The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 39

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  She sighed as she shut the last cupboard, giving it up as a lost cause. She would just have to get ready and go out for a bite. She headed for the shower, grabbing some clothes from her closet as she went by. She'd seen a lovely café in town earlier and wondered if they had her favorite dish ... spaghetti with garlic bread!

  * * * *

  It was such a mild evening that Terran decided to walk again. Her spirits felt high as she walked through the town again, seeing it in a new perspective. The moon was full and the sky was full of stars ... so different from life in a big city, where the pollution and lights fog out most of the sky's beauty. She promised herself that she would stop on her way home to admire them properly ... after she'd calmed the raging tiger inside of her stomach!

  Terran secured the light blue shawl around her shoulders as she opened the door to the café. The shawl had been her great-grandmothers and it was so soft and beautiful. It matched her sky blue sundress perfectly.

  Wonderful smells of roast beef, French fries, and even pumpkin pie wafted to her nose and she inhaled deeply, her stomach grumbling expectantly. She would just have to have some of that pumpkin pie for dessert! With lots of whipped cream on top of course.

  She made her way to a booth in the back, not wanting to disturb anyone. It was not lost on her that all the talking had died away as she walked in and all eyes were watching her, curious. Most of the café's patrons were older and looked quite at home here. There was even a game of cards going on between a group of old farmers, still in their denim overalls. She smiled at the sight and received six friendly smiles in return.

  Terran took her seat and was only there moments before the waitress, Doris her name tag read, brought her a glass of water and a menu. She smiled brightly at Terran, her lips painted a garish red.

  "You must be our new neighbor! Aren't you just the sweetest thing!” she squealed a little too loudly. Terran slouched a bit as all eyes turned to them.

  "Earl and I live right across the street from you, in the little yellow Cape Cod?” She touched Terran's shoulder.

  "We've been just dying to come over and say hello, but have been trying to wait until you're more settled in.” She cracked the gum in her mouth and fluffed her orange poofy hair. No redhead Terran had ever met (herself included) had ever been able to boast that pumpkin color.

  "Well, it's lovely to meet you Mrs..."

  "Oh, Doris Dear! Just Doris.... Doris Fieldley. My husband's name is Earl and our two kitty cats are Lucy and Ethel. I sure do love my kitty cats to pieces ... I'm sure you'll see them around the yard, they just adore slinking about my flower garden and lazing in the sun.” She smiled again. She had the most unusually white teeth ... so straight and perfect. Must be dentures.

  "It's nice to meet you Doris. My name is Terran, Terran Morgan. I hope I get to meet the rest of your family soon and I love animals too.” She smiled at her and then glanced down at her menu to indicate to Doris that she would like to order now.

  Doris took the hint and flipped open her tablet, removing the pencil from behind her ear. Terran hadn't even noticed the pencil there before. Huh.

  "Well, we'll just have to drop by then someday soon, won't we? I have the most delectable recipe for oatmeal cookies ... I'll make sure to bring some with us! So, what can I get for you, dearie? We have Broccoli and Cheese soup for our Soup of the Day if you would care to try some. I made it myself.” She winked conspiratorially.

  "Oh, that does sound delicious. I will try some of that. I would also like a small plate of spaghetti with marinara sauce and a slice of garlic bread. Oh, and do you have chocolate malts?” She smiled hopefully at Doris. She was absolutely ravenous!

  "You're in luck! We happen to have some of the most popular malts and shakes in town! I'll whip one up for you straight away and see if you don't come back for more next time!"

  She scribbled furiously on her little notepad and Terran found herself wondering if that poor little tablet would hold up under the pressure. “I'll be back in a jiff with your drink sweetie pie.” She grabbed the menu and took off for the kitchen window, little white tennis shoes squeaking the entire way.

  Terran sighed in relief as she slumped in the booth. She liked Doris well enough, but she was kind of overwhelming when right in front of you.

  She gazed around the café while she waited for her drinks and took in all the people. The conversational volume was back up to normal now and Terran was no longer the center of attention. There was the occasional whisper and glance her way, but nothing big.

