FORBIDDEN: Book 1;: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection 2)

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FORBIDDEN: Book 1;: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection 2) Page 14

by Taylor Lee

  Shoving at his annoyance, Jax glanced at Viviana. She had jumped to her feet. Startled at her tormented expression, Jax grasped the enormity of the situation. Seeing that her stormy azure eyes were almost black with a mix of emotions, he was dismayed to see her clutch the arm of her chair and tremble when she tried to stand. He rounded his desk. Reaching for her arm, he aimed for lightness. Squeezing her hand, he said, “Hey, you. C’mere.” When she jerked free, he allowed his exasperation to show.

  “Goddammit, Viviana, give me a break. Surely you don’t think that I invited Deidre Cummings to come to the precinct? You have to know how overbearing that woman is.”

  Viviana twisted free and said as she strode toward the door, “Yes, I do.”

  His frustration morphing into outright anger, Jax said in a dangerously low voice, “Where do you think you are going, Sergeant? This meeting isn’t over.”

  Reaching for the doorknob, she tossed her head and said with a sneer, “It isn’t? Says who?”

  Devouring the distance between them in two quick strides, he caught her arm and yanked her up next to him. Scowling at her, he said firmly, “I do.” Clasping her arm, he gave in to his frustration. “Goddammit, Viviana, you have no idea what is going on. You need to listen to me.”

  Twisting free, she glared at him and said angrily, “Why should I?”

  Before he could stop her, she opened the door and stomped out.

  Chapter 19

  Grasping for every shred of composure she had, Viviana met the haughty woman’s gaze with as much nonchalance as she could muster. Feeling his hot breath on her neck, she knew that Jax was looming behind her. She couldn’t imagine what Deidre thought on seeing the two of them storm out of his office. As Deidre rose from her chair, Viviana tipped up her chin and forced a smile across her face. Doing everything she could to keep her voice casual, she said, “Good morning, Deidre. Your timing is excellent. Commander Hughes and I had just finished our meeting.”

  Refusing to give in to the turmoil threatening to bring her to her knees, Viviana forced herself to admit that Deidre Cummings just might be one of the most stunning women she’d ever seen. In the organizational milieu of uniformed officers and casually dressed detectives, the tall woman’s haute couture would have been ridiculously out of place if it weren’t so tasteful. Pleated gabardine trousers emphasized her long, slim legs. Viviana recognized the designer of her impeccably cut jacket, knowing that it doubtless set Deidre back multiple thousands of dollars. She could only imagine how much the smashing Dolce Gabbana sandals and matching handbag cost. She didn’t need Deidre’s sneering glance at her outfit to know that she looked like a lowly cop in her sturdy shoes, casual trousers, and sweater.

  Sauntering toward her, Deidre’s face contorted in what the witch probably thought passed as a smile. She underscored her antagonism when she spoke.

  “Why, good morning, Viviana.” Glancing at Viviana’s clothing, she said, “Although I can see that you are, how do they say it? On the job?” She laughed her tinkling laugh and said, “I’m glad to see that you don’t wear gold lamé to work in the morning. That would be a bit much, even for you.” Glancing at Viviana’s hip, she added with a wide-eyed simper, “My goodness, you even have a gun. How positively scary.”

  Frankly stunned at the arrogant woman’s open antagonism, Viviana stepped back to gather her composure. Running up against Jax’s muscular presence, she lurched forward, trying to put distance between them. When he caught her arm, steadying her, she was sure that her cheeks had to be flaming. She was surprised that his crisp rejoinder to the frowning woman, who was glancing from her to Jax, was as cutting as it was.

  “I didn’t expect you, Deidre. I’m sorry, but you’ve caught me at a busy time.”

  Planting a little-girl pout on her face, Deidre ambled toward him. Reaching for his arm, she said in an accusing voice, “Really, Commander Hughes, I think I may have to report you to the commissioner. There’s such a thing as being overly consumed with your job.”

  Apparently seeing his stern expression, she said quickly, “I didn’t mean to interrupt, Jax. Please forgive me. I just wanted to bring you the background information for our meeting today.” She added with a provocative smile, “I planned to give it to you last night, but when we got absorbed in other things . . . I forgot.”

