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Crystals Page 7

by Theresa L. Henry

  Shane had held on to his temper for as long as he could. The woman had got her way, he was leaving, but that wasn’t enough for her. She had to follow them outside to continue her harangue of him.

  “If I didn’t respect Crystal so much, I’d tell ya exactly what’s going through me mind right now!”

  “Don’t let my daughters’ presence deter you. It’s time she knew the type of person you are.”

  “That’s enough. Both of you need to stop—right now!” Crystal demanded attempting to pull him away from the face-off with her mother.

  Crystal tugged on his arm. At the same time, Gwendolyn also reached towards him. Recoiling from the older woman’s touch, everything stood still as the sound of flesh connecting against flesh reverberated through the night. The eerie silence that followed brought with it a certainty that everything was about to go to hell.

  “You struck my daughter!”

  Shane didn’t even hear the outraged cry.

  “I’m sorry, love. Are you okay? It was an accident. Let me look, love,” he whispered as he attempted to prise her hand away from her face.

  “Get away from my daughter. You’ve done enough damage already and I won’t let you ruin her life!”

  Shane didn’t know what Gwendolyn was talking about, and even if he did, he wasn’t interested in anything she had to say. Crystal was his only concern.

  With his care and encouragement, she finally removed the hand that covered her eye. Shane watched as she blinked in an attempt to stem the tears that streamed down her cheek.

  “It’s okay, Shane. I know you didn’t do it on purpose. Just give me a minute.”

  “My God, what is the matter with you, Crystal-Grace? The man just punched you in the face and all you can say is that you forgive him. Where is your self-respect?”

  Shane felt knots of desperation squeeze at his intestines. Crystal was shaking and he immediately shrugged out of his jacket and placed it around her shoulders. Then he took her face between his visibly shaking hands and brushed away the tear that escaped from her injured eye.

  As he wiped away the tear, another took its place and he realized she now cried in earnest. He knew her well enough to see that she also felt that intangible something that had gathered, and hovered over them.

  Shane felt a growing frustration that his gentle ministrations weren't enough. If he were anything like those posh men attending her party, he would be using a handkerchief instead of his abrasive mechanics’ fingers to dry her tears. Without further thought, he pulled his dress shirt from his pants and ripped off a section. This was all he had to offer her.

  Intent on giving her the love and attention she needed, he was caught unawares by the strength of Gwendolyn ripping Crystal away. When she turned to him, he was shocked at the look in her eyes. It was fury mixed with possession.

  “He’s not sorry. This is who he is. This is exactly the type of action I expected from someone like him!”

  “Stop it, Mother. You know it was an accident,” Crystal pleaded as she repeatedly attempted to pull away from Gwendolyn.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. This is what the Tierney’s do. It was no coincidence that his father spent most of his life in prison. For God’s sake, the man only regained his liberty long enough to impregnate his wife two times before he was right back where he started!”

  This was it. This was the feeling of imminent dread that had been hanging over him since he had stepped out of the party. He knew he should have told Crystal about his family long ago, but he could never find the words or the right moment. And he was sure Gwendolyn wasn’t finished. There was still so much more to tell. So now, all he could do was wait for the sins of his father and brother to be laid at his feet.

  This was his life and he understood better than anyone what was about to be revealed. He stood motionless, his gaze fixed on Crystal, unprepared to miss the moment her feelings towards him changed.

  “His father was murdered while he was in prison. He crossed the wrong person one time too many. But that isn’t the worst of it. His brother, incarcerated in the same institution, murdered the man he thought responsible for the death of their father. Only it transpired that he took the life of an innocent man. His brother cold-bloodedly committed murder for revenge on the wrong–”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  He saw it then. The shift in the way she viewed him. She didn’t ask him if what her mother said was the truth. They both knew it was. Gwendolyn was a judge, and if she went looking for information about him, it wouldn’t have taken much effort for her to find his father and brother’s crime record.

