The Crimson Z

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The Crimson Z Page 51

by Robert Cloud, Lee Rush, Richard Savage

  "But Papa, men do it too."

  Zakarias threw back his head and laughed harder, “No, my love, men do not. We just punch each other instead.” That sent all three into a laughing fit so hard that none of them noticed that the strange woman had sat up on the mats she was resting on and was looking at the three rather strangely.

  Softly a strange yet melodious voice interrupted their laughter, “Excuse me."

  All three of their heads turned towards her and the room was silent again as she added, “How did I get here?"

  Zachariah's heart stopped. Her eyes were so dark blue that he was lost within them and could not speak at all. Rachel rose up from her husband's lap and went to kneel beside her and took her hand, “My son,” she indicated Zachariah with a nod of her head, “found you on the side of the road. He thought you might be hurt and brought you here.

  "I am a midwife and an herbalist, what most people around here would say passes for a doctor. I can set a bone, or stitch a wound if need be and if you were hurt it was best he brought you here, but there was nothing wrong with you that a little food did not help."

  The woman looked at Rachel strangely, “Food?"

  Rachel stood and went to the cook pot and brought another bowl of broth over to her. “Here you go. I don't know how long it has been since you have eaten, but it may be a little soon for solid food."

  Lilith took the bowl and looked into it then handed it back and said, “I am sorry, I cannot eat this it will make me sick."

  Rachel almost laughed before she said, “Sweetie, you have already eaten three full bowls of it today and all three stayed down.

  "Is your stomach bothering you?"

  The look on woman's face made Zachariah think of someone that had just been told they were going to have a baby. It was a complete look of shock. Then she said, “No, in fact, I do not feel hungry at all. I feel very full."

  She lowered her eyes and closed them and shook her head. Zachariah could hear her whispering, “How can this be? How can this be?” Then she looked up and took the bowl of broth back and took a tentative sip from the bowl. She was acting almost as if the liquid inside it was poison, but after a moment she took another sip, then a smile crossed her face and she looked at everyone in the room and drank deeply of the broth. When she was done she wiped her mouth with her arm and a laugh that touched Zachariah's soul exploded from her lips as she fell backwards on the mat and let the laughter loose from her lungs. It seemed as if she had not eaten in so long that the very thought of eating was a miracle to her.

  As beautiful and lovely as the laughter was it was shockingly disturbing when it abruptly ended and the woman bolted upright and backed into the corner pulling the blanket about her. “I do not see any candles or lanterns burning,” she said.

  "It is too early for that, sweetie,” Rachel answered her. “The sun is still out and there are no clouds today."

  "The sun!” The woman said with more than a little terror in her voice, “I am allergic to the sun."

  Rachel looked at her oddly, “I have heard of allergies to plants but not the sun, are you sure? What happens when you get in the sunlight?"

  The woman looked at her frantically and pulled the blanket up over her head, “It burns me. It hurts. It feels like I am on fire."

  "Do you feel like you are on fire now?” Rachel asked her.


  Then Zakarias asked, “Are you in any pain at all?"

  The woman lowered the blanket and looked at him and answered, “No."

  "Honey, will you look at your foot?” Rachel asked.

  The woman did and for a moment it looked like she was about to scream. For upon her foot was a small spot of sunlight that was coming through a hole in the roof thatch. It was not much bigger than a person's thumb but it was definitely the light of the sun. The woman wiggled her toes and looked at it. Her eyes grew bigger as she did. She reached forward and waved her hand under the ray of light and as she did a smile crossed her face.

  Like a rabbit leaping out of its hole she threw aside the blanket and bounded to her feet and out the front door. Zachariah was right behind her, followed closely by Rachel and Zakarias. The three stared at her in amazement as she looked up at the sun as if she had never seen it. She began swirling about in the sun and dancing. She looked at them and then said to Zachariah, “You are the one that found me, right?"


  "Dance with me.” She did not wait for his answer but grabbed him by the hands and began swinging him about in a circle. Before long all four were dancing in a circle together laughing and singing. Although Zachariah was supposed to fix the roof the chore did not get done that night.

  Through the afternoon and early evening they asked her many questions but she did not remember much of her past beyond her name. They laughed about her name and its tie to the legend of Lilith and the Garden of Eden. It also seemed to Zachariah that she was more interested in learning about them anyway.

  Late in the night she sampled some cheese and bread and a little meat and laughed with each bite she took like she had never had them before. Zachariah was thrilled for it was like he was introducing her to life and with each moment his heart grew closer to her.

  Over the next few months Lilith became like part of the family. She took on chores and helped wherever she could. She even joined Zachariah and his father in the shop and began to learn the craft herself. Everyone was amazed at how quickly she picked it up. She had almost as much natural talent as Zachariah did.

  The two young adults became inseparable but they also were never alone. Zachariah would not allow it, and it often seemed to him that that sometimes frustrated Lilith. It was as if she did want to be alone with him but he just did not feel it was proper. They were not even engaged, and definitely not married. So he made certain that wherever they were there was always another adult with them.

