FORBIDDEN: Book 1;: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection 2)

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FORBIDDEN: Book 1;: Sizzling HOT Detective Series (The Criminal Affairs Collection 2) Page 21

by Taylor Lee

  Turning away, Jax let the recording play out to the damning end. When it ended, he shook his head in disbelief and was quiet for a long moment, then whirled on her. His eyes narrowed further and his voice dropped dangerously low.

  “Let’s consider where we are now, shall we, Sergeant Moreau? Make that where you are. You, my intrepid detective, are now in the crosshairs of a phalanx of powerful men, and yes, one dangerous woman. In addition, a major badass, who is worse than all the rest of them by a magnitude of a thousand, has you in his sights.”

  Taking an ominous step forward, he seemed to consider, then said, “But what is truly unfortunate, at least for you, sweetheart, is that I have you in my sights.” His grimace was rife with disdain. “What you don’t know, but will very soon, is that none of them, including Santiago Lopez, holds a candle to me when it comes to dangerous.” Stepping closer, he said coolly, “I’ve been warning you for days, Viviana, not to dismiss me. But you didn’t believe me, did you?” He gave a dismissive shrug and said with a sneer as he advanced on her, “Sucks to be you, sweetheart, because I plan to make you wish with all your heart that you had listened to me.”

  Seeing the dangerous glint in his eyes, Viviana glanced at the door behind her, planning her escape.

  “Uh-uh, Viviana. Look at me! And I suggest that for once you listen to me.” Waiting until she turned to face him, he pointed to a spot in front of him. “Get your ass over here, sweetheart. Now.” His lips twisted in a scornful grin. “And when you do, take your fucking pants off.”

  Viviana reared back in disbelief, glad that her voice was as derisive as his. “Why ever would I do that, Jax?”

  His grin when he answered her bold question was a scary sight. Moving toward her, he nodded in agreement. “You’re right, Viviana. Don’t take them off. I’d much rather take them off for you. Right before I turn your bare ass over my knees and spank the hell out of you!”

  Viviana startled, then said over her shoulder as she ran for the door, “In your dreams, asshole.”

  In two large steps, he caught her and whipped her around. Holding her tight up against his rigid body, his breath was hot on her cheek. Growling ominously, he said, “No baby, in your worst nightmares.”

  Grabbing her thrashing body, he dragged her across the room. Slamming a chair down in front of the fireplace, he sat down, then yanked her across his lap. Shrieking in disbelief, Viviana cried out when he captured both her hands behind her back. Holding her down, he stripped off her sweatpants. Seconds later, he ripped off her lacy thong and bared her curvy ass to his lusting gaze. She screamed in fury when he clamped her kicking legs between his strong ankles and landed a hard smack on one pale cheek. Before she could break free, he smacked the other cheek.

  She shrieked, “Damn you, Jax, stop! That hurts!”

  He laughed. “Oh honey, I’ve barely begun.”

  Reining a series of sharp swats on her bare ass cheeks, Jax said, “Uh-uh, sweetheart, I’m just getting warmed up.” Remembering her daring to lie to him, his fury flared. “This, damn you to fucking hell, is for all the times you lied to me.” Smack, smack, smack! “And this is for slamming my door after I warned you not to, and this is for hanging up on me.” He didn’t hit her hard enough to bruise her, but he sure as hell wanted her to know come morning that she’d been spanked by an expert. One who was so fucking pissed at her that she was lucky he was pulling his swats. “This, my bad little girl, is for nearly getting killed jumping out of my car in the middle of a fucking monsoon.” Smack, smack, smack! “And this, damn you for the brazen wench that you are, is for blowing off our meeting and confronting Santiago fucking Lopez instead!” He smacked her again hard and added, “And for having the audacity to lie to me about something so dangerous!”

  When her frantic attempts to free herself lessened and her wild shrieks became pleading sobs, Jax knew he’d done enough. Rubbing her ass, which was flaming a bright rosy scarlet, Jax was overcome with a driving lust so powerful, he could barely contain himself. Then remembering her most outrageous affront, his anger flared again, red-hot. In a voice torn with fury he said, “And these, goddamn you, Viviana, are for thinking that I would fuck that skinny bitch Deidre Cummings. When you know damned well that the only woman I’ve ever wanted and ever intend to have is you.”

