Blind Encounter

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Blind Encounter Page 2

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  The work bench was neat as a pin. It was almost like it was never used as chisels of every size and shape hung on the walls to the left and hammers from tiny to large on the right side. The bench itself contained stacks of books and magazines pertaining to the trade. Near the front of the garage where the windows were painted white stood a barrel of hand tools for gardening. A push mower of ancient design had its own place next to the tools. Next he went back to look at the life size statue of Sue. There was no doubt

  He was as good as she said: it was a perfect replica of her. Long perfect legs on a rather short waist mid section accentuating a small waist on up to small uplifted breasts made him think of Venus the God of love. Her long neck and a face without dark glasses gave her a true look of beauty. A feeling like never before almost took him to his knees. Life again was stirring inside him and it wasn’t just sexual, it was like a low voltage current passing through his entire body. He looked for a place to sit down and found a step stool against the far wall. Dropping his back pack on the work bench he passed by other works and sat down giving his brain a rest, not to mention his weak legs. He sat there contemplating what he might do with the offer of the blind lady. He’d planed to head south to California, but darkness was descending upon him and it wasn’t from the sun setting. What I have to lose, he thought. I can’t keep wandering the rest of my life; nor can I? What kind of work would she want me to do? I’ve never mowed a lawn in my life or weeded a flower bed. Painting, the only painting he remembered was in kindergarten. Cooking, forget it. Ron thought it a nice offer as he walked to pick up his pack and say good bye to find a place to lay his head down for the night. Before leaving he went to the small room to turn out the light and stopped to look at the nice little room where he would sleep if he accepted her offer. Without thinking any further he tossed his pack on the floor and stripped down revealing a white body with a brown head and hands. He walked to the shower and turned the water on. Soon hot water filled the small room with steam and he savored the forgotten feeling of a morning shower.

  The smell of shampoo filled his nose. He was sure he had lice as his head itched all the time. In the shower he found a back scrubber and used it on his entire body washing off a year's worth of grime and pain. Ron had first taken the toothbrush and paste into the shower and with bleeding gums it felt much better.

  Now standing in front of a steamed up mirror he took the scissors to his beard and fifteen minutes later after scrapping his face raw, he saw what he remembered of the former Ron Filbert. Dressing in her father’s clothes, blue work shirt and overalls he laughed for the first time in many months at the spectacle he must look like. He found a rubber band on the work bench to tie his hair in a pony tail and walked out the door to find the house’s back door to a new life, maybe. A haunting fear followed him to the back door where he knocked and heard Amy give off a yelp of delight. Sue’s voice floated like creamy butter to his ears to come in and he opened the door to a wonderful smell of something cooking. Amy sniffed the clothes and looked up wondering if this was the same guy in the park. Ron rubbed her ears and Amy satisfied he was familiar, led him to the dark kitchen. The last light of day was fading fast and at that moment the lights in the house came on. He realized they were on timers and standing in the bright lit kitchen saw Sue stirring a large pot of what smelled like homemade stew. His mouth watered and strong pains of hunger racked his body. She said with a big smile, “I smell shampoo and does that mean you decided to take me up on my offer?”

  Meekly he replied, “Yes, let’s give it a try for awhile and see how it goes. I make no promise of my yet unknown responsibilities, but like my father used to say, I’ll give it the old college try.”

  “Fine and now would you take from the cupboard on the end next to where you are standing and take out two bowls and two plates? Next to the sink is a drawer with utensils and the glasses are above the drawer in the cabinet with glass so you can see the contents without opening the doors. Old carpenters had it all over the new guys of today, as she took from the oven warmed rolls. Next she moved to the refrigerator and took out some milk and butter.

  Ron did as he was told and set the table cautiously so he didn’t run into her. She asked him to put a hot pad on the table and carry the pot of steaming stew as dinner was ready. Ron took a moment to look the kitchen over. It was small by his standards of a pent house kitchen, but this had the homey feeling of yesteryear. Sue made her way to the table with the carton of milk and butter while he stood waiting for her to sit down. He knew better than to offer his help as she’d lived for years doing this very thing more times than he’d ever done in any kitchen. “Sit down and ladle up Ron. I’m sure you are hungry and so am I,” she laughed still wearing her sunglasses. He wondered what her eyes looked like as he dished up the great smell of stew. He forgot the surroundings and quickly burned his mouth with hot stew. Relax, he told himself and enjoy not over eat. Use your manners and let her know you are with her.

  “Sue,” he said, it would appear you are an excellent cook. Me, the only cooking I did was with frozen food in a microwave.” Stirring his hot stew he looked at her visualizing her posing naked for her father. He wanted to ask her about that, but for now let’s see how it develops. He buttered a roll and watched her do the same. It was amazing how blind people adapted to not seeing what they were doing, only feeling their way through the process. Soon the stew was cool enough to eat and both made sounds of enjoyment eating what he thought was the best meal in his life. Before nothing tasted good to him as he wandered from one charity house to another eating left over stale sandwiches and watered down soup. He said again, “Thanks again for sharing your table with me. It’s been a long time since I sat a table eating dinner with a nice lady.” He ladled another scoop or two and soon his stomach was too full to eat anymore. He drank his milk and sat back and watched her finish off her stew.

