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Hexed Page 30

by Ingrid Walsh

  - Ella, do not take everything too literally, daughter. There must be some explanation ... - I hear her walking as if to move away, perhaps my father, who will not like it one bit if you know this story. - Mike loves so deeply, dear. This is visible to everyone. My heart hurts so much to hear his words. Where is this immense love he told me so many times? I did not see anywhere in these two days. He left me behind without a second thought. I called time to time every day and the call always went to voicemail, when it was not ignored on the second ring. His love is selfish. He did not think of any time as I would be distressed and desolate start being alone without any explanation in the place that was to be ours. No, I do not believe that your love is as great as he spoke. I open my mouth to answer, but at that moment, I feel something cold touching in my rib. The phone is snatched from my hand and a fine boot heel crushes the ground. Oh Dio mio! What is going on? Ice slides down my spine paralyzed me with fear. - Lorenzo! - I can scream in panic when I am face to face with what appears to be a woman dressed in black trousers and blouse. She wears a mask on his face. Inhale the scent. It seems familiar. Where I felt that smell? I ask myself, leaning back in the car, making no sudden movements, like Mike often taught me. I want to cry, now, by absolute dread. I never experienced such a situation. - Raise your hands where I can see, your real blood bitch. - the woman growls and pure shock makes me popping eyes, because I definitely know that voice. I can not believe the audacity of puttana. What is it? What does she think you're doing? Come on, bitch! I'm not your biggest fan, I'm tempted to put a bullet in you too! Makes the demand with such latent anger that makes me shiver. She told me, too? Dio Holy! I stretch my neck and I see Lorenzo fallen into the trunk. Sadness and anger spreads through my veins. - What have you done to him, his maledeta? There are cameras here in the garage, being stupid if you think you will escape as well. - I spit through clenched teeth. She laughed, the sound is ominous. - We take care of everything, princess. - mocked. - Security is looking at the pictures that we want only. What?! I was telling that security would come at any time. Harry arrive at any time. I recrimino to be doing clandestinely without anyone knowing it. - We? Who is with you? - I ask to distract it and analyze what are my chances against a gun directly at me. - If you killed my security will pay for it, puttana, believe me! The sinister laugh sounds again. Dio ... Cold sweat runs down my spine. Although smiling eyes bitch are enraged by the mask. His expression me clearly that will have no problem to shoot me. - I'm sorry, honey, it's too late for him. - says in mock regret. A sob escapes my throat. Lorenzo. My dear and faithful Lorenzo is dead. - Oh, you gonna cry? This cuts my heart. She laughs mockingly, throwing his head back and that is when advance, do not think twice. Only forward, holding his forearm and lifting it with the gun. A shot sounds and another and this increases my adrenaline. I pull my left fist back and give him a powerful punch on the chin and on the spot where Mike taught me to hit to knock a person. Cow falls back inelegantly. I run, kicking the gun away and then, to kick as hard in the ribs. She squirts and shrinks. - Cum! Your bitch from hell! - bellows pain. - You are a dumb cow coming to get me alone. - I scoff, riding on top of her, and pulling his mask, we were face to face. furious smile. - I'll teach you not to judge me by my appearance, his miserable bitch! - and desfiro another punch, now in its nose. His hands up, trying to catch my face, fingernails scraping on my skin, but I do not care. Two three four. I keep grinding your blow away. Blood splashing on my face and I do not stop, completely infuriated by me and Lorenzo who lost his life to defend myself. - Cum! Get that fucking bitch off me! - she growls and I'm surprised when big hands pull me by taking me off her wildly. I imbalance, but I try to hit my elbow on the nose thugs wearing ski mask. He grunts, his grip causing me pain. - Help! Help! I'm being kidnapped! - scream loudly and floor with all the strength in his leg. Buster leave me, growling, jumping on one foot and take the opportunity to run. However, hit a hard chest and fall on his ass. A third person. My gaze goes up by well-cut pants and suit, and bile rises in my throat when I get to face. He is not wearing a mask. Oh. Dio. Mio's clean face, fixed cold brown eyes on mine, causing me to drag me back. No, no. This is a nightmare, just may be. What does he have to do with it? - Surprise! - says in a low voice, but scary. Why did it take so much, you idiot? - the cow the reproaches, standing up and trying to compose himself. Your face is bleeding, starting to swell. I smile to him boldly. I do not know what it takes me, but do not want to stoop to these maledetos. - You deserved the beating to stop being a stupid bitch. Forgot that Mike trains in boxing since