Aye, lass, it will come easier now for ye. Just relax and let yer body do the work for ye, there is naught else to be done for it."

  Zaven stayed beside her, resting his hand on her belly and feeling the contractions move across it. He kept glancing at the witch with a fearful expression on his face but did not express his concern in words that might frighten Cara.

  "She will be fine as a fiddle, Zaven ... there is no worry to that."

  Cara looked back and forth between them, a dreamy look on her face. One hand rested on Zaven's as it caressed her swollen belly and the other lay at her side. There was no pain now, thanks to the witch's herbs but she felt a sudden urge to raise her knees and brace her feet on the bed. She looked up at the witch just as the witch peeked under the bottom of her little shift, now raised above her upraised legs, and saw the witch smiling widely.

  "That's it little fellow ... keep coming now. Come on ye furry darlin', just a wee bit more."

  "'Tis a boy, then, my friend?"

  "Aye, of course, lass. Were ye not told ye would deliver the lord's sons?"

  "Aye, I remember your words well, but thought that mayhap because of the change in me it might be different."

  "Ah ... and there he is. Such a beauty he is too."

  The witch reached for a knife and cut the cord after tying it with a bit of string from her bag. She lifted the furry bundle up and showed it to the two of them.

  "Now, ain't this a beauty? Lord, these old eyes have never seen such as this but it was well worth the wait. ‘Tis the prettiest little one I've ever seen."

  Before Cara could lift her arms to the witch, to take the child, Zaven had it in his large hand and brought it close to Cara's face.

  "He is without doubt, the most beautiful thing I have seen, other than his mother, of course. What will you name him, Cara?"

  Her face suffused with love for this tiny creature and the large man at her side, Cara turned her head a bit as if in thought and then spoke softly as she kissed her son for the first time.

  "His name shall be Adrian, after my father. Though poor of pocket, he was wise and kind and I hope his name brings forth the same in our son."

  "And with a mother such as you and a name of kindness and wisdom, our son could do no better, my love."

  "Aye and with a father such as ye, the child could do much worse, Zaven,” the witch said.

  His head turned to the witch, a surprised look on his face, Zaven was held speechless for a moment.

  "Thank you, Witch. You have no idea what that means to me."

  "Aye, in fact, mayhap I do, Zaven. What has been seen by these old eyes today was never expected and has brought me joy with the seeing of it.

  "'Tis in truth, a fine matc
h between the two of yer and one I'm glad to see. And the lovely wee one makes it perfect."

  Cara looked down into the face of her son and saw some of her own reflection from the pool in the woods. The child had a fine covering of pale red fur, slightly pointed ears, a handsome face like his father and startling green eyes with spikes of blue around the irises.

  "He is beautiful, isn't he Zaven?'

  Zaven gathered them both into his arms and cuddled them close to his chest.

  "Just as beautiful as his mother, my love."

  The Witch of Wolstad stood to the side and watched as the dragon cuddled the two furry creatures in his arms and chuckled softly as the babe found his mother's nipple for the first time and began to suckle. The look on the girl's face was priceless. She gathered up her herbs, put them in the bag and moved toward the entrance to the cave.

  "Be well on this joyous day, little family. The gods have smiled on ye this day and may they continue to do so."

  So engrossed in each other and the new babe, they didn't even look up as she walked out the door, but she turned back again and saw a sparkle next to the child's face. The pendant ... the magic it had held was holding still. She knew sooner or later the truth would out but didn't believe it would matter by the time it was known. The love was apparent between these two and would no doubt grow even stronger.

  Humming softly to herself, the Witch of Wolstad headed toward her little cottage near the village, smiling as she walked along.

  Chapter Six

  When the tale was done, Crys looked up at Adrian, tears slipping down her cheeks.

  "Of course, the witch was right. He did come to tell her the truth and it didn't matter a whit to Cara when she found out. She had come to love the heart and soul within and it mattered not whether it was a man or dragon. They lived a long and happy life and had several more children. William of course, found out about the boy and tried to take him but the dragon stopped that before it could truly start.

  "The boy did learn of his true father and eventually traveled between the two families. Adrian learned from both families, learned of the world and the wood, good and evil and rejoiced in his learning.


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