  Grateful that she’d managed to cross the room and didn’t have to see the haughty woman’s knowing smile confirming that she’d imparted all of the information she’d come to convey, Viviana was almost at her desk when Jax’s voice stopped her. Grabbing the corner of her desk for support, she turned to see him coming toward her. Seeing his rigid expression, she was horrified that he might call her out, embarrass her in front of the squad and that hideous woman. She was relieved when he spoke in a calm voice, although she didn’t miss the cold anger in his emerald-hard eyes.

  “Before you go, Sergeant Moreau, we need to schedule a time to finish our discussion. I have meetings throughout the day, but I have an opening at six o’clock tonight. Let’s plan on meeting then.”

  Grateful that she’d managed to get to the relative safety of the other side of her desk, Viviana pretended to look at her calendar. She shook her head. “Sorry, Commander, I have a dinner engagement this evening.”

  He shot her a cold smile and said in a low voice for her ears only, “That wasn’t a request, Sergeant.”

  Turning on his heel, he marched across the squad room toward the elegant woman leaning seductively by his office door, a triumphant smile curving her surgically enhanced lips. As he passed her desk, Jax said to Madge Peterson, who wasn’t trying to hide her unabashed interest, “Madge, Ms. Cummings and I will be a few minutes.” Guiding Deidre into his office, Jax added loudly enough for Viviana to hear, “Please put my six o’clock meeting with Sergeant Moreau on my calendar. Don’t schedule anything after that.” Shoving Deidre in front of him, he closed the door firmly behind them.

  “Phew! What I wouldn’t give to know what that was all about!”

  Viviana turned to see Mick O’Reilly’s exaggerated grin. Sidling up to her, he pinched her ass. “C’mon, hot stuff, out with it. Tell me, is it possible that the unflappable Commander Hughes got caught with his pants down?”

  Truly horrified, Viviana whirled on him, trying to control her voice. “What are you talking about, Mick? For God’s sake . . . ” Not able to finish her sentence, she let her voice trail off. Snatching her purse, she shoved by him, determined to get out of the squad room before she truly fell apart. Clearly concerned, her partner grabbed her arm, stopping her. “Damn, Vivi, are you okay? Not to put too fine a point on it, you look like hell.” Making it clear that he wasn’t going to let her off without an explanation, he pulled her in front of him and gave her a little shove.

  “C’mon, Sergeant Moreau. We missed our morning coffee two days in a row. You and I are gonna grab some partner time.”


  Resting against the back of the tattered faux leather booth, Viviana closed her eyes and gave in to her fatigue. Hearing the clank of mugs hitting the Formica-topped table and smelling the rich aroma of her favorite coffee, she forced her eyes open to see her frowning partner staring at her.

  Nodding at the coffee, she shrugged. “Thanks, I need that.”

  Mick snorted. “Ya think? Have you looked in the mirror, Vivi? You got circles under your eyes that would make a raccoon jealous.” He added with a concerned frown, “What’s going on, partner? And don’t say nothing, because it ain’t so. Something’s got your panties in a bunch, and I aim to find out what it is.”

  Viviana conceded with a hard sigh. “I’m just tired, Mick. I’ve had a couple of hard days and they caught up with me this morning.”

  Keeping his frown firmly in place, Mick asked, “Is it your new case?” When she nodded, he said, “Any chance you’re gonna bring me into it?” When she pursed her lips and shook her head, he asked, “Is that what you and the commander are struggling over?”

ed at what he was suggesting, Viviana said quickly, “I don’t know what you mean, Mick.”

  Shaking his head, Mick reached over and took her coffee cup out of her hand. Continuing to hold her hand, he said, “Honey, little more than a day ago you told Uncle Mick that you were thinking we should give the big guy a chance. Then this morning you come flying out of his office with him on your tail looking like Darth Vader getting ready to take down the whole damned Jedi alliance. As if that wasn’t interesting enough, who should be waiting for the two of you but that rich bitch Deidre Cummings. Christ, Viviana, you gotta know, you guys got the whole damn squad wondering what the hell is going on.”

  Viviana sucked in a deep breath and sniffed dismissively. “Don’t be so dramatic, Mick.”

