PRIZE: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance

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PRIZE: A Bad Boy Hitman Romance Page 30

by Sophia Gray

  I gaped at her. “Broke in?”

  “Yeah. It’s not supposed to open from the outside. Exit only.” She took a deep breath. She was still trembling, just not quite as violently as before. My arms were still around her, and maybe I was giving her some peace of mind by holding her, but I couldn’t help thinking maybe she was drawing on some inner strength. “I was hoping…I thought…Maybe I hadn’t been thinking…”

  “What had you wanted to do?”

  “Snoop around,” she blurted. “If someone working there knew something or was involved, they might have gotten rid of all the evidence already, but I had to try to see.”


  “I was good. I called everyone on your list and my list, too, and then the police called me to give me an update, which was basically to say that there wasn’t an update. I asked if they had gone over to Cowboy’s Lasso, and they had. ‘Nothing there,’ they said, so either they’re lying and never went in the first place—which I doubt because I know they went to another store Sage loved because I went in to buy her something for when she comes home and the saleswoman told me about the police coming to question them—or else the bar employees lied to the police. And if they lied to the police, it had to mean there was a reason for it—like them having to do with Sage’s disappearance!” She was back to shaking again, but this time it wasn’t from fear. It was from anger and rage. She had fire and drive and passion. One hell of a woman.

  I rubbed her back. “You’re sure the employees lied to the police?”

  “Yes. They claimed Sage and Trenton haven’t been there in a month.”

  Okay, now that definitely was a lie.

  “We can’t jump to conclusions,” I started.

  She trembled some more, staring off into the distance. “I broke in, and I didn’t even get in very far—maybe two steps. Was just looking around when those guys came up to me. One grabbed my arm, but I threatened to kick him in the balls if he touched me. I tried to talk my way out of it, but considering they saw me come in through the door, they knew I was up to no good. I guess they were just doing their job, but—”

  “No. They never should’ve touched you or talked to you like that.” I pulled her close again.

  “I just wanted to find some clues, some evidence. The trail can’t go cold, Grant. We have to find her.”

  “Find them,” I corrected gently.

  “Right. Sorry.” Her cheeks flushed. “I tried to claim I was just trying to get a beer, but they didn’t believe me. Called me some names. If you hadn’t come over…” Victoria started trembling all over again.

  “Hush,” I whispered. “You’re fine now. You’re here.”

  “Yes, I’m fine, but…” A tear streaked down her cheek. “Oh God. Damn it. Damn it all to Hell. I made everything worse, didn’t I? Now they know people are snooping. They might not realize why I was, but you saved me, so now they know both of us, will recognize our faces. Neither of us can go back there. We can’t find out anything about Sage and Trenton. I should’ve listened to you. I should’ve—”

  “It’s on me,” I said. “I should’ve gone in with one of the guys. Had him try to do some digging around the back while I worked the customers. I should’ve had my cell on, connected to you, so you could’ve listened in. That way, you wouldn’t have to worry, and—”

  “And if God forbid something happened, if you did pick up a lead, I could’ve had proof to give to the police.” A few more tears fell. “We really screwed this up, didn’t we?”

  “Not all hope is lost.”

  She shook her head. “My hope is dying.”

  No. I wouldn’t let that happen to her. “Things will look better in the morning,” I assured her.

  “In the morning.” She took a deep breath and shuddered. “Eight more hours. Eight more hours of Sage being gone. Maybe…Maybe she’s…her…”

  I shifted so one arm went around her waist and guided her to my bedroom. “Sleep. I can talk to my men and send them back in. We’ll be smart about it. No one will know they’re connected to us—”

  “Your bike,” she interrupted.


  “They can make a connection through your bikes.”

  Through the club. She was smart, but I had already thought about that. “We do know how to drive cars, too.” I smiled, hoping the joke would ease her mind slightly, but her frown remained firmly in place.

  “So one will do the talking and the other the snooping, like we should’ve done all along?”

  “Yep. And we’ll have a wire set up so we can both listen in. How does that sound?”

  “Good.” She sighed.

  I walked her over to the bed and picked her up to lay her down on it. She looked like an angel. She wasn’t supposed to have any exposure to the harshness the world has to offer. She was a successful businesswoman, worked her way to the top, adopted a girl. She was good and kind and loving. This kind of harshness, this kind of darkness, it was bound to change her, for better or for worse.

  “You should get some sleep.” I wanted to smile at her, but I couldn’t. Life was too shitty. There wasn’t time for smiles or happiness. Misery and depression. That was about it. Fuck, the world was a messed up place. Most everyone was miserable and depressed, too.

  Without a word, I removed her shoes and then her socks. Now also wasn’t the time for anything sexual, but would it help if I undressed her slightly to make her more comfortable? I didn’t want to cross any lines. Honestly, I just wanted to help. Help Victoria. Help Trenton. Help Sage.

