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Hexed Page 17

by Ingrid Walsh

  - his vehement denial makes me narrow eyes. - I did not kill her. - he says in haunted tone. His reaction makes me somewhat exaggerated alert. - What kind of relationship maintained with the maid Ella, Duke? - inquiro, suspected seeping into me. Paolo looks away, swallowing hard. - Do not kill her. - whispers. - So who was it? And Fabio Angliotti? - I ask, approaching me slowly. He steps back cautiously. - was he suddenly threatening to reveal the identity of those who gave him the false news? Demanding money, perhaps? Paolo grunts, thrusting his hands through his hair. - I refuse to fall into your little game, you bastard disgusting. - spits coolly. - What about Ella run over this afternoon? - I Crispus fists again and try to curb the desire to leave to him. - will also deny it, I suppose? - You piece of junk! - he grinds his teeth, looking at me with contempt that has always been reserved for me in his expression. - Ella did not know what he was doing when chosen. You seduced her since childhood. - I stop, my blood boiling with his angry attack. - you corrupted, the soiled, you son of a bitch! I growl, trapping him against the wall. - So you decided it would be easy to get me out of the running, selling a false story about me. - It was not false. - he retorts, eyes burning with hatred. I did not think at any time that your despite arrived at such high levels. I'm still a little shocked by the events of that night. - your relationship is unhealthy. You took advantage of the princess. - he spits air disgusted. - really want to believe that you do not eat pussy that long? And the promise I made not to touch the unfortunate falls apart. I growl, punching him full on the mouth. He grunts, slamming against the wall. The caught by the collar before slipping to the floor. - If you do not want to be picking his teeth on the floor the next few minutes, I suggest you be more respectful when referring to the princess, damn it! - my voice is a low squeak, enraged. The door opens and the next moment I'm torn from near the little shit. Paolo straightens up and gives me a cold smile, blood down his lips. - No more anything from me. - said with clenched teeth. - fuck, maledeto! Fremem my nostrils widening. - Personally I think you are a little shit stuck the beast, an arrogant franguinho, nothing more. - I say to annoy him even more.