  Her partner interrupted before she could continue. “Dramatic, me? Fuckin’ Christ, Viv. Obviously you didn’t see the stink eye Ms. High and Mighty Cummings fired your way. Hell, Vivi, if looks were bullets, you’d be a goddamned sieve right about now.” On a roll, the irrepressible Irishman continued. “Look, we all know that hoity-toity bitch has claimed our hotshot commander, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t stand up and take notice when none other than the Enchantress gets a little too close to her prized stallion.”

  Viviana put up her hands in defeat, realizing that she was too exhausted to argue with her impassioned partner. He must have seen her pull back, because Mick relented. “Look, Vivi, I just want you to know that I’ve got your back. We all know that the commander is trying to put a leash on you.” At her shocked gasp, he corrected himself. “You know what I mean. The guy has heard from the mayor to the fucking meter maids that you ran ragged over Captain Michels. You can’t blame him for trying to make it clear that there’s a new sheriff, make that a new commander, in town.”

  When she continued looking down at the pitted table, not wanting her intuitive partner to see her consternation, he chuckled. “Just so you know, hot shot, the smart money at the precinct and beyond is on the Enchantress. All I gotta say, Viv, is take him down easy. The guy is one cocky son of a bitch, but you can’t help but like and admire him.”

  When she shot him a hard glare, Mick chortled. “Thought that would get you, sugar lips.” He gave an exaggerated sigh. “I’ll be honest, honey, if anybody can contain the almighty Enchantress, it just might be our righteous commander.” He leaned back in his chair and showered her with his infamous, shit-eating grin, indicating that a supersized load of blarney was on its way. The chortling Irishman didn’t disappoint. Winking at her, he said with a drawl, “Sweetheart, take it from a fellow Mick who oughta know. There ain’t nothing purtier than those kinfolk of mine we call the Black Irish. They’re the ones with the Emerald Isle eyes who flash that sparkling grin right before they shove a shiv in your gut.”


  Punching in the number to his burner phone, Viviana waited impatiently for Francis to answer. Remembering O’Reilly’s laughing admonition, Viviana decided she could one-up her partner’s prescient description of their commander. Instead of the damage those striking Black Irish could do shoving their knives into your gut, imagine the pain they could inflict if they drove them into your heart.

  At that moment, her doppelgänger CI responded, his suave bar-owner persona firmly ensconced. She cut through his imaginary conversation with a special supplier and got to the point. “You can just keep chatting, Francis, no matter how ridiculous you sound to me. In fact, why don’t you pretend that you have the love of your life on the line and can hardly wait for your unknowing patrons to get their asses out of there so that you can fuck my brains out?”

  Francis’s voice dripped with false concern. “My, my. I’m sorry to hear that you are having a bad day, my dear. Please tell me how I can help.”

  “I intend to. At that fucking meeting of the mayor’s Select Committee today, I want you to do the following: Get the names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of every damned one of the members. Then I want you to get a photograph of each of them.”

  “Hmm, are you suggesting a group event?”

  She barked, “I don’t care if you shoot them as a group or standing on their heads on the bar naked. I just want a picture of each of them.”

  His voice was conciliatory. “Yes, I think I can see where you are going with this. When did you want the package?”

  “Yesterday, Francis.”

  His response was guarded. “You do know that there will be an additional charge for a rush delivery.”

  “Name your price, Francis. Apparently money is no object to my arrogant commander.”

  Before he could hang up, she said, “One more thing, Francis. I want a meet with Ariel’s pimp.”

  Francis’s concern sounded genuine. “Oh my goodness, I don’t think that is wise or frankly possible.”

  “I don’t give a flying fuck what you think, Francis. Make it happen. Tonight!”

  Viviana didn’t know what felt better, hanging up on her annoying business partner or knowing that she’d figured out how she was going to bring down the high-level prostitution ring. Not to mention how she was going to crucify every fucking john and jane who was raping underage girls.

  Chapter 20

  Viviana breathed a casual sigh into the phone and said, “I know you think I’m trying to avoid meeting with you.”

  Jax’s voice was cool, ripe with sarcasm. It was obvious he was determined not to telegraph what she was sure was his fury. “Now why would I think that, Sergeant Moreau? Surely you can forgive me if I’m a mite suspicious. Perhaps you can understand my concern in that our meeting was scheduled for six o’clock, which according to my watch, was three hours ago.”

