The Language of the Genes

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The Language of the Genes Page 33

by Steve Jones


  Keynes, M. 1993. Sir Francis Calton, FRS. The Legacy of His Ideas.

  Macmillan, London. Kevles, D. 1986. Inthe Name of Eugenics. Genetics and the Uses of

  Human Heredity. Penguin, London, and University of California

  Press, Berkeley. Proctor, R. N. 1988. Racial Hygiene: Medicine under the Nazis.

  Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Ma.


  Burley, J. 1999 (ed). The Genetic Revolution and Human Rights. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

  Bowman, J.E, and Murray, R.F. 1990. Genetic Variation and Disorders in Peoples of African Origin. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore.

  Esteban J. et al. 1998. Estimating African-American admixture proportions by use of population-specific alleles American. Journal of Human Genetics. 63:1839–1851.

  Oner, C. etal. 1992. Beta Shaplotypes in various world populations. Human Genetics 89: 99-104.

  Neel, J. V. et al. 1988. Protein variation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki: tales of two cities. American Journal of Human Genetics 43: 870–893.


  There are many introductory texts in genetics which deal with the rules of inheritance. One of the most comprehensive and up-ro-date is An Introduction to Genetic Analysis by A. J. F. Griffith vt al.

  (7th Edition, 2.000; W. H. Freeman). Genetics: Principles and Analysis {Jones and Bartlett, 4lh Edition, 1998) by Daniel L. Hard and Elizabeth W. Jones is impressively clear, white my own Introducing Genetics (with Borin van l.oon: Icon Books London, 2000), if nothing else, lives up to its title.


  The cystic fibrosis story is described in Tsui, L.-C. and Buchwald, M., 1991. Biochemical and molecular genetics of cystic fibrosis. Advances in Human Genetics zo: 153–266. As gene mapping is proceeding so quickly it is difficult to keep up to date. A sampler of recent work includes:

  Chinnery, P. F. and Turnbull, D. M. 1999. Mitochondria I DNA and disease. Lancet 354 supp i: 17–21; Dunham, I., et al. 1999. The DNA sequence of human chromosome 22. Nature 402: 489–495; Little, P. 1999. The book of genes. Nature 402: 467–468; and Hattori, M. et al. 2000. The DNA sequence of human chromosome 11. Nature 405: 311–219. The web-sites for the Human Genome Project (see above) are filled with the latest information on human gene mapping. Weiss, K.M. 1998. Coming to terms with human variation. Ann.

  Rev. Anthropol. zj: 273–300 Wright, A.F., Carothers, A.D. and Pirastu, M. 1999. Population

  choice in mapping genes for complex diseases. Nature Genetics


  Ames, B.N., Profet, M. and Gold, L.S. 1990. Dietary pesticides (99,^9 % all natural). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 87: 7777–7781.

  Crow, J.F. 1997. The high spontaneous mutation rate: is it a health risk? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94: 8380–8386.

  Ferguson, L. R. 1999. Natural and man-made mutagens and carcinogens in the human diet. Mutation Research 443: i-ro.

  Garner, C. 1992. Molecular potential. Nature 360: 107-2.08.

  Green, P. M., et al. 1999. Mutation rates in humans. I. Overall and sex-specific rates obtained from a population study of haemophilia B. American Journal of Human Genetics 65: 1572–1579.


  Gayan, J et al. 1999. Quantitative-trait Incus for specific language and reading deficits on chromosome 6p. American Journal of Human Genetics 64:157–164.

  Stinson, S. 1992. Nutritional adaptation. Annual Review of Anthropology it:143–170. (Diet, genetics and health).

  Bouchard, T. J. et al. 1990. Sources of human psychological differences: the Minnesota study of twins reared apart. Science 250.: 223–228.

  Holgate, S. et al. 1999. The epidemic of allergy and asthma. Nature 402: supp B2-B39.

  Owen, M. J. and Cardno, A.G. 1999. Psychiatric genetics: progress, problems and potential. Lancet 354 suppl 1: n—14.

  O'Donovan, M. C. and Owen, M. J. 1999. Candidate-gene association studies of schizophrenia. American Journal of Human Genetics 65: 587–592.


  Holtzman, N. and Shapiro, D. 1998. Genetic testing and public

  policy. British Medical Journal 316: 852–856. Kinmonth, A. L., et al. 1998. The new genetics: implications for

  clinical services in Britain and the United States. British Medical

  Journal 316: 767–770. Krynetsti, E.Y. and Evans, W. E. 1998. Pharmacogenetics of cancer therapy: getting personal. American Journal of Human Genetics

  63: ir-16.