  There was prairie art on the walls featuring beautiful scenes of barns, pheasants, and deer. There was a cute little counter to check out at with a small display of candy and an old fashioned cash register.

  She just loved it here. She felt so safe and secure ... nothing like when she had lived in the city, where she always had to lock her doors and watch over her shoulder when she walked late in the evening.

  Terran sat up as she saw Doris sashaying back to her table with her chocolate malt, complete with cherry on top. Mmm mm good. Her mouth began to water as Doris finally made it to her table.

  "Extra thick and extra malt, the best malt you'll ever taste.” She smiled broadly at Terran as she sat down a cute little doily napkin, with lacy edges. How cute.

  Terran smiled back at Doris and reached out for her malt as Doris handed it to her. She was really looking forward to that malt, she could already taste it! Her hand slid around the frosty cup and met with Doris'. All of a sudden, Terran got a brief flash of what had to have been Earl Fieldley himself. He was on his hands and knees with Doris standing in front of him, tickling him on the nose with a ... well; it was a stick with a feather hanging on the end of a string. Yep, that's what it was. He was dressed in a tight black leotard, with a set of cat ears upon his head. He even had a little tail safety pinned to his plump behind! As Terran watched, strangely transfixed by the sight, Mr. Fieldley wiggled his round bottom and made the tail sway, causing Doris to giggle shamelessly as she reached around to pat his ass playfully.

  He turned around with a Cheshire grin and by the gods he had a little pink nose and whiskers painted on his plump cheeks. His long walrus-like mustache only added to the effect. Earl reached out a ‘paw’ and batted at the feather, causing Doris to shriek and run for the couch, her husband in hot pursuit ... on his hands and knees. Doris was wearing a red, Asian print house coat that matched nicely with her ruby red lipstick. Her hair was done up high, hair sprayed to perfection, her eyes outlined in the deepest blue of the ocean.

  She turned around and sat down on the sofa, her house coat gaping at the legs, clearly revealing that she did not have on anything beneath. She leaned back in an overly dramatic pose, pouting out her red lips and crooking a finger.

  "Come to mama you sweet little kitty cat. Mama's got some cream all warmed up for you..."

  Terran gasped and spun away, to find herself facing present day Doris, who looked a little flushed herself as she pulled her hand away rather shortly. She quickly excused herself and shimmied away, pulling out her little notepad to fan herself as she disappeared into the back somewhere.

  Terran sat back at the table, malt temporarily forgotten. She felt as if she was in a state of mild shock. All that information conveyed to her in just a few seconds. What had changed from before? Doris had barely brushed fingers with her, yet when she became alarmed, the ‘vision’ had ended abruptly, almost as if she had caused it to end.

  Doris soon brought out her meal, a steaming plate of delicious looking spaghetti with garlic bread. Terran quickly devoured it, never minding that Doris was still too flustered to look her in the eye. And was that a blush she had seen grace her features as she had scurried away from her table?

  Terran couldn't help it, she laughed out loud as she took another bite of spaghetti, causing a few people to look at her strangely. Well, she did say she liked cats. Terran almost choked on her dinner as she attempted to swallow with that thought. This time, a young farmhand
that had been sitting in the booth behind her, came up to her table.

  He reached behind her and patted her briskly on the back, causing Terran's breath to catch.

  "Are you okay ma'am?” He asked with concern in his dark green eyes. He was quite attractive, Terran noticed, but a little on the young side. He had strong hands and arms, with shoulders just beginning to broaden with maturity and hard honest work. She made an instant decision. On the spot. No questions asked. No thoughts required.

  She reached for his hand.

  "Yes, I'm fine thank you so much for your help."

  "My name is Terran, what's yours?” He reached for her hand, engulfing hers with a strong, warm grip and he opened his mouth to tell her his name.