teenager? She snorted, coming to the side of the betrayer of a fig. - I was pointing a gun at the fucking bitch! - gnashes his teeth, giving me a look of death. - I'll drink your blood, bitch, very soon. The man laughs. - I'm sorry, princess, my sister is a wild. - gestures to the guy who comes closer still limping Stepped I gave. I laugh, dismissing it as well. It may not be wise to do so, however, I will not give them a taste of curl up and cry on the floor. The odious comes slowly toward me, as I continue dragging me back. Total panic hits me when I realize that there is nowhere to escape. It is a private garage. No one will come to save me if the cameras were rigged. He laughs when I reach one of Mike's car and stop, trapped. Ah, private garages ... - says, sounding read my mind. - We are so protected from unwanted visitors, is not it, Princess? - mocks and his gaze down at my body. - Who are you? Why are you doing this? And money? - Questions come out of my mouth run over. He licks his lips slowly back and icy eyes to mine. - First things first, like that guy with whom I identify as fuck, you know, Jack the Ripper. - mocked. I look around, trying to see anything. Any tiny escape route. - Tsk, tsk, tsk. - clicks her tongue contemptuously. - I'm the worst nightmare Mike and now his little doll. - softly gasp. - Money? No, honey, I do not need your real money. No, what I need is to see my old friend crawling, languishing, slowly dying. I confess that at first I thought I'd just kill him with my own hands. But then he got involved with you, and I like playing with my victims before finishing them. I decided it's much better to see him suffer for all that we do with your precious little girl. My eyes water. He smiled a devilish way. - Yes, dear, he loves you a ridiculously so intense. But insanely jealous feelings for you was his Achilles heel. - sob beginning to understand everything. They did something to Mike being so cold to me. - Yes, he is suffering, thinking he was betrayed by his doll. So sad to see my friend so ... - ri with perverse pride. I promise I'll take care of it now that never will see again. - No! My father will not let you get out of this! Mike will discover who you are! He is not a fool, you'll realize you're dealing with, your maledeto! - retort, my voice shaking. A hard slap hit the right side of my face, startling me. Beat his head against the bodywork of the car. Pain radiates into my cheek and my eyes burn with hot tears. - Let's clear up a few things here, princess. - his eyes are hard and he bends down, watching me closely. - You're not royalty. Cease to be a princess when I fuck in my game room. - oh, Dio mio! I sob and he snorts, making a sign to the two watchdogs on your side. - Hang the bitch. Can they this time? - growls angrily to his cronies. Cow mumbles, but it does not answer anything. Both come holding pinning my arms side. I struggle, kick, reaching between the legs of the traitor. He kind of growls and smiles. - Oh, she's fire, right? I like it when my bitches fight back, baby. - pulls something out of his suit pocket and a sense of purpose hit me. It is a syringe. It removes the protection and some of the liquid splashing the needle. His smile is something we've never seen in a human being before. - The life we knew just now. You will be my personal slave to get tired of eating you, then I will sell your body used and worn on the black market. No! Per favore ... - hot, thick tears burn my cheeks. - I did not do anything to him. - But her bridegroom did. - roars and rolls her eyes. - I'll be nice and tell you everything. It is not fair to leave her in the dark. - more a sinister laugh. He now has cruelly all that will make me and Mike. A sneer out of my mouth. The bitch smiled, shaking my more than necessary arm. I have been contained, defeated. - nap time, baby. - he
says jokingly, bringing the needle into my neck. I cry for gross sting. The three smile, while the liquid comes into my bloodstream. The images are becoming blurred almost instantly. I struggle, cry, to feel the forces leave me slowly. Mike ... Why did you leave me alone, amore mio? It's my last coherent thought before the dark world descend on me. I have been contained, defeated. nap time, baby. - he says jokingly, bringing the needle into my neck. I cry for gross sting. The three smile, while the liquid comes into my bloodstream. The images are becoming blurred almost instantly. I struggle, cry, to feel the forces leave me slowly. Mike ... Why did you leave me alone, amore mio? It's my last coherent thought before the dark world descend on me. I have been contained, defeated. - nap time, baby. - he says jokingly, bringing the needle into my neck. I cry for gross sting. The three smile, while the liquid comes into my bloodstream. The images are becoming blurred almost instantly. I struggle, cry, to feel the forces leave me slowly. Mike ... Why did you leave me alone, amore mio? It's my last coherent thought before the dark world descend on me. my love? It's my last coherent thought before the dark world descend on me. my love? It's my last coherent thought before the dark world descend on me.