  Lenaghan, J. 1998. Brave New NHS? The Impact of the New Genetics on the Health Service Institute for Public Policy Research,

  London. Mao, X., j 998. Chinese geneticists' views of ethical issues in genetic

  testing and screening: evidence for eugenics in China. American

  Journal of Human Genetics. 63: 688–695. Martcau, T. and Croyle, R. T. 1998. Psychological responses to

  genetic testing. British Medical, journal 316, 693–393. Rothenberg, al. 1997. Genetic information and the workplace:

  legislative approaches and policy challenges. Science 275: 1755-


  Maynard Smith J. 1988. Evolutionary Genetics. Oxford University Press. (The origin and maintenance of sex.}

  Haig, D. 1997. Parental antagonism, relatedness asymmetries, and genomic imprinting. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series H. 264: 1657–1662.

  Hurst, L. 1991. Intragenomic conflict as an evolutionary force. Proceeding of the Royal Society of London Series 248: i 35-148.

  Fisher, H. E. 1992. Anatomy of Love: The Natural History of Monogamy, Adultery and Divorce. W. W. Norton, New York, and Simon & Schuster, London. (Comparative behaviour of primates).

  Johnson, A. M. et al. 1992. Sexual lifestyles and HIV risk Nature 360: 410–413. (Male and female mating Frequencies.)

  Mulder, M. B. 1991. In Behavioural Ecology, ed. J. R. Krebs and N. B. Davies (Blackwell, Oxford), pp.69–98. Human behavioural ecology. (Tribal peoples and male success in relation to wealth.)


  Gebo, D.L. et al 2000. The oldest known anthropoid postcranial fossils and the early evolution of higher primates. Nature 404: 176–278.

  Goodman, M. 1999. The genomic record of humankind's evolutionary roots. American Journal of Human Genetics 64: 31-39

  Kay, R. F., Ross, C and Williams, B. A. 1997. Anthropoid origins. Science 275: 797–804.

  Richmond, B.G and Strait, D.S. 2000. Evidence that humans evolved from a knuckle-walking ancestor. Nature 404: 382–385.

  Ruvolo, M. 1997. Molecular phylogeny of the hominoids: inferences from multiple independent DNA sequence data sets. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 14: 248–265.

  Klein, R. G. 1999. The Human Career: Human Biological and Cultural Origins (2nd Edition). University of Chicago Press.

  Walter, R.E. et al. 2000. Early human occupation of the Red Sea coast of Eritrea during the last interglacial. Nature 405: 65–69.

  Trinkaus, E. and Shipman, P. 1993. The Neandertals: Changing the Image of Mankind. Jonathan Cape, London.


  Lasker, G. W. 1989. Surnames and Genetic Structure. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge

  Ober, C, Hyslop, T. and Hauck, W. 1999. Inbreeding effects on fertility in humans: evidence for reproductive compensation. American journal of Human Genetics 64:225-231

  Chagnon, N, A. 1972. In The Genetic Structure of Human Populations ed. G. A. Harrison and A. J. [Joyce. Clarendon Press, Oxford. Tribal Social organisation and genetic differentiation.

  Bittles, A. H., et al. 1991. Reproductive behaviour and health in consanguineous marriages. Science 252: 789–794.

  Williams, E.M. 1986. In Genetic and Population Studies in Wales (cd. P. S. Harper and E. Sundcrland, University of
Wales Press, Cardiff) pp. 186–211. Genetic studies of Welsh gypsies.

  Stine, O. C. and Smith, K. D. 1990. The estimation of selection coefficients in Afrikaners: Hunrington's disease, Porphyria varie-gata and lipotd proteinosis. American Journal of Human Genetics

  46: 452-458-

  Jones, J. S. and Rouhani S, 1986. Human evolution: how small was the bottleneck? Nature 319: 449–450.


  Chikhi, L. et a!. 1998. Clines of nuclear DNA markers suggest a largely Neolithic ancestry of the European gene pool Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95: 9053–9058.

  Corte-Real, H.B. et al 1996. Genetic variation in the Iberian Peninsula determined from mitochondria! sequence analysis. Annals of Human Genetics 60: 331–350.

  Horfecker, J. F. et al, 1993. The colonization of Beringia and the peopling of the new world. Science 259: 46–53.

  Lev-Yadun, S, Gopher, A. and Abbo, S., 2000. The cradle of agriculture. Science 288: 1602–1603.

