The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 11

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  He paused until each candle had been lit and then continued into the room. Upon the wall directly above the door was an old clock with a swinging pendulum and Roman Numerals at the hours. The wall to the left of that in the center held a Star of David crafted of gold, it had been made upon the table and was the only item that was not in the cabinet. Zachariah would never speak its tale to anyone for he had sworn he would not.

  The next wall held a mirror, Zach did not know why he placed a mirror on that wall but he had somehow always felt that there was a lie that Lilith was telling him and one day that mirror would be the final proof he needed. Upon the last wall hung a pad of paper with a pencil, it was what he used when the ideas came to him as they would be doing tonight. He walked to the pad and lifted it from the wall.

  There were three other items in the room. Two wooden chairs, which he never understood because no one ever entered the room but himself, and a large item that was covered with a white cloth. The cloth was covered in gold writings that were obviously blessings in Kabalistic Rituals. With a swift pull he tugged the cloth off and revealed a stone table that was over six feet in diameter and almost six inches thick. Upon the table was carved the exact same image that was upon the cabinet but slightly smaller. It was about four feet in diameter. A channel ran from the base of the image like a tap root to within four inches of the rim and then circled the stone.

  Just like the image on the cabinet the twelve characters were equally placed but here the characters were larger than on the cabinet. More prominent for they were a reminder of twelve words that he would have to utter in his incantation twelve times each.

  There were two other things in the room that were not visible until the cloth had been removed; the first was a basin beneath the table that held rain water that Zachariah collected only during the new and full moons. He took a cup from the basin and poured water into the carving not filling it full for he had more to add in a little while but still making certain that water covered the entire carving so that when he added his new water it would mix and touch all the parts of the carving. The other was a small chest of drawers that he used to store the items he might need from time to time during his rituals.

  He looked to the mirror for he could feel the presence of Lilith with him watching to make sure he made no mistakes. Though she was not able to speak to him through this mirror he would know if she needed to speak to him.

  Zach smiled. It had been easy to hide the setting up of this room from the villagers when he had moved into the shop. Using a fictitious realty company he had purchased the entire building which housed a drug store, a beauty parlor, and a few other businesses. Above it were several apartments. Behind most of the stores were other businesses like car repair shops that were small family businesses. The one behind The Crimson Z had been closed and he'd had a construction crew seal it off so it would look like it was being added as part of the apartment above. Since the apartment above was his, no one knew what was in the room but him. Even the Chamber of Commerce of the village of Hudson Falls, New York had no clue that he was the new owner of the entire block in the center of the town, which was exactly the way it had to be for him to maintain the cover he needed when the magic rejuvenated him and he became young once again. He could even do a couple of special commissions as long as he did not age too much between them and no one would be the wiser.

  Now he reached into a drawer and pulled out a jar that held the Kleenex with the little girl's blood upon it. It had been soaking in rain water awaiting the moment that Melanie would commission a piece.

  Opening the jar, Zach fished out the Kleenex as it was no longer needed; it was the blood that was important. Reaching out to hold the jar over the center of the symbol Zach began to mutter some words in a tongue that was as ancient as time itself but was not spoken the way it had once been spoken. The people that spoke the tongue now had over time perverted it slightly. Though they were unaware of their mispronunciations, Zach was aware of them for he had learned them long ago.

  Slowly the water dripped from the jar and began filling the channels of the design and adding to the water already covering each of the hidden Hebrew Kabalistic symbols within the channels of the design. Once it had filled the design it flowed down the channel to the base and then circled the entire stone. Zach stopped chanting and drank the last of the water making certain that not one drop of it was wasted.

  Zachariah watched as the image carved within the table began to glow and the water and blood slowly began to be absorbed into the stone of the table. Then a flash of light rose above the table and circled there for a moment before speeding toward him. It forked into two bolts like lightning and struck the pupils of his eyes.

  The golden rays entered his mind and the image of what he would draw formed in every detail, but he knew it would not last long. He had to get it onto paper. That was always a part of the ritual.

  He returned the bottle to the drawer and then replaced the cloth cover over the table. He pulled a chair over to the table and from another drawer pulled out a one foot square drawing board, a piece of paper and a pencil. He laid the board on top of the cloth so that he could draw and not have to worry about the engraving beneath the cloth. Now he had to design the piece. Closing his eyes he let his hand begin to work its magic. Time passed. In his mind he drifted to the days when he and Lilith had been together and the joy they had had together. Then his mind shifted to the time he had first seen her and how his heart had raced for he had thought he had come upon a tragedy.

  * * * *

  The sun had not yet risen, yet he had gotten up early and gone to the river to get water for his father. The yoke across his neck was heavy with the two large 15 gallon buckets filled to near the rim. He came over a rise in the road when he saw something dark sticking out into the road. At first he thought it was just a branch from a nearby tree that had fallen free but as he closed the distance he realized that it was the slender arm and hand of a woman sticking out of the tall brush along the side of the road.

