Blind Encounter

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Blind Encounter Page 5

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  “Well, I’d best check and see that no robins nest or pack rats have built a house in the chimney.” Ron went on a hunt for some paper to burn. He remembered some old newspapers in the garage as he went out the back door amid heavy rain and wind quickly making him wet. In no time he was back with papers and down on his knees he removed the screen in front and pulled the handle of the draft that rained down black soot and leaves with an old bird nest landing on top of the pile of waste. Ron laughed and she asked what he was laughing about and he told her about the bird nest as he set it aside for later. Now he had to clean up the small pile of waste so he asked her where a trash might be so he could clean the fireplace. Sue hurried somewhere and came back with a small waste container and he lined it first with paper and then scooped the waste with a small fireplace shovel. That job finished he made a ball or two of paper and looked around for a match. “Sue is there a match or lighter in the house?”

  From the kitchen she brought him a BBQ lighter. Ron struck the lighter and soon a small fire was going with the chimney drawing nicely. He said, “Sue we are in business. Now all we need is some wood and we can lie by the fire and stay warm on a terrible night for street people to stay dry on.” She felt his tone remembering how just a short while ago he was one of them suffering a fall storm of wind and rain.

  “Ron,” with excitement in her voice, “I think I hear the delivery man coming. If she could have seen him, he was staring into the dying flames of the paper lost in another world of place and time. The door bell rang and he fought hard to break his thoughts and stood up to see if he could help bring in the order.

  A few minutes later logs stack neatly next to the fireplace and Sue in the kitchen preparing the oven for pizza, he stood watching her with the bottle of wine in his hand thinking what it might do if he drank again. He looked down at the dark red bottle remembering after he lost his job, drinking anything was his thing, be it wine, beer or rot gut whiskey. He thought if I drink this and feel high will I have the will power to stop? How strong are you these days Ron Filbert? Are you man or mouse? You have a woman who loves you more beautiful inside and out of anyone he’d met in twenty years standing at the stove preparing something to eat for you. He looked up and decided to say something. He said, “Sue can I have your attention for a minute?” She had just shut the oven door and looked over at him. “I’m not sure I should drink this wine. I haven’t had a drink in over a year now and to tell you the truth I am an alcoholic. What if I can’t handle it and want more? This could ruin what we have at the present time. What do you think?”

  “Ron,” she said with conviction, “only one way to find out. I don’t drink much and I don’t want us to have this disease hanging over us for the rest of our time together. Let’s find out from the beginning what we have to deal with.” She pulled out a drawer and handed him a cork puller. He stared at it like it was a sword of death and with a shaky hand reached out and took it from her. She heard him walk back to the living room knowing he was at odds with himself while he built a fire. Amy too felt something amiss as she followed him into living room watching him build a fire. Ron had sat the bottle an opener on the mantel and soon a small blaze was going. Sue had set a timer for the pizza and brought two wine glasses into the living room. She sat the glasses carefully on the mantel and left to fetch a large blanket off the bed with two pillows to sit in front of the fire on. Ron helped her spread the blanket and lay on his side starring into the fire. Sue sat on her knees and reached out to find him. Ron laid his head on a pillow and pulled her down next to him. Sue snuggled against his body making a spoon affair not saying a word.

  Ron, struggling with the notion of having a glass of wine said, “Turn around my lovely and kiss me. Sue quickly turned around and waited for his lips to meet hers. This time soft and tender nibbles and neck kisses brought on heavy breathing. The fire was warm and comforting as he reached under her sweat shirt finding an erect nipple to his touch. He went from her breast to her back and felt the silky smooth skin while sucking on her bottom lip. He gently pushed her onto her back and laid one of his legs over hers applying some pressure on her crotch. She moaned with pleasure and he pushed up her sweatshirt and began to play with her breasts one at a time sucking lightly and licking her erect pink nipples that shadows danced across her pale white skin from the fire light. Ron lost all thought of drinking as his member was stiff once again.

