Blind Encounter

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Blind Encounter Page 16

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Ron didn’t need to ask Sue if she wanted to go with them. She took it for granted she was going. Sue wanted to show this lady who she was and that love is more powerful than money. How could she give up a baby and walk away for life. For the first time in a long time she really wanted to cast her vision on his former wife. If someone asked her how she felt this morning, she would have told them mad and angry, with pity for the mother and hope for the future with the little guy.

  Ron was all tied up inside pacing around the house and mumbling to no one in particular. He looked nice in sport coat as mother told Sue who was dressed to the nines with her pearls against her lovely skin. A yellow summer dress and sandals made Ron want to throw her on the floor and have his never ending desire for her before seeing the bitch from hell.

  The lawyers were waiting for Mr. Filbert and Ron et al in the lobby of the hotel agreed upon. A conference room was reserved for them and they told Mr. Filbert the party was already waiting for arrival. Sue had a death grip on his arm with her white cane in the other hand. It didn’t surprise Ron to see Abby sitting at the head of the table as he walked in. Next to sat her lawyer he presumed. He was a dorky looking guy who no doubt was intimidated by the four lawyers surrounding the powerful looking Ronald Filbert the Second. Ron guided Sue to a chair along side his and sat down looking at his former wife in the eye. Her gaze back emulated a range of emotions form contempt, disgust, and pure hate. He tried to portray indifference as her eyes went from his to Sue. Not a sign of emotion came from her.

  Mr. Filbert said, “Here,” as his head lawyer walked to the other end of the large table with the papers sliding them to her from a three foot distance, “is our offer. I waste no words and suggest you consider it carefully as this is a take it or leave it situation. If we have to go to court, I can do that. Now read it and you have five minutes to sign or walk out.”

  Abby stood up and vociferously said, “How dare you talk to me that way. I have your grandson and I would appreciate it if you treated me with a little respect. By the way can’t that drunk of a son of yours speak for himself?” She sat down as her lawyer whispered in her ear. Fully five minutes went by as they talked to each other. Then Abby said, in a more conciliatory voice, “My lawyer suggests I take the offer and I will sign as is. The child is upstairs with my mother and will bring him down when I call her.” With a flourish she signed the papers and brought them around the table and threw them at Ron.

  Sue startled at the papers flying, gasped as Abby said in a voice of malice and hate, “Good luck honey. At first he's a great guy and then he'll beat the shit out of you like he did me on more than one occasion. He’s a great fuck and with his long dick, which I’m sure you know about now, gives you the only pleasure he can. The only reason I married the guy was for his daddy’s money which I have now. I also see you are blind and that includes your belief in him. He was always a sucker for blondes and God knows how many he picked up in the bars over the years. So long suckers, see you around some time,” as she walked out holding her head high with no one saying a word; as all stood up at once ready to leave the stink of the room left by the foul mouth Abby.

  Sue was not so shocked, but still couldn’t believe she heard the filth coming from such a hateful woman. Not the swear words so much, but the anger from her and probably the hurt of a failed life was more to the point.

  Shortly a woman of sixty brought the boy child into the lobby where they waited. She was a spitting image of her daughter. Tears ran down her lined face. She walked directly to Ron and held out the one year old boy who was dressed in shorts and T-shirt with a Ferrari on the front. His dark brown hair and dark skin was more like her mother than Ron was apparent. His cubby cheeks gave the overall look of a healthy young boy. Mrs. Stockworth said, “It breaks my heart to give up my grandbaby, but life is full of hurt and sadness. I beg you to let me see him as he grows up so as not to forget his other grandmother.”

  “Mrs. Stockworth, believe me when I say you can visit or we can make arrangements for you to see him when it is convenient for all of us. I want him to know who you are and if he desires, his mother too. His name will be changed from what his hospital records to Ronald Filbert the Fourth. Now I thank you for being so good and not like your angry daughter. I hope she finds happiness, but money is not always the answer as you know. Good bye and if you need to contact me do so through my parents.