  I finish signing some urgent papers and push the rest on the table, standing up. I have no head to keep pretending I'm working. I walk to the walls of glass and eye the city out of sight. I'm restless, cranky, my chest grew tighter in that the day progressed. I have fed me, not sleeping right two days ago, when I got that damn package and everything collapsed around me. Pull the tie, the thing is choking me. I wanted to be strong not to think of it. Strong not love her the same way always loved, but I can not. I need to talk to her at some point, I know. I'm putting off, because I heard her admitting that betrayed me will end with me. I need ... I wrinkling his brow, pulling my phone calls giving. I left it in silent since Ella was calling each hour. What is my surprise to see that there is no call today. Back to the table and grasp the intercom. - MS. Carson, by chance my ... - clear my throat. - The princess called today? There is an uncomfortable silence on the line. - She was here just before lunch, sir. My heart gives a jolt to learn that was here, so close to me. Only I know how much it cost me not answer your calls or look at your messages. Those were the fortyeight more long and painful hours of my life. Grinds out every word of the messages that I saw in the file. The images of photos and videos refuse to go away as much as I have tried to expel them. - What she said? - I ask quietly. - It was very sad. - Lucy says with clear accusation in his voice. - The Princess is a smart girl, deduced that been sleeping here in the office in recent days. This bothers me. Knowing that was sad and found that lied to her. Damn, I should not care. Recrimino me for wanting to save her, even if it has torn my chest and ripped my heart out. - What did she say exactly? - I repeat in disgust. Lucy sighs. - She cried and wrote a note for you. - he says, looking sad too. - Please, sir, can fire me if you are being too nosy, but what the princess did to deserve such cruel treatment? I grit my teeth and spend his free hand through his hair. - You are right, Miss, if cherishes his job, will stop being nosy. - grumbling. - Now, where's the note? Why not handed it to me? - She asked me to deliver only in the late afternoon. Us girls, we need to show solidarity in such cases. - responds with a petulant note. I growl. - I'm going up there right now, sir. Bufo and out. It seems that my fucking desk sided in the situation, and it's not mine. It comes a moment later, barely looking at me in the eye when reaching out, handing a folded paper. Excuses and leave me alone again. I look at the paper for a long time. A light knock on the door makes me looking up, almost snarling, waiting to see the reproachful look of Lucy, but I see my mother putting her red head inside. She smiles when she sees me. - Hi dear. Are you busy? - question. I force myself to bear a good guy and shove the note in his pocket. - Never too busy for my mother. - I say, going to find it in the middle of the room. She hugs me and kisses on the cheek. I return the compliment. - How are you ms? His big blue eyes watching me as though he had sight inside me, seeing my torment. - Why are you sleeping here in the office, son? - loose at close range. Lucy. I close my teeth. I will dismiss the gossip girl. - Luke and Samuel saw him heading for the corporate apartment yesterday.

  - clarifies and closes his face with concern. - Is there a problem between you and Ella? I look away and she holds my face, forcing me to look at her as she did when I was just a teen troublemaker. - Tell me, dear. Marriage is so close. - his soft voice almost makes me cry like a fucking little woman opening the heart to Mom. - There should be no room for misunderstandings. Do not let anything get to you. Exhale defeated. - Ella ... - murmur and stop forces unable to continue. I do not want to tell this to anyone. I can not share something so outrageous even with my parents. For some twisted reason, I do not want to tarnish her name as well. How fucked up is that? I still want to protect it? My mother waits, watching me intently. That look observer that only mothers give and that seems to detect all you did wrong. - All right, Mike. - gives a sympathetic pat on my hand. - No need to tell me if you do not want. - so their eyes are serious. - But, son, whatever has been the problem, I'm sure you can talk and solve. When you love the way you love each other, the little things cease to matter. - she leans over and gives me another soft kiss. - Go home, dear. I nod, an uncomfortable feeling filling my chest. - My father know? She nods. - He's a little surprised and curious too much to know what Ella did leave home alone and sleep here. The way you say that, I left Ella alone, is that nagging feeling increasing. I loud sigh.