  Ron positioned him on top of her as she spread her legs accepting him grinding his hard member against her very wet center of love. Both were past the point of no return as Ron rose up and pulled her sweats down and did the same with his. Sue reached down and guided him inside sucking in a deep breath as his penis slide in and reached the hilt in one thrust. She shook her head from side to side as he plunged in and out while he sucked her breasts one after the other. This time she didn’t hold back as a climax for both occurred sending sounds of ecstasy throughout the house while she twisted and turned beneath him. Ron collapsed on top of her while she stroked his long hair now free of a pony tail. He said with a voice she hadn’t heard before, like a sound of a confession one might hear from a priest, “I love you Sue Lyons. I’ve loved you since the moment in the park and every minute and hour since then. I feel weak and need to draw on your strength if you will have me.”

  “Oh God yes, Ron, I can’t see you but I can feel you and that is what counts. From the first time I heard your voice something triggered a deep feeling never felt before.” Her breathing had returned to normal and Ron buried his face in her belly and began to cry for the first time since he was a child. She held his head while wet tears gathered on her stomach. For Ron the macho stock broker from New York City had been tamed in Seattle by a lovely blind lady. Life would never be the same for him or her for that matter. He stopped shedding tears and raised up to his knees as the timer rang out that pizza was ready. Sue quickly got up and went to the kitchen while Ron wiped his eyes and fed the fire with another log.

  With one hand on the mantel and the other hanging by his side he gazed upon the fire of love. With confidence he reached for the bottle of wine and in seconds had the cork out letting it breathe. It was still raining and gale force winds pounded the windows making them rattle as Sue brought the pizza in setting on the blanket with his help. Both sat Indian style across from each other as he poured her a glass telling her to hold her hand out. Next he hesitated a moment before he poured a glass for him. Setting the bottle down he raised his glass telling her a toast was in order. Sue raised her glass as he said, “To the most beautiful woman in the world with a heart of gold. Never will a moment be better than this moment. From sorrow and pain to heights of happiness all within a moment of each other brings us together. May it continue and only get better as time moves on. Here is to you Sue Lyons. I love you more than I have words to express.”

  Tears were running down her face and she slowly raised her glass to her lips and took a sip and then said, “Ron if I never woke up and if this is only a dream my life has been fulfilled being with you for this short time. If I could take my heart out and give it to you I would. If this is love and I know it is, may it never end? I too love you Ron Filbert.

  Ron raised his wine glass and tentatively took a sip then he said, “I’m starving and picked up a slice of pizza and took a bite forgetting the glass of wine. He had only eyes for her and like a magnet he was attached to her and not attached to the wine. He then through bites of pizza described the light from the fire and the shadows bouncing off the furniture and walls. Once the pizza was gone and his glass of wine empty he lay down on his back and told her about the light on the ceiling dancing around. Sue moved to lie next to him as he put his arm under her head to rest on his arm pit and shoulder. Soon with Amy next to them all fell asleep as the fire continued to make the atmosphere romantic and warm.

  Chapter VI

  Laying in her bed, she snuggled up to him, rain still coming down he looked up at the ceiling feeling lost and asking himself what happened
yesterday. He saw he was a long way from home and then he wondered where home was. Certainly not in New York and not in Florida with his parents so maybe this is home? He looked at Sue who was sleeping, eyes closed and her warm breath next to his arm. The faint aroma of her perfume still hung in the air sending waves of pleasure to his senses. Well homeless man is this home? Why not? Why fight it and make the best of it. He slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom. Last night before bed he went to the garage and transferred his shaver and toothbrush signifying a major move. He turned the shower on and when it warmed up he got in and before he realized it, Sue was standing naked opening the glass doors stepping into the hot water shivering a little making her nipples hard and goose bumps on her body. Ron quickly moved her under the shower rubbing her skin to warm her up. Sue wrapped her arms around him and raised her head for a morning kiss.

