Taming My Prince Charming

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Taming My Prince Charming Page 5

by J. S. Cooper

  “I’m not a virgin.” I whispered back at him and squirmed on the bed.

  “Your anal virginity.” He grunted and I felt him pull my shorts down exposing my ass. I felt his teeth biting down on my butt cheek and then he licked down my crack. “I want to show you things you’ve never even dreamed of.”

  “Xavier.” I jumped up off the bed and pulled my shorts up quickly. “What are you doing?”

  “Don’t worry my sweet Lola. I wasn’t going to take it right now. It’s something you have to be willing and waiting for.”

  “Don’t hold your breath.” I stared at him in shock as my face grew warm. Did he really think that I was going to allow him to do me in the ass? I blushed just thinking about it. How could that give me any pleasure?

  “You’re over thinking it, sweetpea.” He laughed as I looked up in shock. “I know you’re thinking ‘how did I know’ what you’re thinking, but it’s written all over your face. I think you’ll be surprised by just how much you enjoy it.”

  “I’m not talking about this now.” I shook my head. “I’m not interested in you doing that to me.”

  “What are you interested in me doing to you?”

  “I want you to tell me more about the club.” I asked him and watched as his eyes glinted with excitement.

  “I’m sure you do.” He grinned at me. “But I’m not going to tell you anything else right now.”

  “When are you going to tell me?” I said, starting to feel frustrated. There was something about not knowing that made you want to know even more.

  “Tonight. I’ll tell you tonight.”

  “At the dinner party?”

  “No.” He grinned. “Afterwards.”


  “Don’t be disappointed.” He laughed. “Trust me, it will be worth the wait.”

  “We’ll see.” I rolled my eyes at him. “If it has anything to do with you trying to feel up or enter my ass, I won’t be a happy woman.”

  Xavier’s lips twitched as I finished talking and I watched as he burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” I mumbled as he pulled out a pair of jeans from his closet.

  “Nothing my dear Lola, nothing at all.”


  “Try this dress on.” Xavier held up a deep red velvet dress with a plunging neckline. “I think you would look marvelous in it.”

  “Don’t you mean you think you will look good in it?”

  “Oh, of course.” His eyes laughed at me. “I’ll look just as sexy as you will.”

  “Uh huh.” I grinned. “Though you’ll have to get a smaller bra for your a-cups.”

  “I have to admit that I’m glad we don’t share the same bra-size.” His fingers crept to my right breast and he cupped it delicately. “I’m so glad that you’re a D cup.”

  “I’m not a D cup.” I brushed his hand away and blushed as I saw the saleswoman staring at us.

  “Double D?”


  “Triple D?” He grinned.

  “I’m a C cup.”

  “A very generous C cup at that.” He winked at me and handed me the dress. “Now try this on and make sure you don’t wear your bra.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “The neckline is plunging.” He shrugged. “A bra will not be appropriate.”

  “A dress that requires me to not wear a bra is not appropriate for me period.”

  “Just try it on.” His lips curled. “And try this one on as well.” He handed me a slinky black dress with sheer lace at the bosoms,

  “Are you joking?” I gave him a look. “Everyone would see my breasts.”

  “Just try it on.”

  “I’m not going to wear either of these dresses to your parents’ dinner party tonight. No way, Jose.”

  “It’s not for the dinner party, it’s for afterwards.”

  “What’s happening afterwards?”

  “You’ll see.” He licked his lips slowly. “It’s all part of the surprise.”

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head as my heart raced. “I’m not sure I’m down for any of this.”

  “Do you want to have the time of your life? Do you want to experience the rush of adrenaline that only extreme physical intimacy can provide?”

  “Extreme physical intimacy?” I repeated. “What does that mean?”

  “Wait and see.”

  “Fine.” I grabbed the dresses and sighed, though inside I was feeling very very excited. “But what about a dress for the dinner party? Or are you expecting me to wear the polka dot dress again?”

