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Hexed Page 34

by Ingrid Walsh

  - there's a smile in his voice. While it is mild, almost seductive, there is a sinister note deep down. - Maybe I do not sale, after all, little doll. - vomiting comes to my throat when the mouth is closed in my breast and sucks. His gestures and touches are now delicate, with the intention to seduce, but all I feel is disgust. I hate him with all my strength. That will kill this unfortunate! - You'll be mine as his. - her laugh makes me sick. - I think this is the real revenge, taking his wife for me. Have your perfect princess as my bitch, riding it all the time. No! No, no. I despair at me in silence. Then, as if by a miracle, he for rape in my body and let the mattress. Grazie a Dio. Almost loud sigh of relief. - I'm going to see Mike and give my support. I'll even offer some men of my security to help in the search, as a loyal friend would. - says jokingly. - You are right, sir. - she agrees subservient. - Take care of my precious princess to me. - he orders, hard tone. - I will fuck her today. No, tonight is all to support my old friend. Tomorrow I will decide what to do with it. I close my teeth, entranhando hate me like poison. I pray that Mike did not take long to find out what kind of scum is your friend. The door opens and I know who came before the cow speak. I feel your scent before taste, now sickens me. - The Sultan called, brother. - says, walking to the bed and feel like an experiment, here sprawled on the bed, while the three look at me. What did he say? - he asks. - He offered forty million pounds! Can you believe it? - then the cow makes a dismissive sound. - What everyone sees that bitch? She has nothing more. The hateful sound of his laughter reverberates in the closed room. - She's a princess, sister.

  - mocked. - Or at least it was until this afternoon. She laughs together. silence-is. - Will you accept the proposal? - she probe. New silence and I can feel the eyes of the monster on top of me again. - Still do not know. The sultan is a VIP client, I can not contradict him. ponders. - However, I've been thinking and I may decide to keep it for me. - You are crazy?

  - she cries. - Fuck it and pass it on as agreed. She is a princess, as well stressed, it is not safe to keep her with us, damn it! - We're moving to America, remember? New life. pauses. - new faces. - I ice, trying at all costs to not flag I am conscious here. - In addition, the drugs to be injected continuously in it, soon you will not remember either the name. We can invent the story that we want to fill the hole in your mind. - makes a significant break. I like the version that she is my beloved wife and lost his memory in an accident, do you think, sister? - No, fuck! I do not like this. I do not like this bitch! - her range and the mattress sinks, panic takes me when I feel something sharp in my neck. Oh, Dio mio, is a knife? Gasp and open my eyes slowly, trying to get a flatter image as the other warned me to do. - Oh, she's awake! I know you're groggy, but will understand me well. My brother will end up with you, bitch! I do not accept less. If he does not fuck you ... - an evil smile opens the devilishly handsome face. - I go. Tell her how I like to fuck new subs at the club, brother. Tell how have something special size for little tight pussies. It will be nothing more than a shell when you're done with you. Useless, hollow! My eyes burn, filling terrified tears. If possible, she hates me even more than his brother maledeto. Snort and howl when pain feel the bite of the cut. His face down and total shock takes me when it begins to suck smote me. Oh Dio mio! - No's headquarters know that I am by your real blood, princess. mocks, licking the wound and moves away. The new slope knife in my neck, firmer this time. If I even breathe, she cuts me again. A sickly smile opens wide in the red mouth, blood staining his chin. It is the most horrendous image that my eyes have seen. It is my purpose. She will kill me here. I close my eyes, the tears running down my temples. Mike's face comes to my mind and I sob loudly. I love you, amore mio. Never forget me. I should have insisted on talking to you. A resigned sigh leaves my mouth. Addio, amato average. Let her go, damn it! - he growls quietly, but bringing a warning. - I decide what to do with it! Just me! - his voice softens and he pulls out of bed. - If it's any consolation, sister, they never put eyes on the other. Never! Secure a sob, as my eyes burn with more tears. Not have time to feel relief that he had torn the crazy bitch off me. Why so much hatred, Dio? I never did anything to these bandits. Mike, come get me, amore mio. Do not delay to come pick me up, or it will be too late. After more recommendations for her, the brothers leave the room. - Do not leave me alone with them, I beg you. - crying, not bothering to maintain the decorum of shit. My whole body is trembling, suffering pure horror spasms. She twists her face. - I wish I could give you some assurance that all will be well, princess. - your eyes are very serious on mine. - But I can not. They are two unstable criminals, does not plan to us on what they say. - frowns a little forehead. - Maybe this is the modus operandi to confuse even those who are with them. - Per favore, look for Mike. We can help you bring your sister back. - beg. - Call him before one of them kill me. - It will not kill her. - she says vehemently. - you did not hear his plans for you? I cry more. - This will be worse than death for me. - low sob. - Go behind Mike and we both will be free. Do not waste time. His face is even more serious and a sort of quiet desperation down on it. - What forgot to say is that I am a prisoner so as you, princess. - says between teeth. - I can not leave, I can not call anyone. Am Monster slave out there. Already has more than a month since it does not allow me to communicate with anyone. Oh, Dio ... A huge lump forms in my throat. The little thread of hope that felt since she did not apply me the drug seeps slowly out of me. - All I can do for you is not to apply the drug daily. At least, will remain sober ... - shake my head, my bleary eyes, my cold body. - Let us pray, princess. You, so that Mike soon discover who the monster close to him, and I, that the policeman who was with me decides it has enough evidence and invade this damned place! Mike