  Finished eating he took the plates and bowls to the sink and started washing as she said, “I’ll do that later Ron. Now if you’d fill the kettle with hot water I’d like a cup of tea. There’s instant coffee in the cupboard if you want or tea if you like. We can sit in the living room and I’ll tell you what my other part of the agreement is,” as she rose and walked to a cupboard next to the stove for tea and coffee.

  Ron said, “I’d like some coffee as I fear I will fall asleep as soon as I sit down after such a nice dinner.”

  “This won’t take long and then you can take a rest for as long as you like,” as she removed two mugs hanging from under the cupboard placing a tea bag in hers and leaving his to take care of. Sue walked to the living room leaving Ron to bring their drinks when the water was ready. It didn’t take long and soon he followed her into a cozy living room with overstuffed furniture. A large brown sofa sat on one wall with a coffee table with legs he’d never seen before rested in front of the sofa. The legs were like swaying in a breeze, but expertly fashioned. A tall floor lamp sat at one end and a smaller table with magazines at the other end. Across the room next to the fireplace sat a big overstuffed chair that Ron if he sat there he would never get up again fearing it would swallow him up. On the other side of the fireplace a straight back chair that was obviously her mother’s seat with a table lamp and under the table a shelf probably for her knitting he assumed. The floor was fully carpeted and walls the same off brown were filled with hanging art that looked impressive and family pictures mixed tastefully decorated the room. Here and there small statues of her father’s work stood blending in with the area. Short baize curtains were now closed shutting off the outside world. Ron noticed no TV or a stereo system anywhere. Only the sound of a grandfather’s clock in the hall way was heard.

  Sue sat in the chair of her mother’s and Ron placed her tea carefully on the side table. Ron decided on the sofa and not takes a chance on the big chair. He sat his cup on the dark hardwood table where a coaster waited for him and sat down slowly sinking into the sofa waiting for the ride to end. Looking at his new benefactor h
e waited for her to speak.

  Sue on the outside looked to all viewers calm and confident, but on the inside she was churning like homemade butter. What have I done she asked herself. I’ve a homeless man in my house and now what? Why did I invite him of all people and what if he turns out a thief or worse yet a rapist and killer? No, bad thinking Sue. Amy says he is good and not to be scared. Trust your instincts girl and tomorrow is another day that hopefully will change my life from the boredom of days gone by. Gathering confidence she said, “Ron here are some things I’d like for you do to for me. First I’d like to buy a car and I presume you can drive?”

  “Yes, Sue I can drive but will need to change from New York to Washington. I presume a trip to the motor vehicles department wouldn’t be difficult now that I look human again,” he said with some humor long ago forgotten in his memory banks.

  “Good, then I want us to drive around while you describe the scenery and people for my novels I intend to write. I’m not without money and we can explore where we want to. I trust you fully and that would be absurd to anyone else having just met you a few hours ago. My aunt wants to spend a few months in Arizona like I said before and things like shopping and banking are somewhat difficult so you’d be my eyes. I also need some help once in awhile with the computer. If we make it to spring, and I hope we do, then the yard would need some attention. That is all I can think of for now. Any questions,” as she found herself sitting on the edge of her chair and he noticed she was talking to him but as he was quiet, she didn’t really know where he was. Then to his surprise she took off her sun glasses and wiped her eyes.

  He saw she was silently crying and doing her best to be strong when strong wasn’t needed. He quickly said, “Sue, sounds good to me and now let’s relax and tell me more of your stories.”

  “Okay, but first I must tell you about my aunt. She’ll be here tomorrow at about eleven and when she discovers you’re here, well as I mentioned before, she is one cranky old woman who thinks she is my mother incarnate. I tolerate her, but on the other hand I need her too. She does a lot for me and I should appreciate it more, but it takes a toll on me with her pound of flesh if you know what I mean.”

  “You’ve painted a good picture and tomorrow I will putter around the yard like you just hired a man to help with the fall cleaning. By the way, I have no idea what day it is or the date for that matter.”

  Ron had been looking at her eyes which had a glassy teary look, but the color was an attractive grey with the white part milky looking. They were set wide apart like the statue and even though she had the stereotypical eyes of a blind person, the more you looked the deeper you were drawn into them. Sightless yes, but not without warmth he thought when she answered his question, “It’s October the twenty first and today is Friday.”

  “Thanks and I’ll be sweeping the walkway and knocking the spider webs and making busy work while she’s here. The clothes I’m wearing might be a problem as they’re your fathers. Do you have any idea about that situation?”

  “No I don’t, but maybe if you put on your old coat, I heard it swishing when we were walking earlier, she won’t notice.”

  “Sue I’m a little sleepy from your great dinner and if you don’t mind, I’ll take my leave now and before I go to bed, let me check the locks on the door for you.”