  - I was never to your face. However, I never thought that could prove such a vile creature. I snort. - caratismo evil does not come tattooed on his forehead, is not it? - loose me of Falconi Agent claws and I adjust my suit. My eyes pierce into his back and lethal full: - I do not care about me. My name could go mud, biker fucking could have come to me. - put the finger in his direction. - your luck is that nothing serious happened to my girl, or you'd be dead now. I'm dead serious, do not doubt it. I hear a cough. - Your Highness, it is not wise to threaten the prisoner. - Falconi alert me with tension in his voice. Paolo twists his lips in depreciation, even though the fear is still there in the background of their chestnuts iris. Yes, Your Highness, it is not wise to threaten me. - mocked. I make mention of going to him, but Falconi has me again. - It's time to go, Mike Prince. - he growls, trying hard to contain myself. Cesario enters my field of vision and handcuff the duquezinho again. Okay, you can drop me. - I say through gritted teeth. He does and I take a few steps back. I look around looking for Dam and Uncle Leon. - They are in the head office. - clarifies Falconi, reading my expression correctly. - cares to talk a moment out there, sir? - I nod and taking one last threatening look at the empoladinho, I leave the cubicle. The agent leads the way to the end of the hall which has an espresso machine. - as like yours? - inquires picking up two glasses. - Pure. - I say, looking at him and wondering what you want to talk to me. It serves my first, delivery and fills me his next. I sip and look him to start talking. - I would like to say that we took the man and that the case is closed. - he says after a sip from his glass. That intrigues me. Damn, and is not it? - Proceed, agent. - I take another sip of the steaming liquid, almost burning the damn language. - There are points that are still unclear to me. - his face is serious. - he made contact with Angliotti about the false news. However, the evidence that bind you to two murders and the motorcyclist hit the princess are just circumstantial. What the hell is he saying? - I'm going against protocol telling you this, Your Highness. - his gaze is steady on mine. - Justice in the real world does not mean that the real culprit goes to jail. - what? Why would a law enforcement officer is saying shit like that? I wrinkling his brow. He laughs a little mocking. I kinda like this air fuck the Secret Service and its rules that the agent is showing. He continues: - means that someone will pay for the crime. Let's hope that boy whatever the killer we're looking for. - Why are you telling me all this? - I narrow my eyes on him. - Why do not advise you to relax security. he spends his free hand over his head without hair. - not until we're sure that Paolo Montessola is our man. Cum. Sigh in exasperation. And I thought back with good news for Ella. That we would be free from this pursuit. - Your opinion? - sondo it. - I may be wrong, but I suspect that the youth is being used as a scapegoat. - Who the fuck? - not sure my genius. The agent lightly laughed at my explosion and takes another sip of coffee. - What about the name I gave them a week ago? Investigated? - I ask. His face becomes serious again. - Yes, we found several Tonys on the streets in the period reported on. We were tapering and came to one that I believe to be the boy who remembers. - he pushes his hand inside his suit and pulls an envelope with some printed photos to computer files. I open and my stomach twists to came across Tony's hateful face. The same face, the same eyes twenty years ago face me back. - he and his gang were sent to a reformatory soon after you were adopted by their parents. I lift my eyes to the agent, urging him to continue. - The gang did not have a pretty close, Highness. Almost all also died in the workhouse. That got my attention. - As? Falconi shrugs. - Mistreatment, common in these types of institutions. Gathered and constantly sick ... Even without nurturing good feelings by those sons of bitches, know that had an end of these does not please me. - Who survived? You said almost all died in the workhouse. - Tony survived. He was the older, thicker and managed to pass the ill-treatment. - his brow furrows. - he came out when he was older and shortly after was again caught, this time it was locked away in a penitentiary. I flip through the photos and stop at a girl. A brunette, beautiful girl. I remember her helping me whenever Tony beat me. His sister. Luciane. That was his name. Luciane, mentally repeat the name of my past, all bringing me a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. - The girl was adopted when the gang was caught. - it reports looking at the photo in my hands. - the brother returned to look for her when he left prison, years later. - They're alive? - I ask up at him. -. No Antony and Luciane Edwards died in a fire that killed his adoptive family girl too. Fuck. I pull a necessary air intake. The worst way for someone to die. Burned. Shudder. Not even want to imagine something. Falconi clears his throat and knead his glass, throwing it on the next machine trash. I take my last drink and I do the same. Keep the photos in the envelope and return it to. - Thanks for sharing your real opinion on the case with me, Falconi agent. - he nods, satisfaction glowing in the dark eyes. - I have to say I was surprised by the amount of information managed in just one week. Say it makes me look like a jerk and the almost smile that forms the mouth of the man, he also shares this view. - We are working, Your Highness. Even when we do not present anything, we're still working. - points out in defense of tone. I nod and reach out. He takes half reluctant. It is not common royalty offer a hand in greeting. However, I am not to follow the protocol. Thanks for the advice too. I will not let your guard down while everything is not resolved. I give you one last nod and leave the hall in search of Dam and uncle. All I want now is to go back to the palace and see how my doll is. Antonella - points out in defense of tone. I nod and reach out. He takes half reluctant. It is not common royalty offer a hand in greeting. However, I am not to follow the protocol. - Thanks for the advice too. I will not let your guard down while everything is not resolved. - I give you one last nod and leave the hall in search of Dam and uncle. All I want now is to go back to the palace and see how my doll is. Antonella - points out in defense of tone. I nod and reach out. H
e takes half reluctant. It is not common royalty offer a hand in greeting. However, I am not to follow the protocol. - Thanks for the advice too. I will not let your guard down while everything is not resolved. - I give you one last nod and leave the hall in search of Dam and uncle. All I want now is to go back to the palace and see how my doll is. Antonella

  I wake with a light caress on my face. Smile, moving my eyelids open. beautiful black eyes look at me back. Mike smiled, somewhat embarrassed. - Sorry to wake you, doll. whispers, his fingers running through my face contours. - I just wanted to touch you. There is a veiled urgency in his calm tone. Hold your hand and shift to my lips. Kiss each finger tenderly. I drag myself up against the pillows, wincing, feeling my muscles protest. Caspita! Although it was just a scare, I got some bruises, sore here and there. If not for Lorenzo pull me in time, the bike would hit me on the head. It could be much worse now. I shudder at the thought. I still can not believe that Paolo was behind everything from the slanderous news. I never imagined it would be so vindictive. In fact, I am still processing this information. How could I live for five months with a person? A possible cold killer? - I wanted to wait for you awake, but pain medication nocautearam me. - I apologize, he leans, approaching the male-stunning face. I do not know if you have this expression. Rio internally. If you do not have just invented just for him, mio sexy brunette. His warm lips touch mine and I can not help it, I groan. Mike smiled against my mouth and licks my bottom lip before pulling away. - is coming to bed? - I practically mio, yawning a little, lighting my body, my eyes falling on his muscular bare chest. I go down more and find a white towel wrapped around his waist. Dio, my mouth saliva to the tissue contrast against his dark complexion. There are drops of water dripping on his chest. I lick my lips involuntarily. His low laugh makes me looking up and our eyes meet. In stare lustfully. I run my fingers through his wet hair, moaning with softness. - Do not look at me like that, princess. - his voice is thick. - you're hurt, you need to rest. - I take your thumb and all suck. Mike growls, long moaning, biting her lower lip. - drugs that mouth ... - I'm fine now.