  Current days....

  I look all the stuff on my desk. bank balances, invoices, lists of goods on behalf of Daniel Slatam. The points being gradually connected, making it clear what kind of fucking bandit is my faithful friend. My fucking best man! Every time I think how I was naive, leaving him so close, giving you access to both my private life, I want to give me a powerful punch in the face, fuck! The final proof that the agent met Falconi is the transfer of all companies in the name of Daniel Turner for a week before his death from natural causes. I doubt this report now. It is likely that Turner has signed his death warrant when it passed full control of their assets. Falconi spent two days listening to the calls of Daniel and this led him to the police in the prison where Turner was serving time. With a few visits and the right financial incentive, one of them opened his mouth and confirmed that Daniel was a kind of older bandit pupil. He has also confirmed that Anthony Edwards was arrested there and was also very close to Turner. Falconi dug a little deeper and found that Daniel appeared a few months after Tony's supposed death, identifying himself as a Turner's nephew. He had undergone a transformation in the face and was not recognized. The same happened with his sister, so never saw familiarity in any of them. A week of this martyrdom. One week they took my little girl. One week when I had to pretend to be crying for the death of Ella. Actually it is not pretending, because the anguish of not knowing its location has haunted us every day. Liam Stone and his band sent us a note of solidarity and mourning decreed in his official page. I felt bad for the guys who have a genuine affection for my princess, but we can not tell the truth to anyone. We need to continue with the scenario until we take a lot of shit that took her. A week in which I have prayed and begged incessantly for us to a clue where it is. A week in which the damned been here every day to give me support. Dam never let me receive him alone for fear I knock you out, tearing the throat of shit. My anger was boiling over low heat with every word out of his mouth. I looked in every detail his Tony traces them and found them here and there. On the last visit, he told me he is planning to expand the business in America and make a trip without forecast to return. We followed all damn day, and nothing. He does not give a ball out even. No attitude suspicion. What distresses me is that infinitely says nothing about having abducted El
la by phone. We hear all the old links, intercepted and nothing new. It only marks meetings and more meetings with what he calls the suppliers, which is justified by its line of business. I get up and look around. Dam is clenching his fists, my father and uncles are with the same fierce expressions. - I'll kill you. - I say calm and lethally, daring them to disagree with me. - If he took Ella, how everything is indicating, I will kill him. - low growl. - Without a tinge of regret. I knock you my bills with willingly Creator but I will not deliver it to the authorities.