  After spanking hard each reddened cheek three more times, Jax allowed himself to let go of the anger that her ugly taunts had triggered. Hearing her muffled sobs and knowing that her ass had to be stinging, he lifted her off his lap and laid her on the floor. Staring at his handprints visible on her curvy ass, he felt a surge of dominant male pride. Damn this beautiful, outrageous woman. Maybe marking her like this would convince her that not only would he make her behave but he would make her his. Staring at her rosy ass, Jax knew he’d never wanted a woman more. Grasping her hips in his big hands, he pulled her up onto her hands and knees. Her bright red ass only served to drive his lust to stratospheric levels. Accepting that there was no way he could stop from fucking her, he knelt behind her.

  His voice was ragged with desire. “I need to fuck you, baby.” Lifting her ass higher, he groaned. “I can’t let this flaming ass go to waste. I need to take you, like this. From behind.” Ripping his zipper open, he freed his aroused cock. Spreading her trembling legs apart, he moved between them, then pressed the flared end of his prick against her pussy lips. Feeling the musky dew coating her labia, his voice shook with excitement. “Oh fuck, darling, you’re soaking wet.” Yanking her closer, he groaned. “God, baby, don’t tell me that my feisty little bad girl gets off on having her ass spanked?” Stroking her swollen lips with his eager fingers, he growled. “Tell me, baby, tell me that you want this as much as I do!” At her strangled cry, he smacked one reddened cheek and ordered hoarsely, “Say it, Viviana, say you want me to fuck you the way I want to, dammit it, the way I need to!” Her shattered wail as she pressed her vagina up against his throbbing prick were all the words he needed to hear.

  Chapter 30

  Viviana was shocked at the primal wail that escaped her lips. She wouldn’t have believed that it came from her if she weren’t doing everything she could to get closer to Jax. Not just to him. Specifically to his engorged staff that he was pressing up against the entrance to her throbbing pussy. She hadn’t known it was possible to want anything as much as she wanted him. She needed him to bury himself deep inside of her and bring her to what was sure to be the most passionate orgasm she’d ever had. How could it not be? He had almost thrown her to the floor, then dragged her up onto her hands and knees and warned her that he had to take her, now, hard from behind.

  And that was after he’d had the audacity to spank her. Not a few warning swats or pats on her behind. No, he’d dragged her across his lap, ripped off her pants, including her whisper of a thong, and proceeded to spank her bare ass, hard. At first she couldn’t believe what he was doing. When he’d warned her what he was about to do and then advanced on her with a look that would have made the alpha of all alpha wolves proud, she wrongly assumed that he was just trying to frighten her. But rather than scaring her, his arrogance infuriated her. How dare this impossible man think he could control her, take over her home, her life, and now her body? Inflamed by his audacity, she’d reared up, preparing to fight him. Given the day and night they’d had, she should have known she was fighting a losing battle.

  After he’d practically thrown her into the shower, she’d spent twenty minutes in the blistering water promising herself that once she got warm and if Jax was brazen enough to still be in her home, she was going to throw him out on his ear. She’d hesitated when he greeted her with a steaming mug of Irish coffee and a roaring fire in her fireplace. She had to admit that his looming dark presence was overwhelming. It was hard to resist a man who oozed a combination of power and sheer male sexuality when all he did was pin her with a narrowed stare and a gleam in those remarkable eyes. She’d planned on insisting he leave when that traitor Francis, who she’d thought was her best
friend, decided to throw her to the wolves. Specifically to the scariest, most powerful wolf she knew.

  Viviana had known Jax would be angry if he found out that she’d threatened Santiago Lopez, which was why she hadn’t told him. But even she couldn’t believe his reaction when he watched the damning video. A violent mix of anger, disbelief, and, surprisingly, betrayal crossed his face as he absorbed the extent of what he clearly believed was her deceitfulness. She was glad when his aggrieved expression hardened into righteous cold anger. That, she could handle—or at least she had thought she could until he turned on her. It would be a long time if she ever forgot the image of the powerful man striding toward her, a grin that was anything but pleasant curving his sensuous lips. Too late, she acknowledged how big Jax was, how very masculine. Viviana was strong, a trained fighter, but seeing the man with the taunting grin advancing on her, she knew how a frightened deer felt when a circling wolf prepared to attack.