  Ron carried his son to the waiting car and on the way back home, looked him over like he was buying a new motor home. Sue bumped his arm and told him to describe the little guy to her. Ron said, “He has my eyes, but dark brown hair like his moms. Nose looks like mine as well as the mouth. His chin is his mothers kind of pointed, but hard to tell with the baby fat.” Sue asked to hold him and he passed the boy over to Sue who sucked in his smell and nuzzled him against her face. Little Ronny snuggled against her neck and closed his little eyes.

  Mabel stayed at home and waited for them to return. When she saw the baby she went to heaven and back. She took him and went to the back of the house to the kitchen were she had a ton of food waiting for him. With so many rooms it was no trouble finding a handy spot and a nanny to take care of him for the time being. Attention is one thing he would not lack for or want for.

  It was just after noon and Sue lie on the bed a little tired from the stress of the morning meeting. Ron lie next to her and asked if she wanted a swim and some lunch afterwards. She said, “Lunch first.” and pounced on top of him and unbuttoning his shirt and then his pants. Like the game of monopoly she never passed go and took him flaccid in her mouth to feel it grow in her warm mouth. I guess Abby was right, she thought about his penis being long. She squeezed his balls and that was all it took for him to groan and every muscle in his body went ridged while spasm and after spasm going on for what seemed like minutes, but only seconds in reality. Sue rose up and said, “Now let’s go for a swim and have some more lunch.”

  Through the afternoon and in to the night the little Ronny was the center of attention. It felt like Christmas and Ron loved the good feelings emulating from the house. Earlier he’d called the architect and all was well right on schedule. Ron kind of lost track of the days and noticed on the calendar it was November tenth and thought, where does the time go. He and Sue set the date of Sunday the weekend after Thanksgiving for a church wedding.

  For the next two weeks the house was teeming with activity preparing both for turkey day and the wedding. That gave Ron time for his photography study and practice while spending a lot of time talking with his father. In the last ten years Ron really didn’t have much contact and knew virtually nothing about his father’s business. Ron thought he was doing this because of his age. At sixty three he felt the time to pass on the business was upon him. Ron squirming thinking about his father wanting to pass on the business to him and he wanted no part of it, at least for the time being.

  The two weeks went by quickly and soon it was time for Thanksgiving. Sue and Mabel had finished with the wedding plans and the reception of the small gathering would be pool side. From Sue’s side she wanted her agent and primary photographer to come. Those were the only two from outside Ron’s parents coming. Ron’s father had a few close friends, but only four were invited who really mattered. They all didn’t want a big bash and as Sue’s handicap prevented much intimate conversation, this was best for all.

  Just before Thanksgiving they were relaxing around the pool talking about what they might do for a honeymoon, a servant brought out the portable phone to father. He listened as the table went quiet for respect and then said he would get back to the caller and hung up. A concerned look on father’s face meant some problem somewhere and Ron hoped it didn’t concern them. However father said, “Ron and Sue, apparently your aunt Bee escaped the jail by first attempting suicide, which was faked and then somehow got out of the infirmary. She was found at your house Sue with matches in hand and some old rags to start another fire. The security stopped her and now she is in a mental
hospital. She went off the deep end it appears. I’m sorry to report this bad news on such a happy occasion coming up.”

  Sue felt like a bolt of lightning hit here. It was her only relation left and her mother’s sister of all things. Tears ran down her eyes and Ron took her to their room making apologies. In their room, Sue bawled her eyes out. Ron said nothing but lay with her on the bed rubbing her back. Amy jumped on the bed as she felt her pain laying down next to her on the other side making a nice warm spot in the middle for Sue. After a few minutes she said, through her tears and hiccups, “What can I do honey, she is all I've left of family. Is there anything we can do to help her?”