  “I didn’t want to lose you. You mean the world to me. I didn’t want to see this look in your eyes.” Shane registered her expression of angry disbelief, yet most of all he saw disappointment. “I’m not like them, Crys.” His words were simple, but they carried a pleading he didn’t try to keep from his voice.

  The sounds of her sobs were nearly his undoing, and sweat broke out all over his body. But he wasn’t ready to give up on them.

  “Do you hate me, love? I couldn’t stand it if you hated me.”

  “What’s going on out here?”

  Shane didn’t need to look in the direction of the person who broke into their tableau of revelations. He somehow knew it belonged to the man that had been dancing with Crystal. It didn’t matter to him if there was one more person who knew about his background. All that mattered was what Crystal thought of him.

  “Owen, thank goodness you’re here. Take Crystal inside!”

  “Go away, Owen. This doesn’t concern you,” Crystal told the interloper as she brushed away her tears.

  “What doesn’t concern me?”

  “Didn’t ya hear her, piss off before I make ya!” Shane warned taking his eyes off Crystal only long enough to sneer at Owen.

  “See what I mean, the only thing he knows is violence!” Gwendolyn exclaimed.

  Shane ignored her. “Come with me, love. At least give me a chance to explain.”

  “I can’t. I have a room full of guests; and honestly, I just need some time to think.”

  “When then,” Shane insisted reluctant to push but unable to help himself.

  “I’ll call you.”


  “When I’m ready!”

  “What, don’t call me, I’ll call you. Is that how it’s gonna be, Crys?”

  “Didn’t you hear her? She’ll call you, if and when she’s ready. And if I have anything to do with it that day will never come!”

  “Mother, stay out of this. This is my life and you’re not going to dictate how I live it!”

  When Crystal turned back to him, he knew what he wanted her to say—what he wanted her to do. But his omission about his family meant he was on shaky ground.

  “Okay, Crys, I’ll wait because I love ya. But I’m not responsible for what me father and brother did with their lives. I know you’re pissed off with me and I deserve it—so I’ll wait until you’re ready to talk.” When he realized she wasn’t going to respond, Shane looked at the people who stood around him.

  Owen had a blank expression on his face. Gwendolyn looked smug and Crystal just looked dazed and hurt.

  Shane wasn’t finished. He had one more thing to say and he didn’t care who heard him. “Just for the record, I love you Crystal Buchanan, but I’m no pussy, so don’t think I’m gonna wait around to be treated like one.”

  Chapter 6

  Shane drove home with a reckless disregard for the speed limit. How he managed to get to his destination without being pulled over, remained a mystery. All he could think about was Crystal and the miscalculation he’d made in not being completely honest with her.

  Pulling up in front of his garage, he left the engine running as he hopped out of his car. About to key in the code that would engage the mechanism to open the door to his workshop, he sensed he wasn’t alone.

  Turning sharply, he felt a punch connect with his jaw that momentar
ily stunned him. More than able to defend himself, before another blow made contact, he was pummeling the fool who’d thought to jump him. His assailant retreated under the force of the blows he threw his way.

  In those first moments of surprise Shane thought there was only one attacker. Being caught around the neck and yanked backward, was his first inkling that there was at least two of them. In the darkened shadows of the alleyway, he fought them.

  A glinting light flashed before his eyes and he sprung back. Distracted by the sight of the knife; one of the men seized the opportunity to swipe his legs from under him. The sleek cobblestones mixed in with engine oil gave him no purchase in his dress shoes. Before he could fully process what was happening, he was flat on his back. About to scramble to his feet, Shane blinked once and remained perfectly still.

  The knife was hovering somewhere over his chest. He couldn’t see the face of the man who held the knife as he wore a mask. He didn’t need to because his gaze held Shane’s complete attention. He was looking into eyes that reflected fear and it scared the shit out of him. This man was an amateur and that meant he was unpredictable. He also appeared to be as high as a kite.