  - The security guards were with her. - I justify myself. - Tell him I'll come home today. take care not to promise to work things out. I still do not know what will be the outcome of this story. Unfortunately, everything changed when she betrayed me. My mother comes after we parted and I shove it into his pocket, pulling the little piece of paper that seems to burn my hand. I return to my desk and sit down, placing the folded note on the glass top. I'm looking and looking, taking courage to open and read. Finally unfold the sheet and my heart skips a bit to see his usually impeccable cursive is blurry. Mike,

  What was my crime? Why am I being punished for the man I love with all my heart? I will not have a chance to even defend myself? The other day I saw an article about live years and years with someone and not know at all. I ridiculed the author, because it did not apply to us. I was very arrogant to think that we were shielded, that nothing could affect us. Something happened and what took me so abruptly. Their attitudes, again, are hurting me, leaving me confused, and so I will not insist. I'm going back to my house, Mike. What have you done in the last two days ... The way simply turned my back and left the house, like I meant nothing to you, shows that that article was right ... I will still take a while to process it . What else do you expect from me? Not left any more. Already I offered him everything ... I'm going where I'm welcome where I know for sure that I am loved unconditionally. Do not come after me, per favore. Now I who want to be alone to think about us. About our future, if there is still a ...



  God. I close my eyes, his words are repeated in my fucking mind. These are the words of a deeply hurt woman. If I had not seen the evidence of his betrayal, I believe strongly in them. In fact, desperately want to believe. I want to run out the door and go after her, but I can not. - Cum! - hit his fist on the table, standing up. The intercom beeps and I press to hear Lucy. - The Falconi agent is here to see you, sir. - says, half ressabiada. She knows it was well daring today. - Show him in. - I grind. - Hang on. One more thing, Miss. - Yes, sir? - his tone is apprehensive now. - If Ella deduced that I was here in the room, why did not come to see me? - I ask not understand that part. It does not suit the temperament of the princess. From what I know of it, she would come and would release the dogs on me. - It was a beautiful thing to see, sir. - there again this reproach in his tone. - was about to enter, but came back crying, as if accepting that you do not want to see her, wrote the message and left. M
y chest hurts like hell heard it. - Thank you. Let the agent in, please. - I finally remember the good manners. I have the feeling to hear her snort before I hang up. Christ, the girl is getting loose as hell. The agent enters then its ugliest face than normal. I shove his hands in his pockets, while walking closer. - Good afternoon, sir. I think we have a problem. - informs through tense. Along eyebrows, narrowing my eyes on the man. - The princess sent Harry and other securities to the construction works of Lucas and Samuel this afternoon, claiming they were his orders. Only learned now. Ah, so that's how she got rid of security. Intelligent, I must admit. I walk to the bar in the corner and serve me a small shot of whiskey. - Ella returned to Ardócia this afternoon. - reveal, feeling sick. In other circumstances I would be running after her. But now, I'm paralyzed, poisoned by the images that do not leave my mind. - As well, he returned to Ardócia? - inquires, its slightly higher pitch. I turn around, staring at him, wondering if I open the game with him. I need to get it out of me or I'll go crazy. - Things are a little complicated between us at that time. offer, ingesting the rest in one gulp. Falconi semicerra eyes, analyzing me as a trained agent that is. - I know what happened, Your Highness? I walk back to the table and open the top drawer, removing the negligible envelope. I motioned for him to approach and pick up the package. Come closer, catching him with puzzled expression. Opens and begins to display photos, shock spreading across his face as it passes over and over. - Dio holy! Exclaims in horror. Welcome to the club! I grit my teeth. - drive also has a pen. - I say in tight tone, almost breaking my teeth both RANGE them. Falcone sticks his hand into the envelope and retrieve the small device. His gaze is focused and sharp when fixed on mine. - Me lets you use your computer? Wave and he circles the table, sitting in my chair and plug the thumb drive into the machine. I have no stomach to check everything again, so just leave him at ease. His fingers nimbly work the keyboard on my desktop computer. His frowning in concentration. - Cáspita! This is shocking! - murmurs almost to himself, his eyes widening at the screen. The fingers fly again on the keyboard and your eyes widen more, then he stares at me. - The resemblance is incredible. This girl is really very similar to the princess.


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