Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3)

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Prime Imperative (The Prime Chronicles Book 3) Page 15

by Monette Michaels

  “Is it making love,” Bria asked, “or is it merely mating?”

  “It’s always love between Prime bond mates.” Iolyn laid her on the bed. He swept his hands over her gentle curves and groaned. “Once we complete the physical joining, we’ll be one…mind, body, and soul.”

  Iolyn straightened and pulled his shirt over his head. Then he traced his bond mark, which was hot to the touch.

  Bria gasped and touched her mark through the shirt she wore.

  “See? We’re already connected partially in body, the sensory part, but with the actual joining of our bodies, culminating in our mutual ecstasy, we’ll then be joined in our souls, our hearts,” he stressed the last word, “and nothing and no one will ever come between us. We’ll be one. If that’s not love, well, no mate-bonded Prime couple has ever said differently.”

  As he stripped off the rest of his clothing, Bria’s pupils dilated until only a thin rim of amber showed. Her nipples poked at the thin fabric of her borrowed shirt. She was definitely aroused and liked what she saw.

  Iolyn was thrilled she desired him. Now, he’d see if she could handle a dominant Prime male in her bed.

  “Take off the shirt, my gemate. Show your gemat the mark which makes you mine.”


  Iolyn’s low, husky baritone was filled with a masculine authority she’d normally challenge. But that was in the workplace. In this, their bedroom, she found herself hurrying to comply. She sensed it would give him more pleasure for her to strip for him, than for him to tear the shirt off her body—though that image made her wet and her heart skip a beat.

  Who knew she’d be sexually excited by a dominant male? That she’d want to please him?

  Bria sat up and slowly inched the overly large shirt up her torso, exposing her naked flesh a centimeter at a time. When she uncovered her dark feminine curls, Iolyn groaned and muttered in a raw, raspy tone, “Diew, save me.”

  His obvious arousal at the sight of her pussy made her smile. While Iolyn might be dictating the path to their joining, she was the one in control of his reactions. It was a heady feeling.

  After she was naked, she sat, one hand bracing her on the bed and the other covering her gemate mark, and waited for his next command.

  His molten amber gaze burned her skin as he looked her up and down. “You’re very beautiful, cwen.” He stared at her lower abdomen and the hand she’d placed there. He frowned. “Lie down, lubha. Move your hand. I wish to see your gemate mark.”

  Bria lay back. Before she moved her hand, she traced the heated whorls of color. They began to swirl. She gasped as something akin to electricity seemed to flow between her and Iolyn.

  Iolyn must’ve also felt the supercharged current since he swore under his breath. She sought his gemat mark. It had grown darker and swirled at the same beat as her heart, her mark, her core. Then she dragged her gaze away from his mark and moved lower. His cock, already hard and pointing straight upward, twitched as if it had palsy. The purpled crown of his erection glistened with pre-cum.

  “Stop. Stroking. Your mark,” Iolyn gritted out the words even as he took hold of his cock and squeezed the base until his knuckles showed white. “Our marks are directly linked to each other’s sexual response. I’ll come if you don’t stop.”

  Bria covered her mark, but no longer stroked it. “Really?”

  Iolyn’s answer was to touch a finger to his mouth, wet it…then he traced the marking on his chest.

  Bria gasped, then squeaked as her hips thrust upward. It was as if her sex sought Iolyn’s cock. As he continued to stroke his marking, her inner muscles clenched around an all-too-empty space. Her clit engorged to the point of throbbing pain.

  If Iolyn didn’t stop teasing his mark…she’d come—for the first time in her life without a vibrator.

  “No,” she cried out, “please, I want you in me when I climax.”

  Iolyn stopped caressing his mark and joined Bria on the bed. He moved over her, his thighs between her legs, his cock lying over her mound, and his arms braced on each side of her upper body.

  He was so much bigger than her. She should’ve felt threatened, but instead she felt safe, protected.