  She tasted like toothpaste and for a moment he forgot she was blind. Come to think of it he almost couldn’t remember when he did notice she was blind. Braking apart he said, “Yes, I still love you and lately I’ve forgotten you can’t see me. If I seem not to talk just remind me to speak up if there is something on your mind. Now turn around while I wash your creamy back and butt.”

  “Nothing wrong with my ears or sense of feeling as I hear you and feel you all at same time as she turned around putting her hands against the wall. Ron was careful not to put soap in areas of sensitivity. Rinsing the soap off her shampooed long hair, while he soaped himself, stood their looking at her lovely body, her whole being is what brought on wet dreams for most guys and he was but an arm's length away in real life!

  Toweling off she said, “I’m really hungry and let’s go out for breakfast.”

  “All right, but I would prefer a cup of coffee first if you don’t mind,” as he shaved his tender skin. Sue put on sweats and another sweat shirt with the University of Washington with the colors of purple and gold. Ron put on his inherited Dockers and the sweat shirt she gave him the day before. He found her in the kitchen making hot water and putting out tea and coffee. Ron looked at the clock at it was seven thirty and still mostly dark outside. He said, “Sue I haven’t read a newspaper or heard any news for a year. I haven’t missed it but today maybe we should by a newspaper and check the advertisements for a van.”

  “Good idea. And maybe we should order more logs for a nice fire on a wet and windy day. I have some ideas and would like to talk to you about them. Can you take pictures with a camera?”

  Ron laughed and said, while drinking his coffee, “Not really, but I’m a quick learner.”

  “I know you are better than me,” she added with a smile and if she could see would have been a twinkle in her eyes. As it was her twinkle came from her lips which made his stomach ache. “I want to add some pictures to a magazine article I’ve contracted for. I usually contract a photographer, but he never gets what I’m really looking for. Well at least when I ask someone to describe the picture it just doesn’t feel right. This is an important assignment for me and I really need your help. Let’s go to the shopping mall and buy a camera and all the accessories. Some photo mags might help you frame a picture.”

  “I’m right behind you and if you would front me some money against my salary I would like to buy some clothes and new shoes,” he said with a joyful voice.

  “I think we could see our way to advance you some money. Now I’m really famished from more physical work in the last day and night that I can ever remember. I could eat a huge omelet.”

  Once more they left a sad looking Amy as umbrella in hand they made a quick walk to the bus stop. Ron noticed they went in the opposite direction from the Locks and had no idea where they were going. Ten minutes later they got off and Sue told him the little restaurant was just down the street about two hundred feet on the left. She took his arm and soon they were seated in a bacon smelling café drinking coffee and tea. Both ordered a mushroom bacon omelet. Sue with a quiet voice asked, “What do you see around us Ron?”

  Ron took in the scene and said, “The place is mostly full with a mix of old and young. Mostly middle class people I would guess. Some old people are dressed for Sunday at church maybe or just going to visit friends or relatives. The rest of the customers are dressed very casual like us. These days casual dress seems the trend in apparel. I like sweat shirts especially on you as it make it easier to feel you up.”

  Sue’s face turned red and she said, “Ron, people might hear you. Besides I’ve not much to feel there anyway. When I was growing up I kept waiting to fill out like most of the other girls my age. Some girls would brag about their cup size and I didn’t get my first bra until I was sixteen. Nowadays, I rarely wear a bra; as you can plainly see.”

  “Maybe they’re small to you but to me they are the prettiest breasts and nipples I’ve ever seen.”

  Lucky for Sue breakfast came and they attacked it like a lion kill on the Serengeti Plains. Thirty minutes later they were on a bus to a shopping mall. It was too early for the mall so they had coffee at Starbucks and Ron read the Sunday paper to her. Sue sat thinking about what the store looked like so she asked him, “Ron excuse me but what does this place look like?”

  Ron stopped reading and looked around saying, “Three young girls are waiting on customers making lattes and such things. Under the counter are pastries that most people are buying to have with their coffee; and for sale are lots of items to make coffee, store coffee and mugs to drink out of. Most of the tables are round and some softer chairs without tables are available for paper readers to relax in. The people are like the restaurant old to young yuppies dressed in the same dark colored casual clothes.”