  Ron, with a comforting voice said, “I'll see what we can do and make sure she has the best counseling available. Maybe in time she will come back as you once knew her and see what and how happy you are.”

  Sue replied, “Hold me tight Ron and never let me go. I’m so scared of everything that is happening. I’m happy and afraid at the same time. I feel your parents are fine people and the staff is wonderful, but I have no sense of place without sight. Don’t worry honey I’m just letting out some emotions. I’ll be fine in a little while knowing you and Amy are with me taking care of a cripple.”

  Ron thought as he said, “Honey how about a boat ride in dad’s yacht. It would be like our motor home which is small and with tight quarters. You could feel your way around much easier than in this big house. Besides that I could detail the colors and shore line as we passed by. There are some isolated harbors or coves we could anchor in and swim and relax on the hot sand. Does this sound of any interest to you?”

  “Yes, I’d like to experience the boat ride and make sure I have some sea sick pills please,” as she rolled over and opened her arms to invite a round of love making. Mixed with her salty cheeks he found her body a little sweaty from the hot sun around the pool. No matter it only heighten his desire to lick the salt off her face and body. Creeping down to her stomach he said a few words of love to their unborn child within and tenderly kissed her belly. By the time he’d hit the love wet spot he brought her most of the way off and then climbed on sinking his member that felt so hot and smooth he didn’t last long and fell off to the side gasping for air. Like before a short nap and a shower later they joined his parents who were entertaining some friends by the pool.

  Introductions made they sat down to listen what they were talking about. It seems like a power struggle was going on in father’s board of directors and other uninteresting things about fuel costs along with politics. Ron switched his attention to mother who was huddled up with the wives talking about the wedding and their recent grandson, who was in a large crib playing with some toys. It wasn’t long before the conversation got around to Sue and her career as a writer. Sue was listening and never changed expressions as Ron felt some black clouds of foreboding drifting in like a tropical storm. Ron noticed the two wives feinted surprise when it was revealed Sue was The Sue Lyons of national and international fame. One of the wives in a too loud voice, most do when around a blind person thinking because they can’t see they can’t hear, “Oh Sue I love your writing and wait by the mail box every month to read one of your simply delightful stories. For me I have a hard time writing a Christmas card, but where did you learn how to tell a story so well.”

  Sue decided it was time to be polite and answer the question the best she could by saying, “I have no idea where my talent came from, but probably from my father who made things with his hands from the picture in his mind.” The ladies looked a little confused and wondered how to respond to her statement.

  Mabel took on the lead role saying to the ladies, “Sue father was a famous sculptor and it’s plain to see she has art in her genes.” The plain to see brought a smile to Sue’s face and when she smiled they noticed her face lit up and her beauty came out. All the guests stole looks at her beauty and when the fading sun sent its last rays her hair took on a glow of pale yellow with red highlights. Fresh from love making and shower her usual pale white cheeks had a red tint, coupled with a light shade of orange lipstick, would stop a convoy of father’s trucks dead still.

  Ron felt she was doing fine and decided to stay out of it for the moment. The next thing he saw was both ladies reached down into their oversized bags and pulled out the latest magazine with one of Sue’s stories. He almost broke out laughing but looked away and tried to catch some drift of the men’s conversation. He heard one of the ladies ask Sue for an autograph and the other one in a quiet voice ask for the same. Sue had no experience in signing autographs and asked where they wanted her name. Mabel told her across the front would be a good place. Sue with a flourish signed her name to the magazines and handed them back along with the pen as the ladies exclaimed their thanks.

  Ron told her later that the two signed magazines were worth as much money as their motor home beings how she never had signed her name in the past. Sue laughed and said, “Well if ever we need money…..” They had little Ronny on the bed between them as he crawled over and around the both of them happy as could be. Amy was on the bed too and the little guy loved to crawl on Amy who licked the little guy letting him do what he felt like doing with her. The scene would make anyone envious of a family content with life.