  Help myself.

  Nothing like this had ever happened before. Sure, as leader of a motorcycle club, I had seen some shit in my days, but nothing like this. That those guys had jumped all over Victoria told me we had to be on the right track.

  Or maybe not. If Trenton and Sage had gotten out of town and moved one hundred miles away, they were going to be involved with the bar in any fashion. So maybe the bar had some kind of dirty, illegal secret to it that was completely separate from the disappearance of the couple.

  All of these questions and my lack of answers were given me a migraine.

  “What I really need is a drink,” she muttered wanly.

  Good idea.

  “I’ll get you one.” I patted her arm and left her room. Maybe she would already be conked out by the time I got back. Or maybe she wanted it as a nightcap. To help settle her down for sleep. Those guys had her really worked up. It might take her some time to be able to fall asleep.

  She was half sitting up when I returned with two glasses of whiskey. Her arms were wrapped around her bent knees, her head resting on her arms. She was back to trembling again.

  I set the glasses on my nightstand and sat beside her on the bed. “Here. It’s all right,” I murmured, wrapping my arms around her. “Do you want your drink? What do you need?”

  “You know what I need,” she said softly.

  Her daughter. Of course.

  “What do you need that I can get for you right this second?” I clarified.

  “Nothing.” But she lifted her head from her arms and rested it against my shoulder.

  It was a simple gesture, sweet, but it got me hard as hell. Fuck. This so wasn’t the time. She was hurting. It would be taking advantage of her. I should get up and leave.

  But she was the one to kiss my cheek. She was the one to cup my face. She was the one to press her lips to mine, and suddenly she was in my arms, legs spread, straddled over me, humping me through our clothes as our kisses deepened. I felt like I had jumped off a cliff and landed in a pool of liquid pleasure.

  I nipped at her lips as I tugged on her shirt. We broke off the kiss only for a second, enough time for me to yank off her top, and then our tongues were back to dueling. Her hands bunched up my shirt, and we had to stop kissing again, this time for her to remove my shirt.

  But instead of kissing me more, she pressed her hands firmly against my back until I lay down, and she made quick work of my belt. I lifted
my hips, and she peeled off my jeans. Her eyes widened as my cock sprang free.

  Yep. No boxers. I liked to free ball it.

  And I liked what she was doing to my balls, cupping them in one hand, her other hand slowly stroking my cock. It felt wrong, though, and I had to ask, “Are you sure you want this?”

  With fire in her eyes, she grabbed my hand and brought it to her pussy. Oh fuck. Fuck, was she wet. “You tell me,” she said, her eyes glazed over with lust.

  I caressed her folds before slipping a finger inside of her. She groaned when I immediately pulled it back out, but her eyes widened as I put that finger inside my mouth and licked her juices from it. “Oh yeah. You want this.” I sat up, grabbed her, twisted her around, and flung her onto the bed.

  Now I straddled her. I slowly shifted backward and moved her legs so they were spread around me. My head dipped down, and I kissed up the sides of her inner thighs. She wiggled and squirmed, grabbing onto the sheet.

  “Come on,” she begged.

  “There’s no need to rush.”

  “Yes, please!”

  I traced lazy circles on her inner thighs, making her squirm even more. “Don’t you realize how much better it can be if you wait a little?”

  “I don’t want to wait. Don’t make me wait!”

  I smirked. “The other guys you’ve been with have been rushers, am I right? Just in and out a few times and done. And that satisfied you?”

  She grimaced. “I just want some relief.”

  I laughed. “You’ll get relief and then some,” I promised.

  A few more kisses on her legs, and then I kissed her lips. She jerked, gasping loudly, and I fought back a grin. I would make her scream before the night was over.

  I licked and sucked and teased and licked some more. God, she was so responsive. Every touch of my lips or tongue or teeth had her sighing or twisting. She kept bucking her hips, trying to get me to fuck her faster with my mouth.

  Not wanting to deny her but also wanting to give her more pleasure, I stopped sucking and waited for her to curse at me—only took a second to wait—and then I shoved a finger inside of her. Fuck was she wet. Tight, too. Her walls closed around me, and they tightened even more when my tongue flicked against her clit.

  “What the…What are you doing to me?” She gasped, reaching down and grabbing onto my hair, pushing my face deeper between her legs, which she had long ago wrapped around the back of my head.

  To answer, I added another finger inside of her. I slowly finger-fucked her and lazily licked at her clit. She was screaming, all right.

  “Oh, yes. Yes! Faster. Please! Oh!”

  Victoria was almost there. So close. I could hold off, let it simmer and build even more, or I could let her have a taste and then keep on going and hope that this was only going to be the first course for her.