  “You could wear anything you wanted to wear and I’d still want to fuck the living daylights out of you.”

  “Xavier.” My eyes widened at his vulgar talk. “That’s not appropriate.”

  “When will you learn, Lola? I’m the least appropriate man you will ever meet.”

  “I think I’ve figured that out already.” I retorted back at him and he laughed. I walked into the changing room, half suspecting that he was going to walk in behind me. I was pleased when he didn’t and I took my clothes off quickly before slipping on the red dress. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and gasped. The V neckline was low. Really low. My breasts were practically popping out of the dress, though only the swell of them were exposed. I bit down on my lower lip as I realized how close to the nipple the material ended. A wrong turn or move and I’d be popping out. There was also a huge slit in the dress than ran all the way all to my thigh and exposed a lot of leg. The dress was sexy as hell and the red complimented my skin tone, but still, I was unsure.

  “Are you ready yet, Lola?” I want to see the dress.

  “I guess, hold on.” I sighed and opened the door slowly. I watched Xavier’s eyes widen as I walked out. He stared at me like a wolf stared at a plump juicy pig he was seeing for the first time. I walked towards him and then back again. Xavier’s eyes never left my body and when I stopped in front of him again, he nodded with a small smile on his face.

  “This dress will be perfect for tonight.” His voice was throaty and his eyes narrowed as he surveyed me again, with a pleased smile on his face. “In fact, it will be more than perfect.” He nodded. “Now try on the other dress.”

  “Why?” I frowned. “If we both like this one.”

  “Do not argue with me.” He turned away as the saleswoman approached us. I wondered what she was thinking. She’d been giving me jealous stares since Xavier and I had arrived at the store. I knew she was in disbelief that I was the fiancée. I was the one that had ‘stolen’ the playboy Prince’s heart. I knew she didn’t understand what he saw in me. I could see it in the narrowing of her eyes as I’d walked into the store. She was thinking to herself, what does this girl have that I don’t? How did she catch the heart of the Prince? She didn’t know that the engagement was a sham. Frankly, I wouldn’t have put up with the sham if it wasn’t for the very real chemistry that we had between the sheets. I wanted to experience the intensity of the highs he gave me some more. I wanted to ride the rollercoaster ride he wanted to take me on, only I was scared to admit it. How did you admit to yourself that you wanted a sexual relationship with a man you knew would never be able to commit to you? And how did you have a sexual relationship with a man that you knew in your heart and soul you wanted more from? I’d already made that mistake once. I’d given myself to my college boyfriend, fully thinking he was going to be the one. I’d only ever imagined myself with one man. I’d never been the sort of girl that needed to sow her wild oats. I’d never been the sort of girl that needed multiple men to tell me I was attractive. I’d never been the sort of girl that needed to see what it felt like being with other men. Part of me was glad that it hadn’t worked out with any of my college boyfriends. If it had, I never would have gotten to experience the magnetic attraction and explosions that came with Xavier. Xavier was a man that knew what he was doing. He was a master of pleasure. He was my master of pleasure. I knew that I wanted to experience everything that he was w
illing to show me. I knew this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Only I didn’t know how to admit it to him or myself out loud.

  “Are you okay, Lola?” He touched my shoulder lightly. “You’ve been thinking about something for a long time.”

  “Oh, yeah.” I turned around. “Let me try on the other dress.” I hurried into the dressing room again and pulled off the velvet dress. I took the black dress off of the hanger and pulled it on. It fit perfectly and clung to my body. I patted down the skirt and then looked in the mirror. “Oh hell no.” I muttered as I stared at my clearly visible breasts. There was no way in hell that I was going to wear this dress anywhere.

  “I’m waiting to see it.” Xavier’s voice boomed from outside the door.

  “I’m not coming out.” I muttered, picturing the sales girls face if she saw me in the dress.


  “I said no. There’s no way I’m coming out of the changing room in this dress,”

  “Let me come in then.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Lola.” He banged on the door. “Let me come in.”