  Three months passed and one day he had made a decision. That morning when Lilith stepped outside and took his hand she asked him where their escort was. “Today I have something special I want to show you, so I do not think we need an escort. Besides I think we are adult enough we can be trusted to behave."

  The smile on her face made him doubt that he was going to have the willpower to behave if she truly wanted to misbehave. He took her hand and led her into the woods and to the path that he had followed many years before and on that night when she had first come to the house.

  "Ah, a hidden secret place,” she laughed. Zachariah could feel the heat in his loins rise just hearing her sensual laughter, but he would not allow that to happen, not yet. He had to have things right. He tried to ignore his building hunger as he pulled her deeper into the woods.

  Finally he came to the large stone table and stopped. Then turned to her and said, “On the night I brought you into the house my mother did not think you would live. I came out here and stripped down and knelt upon that stone table and prayed with all my heart and soul to God to let you live."

  Lilith's eyes looked at him strangely then at the stone. “Why would you do that? You did not know me at all."

  "The moment I saw you on the road my heart stopped. I knew that very second that I loved you and that if you were not already married or betrothed I would one day ask you to marry me."

  She took a step away from him and looked into his eyes, the look on her face was very serious, “Did you say you loved me? From the very moment you saw me?"

  "Yes! From the first time I saw your face. Your clothing was in tatters but I did not look at your body, my eyes were locked to your face. I knew I loved you then."

  Lilith looked to the ground and then up at the sun, and whispered, “That explains everything."

  It was Zachariah's turn to be confused, “What? What explains what?"

  "Don't worry about it, Zach. Go on with what you were saying.” She said as she put her hands upon his shoulders.

  "Lilith, I want you to marry me. Since this stone is where I prayed for God to spare your
life, I wanted to ask you here. Will you be my wife?” Zachariah's heart was beating so hard in his chest that he thought Lilith had to hear it.

  She did not wait anytime at all to respond, “Yes. I will marry you!"

  Then she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him like he had never been kissed. In fact he had never been kissed beyond the kiss of his mother. Lilith's tongue invaded his mouth and he was surprised but he loved the sensation and before long he was reveling in the passion that was burning between them. Then Lilith stepped back and with a quick pull of a couple of knotted ties her shift fell to the ground and she stood before him naked. “Zachariah I have wanted you to make love to me since the day I first saw you."

  This was something he could not do. Quickly he turned and covered his eyes.

  "Is there something wrong with me, Zach?"

  "No, Lilith. On the contrary, you are beautiful, and were we married I would not hesitate to make love to you here and now, but I cannot. It is not in me to make love to you before our wedding night. Please understand, I want to, I just can't. It is against everything I believe.” Zachariah was turning redder with each second and he was trying to keep from turning around. He wanted to look at the woman he was now engaged to, for she was indeed the most beautiful woman he could have imagined, but he could not.

  After a moment he heard Lilith say, “It is okay, Zach, you can turn around."

  When he did she was again covered. She wrapped her arms around him and said, “My gallant fiancé, at least I know you have never been with another woman and I know you will never cheat upon me.” Then she kissed him again and when the kiss ended asked, “How soon can we be married?"

  "Normally the minimum engagement period the village elders allow is a year. I can approach them and maybe get it reduced to six months."

  Lilith frowned, “Even six months seems such a long time to wait to be married to you, but if I must wait the year I will do that as well.” Lilith pulled Zachariah tight to her and they hugged and kissed each other again before walking arm in arm back to the house of Zakarias.

  Zachariah held back the furred hide that acted as a door to let Lilith in and no sooner than they entered than Rachel, whose back was to them asked, “Where have you two been?"

  Zakarias was seated and Rachel was handing him a bowl of something for the evening meal but he immediately set the bowl aside and stood up. Rachel was almost bowled over as he stepped forward and took his son in his arms and said, “It is about time."

  "How? How?” Zachariah could not even form the sentence.

  His father put his hands on his shoulders and held him at arms length, “I could see it in your eyes.” Then he turned and hugged Lilith and said, “I guess I should begin calling you daughter."

  Rachel dropped the second bowl she was holding and her jaw dropped with it. Tears came to her eyes, “Why am I the last to know?” Then she leapt across the room and jumped up and hugged her son with all her strength and added, “I knew the day you brought her here and you could not keep your eyes off her that you loved her but I had only dreamt that she would return the love. Since she has no family we could not go to her father and arrange a marriage so it had to be her choice."

  She kissed his cheek, “I am so happy for you.” Then she turned to her husband, “Now if you will let go of my future daughter-in-law I would like to hug her myself."

  Zakarias laughed and said, “But Rachel, it has been so long since I have hugged such a young and lovely thing as she."

  Rachel pulled her arm back and hit him as hard as she could in the shoulder and added, “And it may be a long time before you get to hug any woman ever again if you do not let go of her now."

  He rubbed his shoulder but stepped back laughing merrily. There was no doubt that he loved his wife with all his heart and the occasional tease and spat that he had with her only reignited the passions that they felt for each other. Zachariah prayed that he and Lilith would have even half the joy that his parents had had in their life for even then they would truly be blessed.