  His attacker was wearing a tattered coat that smelled as though he hadn’t taken a bath in a year. The hand holding the knife shook so much Shane’s mind screamed at him to attempt to defuse the situation before the junkie did something stupid.

  “Do it!” Came a disembodied voice from behind him.

  “Shut up! Just shut up. I never agreed to cut no-one!”

  “If you want your shit, you better do what I say.”

  “Don’t listen to him,” Shane countered in a calm voice even as his heart pounded.

  The junkie wavered, his eyes darting around as he used his free hand to swipe under his nose. Shane saw his chance and took it. Raising his leg, he delivered a direct kick to the man’s groin. As the stinking attacker fell back in agony, he dropped his weapon.

  Shane lunged towards the fallen knife. About to grab the handle of the blade, it remained just out of his reach when a vice-like grip around his throat pulled him to his feet. Since the beginning of his attack, adrenaline had been his constant companion, now rage joined the fray.

  He had no idea what this attack was about. From the condition of the man he’d been able to see, and smell, he could only assume they were after money to feed their habit. All he knew with a certainty was that if these pieces of shit thought they could take what he had worked his arse off for, he was about to dissuade them.

  About to ram his elbow into the gut of the man choking him, he felt something pass from his ear towards his throat. By the time his mind fully processed what had happened, he felt a searing pain followed by a gush of warmth that flowed down his neck. A perfect stranger had just cut his throat.

  A feeling of disembodiment washed over him and brought with it the sense that he was going to die. His life was just beginning, and he would never have the chance to live it.

  All his thoughts were on Crystal. She was still angry with him, and now he had lost the opportunity to explain about his family. He hoped she wouldn’t be too sad at his passing. He didn’t want her life to be touched with sadness because of his murder. All he wanted for his love was a life filled with happiness. That was Shane’s final thought as darkness claimed him.


  Crystal awoke from a fitful night’s sleep. The moment her eyes opened, thoughts of the previous evening’s revelations rushed into her mind. Wanting nothing more than to bury her head beneath her pillow and go back to sleep, she became aware of odd sounds emanating from inside her house.

  Listening carefully, she heard one loud voice that she identified as Dara’s and another shushing her that sounded like Fern. Why her cousins thought it was acceptable to invade her house whenever they liked, was something she had given up trying to decipher years ago. Giving them a key to her home had been a big mistake because they turned up whenever they had a mind to.

  Heaving a deep sigh, she threw back the covers and got out of bed. In a T-shirt and bare feet, she headed towards the sounds of their voices.

  “Why are you people in my house?”

  “Oh, you’re awake!” Dara, the youngest of the sisters, said.

  “How could she be anything else with you running your mouth!” Fern taunted before turning to her cousin. “Are you okay, Crystal?”

  “We made you breakfast… well technically, I suppose its brunch–”

  “We?” Fern raised an inquiring brow at her sister. “I don’t remember seeing you even crack an egg, but you’re talking about, we.”

  “Whatever, you’re the Earth Mother, so don’t start complaining when I let you be mother.” Dara shot back.

  “I don’t want breakfast or brunch. All I want is for you people to leave my house and to stop coming in here whenever you want to. Having my keys are for emergency purposes only.”

  Crystal missed the look that passed between the sisters as she took a seat at the tiny breakfast bar. With her head in her hands, she closed her eyes and willed her mind to go blank. It didn’t work as thoughts of the fight between her mother and Shane refused to leave her. A cup of steaming coffee appeared before her followed closely by a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and baked beans.

  Pushing the food aside, she reached for the coffee, took a sip and sniffed the air. “Is something burning?”

  “Shit,” Fern yelped, “my peas!”

  “Seriously, Fern, you just get on my nerves. I mean, who the hell doesn’t use Kidney beans from a tin to make rice and peas these days?” Dara demanded.

  Crystals caught Dara gaze and they both exclaimed, “Fern!” at the same time and smirked.