  Terran felt a cool breeze lift the strands of hair around her face and she closed her eyes at the luscious feeling. It smelled of fall ... rich and spicy, laced with undertones of spring. Fall was her favorite season and she relished it in her senses for the moment. She opened her eyes when she heard a soft sigh from behind a nearby haystack. She was in a field scattered with haystacks. She tiptoed to look behind one of them, where she thought she had heard the sound.

  She peered around and caught sight of a smooth creamy leg, wrapped around the young man Terran had just met in the café. His upper torso was bare, allowing her a view of rock hard muscles and skin darkened to perfection. She watched as he ran a hand down the girl's leg and back up, to cup a firm young breast in his palm. Another sigh followed the touch and the girl's body arched against her lover's. Terran smiled and closed her eyes, leaving the two young lovers to their own devices. She opened her eyes and blinked in the bright light as the young man just finished telling her his name.

  "Luke” he trailed off dazedly. Terran could tell he was flustered as she watched his eyes flick about. He licked his lips nervously and stuttered, “Well, if you're quite sure you are all right, I had better be going. Ma'am.” He nodded to her as he scurried out of the café, a blush creeping up his cheeks as he fled.

  Oh, this was just too much fun! Terran giggled to herself as she finished up her meal. She hadn't had this much fun in a long time and intended to enjoy it for a little while before she returned home tonight.

  She slurped up the last of her malt and dug out a tip for Doris. She started to walk away and added another dollar, just for brightening her mood so much.

  She headed for the cash register, with a purposeful gleam in her eye. Playful, yet wicked all at once. Playfully wicked, yes now there's a term for the mood she was in. She fairly pranced the last few steps to the register; she was in such high spirits. She looked up from her purse and giggled, startling the cashier, a pretty woman with long black hair. She handed the woman the receipt that Doris had graciously left for her with a cinnamon candy that Terran had stuffed in her purse for later.

  The ring brushed up against the cashier's palm as Terran turned her hand craftily at the last moment. A quick flash and...

  She was relaxing in a bathtub full to the brim with bubbles; the light around her was soft with candlelight.

  "Well, this is certainly different.” She thought to herself as she looked around. She was in a light airy bathroom, painted in shades of pale yellow and blue, with a lighthouse motif. There were fluffy blue towels on a white shelf in the corner and small, yellow votives lit strategically around the room in place of artificial light.

  This was all very nice and all, but that still didn't explain why she was in a stranger's bathtub and not watching someone else's fantasies from a distance. She sighed deeply and reached up to push her dark hair back from her shoulders.

  She sat up abruptly, bubbles and water flying off of her body. Dark hair?

  Curious now, she looked down to see small firm breasts with large pink nipples, hell the nipples were the main attraction! Because lets face it, this body didn't have much for breasts. She hesitated only a moment before running her hands down and over the nipples, watching in fascination as they beaded into two perfect buds. She ran her hands down the rest of the way to feel a nicely flat stomach and firm thighs and legs. She realized who she must be: the cashier from the café.

  She'd never actually been the person in these fantasies though, only the spectator. Why had things changed ... again? Well, she didn't know for sure, but she intended to fully enjoy the fantasy while she could. No sense panicking and acting like a loon.

  She eased back into the hot water again and sighed with pure pleasure. Running her hands over her ‘new’ body, she realized one thing: This woman was outrageously horny and practically burned to be touched. She reached lower, intending to find out just how turned on she was and maybe relieve some pressure for her. She gasped guiltily when the bathroom door opened suddenly. A stunningly beautiful man filled the doorway, his manhood jutting proudly before him.

  She ducked below the bubbles, intending to hide behind them as he stopped in front of the tub and started to get in with her. She began to protest but he silenced her by leaning over her and kissing her passionately.

  Her breathing was ragged and she grabbed for him frantically as he started to pull away. Her hands left soapy trails as they slid helplessly down the muscles of his chest. She wasn't finished yet! No, no no!