  I paused and glanced up at her. Sweat caused her hair to stick to her forehead. Her eyes were closed, her moist lips parted, and a drop of pre-cum eased out of the head of my cock. She was fucking beautiful.

  And I was going to fuck her, all right.

  I was going to fuck her all night long.

  Chapter 7


  He was driving me nuts, completely wild. I wasn’t a virgin, and I wasn’t a prude, but the way he was making me feel was beyond anything I had ever experienced before. My legs were shaking. Heck, my entire body was. His touch, his lips, his tongue…oh God, his tongue.

  If his goal was to keep my minds off things, he had achieved it in spades.

  He stopped licking me, and his fingers stopped fucking me. Grant stared down at me. I couldn’t read the expression on his face, but, man, was it intense. I already couldn’t breathe, but that look was taking the rest of my breath away.

  “Do you have…” I couldn’t finish the question.

  “Have what?” His expression didn’t change at first, but then his lips curled into a slow and sexy grin. “Time? We already discussed that.”

  I shook my head, and I couldn’t help lifting my hips. I wanted to rub my legs together. The itch he’d started needed to be scratched. He’d promised me something with his lips and tongue and fingers, and he hadn’t delivered on it yet.

  “Do I have what, Victoria?”

  I closed my eyes. The way he said my name left me breathless. What the hell was I doing? I couldn’t dare read into this too much. This was just a one-time deal. Maybe two times. Three. Until we found Sage and Trenton.

  This wasn’t anything serious.

  Didn’t mean it couldn’t be seriously good.

  I opened my eyes. Grant was still staring down at me, still grinning.

  “What do you want me to have?” he asked.

  “A condom,” I said breathlessly.

  He threw back his head and roared with laughter. “Yes, I have condoms,” he said, emphasizing the s. “But I don’t need one.”

  My expression fell.

  He leaned forward, pressing his chest to mine, and kissed the tip of my nose. “I don’t need one yet.”

  “What are you going to do?” I whispered.

  “Whatever I feel like…if you have no objections.”

  I shook my head. Excitement washed over me like a tidal wave. “No objections.”

  He cupped my cheek, trailed his fingers down to my neck, and twisted my head to the side, away from him. “None?”

  “Not one.”

  He lowered his head, and I could feel his breath on my neck. Although it was hot, I shivered. “Good,” he murmured, and then he bit me. Not hard, and in a totally sexy way.

  I never had been bitten before. Never realized how wet it could make me.

  Grant sucked my neck, and I grabbed his hair, pulling back and upward so I could kiss him. I was torn between wanting to hold his head in place and rubbing hands all over his hard body, so I did both, one hand roving and scratching and caressing and rubbing, while the other kept him where I could kiss him: his lips, his cheeks, his nose.

  When I got to his neck, I returned the favor and bit him, careful not to nip him too hard.

  “Harder,” he growled, shoving an arm between me and the bed. He wiggled his way down and grabbed my ass, shoving his cock against me and making me gasp.

  “Always harder,” I moaned. I bit him harder.

  He grinded against me harder in response.

  I raked my nails down his back.

  He brought his other hand to my ass, kneading it.

  “You’re an ass man, huh?”

  “Ass, tits. Lips, eyes. Anything and everything.”

  “Doesn’t take much to turn you on, then.”

  “Not when the woman in question looks like you.”

  “Charmer.” I licked my lips, and his gaze dropped from my eyes to my mouth. “You know what to say to get a girl in bed, and then you know how to pleasure her there.”

  “If you think I’ve pleasured you, you haven’t felt anything yet.”

  “A promise or a threat?”

  “Both wrapped in one.”

  I shivered.


  “Perfect,” I whispered.

  He eased to one side and rolled me onto my back. His hands felt like magic as he massaged my shoulders, easing out the tension in my neck. His fingers skimmed down my sides, slipping beneath me to squeeze my breasts for a moment before returning to my back. His hands palmed my ass, and then he slapped it.

  Holy fuck. He slapped my ass.

  And I liked it.

  He slapped me again. I jerked, my clit rubbing into the sheets. God, did that feel amazing.

  Another slap. More rubbing. Another and oh, man, if this kept up, I was going to come.

  I lifted my ass slightly, waiting for the next slap.

  It didn’t come.

  “Please,” I whimpered.

  “What do you want?”


  “Me?” He leaned back down over me, his cock rubbing against my ass. “Am I torturing you?”
r />   “Yes,” I groaned.


  Good? Good? Torturing wasn’t good!

  I was about to say that when that slap came. Immediately after, he shoved two fingers inside of me, and I was done.

  The shockwaves of my orgasm almost had me blindly moving my hips in rhythm with his fingers. Oh my God, did it feel good, so good.


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