  - all look at me, startled, however, with understanding in their faces. - My father did it with Turner and see what happened. The damn fed the snake would come back to cause the most pain. He did all this in a Federal Penitentiary fucked! - You are a prince, figlio. - Uncle Leon speech, calling my attention to it. - The royalty is higher. - twists her nose in disgust. Although I even be tempted to put a bullet in the head that infelice, [13] none of us will. I do not answer him anything. He is more open with me these days. In fact, since almost died from poisoning, they all stopped to look at me with accusation in his eyes. I eased to the bloody act? Yes, I did, damn it! But he would not stop until we get where we are now. We all understand that. There was no way to prepare us when the enemy was very close all the time, knowing our, my weaknesses. Before anyone else give your opinion, the office door opens and my mother comes in, followed by my aunts Julia and Helen. - Enough to stay out of these meetings. If someone offer me another cup of tea I will fight ugly. - Aunt Julia complains, looking directly at her husband and her voice trembles. Eyes so like the Ella swimming in tears. - It's my daughter, I deserve to know everything that's going on. - I fully agree. - my mother passes an arm over her shoulders in clear support and looks to challenge my father. Aunt Helena is the same and endorse, staring at Uncle Dom -. We will stay, any objection? - I just wanted to protect you, mia regina. - My uncle says the softly using only the queen and Ella. - Princess, you are supporting a rebellion? - Uncle Don jokes to relax. My angel, come here. - my father called my mother. They will towards their women and embrace. Harry spends the next few minutes putting the queen and her allies aware of what we have discovered. The Falconi agent is trying to unravel the recent calls of Daniel. He has detected a sort of code in them and are poring over it with the network intrusion experts. I gave one of the rooms for them to settle their secret agent paraphernalia. Moments later, the twins interrupt us, escorting a man. Falconi enters then running over the man. Inflating their nostrils. - Your Highness, we must leave immediately! Found out where the princess is! Everyone is talking at the same time. The twins, Max, Lipe and Anna come inside as well and begin to become aware of everything. My breath, my whole body shaking. - Oh my God! Leon ... - it is the tearful voice of Aunt Julia. - My little princess ... Grazie a Dio, beads. - he answers embargoed. - Let's bring nostra bambina home, love. As? At where? - I ask haphazardly. - In one of the nightclubs owned by Daniel Slatam. - he says and I growl, fire spreading in my bloodstream. It is confirmed. He took her and I'll gut that pile of junk! - The maledeto let out in this code for a sultan of a small country in the Middle East. This man arrived in London today. - to her, fury taking his expression when giving the sentence: - Slatam will negotiate the princess tonight, sir. New wave of shock. My aunt burst into tears, It is supported by the king and children. The whole room erupts in panic. My blood freezes and a dark shiver runs down my spine. The damn want to sell my little girl as a sex slave? Not God. My breathing failure at the news. - Oh my God! Move, agent! Move, damn it! - I run out of the room, into the hallway, driving me to the room where all the weapons and equipment that the Secret Service brought Ardócia, and that Isaac's company provided us. - Lord, if you give me a minute ... - the newcomer strange is right behind me when I open the door and step inside. Falconi and Harry then enter and begin to assemble the men. Dam, the twins, Max and Lipe arrive too flustered. I growl, seeing my brothers and younger. - Do not even think about it, damn it! - I warning and I speak to the man. - I think it is a good time, sir ... - I look, raising an eyebrow in question, as I put my holster, setting it on the shirt. He pulls his identification of the jacket pocket. I'm a federal agent Cassidy and I bring news about Antonella princess. We found its location. I take my Glock and stare at him, giving him all the attention now. The man continued: - I am the glue that women dealer for over eight years and could never catch him. He is very astute, always covers his tracks. - Maledeto! - Dam range also careful to equip. I want to tell him not to go to risk too, but will not hear me. Fuck. The plug's fucked Daniel is mixed up in the gutter. So that could triple the equity of Carl Turner. The Falconi agent was unable to answer for it. The man removes something from his pocket and shows me, I wrinkling his brow at the sight of the well-known face of the woman in the picture. Two years ago I was approached by this woman. Her younger sister just dropped out of a fraternity party and was so even. - the room is silent. We continue preparing and listening to him. - Police investigated at first, but then set aside. Three years ago the event. - he wrinkled his nose in disgust. - You know, there are many cases of missing girls in a town like this ... - Be more specific, per favore, agent. - Dam snarls where you are, thumbing his semiautomatic pistol with impressive skill. - This woman offered to approach Slatam, the man who, according to her, was to blame for the disappearance of his sister. - And was? - I ask impatiently. - Yes, it was. Slatam and sister act within universities. Invitations for girls and handsome boys are left as free to participate in VIP parties at their clubs. - Boys? He trafficked men too? - I ask, surprised. - And it is not too daring to get them at these parties?


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