  Chapter XVIII

  The morning of Thanksgiving, Ron and father were sitting in his study talking about business and the future when his personal line rang. Father, a man without a lot of words, a little over average height, well built with a little paunch put on over the years with too much rich food, a full head of mostly thick silver gray hair and typical of his age, lines around the blue eyes and forehead, a long nose with thin lips said hello to the caller. He listened and then hung up without a word. Most people would think it rude, but in his case all knew that information was power along with money. No one would dare call his personal line with gibberish or then they would hear him speak back to them or find them at the unemployment office.

  “Son we hit gold. The doctor in Switzerland gives a ninety percent guarantee of success, but each case is different. A mix of information, but he's willing to take your call and discuss the case. However, when he found out that Sue was pregnant, he said it couldn’t be done until the baby came to term. My lawyer said the doctor felt confident he could help her as his record proved. I think this's good news huh?”

  “My God yes and if she regained her sight, wow what a break from a prison of darkness that would be. That would change the whole complexion of our lives. I must go tell her the news.”

  Sue was in the kitchen talking to one of the maids who helped the cook when not busy with cleaning. Her name was Iris from the Philippines. She’d been in Florida for five years sending money home to help her poor parent farmers. For some reason Sue and her clicked and quickly became friends. Ron blurted that he wanted to talk to her and it scared the poor maid and Sue too. Ron quickly recovered and calmly told Sue to go pool side and he had some news for her. She took his arm and Iris followed with some fresh squeezed lemonade. Ron was bouncing off the walls waiting to tell her the news and said, when Iris was gone, “Sue we got word from the doctor in Switzerland that he can help you with sight. From his past results, over ninety percent regained all or most of their vision. The downside is you can’t have the treatment while pregnant.”

  Sue heard but didn’t hear what he said. She picked up on regain sight and like a bird leaving the nest her mind went somewhere in space. Her ears were starting to ring and all sounds around her ceased. Ron sat quietly knowing she was in another world right now as he saw a single tear break over her lower eye lid and slowly trail down her cheek. Sue felt the tear but in her blackness of sight she long ago resolved to permanent loss of vision. Now should she regain some of that lost hope, or retreat again to a darkness only experienced by a trip to some deep caves that tourists so loved to see and scared to not see, losing their balance or equilibrium. Few knew a blind person has to learn to walk all over again if once having sight then losing it. The sl
ightest jar from a passing person could result in losing balance without knowing which way to adjust to the bump.

  Slowly Sue came back as the roaring sound faded and feeling Amy lick her hand she came full circle with her tears stopping. She wiped the tears with the back of her hand and said, “Oh Ron do you really think I should get my hopes up?”

  “Honey physically there is no risk, emotionally is the big risk. I can’t advise you as this totally your decision. If it were me, and I realize it isn’t me, I'd take the chance only to have back what was so preciously lost many years ago for you. Please realize you have many people now who love you and soon two kids to possibly see grow up in front of you. We have nine months to think about it and build our strength up belief that you will see again. Whatever your decision I can live with it be it the way you are now, or the new improved model seeing my ugly face,” he joked to ease the tension.

  Sue heard every word he said and sat quietly thinking about the growing desire to see again. Nine months is a long time to think about something, but she was anxious to get back to her writing as that was where she was the most comfortable. She said, “Honey let’s go for a swim.”

  They played in the pool with Ronny who loved the water. A special floating device along with a tube with a solid bottom was his boat. Ron towed him around with Sue hanging on the back. Ron’s parents stood watching through his study window so happy and proud gazing at their family on Thanksgiving.

  Even Sue with her new apatite from being pregnant couldn’t put a dent in dinner that evening. She was so full Ron joked that he could see she was pregnant. Wine was served and a toast to the upcoming wedding and of course their new grandson along with another grand child coming was announced by father. Father suggested a little walk around the plush neighbor hood might be in order and that was Sue’s first time to hear about where they lived and the surroundings.


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