  “Ron, for eleven years I’ve not bought or received a present. My aunt Bee is a humbug and can’t see any reason for new clothes of any sort. Now I want to buy you a present as you love your coffee. I would like you to pick out a coffee grinder and a drip pot to make the best coffee available. Instant coffee is not what I think you like. Also, a thermos jug to take with us on trips I want you to have. Never mind the money please. Indulge me as this is very important to me,” she said while wringing her hands on the table and sitting forward in her chair. Ron at first didn’t totally understand and then he felt this was important to her. He told her he would be grateful and accept the gift from the lady of his life. She smiled at him and reached for his hands.

  Later when the stores opened, carrying his coffee items they found a camera store and an hour later walked out with what the doctor ordered. The salesman was very knowledgeable and told them if it didn’t work out to bring it all back for a refund. Happy and excited the both of them went to a department store for some clothes and shoe shopping. They bought new hiking boots for both of them and outdoor clothes for the coming winter days on their intended trips. Loaded down with bags and new back packs filled up, they left to find a bus home.

  Sue said, “This is just like Christmas. Now I can’t wait for the real Christmas to come. Let’s’ hurry home and build a fire and try on these clothes.” Ron was excited too as he started to feel the breaking of the past year opening up like a new born chick out of its shell.

  Back home after a terrible struggle on the bus finding out that carrying many bags and two full back packs was not easy. However, lucky for them the bus was not full of passengers so room was available for all their goodies. Amy went a little nuts yipping and yapping being lonely while they were gone. Now she sat wagging her tail and Sue went to her knees and hugged her while Ron started a fire. The day was cloudy but it quit raining. A damp cold air hung over the Seattle area and in the house the forced air heating and the fireplace started to make it nice and warm. The drapes were open and what light came through provided enough to sit by the fire and look over what they had purchased. Ron explained each item while Sue felt with her hands to paint a picture in her head. After going through the clothes, pants, shirts, sweatshirts and assorted outdoor gear, Ron read to her about the camera. Both were sitting Indian style while he read to her. She
had the camera in her hands and while he told her each button and knob she ran her fingers over each part mentally memorizing the camera. A tripod and different zoom lens he handed her describing which one did what. By the time he was through with the camera he almost had a working knowledge of photography.

  Sue said, “While you are reading I will wash our clothes and dry them. After I start a load of wash, let’s have some pizza again like last night if you understand my meaning Ron Filbert.” No way did he miss the meaning as a stirring occurred where the anticipation of making love to her began. He told her he would set up the coffee maker and then realized they had no coffee to grind. She laughed and told him to order some from Safeway and she would be back in a few minutes to help him order.

  Ron meandered into the kitchen and out of the box took the drip bottle and filters. He washed the bottle and let it dry on the counter. The grinder he checks out and washed it too. He then took the box to the garage and sat it by the door. He checked the weather and thought is this Seattle all winter long? The cold damp air seeped into his body and the smell of decaying leaves was evident. Oh well, he thought I’ve got a lot to keep me occupied for a while and best learn something in the process. Stock brokering was the furthest thing from his mind and even though he wanted no part of that game, the near future would hold another story about what he thought of stock brokering and lawyers. He turned and walked back inside to find Sue on the phone to Safeway ordering ten different kinds of imported coffee and chicken, potatoes, butter, milk, bacon, cheese and he lost track after hearing all that as he sat down in the big easy chair picking up the photo mag left before. He heard Sue in the kitchen probably preparing the pizza, but he wasn’t too hungry. The thought of love making was more on his mind than anything else. He closed his eyes and thought about the last time they made love on the floor in front of the fireplace. Her skin was like velvet and now all he wanted to do was lick her all over and bring her off with his tongue and lips. God she tasted like honey and he felt his member growing as the door bell rang and in walked the Orange Turtle aunt, saying with a fingernail on the black board sound. “Sue, where are you?”


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