  His swollen tip brushed against her breasts as he slid into the tub facing her. She looked up at him to find him smiling mischievously down at her ... the fiend was doing it on purpose! Well, she would show him who would be doing the teasing. She dipped her head and her tongue darted out, flicking over the tip of him. He jerked against her, moaning in surprise. She grinned and licked out again, this time running her tongue delicately around the edges of the head and his hands reached out to tangle in her hair, roughly pulling her against him.

  The sudden movement jarred her out of the fantasy and she found herself back in the café, gasping for air. She was staring into the cashier's eyes and the woman wouldn't release her hand. They both were left breathless in the wake of the fantasy and Terran trembled a bit as the after effects of it fell away reluctantly. The other woman seemed about to speak, but Terran shook herself back to reality and left the café in a hurry, not even bothering to wait for her change.

  The door bell clanged loudly behind her.

  Her face was burning hotly and her lower body clenched tightly. She hugged her shawl to her and walked brusquely down the sidewalk, lost to thought. After walking a little ways, she began to calm down, but her body still hummed with desire and her cheeks still felt warm.

  That last vision was intense. It was so real, so emotional and physical at once, so ... unlike her. She fretted about what that could possibly mean as she walked along, her steps slowing as her thoughts ran a mile a minute. Well, she was just going to forget about any more playing tonight, she was ashamed of herself for peeking into other people's personal fantasies like that. But.... it had been so long since she had enjoyed herself like that and it had felt ... well it had felt damn good, she admitted and smiled to herself.

  She raised her head up to the stars and hugged her arms around herself. It was so bright out tonight; she could see her way perfectly. The puppy calendar hanging in her kitchen had informed her it was a full moon. Lots of strange things have been reported to happen on nights such as this and she giggled to herself as she walked along, knowing all too well how strange things could get.

  She walked a bit further before realizing she was no longer headed for home. In fact, she was nowhere near her house. She came to a stop, her shoes scraping on the sidewalk. She must have taken a wrong turn while she had been so distracted. She turned around full circle, not recognizing the neighborhood at all. Well, this was just crazy. She had just decided to head back the way she'd come when she noticed a large grove of trees off to her left.

  "Now, where did they come from?” She whispered to herself with an eyebrow raised. She had a strong feeling it was time to call it a night. She fully intended to go straight home to bed ... she really did. So why now, heaven tell, was she heading straight
for a small clearing in the edge of the trees??

  Her feet seemingly moved of their own volition and she was but a passenger to their flight. She slipped in past a large dead bush, briefly snagging her shawl on a limb as she pushed her way into the trees. Strange, it was just as light in here as it was outside of the grove. Okay, well not as bright, but she could still see clearly enough to walk without stumbling. An owl hooted off to her right and she jumped, her breath catching in her throat.

  "What am I doing here? I must indeed be going crazy ... frolicking off into the forest in the middle of the night...” her voice trailed off as she realized what she had just spoken. Forest? There were no forests in these parts, only small groves of trees at best. She gazed about, seeing no end to the mass of wilderness and she started to panic. Spinning around, she tried desperately to locate the opening she had just entered through. Nothing, nothing at all. No opening and in fact she could not even see the town's lights anymore.

  This was madness! She began to dart among the trees, searching for any break in the trees, but to no avail. Jogging now, she tried to go back the way she had come from. She burst through a patch of bushes and small trees to find herself... the forest clearing from her dreams.

  "Oh My God,” she said slowly. This was absolutely impossible, but hell ... with what she had been experiencing the past few days, anything was possible now.

  The only thing that was different was that there was a giant oak tree in the very center of the clearing.

  "Okay, I must be dreaming again,” she said matter-of-factly. I made it home from the café and I'm soundly asleep in my big comfy bed with the giant fluffy comforter bundled about me.’ She closed her eyes, hoping when she opened them that she would indeed be in her bed at home. She cracked one eye and moaning, she opened them the rest of the way. Nope, no such luck. She was still in the clearing.

  Her breathing began to speed up and her heart was pounding within her chest. Against her better judgment, she entered the clearing, whereupon everything she had ever known to be reality was shattered into a million pieces.


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