  “Yeah, well the peas are a lost cause now, so when you’re both eating pizza for your Sunday dinner, I hope you still find my willingness to cook for your ungrateful backsides funny.”

  Two more sips of her coffee and Crystal began to feel slightly better. She knew there was no point repeating that her cousins leave because they would just ignore her. So, cup in hand, she went back to her bedroom in the hope they wouldn’t follow.

  By the time she was back under the covers, Fern had already stretched out beside her and Dara had taken up residence at the end of the bed.

  “What’s going on, Crystal?” Fern asked.

  Crystal knew her cousins and so she understood that there was no way they’d let up until she told them everything. In all honesty, she was glad they were there. She needed the company as she tried to work through how she was going to deal with her feelings.

  She loved Shane and that would probably never change. But she was hurt and more than a little angry that he hadn’t believed in her enough to tell her about his family. By keeping his background from her, she couldn’t help feeling that he’d judged her and somehow found her wanting.

  When she was finished telling her cousins everything about what Gwendolyn had revealed, a stunned silence hung in the room.

  “Oh, my God!” Fern exclaimed after a few seconds.

  “Gwendolyn needs to mind her own frigging business.” Dara said. “That woman needs to realize you weren’t made in her image.”

  “Yeah, Aunt Gwen is a bit much sometimes,” Fern added.

  “Sometimes,” Dara retorted, “try most of the time. Anyone would think she descended from royalty or something!”

  “Please remember it’s my mother you’re talking about, Dara!”

  “Oh, I remember. I also remember your rubbish birthday parties where we had to drink tea in those stupid dresses and ankle socks.”

  “Shut up, Dara. You’re so bloody random. We’re not talking about tea parties. We’re discussing the fact that our uptight cousin is probably going to lose the only man she’s ever dated for more than six months.”

  “That’s not technically true. There was Beau Geste of the firm arse. You know,” Dara spoke behind her hand as though Crystal couldn’t hear her, “the one who she finally gave it up to.”

�That’s it, both of you need to get out of my house—and his name was, Burgess!”

  Crystal gritted her teeth as the sisters laughed and rolled their eyes at her. When they finally quieted down and readjusted themselves on her bed, she knew she was in trouble.

  “This is what you need to do,” Dara said while pinning Crystal with an unwavering gaze. “Go over there and give him some—do that first. Then, cuss his backside, because he put you in the position where Gwendolyn had that kind of ammunition to use against you.”

  “Dara, for God’s sake, sex isn’t the answer to all life’s problems,” Fern chided.

  “Maybe not, but it feels good while you contemplate them. Plus, you can talk. All you do is feed Dizzy and sex him up whenever he wants it, which, by the way, is all the bloody time as far as I can tell.”

  Crystal felt like crying. She knew her cousins meant well, but they were driving her crazy. Reaching over she placed her half-finished coffee on the bedside table, burrowed down and pulled the duvet over her head.

  “Honestly, Dara, look what you’ve done to her. She’s gone all fetal. You really need to think before you open your big mouth.”

  “Oh, I thought about it alright. You and I both know that if we let her, even though she loves skinny Shane–”

  “He’s not skinny!” Crystal mumbled from below the cover.

  Dara ignored her and kept speaking. “If we let her, she’s going to allow Gwendolyn to get into her head.”

  “She’s right,” Fern agreed at the same time as she rummaged through Crystal’s purse and came up with her phone. “Call him,” she insisted lifting the edge of the duvet and pushing the phone below it.

  Taking the mobile, Crystal shimmied upwards, gave them both a dirty look and dialed Shane’s number. Then she waited. After seven rings that accompanied a heightened level of anxiety, his voicemail kicked in. Five hours later, with just as many failed attempts at contacting him, Crystal’s emotions were all over the place. One minute she was wracked with regret at not leaving with him when he asked. The next she was vexed because he wouldn’t answer his damn phone.


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