  “Hold on.” I sighed and opened the door slowly. Xavier walked in immediately and closed the door behind him.

  “Look at me.” He ordered me and I turned around to face him. His eyes fell to my breasts immediately and he grinned. “Sexy.” He pushed me back up against the wall and pushed himself into me as his fingers ran to cup my breasts.

  “What are you doing?” I groaned as he pinched my nipple.

  “What do you think I’m doing?” He pulled me up against the wall and lifted the skirt of the dress up.

  “Xavier.” I gasped as I wrapped my legs around his waist. “We can’t do this.”

  “Why not?” He grinned and pulled my panties down. “We can do whatever we want.”

  “The sales girl is waiting on us.”

  “Who cares?”

  “Xavier.” I pushed him away. “No.”

  “You say that word entirely too much.”

  “I say it because you deserve to hear it.”

  “I’d rather hear yes.”

  “I’d rather say yes, but that doesn’t mean anything. If you don’t give me a reason to say yes, I won’t.”

  “I give you a million reasons to say yes.” He groaned and stepped back as my feet found the ground. “Get dressed. I’m going to take you to a museum.”

  “What about my dress for that party?”

  “I’ll have twenty dresses shipped over for you in your size. You can choose your favorite when we get in.”

  “That’s too much money. You can’t do that!”

  “I’m a Prince. I can do what I want.”

  “Whatever.” I shook my head. “I’m going to change back into my own clothes now, if that’s okay with you?”

  “I’d rather you change back into nothing, but you’re not really listening to what I say, are you?”

  “Xavier, I don’t know what power you have over other women, but you really don’t have that power over me.” I laughed at the annoyed look on his face. “I’m not just going to drop my panties when you say so.”


  “Yeah, it’s a pity for you. I’m not impressed by your Prince status. I know what an asshole you really are.”

  “You hurt my feelings, Lola.” He clutched his heart. “How shall I ever survive?”

  “Funny.” I rolled my eyes at him.

  “Was that not a joke?” He grinned and then winked at me. “You seem to be full of jokes.”

  “Get out please.” I pushed him towards the door. “I want to change now and no, I don’t want you in the room.”

  “Fine. I shall go out and pout while I wait for you, like a temperamental little girl.”

  “Are you calling yourself a girl? Is there something you want to tell me?” I smiled widely at him. “First you were talking about wearing dresses and now you’re using little girl expressions. Are you trying to tell me you’re about to make a change?”

  “A change?” He frowned at me and then I saw as his eyes changed and he got my joke. “I should take you over my knee and spank you.”

  “No thanks. You’d like that too much.” I laughed.

  “I think it is you that will like it too much.” He grinned. “And the day is young, there is still plenty of time tonight for you to find out how much you like being spanked.”

  “Yeah.” I walked over to him and tilted my head up and him. “Let me tell you this. If you spank me, I will be spanking you too.”

  “Oh?” Xavier licked his lips and he leaned in towards me and whispered in my ear. “I like it when you talk dirty to me, Lola. It turns me on.”

  “What doesn’t turn you on?” I answered him lightly and he laughed.

  “Touché.” He nodded. “When it comes to you, there isn’t much that doesn’t turn me on.” He winked at me again and walked out of the room. I leaned back against the door and sighed. I was in way over my head. I had no idea what I was going to do. If I was smart, I’d tell him that I wasn’t going to be a part of this anymore. I’d tell him I needed to go back to London right now. This very instant. I didn’t even care if I didn’t get my bags. If I was smart I wouldn’t let another hour go by in his company. There was something so hypnotizing about him and I was grappling internally over my lust for him and my worry for my own self-preservation. I just didn’t see how this could work out for me. In any way. I didn’t want to experience heartache, but a part of me wondered if it wasn’t a small price to pay to have one of the most magical summers of my life. I just didn’t know if the pleasure was going to be worth the inevitable pain I knew was coming.