  When he threw her over his lap and began spanking her bare ass, she was wild with fury, doing everything she could to break his hold. Goddammit, he was hurting her! His spanks were anything but playful. Rather, they were sharp, stinging, painful. Detailing her sins with each sharp blow, he smacked her bare skin from the top of her thighs across every inch of her bottom. Unfortunately, as he thoroughly spanked her, Viviana was stunned to feel something untoward happening to her, specifically in her core. Horrified, she realized that the more he spanked her and the hotter her ass was, the more aroused she was becoming. It was as if the pain inflicted by the powerful man opened a wicked door she’d never been through. His exultant crow confirmed he saw that his dominance excited her. “Don’t tell me my bad little girl gets off on having her ass spanked?” Rather than pushing him away with an embarrassed cry, she confirmed his triumphant insight, begging him to take her, hard, deep.

  His voice was hoarse, ragged, as he grasped her hips in his big hands and spread her legs with his muscular thighs. “Jesus, darlin’, your sweet juices are running down your thighs. Do you know what that does to me? Seeing that you’re as aroused as I am?” His hard groan was deep, guttural. “I’m going to take you, baby, now, from behind. Shove my hard prick up inside of you. Like this!” At her passionate, needy groans, he pressed his cockhead against her swollen pussy and began driving into her. “Is this what you want, baby? You want it like this? Deep? Hard?” Each thrust was more powerful than the one before. His heated demands, as he drove into her, insisting that she respond, drove her excitement higher than she’d thought was possible. But he didn’t stop until he forced her to scale an orgasmic mountain she hadn’t known existed. Her primal cry as she flew over the exhilarating precipice was echoed by his exultant shout that was as impassioned, as wanton as hers.

  Hours later, after Jax had attacked every inch of her body like a marauding pirate, he took mercy on her. Smiling at her swollen nipples that were red, strained from his avid manipulation, he stroked them lightly. “Ah yes, baby, these have to hurt, but I hope they hurt good.”

  While she couldn’t hold back a slight flinch, she nodded in confirmation, admitting to herself that yes, they hurt, but she’d take that residual soreness any day or night if he would feast on her breasts the way he had. While she couldn’t see inside her pussy, she could only imagine how swollen those tissues were. She didn’t know when, if ever, she would forget the orgasmic highs she’d reached at his exorbitant assault on her clit. Jax had found erotic places inside of her and taken her to heights that she didn’t know existed. All of which served to prove that, as ecstatically erotic as their Belize romp had been, it was only a precursor to the passionate worlds they could explore.

  Dazed by the aftermath of their epic hours of lovemaking, Viviana couldn’t squelch her pained groan when he ran his hand across her bottom. Frowning at the grin that flashed across Jax’s face she sniffed. “Right, admit it. The best part of your evening was spanking me.” Rearing up, she scowled at him. “I hope you enjoyed it, because damn you, you will never do that to me again.”

  Jax’s laughter echoed through the hallway as he tromped into the kitchen. He returned minutes later with a couple of towels over his arm and a bowl of water clanking with ice cubes.

  When he motioned to her to roll over on her stomach, she rose up with an aggrieved snort. “Oh right, now just like a little puppy dog, I’m supposed to roll over at your command?”

  Jax shook his head, and his lips quirked up in a grin. “Not like a little puppy dog, but like a naughty girl whose bottom is a sexy shade of pink and has to hurt a little.”

  She glared at him. “A little? Damn you! It hurts a lot! And to repeat, you will never do that again.”

  Rolling her onto her side, Jax stretched his big body alongside her. His appreciative sigh as he stroked her backside confirmed that her ass was as inflamed as it felt.

  Before she could repeat her angry threats, he dipped one of the towels into the icy water, wrung it out, and laid it against her sore bottom. She couldn’t hold back her gasp. For a grateful moment, she allowed herself to give in to the soothing coolness, then she quickly roused, needing to make her point. “You spanked me, Jax.”