  Knowing that she’d had no intention of making the 6:00 p.m. meeting with him, she went with a fifty percent true version of the truth. “I had a chance to meet with my informant. But so far she hasn’t shown.”

  “Is your CI with you?”

  She hesitated, knowing what would likely follow, but she still decided to take him on. “No.”

  “Why not?”

  “I thought it would be better if I handled the meet alone.”

  “That leads me to the obvious question. Where are you, Sergeant?”

  Shoving at a twinge of guilt knowing that she had no intention of telling Jax where she was and certainly not with whom she was planning to meet, Viviana went on the offensive. “I wasn’t aware that I need to account for my whereabouts on a moment-by-moment basis, Commander. And please don’t tell me that I need to have a babysitter when I’m on the job, that I can’t meet an informant by myself.”

  She wasn’t surprised that Jax’s humorous response was strained. “That’s not a bad idea, Sergeant Moreau. I’ll have to see if we have a line item in the budget for babysitters. If not, I’m sure I could justify it for you.” Before she could respond, Jax continued. “I’m not suggesting that you can’t take care of yourself, Sergeant, or that I need a blow-by-blow account of your whereabouts. However, in that we planned to meet three hours ago to discuss your case and you chose not to attend nor had the courtesy to let me know that you were unable to meet, perhaps you can understand why I’m asking for details.”

  Why she decided to take him on now, when she was about to do something very dangerous that would infuriate him if he found out, she could only blame her simmering anger at him for waving the red flag in his face. “A point of clarification, Commander Hughes. You may have thought you had a 6:00 p.m. meeting with me, but as I told you, I had a dinner engagement tonight.”

  The silence between them lasted a full thirty seconds, during which Viviana’s heart rate sped up to her five-minute mile running rate. When he responded, Jax’s voice was cool, but the dangerous edge undergirding it was unmistakable. “As I clearly stated at the time, Sergeant Moreau, meeting with me this evening was not optional. That you chose to blow off our meeting is something we will discuss at a later date. As for tonight, it is now nine thirty. After you meet with your informant—no matter what time it
is—I want you to text me.” When Viviana didn’t respond, he added, “And once again, Sergeant, that is not a request. Please confirm that you understand.”

  Viviana gave an audible snort and said sarcastically, “Sure, why not? I love being treated like a teenager on her first date who has to report her every move to daddy.”

  Jax laughed. “That’s an interesting analogy, Viviana. Not having been a father, but from watching my brother dealing with his headstrong teenagers, I can sympathize.”

  Viviana spit out, “You are such an arrogant—”

  Jax cut her off. “Yes, I am. However, in that you have difficulty following orders, Viviana, I think, in addition to desk duty and spanking your perky ass, I’ll consider chipping you the way they do unruly puppies. That way, I’ll know where you are every minute of the day and night.” Before she could do more than let out an angry shriek, Jax said in a tone that didn’t brook disobedience, “That’s enough, Viviana.” He added, “One more time, Sergeant. No matter what time you get home, text me.”

  Viviana didn’t know which of them ended the call first, but it was all she could do to keep from throwing her cell across the empty dark alley. The sound of a car approaching reminded her that she was in this remote, filthy, rundown place for a reason. She almost wished that she had told her interfering commander that if he thought she was in danger before, he wouldn’t believe what she was about to do now.

  Seeing the 1969 Chevrolet Classic Camaro ZL1 convertible turn off its lights as it approached her, Viviana had a brief shiver of concern. Sly had been adamant that she was making a mistake. He’d warned her that Santiago Lopez was a badass among badasses. Coming from a fellow pimp who wasn’t exactly a boy scout, Viviana knew she had reason to be careful. Nevertheless, she had insisted that Sly call in one of his chips and set up the meet. After recounting a litany of dire deeds that the violent pimp was known for, including eviscerating whores if they disobeyed him and the string of gangland murders Lopez claimed credit for, Sly relented and gave in to Viviana’s demands. As she waited for the Classic Camaro ZL1 to pull up beside her, Viviana remembered her brazen claim to Sly.


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