  The chiffon dress fit me perfectly and I stared at my reflection in amazement. My hair was being obedient for once and looked silky and smooth. My makeup looked perfect and I grinned as I spun around the room. I felt like a princess. Even if I was a fake one. My heart beat fast as I wondered what Xavier was going to say. He’d never seen me dressed up like this. I hoped he would be impressed, though I was sure he’d been with plenty of beautiful women in his life. I heard the door opening and I paused as he walked in. He stopped as he gazed at me. His eyes narrowed as he looked me over and I couldn’t tell what he was thinking from the expression on his face.

  “Are you ready?” He said finally and turned away from me.

  “Yes.” I answered him, feeling disappointed. Did he think I looked bad?

  “Okay, we need to go down in a few minutes.” His voice sounded angry. “There are a lot of people you’ll be meeting tonight. Do not worry if you don’t remember their names, these are not people you’ll be meeting many times.”

  “Okay, that’s good to know.” I mumbled and stared at him.

  “Do you need anything before we go down?” He gave me another quick glance and I shook my head. Why was he acting like this? “Good, dinner won’t be too long.”

  “And then we’re going out afterwards?”

  “I’m not sure.” He looked at me again and pursed his lips as he studied my face. His green eyes looked annoyed and slightly dazed and I wondered if he was okay.

  “Are you okay?” I asked him softly.

  “I’m fine.” He snapped and turned away from me. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” I ran my hands down my thighs and took a deep breath. “Let’s do this. Is there anything I should know?”

  “Anything like what?” He turned back at me and frowned.

  “I don’t know. Things your fiancée should know that I don’t.”

  “You know everything you need to know.” He opened the door.

  “We haven’t even discussed the engagement or anything.” I hurried out as we walked down the grand corridor. “How did you propose?”

  “Figure something out.” He shrugged and then laughed. “What a mess this is.”

  “We don’t have to go through with it.” I whispered, feeling extremely self-conscious.

  “Go through with what?”
He stopped at the top of the stairs. “We’re not actually getting married, you do know that right?” His eyes narrowed as he stared at me. “Or were you hoping for something else?”

  “Excuse me? What’s that supposed to mean? Am I hoping for something else?” My voice rose. “You’re the one that made me come here to be a part of this farce.”

  “Fine, as long as you don’t think this is going to end in a big wedding with you becoming a Queen.”

  “I wouldn’t want to marry a jerk like you.” I hissed annoyed. “In fact, I want to go home tomorrow. I’m done with this and with you. You can’t just speak to me like I’m some sort of—”

  “You look very beautiful tonight, Lola.” His voice dropped as he interrupted me. “Very very beautiful. I’m happy you’re here with me. Fake engagement or not.”

  “I, uh.” I stared at him in shock. Had he really just said that? He thought I was beautiful? He was happy I was here? What??

  “Let’s go do this thing, yeah?” He grabbed my hand. “Let’s go make our grand entrance, everyone is waiting to meet you.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of.” I mumbled under my breath as we made our way down the stairs. I could hear the sounds of violins and a piano playing. There were hundreds of people milling around the palace and I felt my stomach rumbling out of nerves. We were so not prepared for this. Everyone was going to know the engagement was a sham.

  “It’ll be okay, Lola, breathe.” Xavier whispered as we stepped into the hallway. He gave me his first real smile of the night. “Now, let’s go and have some fun.”


  His View

  I watched Tarquin’s eyes widen as he stared at Lola in her dress. His expression held the admiration and appreciation I’d felt when I’d seen her. I hadn’t been prepared for the gamut of emotions that had hit me when I’d seen her in her dress and her small hopeful smile had frightened me. I was not interested in falling for Lola. I was not interested in love. I didn’t want my heart to tighten when I stared at her. Like now. She was smiling at Tarquin as if he were her fiancé. It irritated me. Didn’t she realize that Tarquin might take her smile the wrong way? He might think she was interested in him. I grew angry just thinking about it.


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