  “Yeah, baby, that I did,” he said with no small amount of pride in his voice. Before she could protest, he added, “But, Viviana, you have to admit that I warned you. Multiple times, as I recall.” He nuzzled her neck and said in a sexy drawl as he wrung out another cold towel and replaced the first one that was already warm. “And just so you know, little girl, you do one-tenth of the naughty things you’ve done in the last couple of weeks and you’ll be lucky to get your trousers over your swollen ass.”

  “How dare you, Jax . . . ”

  Pinching her cheek, Jax smiled at her. “Oh, honey, I dare. Even you must know that by now.”

  Jax reached for one of the cooled towels and spread it on the floor. Laying her on it, he studied her naked body, then his lip quirked up in a sly grin. Chucking softy, Jax bent her knees up and nudged them apart. To her surprise, he reached into the bowl of icy water, then separated her puffy labia and inserted an ice cube into her hot pussy.

  At her involuntary shriek and body-shaking tremor, he pulled her up next to him and whispered wickedly in her ear, “See, my naughty girl, there are many ways that I can punish you when you are bad. And some of them, make that most of them, will feel surprisingly good . . . even if they hurt at first.”


  Viviana didn’t know how long she slept or even if she did. Her dreams were so incredibly erotic that it was hard to believe that what had happened in reality was even more provocative than her dreams could ever be. She had a blurred memory of Jax carrying her into her bedroom and lying down beside her. The last thing she remembered was him holding her in his arms, whispering loving words of praise. Now, as she allowed herself to slowly come to consciousness, she heard the murmur of low voices from the living room. Recognizing the voices, she forced herself awake.

  There was no mistaking Jax’s deep, resonant tones. The sound of his voice brought back a rush of erotic memories that sent shivers of excitement over her well-loved body. But it was the other voice that shoved her heated thoughts to the background. Easing herself out of bed, amazed at all the places on her naked body that were aching, places she hadn’t known could ache, Viviana acknowledged the hard reality. For some unknown reason, Francis Fleming, once her best friend in the world and now most infamous traitor, was in her living room. Worse, he was engaged in a serious conversation with her commander who, she admitted, was her passionate lover.

  Dragging a pair of hip-hugger sweats over her hips, she tugged on an exercise bra, moaning when the stretchy fabric skimmed her sore nipples. Glancing in the mirror, she was horrified to see the beard-roughened scrapes on her chest and reddened places on her neck that looked like bite marks. She didn’t have to look at her bare butt to know that Jax’s ministrations would be visible for some time to come. Acknowledging that a burka would be the only way she could hide her love-battere
d body, she gave up and yanked on a revealing tank. Armored with her indomitable spirit and no small amount of anger, she prepared to face the two men who had taken over her living room—and her life.

  Knowing the effect that Jax had on her ability to resist, she focused her angry glare on Francis, who looked appropriately startled when he saw her. Throwing a quick side-glance at Jax, she said, “I knew I couldn’t have expected you to be gone.” Glowering at Francis, she said, “But I did think that you would have the decency never to darken my doorway again.” She flicked her fingers at the flushed man with a dismissive gesture. “Out. Now. Traitorous man. And don’t bother ever coming back.”

  When Francis shook his head and exhaled a deep sigh, Jax rose to his feet and was at Viviana’s side in seconds. He reached for her arm and pulled her up next to him. Turning to the aggrieved man, he said, “Sorry, Francis. I apologize for our hostess. She gets testy before she has her morning coffee. We’ll address that need in a moment, after I say good morning to my wayward sergeant.”

  He tipped up her chin and smiled down at her, his eyes twinkling with humor. “Good morning, Sergeant Moreau. I trust you slept well.” When she just growled at him, he yanked her closer and murmured, “If you don’t behave, Viviana, I might have to sit you on my lap.” He slipped his hand inside her sweatpants and pinched her bare bottom. At her shocked squeal, he slid his hand around her hip and squeezed it. “In fact, I think that is exactly what I will do after I get a cup of coffee into you and see if caffeine can sweeten your bad temper.”

  Leading her over to the armchair across from Francis, he parked her in it. Ignoring Francis’s surprised glance from one to the other of them and interested perusal of the marks on Viviana’s body, Jax strode to the bar and picked up the coffee pot. He shot Francis a questioning glance. “Do you need a refill, Francis? I can dose it with whiskey if you need liquid courage to face this irascible woman.”


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