  “Thanks Ron and thanks for helping me out in a time of need.” After he left Sue sat thinking back on her life since she lost her sight eleven years ago. It seemed that right after she lost her vision her father succumbed to a stroke that he never recovered from. A year later he passed on. Two years after that her mother finally, with all concerned, followed her father with their blessings from her long struggle with pain and suffering. Aunt Bee stepped in to fill the vacancy with authoritarian demeanor completely disregarding her niece’s wants and desires. To escape her aunt she lost herself in her writing, listening to music from the internet with headphones on behind a locked door. Her aunt finally got the hint and left her alone taking care to pay the bills and fetch her needs like groceries and other personal items. Now what made her stress level rise was when her aunt Bee found out a man was living here and, hopefully, replaces her aunt as a companion and confidant. A confrontation was bound to happen between the three, and her greatest fear, Ron would take the easy way out and walk off never looking back.

  To make matters worse, at thirty one she felt the urge to procreate. She realized her female needs and now did she justify her offer to Ron just as a helper or did it go deeper than a companion? While she was having these thoughts Amy felt her master need for comforting coming up to her and laying her head in her lap. Sue said to her while she rubbed her head, “Amy what’re we going to do about tomorrow and the days that follow. We must remain strong and speak clearly our minds when Aunt Bee comes tomorrow. Don’t argue with her,” she warned. “I’ll be calm and logical and try to keep my emotions out of the picture.” Also I’ll be honest and tell her to go to Arizona and get away from the damp grey climate of Washington for awhile. Why, because it is time for me to live alone and take care of myself. For example, Safeway has grocery delivery ordered by computer. Ron can help with that end of things.” Amy making throat sounds watched her eye lids fall down and slip into sleep sitting in her mother's chair with all the lights on.

  Chapter 111

  Ron closed and made sure the back door was locked and then made his way to the garage side door. Before going in he looked up at the sky seeing a smattering of stars and the bright glow of downtown Seattle to the south. It was both warm and cold as the earth gave up its warmth from the summer rising to meet the chill of the coming fall. No wind as a still night was broken only by an occasional car going by. Very quiet he thought as he reflected on the many nights huddled in an alley or behind a smelly dumpster with night sounds of animals crawling around inside looking for a snack. On more than one occasion he shared the fruits of tossed dated bread and vegetables with his companions of the night. A shudder went through him thinking how grateful he was to find a dumpster unspoiled by others who appeared cloned from the same extended family. Ron shook it off and entered the garage leaving the lights off. One the one hand he wanted to experience her world and the other to not advertise his presence in the garage.

  It was dark inside but not dark enough that he couldn’t see the outline of the statue of Sue. He ran his hands over the smooth stone following all the contours from top to bottom. At first the stone felt cold and then the more he caressed the statue the warmer it felt to him. His breathing quickened and from his finger tips down to his stomach a rush never felt before expressed a desire to hold it and sleep the night forming a perfect match to her body. A stirring in his loins brought back thoughts of great sex with any and all who felt the same desire. His wife was good in bed, but towards the end, it was just mostly mechanical as they drifted apart. In the end his needs were fulfilled by one night stands at the bars he frequent. Ron shook his head trying to block out those nightmares of the past when he woke up with a hangover with someone he didn’t know sleeping beside him.

  His hands now moved to her head and ran down her hair to her face. Lightly and slowly using his fingertips only felt the curves of her small nose, then around her lips on down her neck to the one exposed breast. The small upturned breast felt real to him as he took the nipple between his thumb and finger and rolled it around like it was real flesh: warm and growing hard to the touch. By now his erection was pushing at the overalls for release. Using both hands he ran his fingers down her hips to her thighs. No crotch was evident as only the ‘V’ half hidden by the stance of one leg partially covering the other as he slowly moved down to her ankles and feet. Breathing was coming faster now and his penis ached from hardness as he stood up and lowered his overall unfastening the straps over the top. His underwear was her father’s as they too dropped around his ankles. He reached down and felt his member for the first time in many months finding it hard and erect. Slowly he stroked it looking at her shadowed
face; then faster and faster till an ejaculation occurred spilling onto the garage floor. Guilt and the risk of being watched ended his pleasure as he quickly pulled up his shorts and held the coveralls up with one hand moving to the small bedroom.

  Closing the door behind him he kicked off the overalls and wiped off his penis smelling the sperm so familiar in his past. Breathing returning to normal he took off his smelly shoes and laid back on the bed closing his eyes. It quickly turned cold and he crawled under the blankets falling fast sleep.

  Ron was rummaging through the inside of a dumpster when the truck stuck its prongs out to lift it into the back of the truck. Ron was trapped inside and when it rose to the top, he fell into the truck’s garbage. Buried by a half ton of garbage he fought his way to the top before he suffocated by the weight and contents he was buried under. Clawing the sides and never noticing the blood coming off his hands realizing the beginning of no air in his lungs. The smell was not a problem as his vision started to turn with star like yellow dots of electricity in his eyes. Chest about to explode the sinking feeling of death started to take control. His struggling waning he thought he heard a rat crying nearby. Ron gave it one last effort and found himself landing on the cold floor of the small room in the garage panting and clawing the air around him.


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