  He set the buckets down carefully, even in this moment of haste. He knew if those buckets came back less than full his father would give him hell.

  He approached the woman cautiously. He was on a poorly traveled cart road, that's only traffic was between his village and the river and it was well before the time that anyone in his village would be awake. There was no one else to call for help. He was the only help this woman had.

  His heart beat like thunder in his chest. He was afraid she had been the victim of vandals or a band of brigands. He was afraid she might be dead. Yet from the appearance of her body she seemed unharmed. He could not see any blood but she was not moving. He moved closer and carefully rolled her onto her back. Her eyes were closed, and for a moment he was certain she was dead then he saw her chest lift with her breath and he thanked God she was alive.

  Then in the light of the moon he caught a look at her face. Her features were not like those of the women of his village, they were sharper, more heart shaped, less round. Her mouth was fuller and her nose smaller. Though her eyes were closed he could tell that they were bigger than those of the women of his village. Her long black hair was filled with leaves and twigs like she had been living in the wild for a long time. She was remarkably beautiful and in the single moment he was captivated by her.

  He looked down at her body and suddenly felt heat rise to his face for the clothing she wore was tattered and almost nonexistent. He had never seen an adult female this naked before and the effect it had upon him was overpowering. He took off his tunic leaving only his loincloth on and covered her body with the tunic. Then as he looked at her his heart reached out to her and he knew that if she were not already the wife of some other man that he would someday have her as his own for from the first sight of her he loved her.

  The hammering beat of his heart pushed his mind into action. Quickly he realized he had to get the woman to a healer and the only healer around for miles was his mother. If anyone cou
ld help the unconscious woman it was her.

  Carefully Zach lifted her to his shoulder and then went back to the yoke. He struggled only briefly with balance but not the weight as he lifted the yoke up onto the other shoulder. The sun was rising as he entered the village and the others his age stared at him in disbelief for to carry the yoke was a task alone. To carry a yoke and a woman was a feat of strength none of them had seen. Yet Zach's heart was so filled with love that to him his strength had grown tenfold that day.

  * * * *

  His hand had stopped moving so he opened his eyes and looked down upon the piece of paper. Slowly a smile lifted the corner of his lips. Well, he had said that every girl deserved to be a queen once in her life. Upon the paper before him was one of the most beautiful designs for a tiara he had ever seen. Of all the pieces he had ever made this one would be the one that brought him the most joy for to place it upon Melanie's head would truly be a pleasure. It would bring out that hidden beauty that she tried so desperately to keep hidden.

  He also now knew that the sample of blood required from Melanie would be more than normal, something of this magnitude would need flesh and hair as well. This was the part he did not like but he had the tool. He brought out a device designed to help measure a person's skull for ornamentation such as this and laid it upon the glass next to the drawing.

  Looking up at the clock he noticed he had been in his trance for over two hours so it would be easy to explain that he had stopped to get coffee when the inspiration for the piece came to him. That way there would be no questions from Melanie about how he had come up with the design. Walking to the mirror he looked into it and felt for Lilith's presence. Yes, she was there and he could feel that it was safe for him to leave the room. Melanie was not in the area where she would see the cabinet move.

  He rolled the paper into a tube and grabbed the measuring tool, then walked to the door. However, before he touched the door he turned back to the mirror and whispered. Lilith, I know this is something we both need, but I really hate hurting this girl. Promise me you will not harm her when you come back. I know you have had to feed the last few times you have returned and I know your jealousy over this girl is great. Yet, you have no reason to be jealous; she is just a young girl with a long life ahead. I do not want you to harm her.

  Zach could feel the jealousy boiling from the mirror but he could also feel Lilith acquiesce to his request. He then turned the knob on the door and heard the click. As he opened the door the cabinet had already finished its silent swing. Quickly he stepped through and swung the cabinet back into its closed position. It was less than a minute before he heard the foot falls of Melanie ascending the stairs from the basement.

  "Oh, you're back, Papa Zach.” She ran over to him and kissed his cheek. “I missed your company today but I think I also finished the last of the inventory. Everything is stocked and ready for the Grand Opening, now the next few nights after school I can focus on cleaning and decorating for your big day."

  Zach smiled at her, his hand brushing the sweet moisture where her lips had touched his cheek. “Well, I will be busy getting ready for your big day too.

  "Sorry it took so long, but I stopped for a coffee at Arthur's,” the dagger twisted in his heart as again he had to tell her another lie, but how would he explain to her the truth. He hated lying, and he would not have had to if she was not around all the time but he could not bear the thought of her missing from his life, “and was suddenly struck with an inspiration of what I wanted to make you for your dance.” Slowly he unrolled the paper and then revealed it to her. Her eyes opened wide and glistened with tears.

  "Oh, Papa Zach, there is no way I can afford to pay for that. That piece must cost a small fortune."

  "Melanie, sweet girl, you have brought a treasure into my life these last few days and befriended me, let me make it for you and then after the dance you can return it. It will be a loaner, and I will pay you for the work you have done."