  As soon as Zakarias had let loose of Lilith Rachel had wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheeks, “Welcome to the family, my daughter.

  "I have so badly wanted to call you that for weeks. You have become a part of this family even before now and to know you and my son are to be married makes my heart sing.” Again she kissed her cheek and added, “Well, there will be much to do before the wedding. Have you two decided when that will be?"

  Zachariah looked at both of them and looked down, “I told her about the tradition, and truth is neither of us wish to wait that long."

  "And I do not think you should have to,” popped in Zakarias. “I will speak to the village elders and see when is the soonest that they will allow the two of you to be married. As far as I am concerned you began courting the day she came here so that time should count for something."

  Rachel added, “And Zachariah is beyond the normal marrying age that too should count for something. They should reduce the amount of time even further.” She turned to Zakarias, “See what you can do, Papa. Personally, I think tomorrow is not too soon, but I know they will not allow that."

  Zakarias laughed, “Rachel you just want another baby in this house."

  Zachariah could feel the flush come to his face, he turned quickly before anyone could notice, however as he turned to look at Lilith he was surprised not to see a blush upon his betrothed's face. It amazed him that she could hide her embarrassment so well. “Father, the village elders do not meet for two more weeks."

  "I am one of the elders and I can call a meeting. Besides I think I heard something today about someone wanting an early meeting about Bereth, the village to the west of us. I will go to the elders in the early morning and see if I can get a meeting for tomorrow afternoon.” Then he patted his son's shoulder. “Son, I will do all I can to help you and your bride have an early wedding. I feel you deserve it."

  Then he whispered in Zachariah's ear, “Besides if Rachel does not have a grandbaby in this house soon I think she is going to drive me insane. Just knowing you are engaged and not making babies is going to make her nearly mad.” Then he stood back and laughed.

  Rachel looked at him and crossed her arms, “Are you laughing at my expense?"

  Quickly Zakarias said, “No, my wife, not at all.” Then he and Zachariah nearly doubled over in laughter and had to step outside.

  Normally the house of Zakarias was a house that did not drink wine or alcohol of any kind but that night Zakarias took his son into the village and to the house of Tobyas. Though Tobiah and Zachariah had not been good friends, Tobyas and Zakarias had been the best of friends since early childhood. When Tobyas was told about the engagement he welcomed the two in and pulled out a flask of his finest wine. Even his son was asked to join and the four drank not just that one flask but three more as well.

  Zachariah did not remember getting home but he did remember the sudden splash of cold water hitting him and looking up at two very angry women standing over him and his sputtering father as they both tried to sit up and shake off the effects of the wine.

  Chapter Nine

  To Zachariah the day went very slowly. His father had vanished immediately after breakfast, while he had done his chores. He had even done things around the house that had not been a part of the list of things he was supposed to do because he had finished his chores early. Normally he would have been in the shop with his father but he could not concentrate on making jewelry while his father was out trying to gather a meeting of the elders. He felt his stomach roiling and knew that the meeting would have been rejected.

  He looked up into the sky and the sun was at its apex, so he turned toward the house and walked home for the midday meal. As he walked in he saw his father already seated and his mother and Lilith getting ready to serve the meal.

  In silence he sat down beside his father and let the women serve them and then take their seats. It was too quiet, so he bowed his head and thanke
d God for his father for trying to arrange an early wedding. It was then he felt the heavy slap of his father upon his back. Laughter rung out, “Why so glum? You have a meeting to prepare for after the meal."

  Zachariah looked up almost choking. “They are calling a meeting?"

  "Well, your business was not the only reason, but they all said even if it was the only one your reason was good enough to call a meeting on its own.” He smiled at Zachariah, “I told you, my son, the elders here are good people."

  Zachariah could feel his lips pulling into a smile so broad he tried to hide it behind his bread but it was too late. Rachel said, “Now, if you can just get that grin off your face long enough to eat maybe you can get cleaned up and go to that meeting as a proper young man."

  "Should I go with him?” Lilith asked.

  Rachel put her hand on her shoulder and said, “No, my daughter, I do not know the ways of your village, but in ours, women are not allowed at the meeting of the elders."

  Zachariah saw Lilith lower her head. He could almost swear he saw her eyes turn a brilliant red but she kept quiet and what ever had glowed red for a moment disappeared. It had to have been an illusion. No ones eyes glowed like that.

  About an hour later Zachariah followed his father into his first elders’ meeting. Normally he would not have even been allowed to observe the meeting, for only married men of the village were allowed to witness the meetings. However since part of the meeting was going to be about him he was allowed to enter for the entire meeting.

  Tobyas stood and announced that the meeting was an emergency meeting called for two reasons. The first order of business was to deal with an incident that occurred at the village of Bereth. There were two men of Bereth that had come to the village to speak about a serious matter. The second was to deal with a matter concerning Zachariah.

  All the elders looked to Zachariah and several of the men began in hushed whispers to mutter amongst themselves wondering what it might be. Many had seen the woman Lilith, and more than a few suspected it had to do with setting a date for a wedding but it was unusual to come before the elders for that.


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