  - slip the tongue slowly on his finger, rolling obscenely. He roars words. I laugh. While your eyes are hot, devouring me, his face darkens. - I hate to see my doll hurt. - mutters. - I still want to flay responsible for it. - clenches his teeth. - How was the meeting with Paolo?

  - inquire softly. His gaze boils. I can feel your anger out in waves. - Tomorrow we'll talk about it, I promise. - mutters. - Eat something with me, love? - asks, his soft tone, against his angry expression. - I did not eat in the hospital and not later. - makes a face, I laugh lightly, remembering that I did not eat a lot of soup sent to the room. I ate a very light sandwich that my mother brought me, but I'm already hungry again to be honest. - I made only a snack that my mother brought me before going to his quarters there ... - I wrinkling his brow, disoriented. - what time is it? - Nearly two in the morning. - he shrugs, then a wicked glint appears in his irises - the morning meal is fast becoming my second favorite meal ... - his voice drips naughtiness. We have done that very often after sex marathons. I sigh, drooling on your face close to mine. Suck your lip and bite the flesh with pressure, the way we both like to play. He snarls and shoves his arms under me, lifting me out of bed. My tiny sweater up, leaving me almost naked under her look hot. - What's the first? - purr, holding me on his shoulders. His eyes glide through my body like two lasers incinerating my little sweater. My breasts swell nozzles being more protruding through the thin fabric. Stop play the innocent princess. - he says sharply, leading me through the doors to the terrace. - you know that you eat comes before anything. I snort, making indignant face. - So romantic, my fiance. - retort, while he laughs heartily and accommodates me carefully on one of the small table set for two chairs. I tremble in the breeze in the morning and he lifts a finger asking for a minute, back inside. I destampo the platters and inhale the pleasant smell of steaks parmigiana. My mouth saliva for the second time in the evening. I laugh secretly. Well, I think the supper in the morning is my second favorite meal too. - What's that smile, doll? - his voice sounds good in my ear. I give a little scream sly surprise. - here, extend your arms. - calls for putting my black silk dressing gown over my shoulder. It warms my chest while I stick my arms through the sleeves, leaving him dressed. He developed a very particular taste to dress almost as much as loves me undress. It's something very intimate, deliciously sultry we share. I also just getting a taste for wearing it. I love pack your ties on the three-piece suits that uses formal days. - Grazie amore mio. - whisper raising her face to receive a warm kiss on the lips. - I was thinking that this might be my second favorite meal too. He raises one eyebrow wickedly beautiful and arrogant. - You can? - Si. - shake my head, my eyes locked on him. - and cross sarcasm about the romance of my fiancé. - I purr.

  - lui è tutto perfetto [10]. He growls. - Cum. I know what you're doing, doll. - bite my chin, making me wet and groan. - you know I will not touch you now, need to rest the muscles because of the pain. - I make a pout and he laughs, all nice and manly. - but my girl loves to fuck and is teasing me. Wicked. I moan. - Ohh, Dio ... - throb miserably. He kissed the tip of my nose and straightens his black robe going to the chair in front of me. - I am fine love. There were only a few bruises, you heard the doctor. - I mutter sulkily. He laughs that mocking and delicious way drives me crazy and starts to serve my plate. There is everything I like. In addition to steaks, there is shrimp risotto with palm heart, I love and, of course, a gigantic strawberry pie. Va bene. I picked up the silverware and as the first bite. Mike smiles of my delight expression. - I think I'll have to settle for second preference for the night, love. - there is a fun note in his tone, while the dark eyes shining in the dim light from the balcony. - You think and? - tease. Her smile slowly rises, the corners of the mouth up that evil way that causes confusion in my panties. But, as I'm not wearing panties, wet mud confusion between my labia. He picks up the bottle of wine and poured two glasses. I'm sure. - says, cutting his steak, taking the portion of the mouth, eyes laughing at me and my tantrum. - Eat, Ella. I saw that did not eat anything in the hospital and knowing my greedy girl ... - his mouth curve in the corners using this as a double meaning. - knew she would be hungry when you wake up. I'm upset because I want inside of me today, but I can not help sighing. Yes, everything in it is perfect. Exhale resigned and ate in silence, exchanging bites of our dishes. We passed for dessert and I esbaldo me for a change. None of us ate a lot of steak or risotto. Um ... A smile of anticipation plays in my mouth. I think I'll have my dark today though. He loves a seductive and perverse game before I take. Well, me too. I get up, doing my best not to moan with muscle contractions bothering me. However, I need it. To connect with your body's deepest possible way. So I provi me slowly right in front. His jaw throbs and a tent is formed under the robe. - Damn, baby. - he groans and growls when the slide sweater to the ground ...


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