  Macaulay V. et al. 1999. The emerging tree of West Eurasian mtDNAs: a synthesis of control-region sequences and RFLPs. American Journal of Human Genetics 64:232–249.

  McCorriston, J. and Hole, F. 1991. The ecology of seasonal stress and the origin of agriculture in the Near East. American Anthropologist 93: 46–69.

  Cohen, M. N. and Armelagos G. J. 1991. Paleopathy and the Origins of Agriculture. Academic Press, London.

  Simoni, L. ct al. 2000. Geographic patterns of mtDNA diversity in Europe. American Journal of Human Genetics 66: z62.-2.78.


  Park, T. 1992. l;..irly trends towards class stratification: chaos, common property and flood recession agriculture. Journal of the American Anthropological Association 94: 90-117.

  drifted! R. and Thomas, C. G. 1981. The City-State in Five Cultures. ABC Clio, Santa Barbara and London.

  Piazza, A, et al. 1988. A genetic history of Italy. Annals of Human Genetics 52: 203–213.

  Comas, D. et al. 1998. Trading genes along the Silk Road. American Journal of Human Genetics 6j 1S24-/S3S.

  Cavalli-Sforza, L. L. 2.000. Genes, People and Language. Farrar, Straus & Giroux, NY.


  Fleischer, R. C. and Johnston, R. F. 1984. The relationships between winter climate and selection on body size in house sparrows. (Canadian Journal of Zoology 61: 405–410.

  Foley, R. 1987. Another Unique Species: Patterns in Human Evolutionary Ecology. Longman, Harlow, Essex. (Climate, diet and human differentiation.)

  Gugiieimino-Matessi, G. G. et al. 1979. Climate and the evolution of skull metrics in man. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 50: 494–564.

  Harvey, C B et al 1998. Lactase haplotype frequencies in Caucasians: association with the lactase persistence/non-persistence polymorphism. Annals of Human Genetics 62: 215–223.

  Baker, H. T. 1992. In The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Evolution, eds. Steve Jones, Robert Martin and David Pilbeam (Cambridge University Press). Human adaptations to the physical environment, pp. 46-5 1.


  Crosby, A. W. 1993. Ecological Imperialism: The Biological Expansion of Europe, 900-1900. Cambridge University Press/Canto Books.

  Kiple, K. F. (ed.) 1993. The Cambridge World History of Disease. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  Kwiatkowski, D. 2000. Genetic susceptibility to malaria getting complex. Current Opinions in Genetics and Development 10: 32.0-324.

  Waters, A. P. ct al. 1991. Plasmudium falciparutn appears to have arisen as a result of lateral transfer between avian and human hosts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 88: 3140-3 144.

  Desowitz, R. S. 1993. The Malaria Capers: More Tales about Parasites and People. W. W. Norton and Company, New York and London.

  Steams, S. (ed.) 1998. Evolution in Health and Disease. Oxford Univ. Press.


  Baker, J. R. 1974. Race. Oxford University Press.

  Banton, M. 1987. Racial Theories. Cambridge University Press.

  Esteban, J. and others 1998. Estimating African American admixture proportions by use of population-specific alleles. American Journal of Human Genetics 63: 1839–1851.

  Malik, K. [996. The meaning of Race: Race, History and Culture in Western Society. Macmillan, London.

  Tapper, M. 1999. Inthe Blood: Sickle Cell Anemia and the Politics of Race. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.


  Bud, R. 1991. The Uses of Life: A History of Biotechnology. Cambridge University Press.

  Fowler, C. and Mooney, P. 1990. The Threatened Gene: Food, Politics and the Loss of Genetic Diversity. The Lutterworth Press, Cambridge.

  Cooper, C et al 1999. A completely GM issue. The Biochemist, Oct 99 9-39.

  Hails, R.S. 1000 Genetically modified plants — the debate continues. Trends in Research in Ecology and Evolution 15: 14–18.

  Kishore, G.M and Shewmaker, C. 1999. Biotechnology: Enhancing human nutrition in developing and developed worlds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96: 5968–5971.


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  Annals of Human Genetics 56: 113–118. Reddy, B. M. and Chopra, V. P. 1990. Opportunity for natural

  selection among the Indian populations. American journal of

  Physical Anthropology 83: 281-2.96. Olshansky, S. J. et al. 1990. In search of Methuselah: estimating

  the upper limits to human longevity. Science 150: 634–640. Bittles, A. H. et al. 1991. Reproductive behaviour and health in

  consanguineous marriages. Science 151: 789–794.11.


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