  She jumped up and kissed him on the lips. “No, Papa Zach, you do not need to pay me, but yes it can be a loaner.” Then she wrapped her arms around him tightly, “Thank you so much for making me feel special. No one has ever done that for me."

  "Surely that is not true?"

  Melanie stepped back and with a sad look said, “I am sorry to say, it is true. I feel unwanted, but here I feel wanted."

  "Well, you have been a big help and you most certainly are wanted here anytime you wish to visit. Mayhaps when my nephew comes to take over for me I can talk to him about hiring you on part-time."

  Melanie almost glowed she was so happy; “You would do that?"

  "Most certainly."

  She kissed his lips like a girl would kiss her grandfather, but to Zach it reached deeply into his heart. He started to wonder if maybe there was a reason for Lilith to feel jealous.

  Well he had to do one more thing, he had to get the sample or there would be no magic done anyway.

  "Melanie, there is one thing I need to do.” He held up the c-shaped tool, “I need to take a measurement so that the tiara is not too far off from the size of your head. You do not want to reshape the gold too much or you might loosen the settings."

  "Okay, what do I need to do?"

  Zach pulled out a chair, “Just sit here."

  She did so and he slid the gauge around her scalp, forming it and shaping it. Then he said, “There, all done,” but as he lifted it he tapped the back edge. A scoop in the back took a small gouge out of Melanie's scalp. It would leave a small scar but it would be hidden by her hair. She screamed out as the shock of pain hit her.

  "Oh I am sorry, sweetie. These damned old tools. This one is my father's that is how old it is.” Quickly Zach grabbed a cloth and covered the wound. It bled for a moment before stopping.

  Melanie's eyes were filled with tears as she turned back and looked up at him, “It is okay Papa Zach, I know you would not intentionally hurt me."

  Zachariah felt her words dig into his heart for he had done just that. It was not that he had done it with an evil intent, in fact with all his heart he believed it was with the will of God and for a good intent that he had taken the tissue and blood. He just hated that it had to be done without her knowledge and it hurt him deeply that he had indeed caused her pain. It felt like he had done a selfish deed and he could feel the cold blade of a steel knife slicing through his ribs seeking his heart.

  He lowered his gaze to the case as a lone tear dropped upon the glass. What was done was done, and there was no turning back. Truth was there was no turning back the moment he had put the blood from the innocent child upon the table. At that moment the wheels had been set in motion and he could not stop them, any attempt to do so would have been more harmful to him and Melanie than what he had done.

  The one time he had tried to stop a commission had been disastrous. He had been living in Rome and after the piece had been commissioned he had decided he just could not carry out the magic. The man who wanted the piece was a truly evil man who thought there was nothing wrong about killing a man for no reason at all. So Zachariah had packed up with the stone and the mirror, for something told him not to leave them behind, and left the city. It had taken him many days to move south to the city of Pompeii and after nearly a year had passed he thought he had finally found a way to break the magic of the commission.

  He had been wrong. He had barely escaped with his life, and he had regretted surviving for the guilt that weighed upon his soul. So many others died.

  One day he had gotten word that the man who had commissioned the piece from him was looking for him. He had started to pack his things to move again with plans to begin the next day. Shortly after lunch he had gotten tired and laid down for a nap. When he had awakened he was on a vessel bound to Rome. Several Centurions had taken everything in his shop including the stone and all his belongings and were taking him back. As he looked back to Pompeii he saw a billowing tower of smoke rising. No one on the ship knew what it was. He did not
hear the news of Pompeii for several days, but he had no doubt that had he stayed in Rome Pompeii would have been spared.

  When he had returned to Rome, the Centurions returned him to his shop and his customer showed up three days later to ask about his commissioned piece. Zachariah had been very careful in taking the last element needed to complete the magic for with the Centurions outside the door he did not know what might happen.

  Six months after the piece had been delivered Zachariah learned that it had been partly responsible for the death of the Emperor of Rome but unfortunately not until after he'd had thousands killed.

  He gathered the bloody cloths and the tool that had several strands of hair and a small piece of flesh hidden within. Later he would add those to the ritual and begin the making of the tiara. Placing them upon a tray he lifted the tray and then slid it under the counter and turned to look at Melanie. She had gotten up and gone to the kitchen to get a wet cloth to wipe the blood out of her hair. Once again he felt that dagger and this time it twisted between his ribs.

  Zachariah turned his gaze to the clock and realized it was getting late. Soon Melanie would have to go home. He did not really want her to leave, especially after just hurting her. He wanted to spend a little quiet time with her and enjoy the last of their day together and he had enjoyed telling her the first story. He smiled for she was promised another one for her work tonight, “Well sweetie, if you want to hear a story tonight we had better let you choose what piece you want to hear about."

  Using a wet cloth Melanie wiped the last of the blood out of her hair and then turned and smiled at him, “Papa Zach, you are going to be putting so much effort in on the tiara, and I know you are only going to let me borrow it for one night but that alone will be payment enough for what I am doing for you. You do not have to tell me any more stories."


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