  “I’ll be in you many…” He slid his hot, smooth-skinned cock up and down over her moist slit, stopping just short of insertion on each up stroke. “…many times before we reach Oz. The first few times must be for you. If I entered you now, I’d erupt at the first touch of your silken channel.”

  Bria couldn’t help arching into his body. All she could think of was that she wanted…no…needed his cock inside her to ease the ache which threatened to drive her insane.

  But her man wasn’t budging off the ladies’ first notion.

  Stubborn, alpha-male, thinking he knows what I need.

  What she needed was his cock inside her, filling her achy sex.

  Holding back was costing Iolyn, though. His neck muscles were taut, his breathing labored. His heart pounded like a marathon runner's. His emotional aura was flaming hot with desire.

  Iolyn’s magnificent body shuddered above her and glistened with sweat—as he held back the primitive urges to take her like a rutting bull. And his every thought was about completing the final stage of the bond—the Prime imperative—but only after making sure she was satisfied first.

  Bria buried her face against his muscled shoulder, then tempted the beast within her man. She licked and nipped along his shoulder. She moaned. He tasted—yummy. Decadently yummy.

  Iolyn groaned. “What are you trying to do to me, cwen?"

  Cwen meant my woman. Bria had managed to talk just long enough with Nadia on the shuttle from the jump station to the Galanti to ask her what the word meant. She liked being his woman, and no other’s. It was what she’d wanted as far back as she could remember—to belong to someone and have them belong to her.

  “I’m trying to get us both some satisfaction, gemat.” She traced a pulsing muscle along Iolyn’s jaw with her tongue. “You’re so tense. I feel your need—and, sweetheart, it feeds mine.”

  He groaned. “Lubha, I’d hurt you if I took you now. I need to prepare you.” He took her lips in a deep, carnal kiss. One hand braced his body over her, and the other massaged one of her breasts, his thumb brushing over her nipple until it puckered to the point of pain. Pleasurable pain.

  The kiss was unlike any Bria had ever received—and she only had slightly more experience with kissing than with intercourse. Previously, kissing had been, at a minimum, uncomfortable and, at the worst, nauseating.

  But Iolyn’s kiss was delicious and exciting. His deep tongue thrusts had her wanting his cock in her—hard and deep and rough. And now.

  Gripping Iolyn’s shaggy-to-the-collar dark hair, and after a temporary moment of distraction over his hair’s thick, raw silk texture, she tugged. She’d have enough time later to play, stroke, and pet his hair after the edge of their mutual need had been taken down a notch or two—or three.

  When Iolyn didn’t take the hint and halt the kiss—which had gone from hot to fissionable and made her break out in a full-body, moist glow—she moaned and pulled on his plentiful locks harder.

  Iolyn broke away from the kiss on a low groan. “Lubha, was I too rough? Did I scare you?” As he spoke, he peppered sweet kisses over her nose, cheeks, and on a sensitive spot behind her ear. As he did so, he cupped and stroked first one breast, then the other, threatening to drive her crazy with desire.

  Scared? Pfft. She wasn’t scared, she was—what was the Twenty-First Century Earth word?—oh, yeah, horny. She was as horny as hell and needed satisfaction. Now.

  “Read me.” She slid her hands from his hair to cup his face and then turned it so she could look into his fiery golden eyes. Then she enunciated, slowly, “Read. Me. See—what I need.”

  Bria dropped the mental shields she’d grown so used to having in place and let him into her mind as deeply as their telepathic connection would allow.

  His face lit up as his mind lovingly str
oked hers. The sensation was amazing. His mind-touch felt like gossamer threads trailing through her consciousness. She could actually feel his emotions and reactions as he examined and cherished each thought he came across. Felt his excitement as he took in each of her sexual fantasies. She, in turn, read his sexual cravings, of how he wanted to cherish and make love to her.

  Now, what she lusted for was Iolyn to take her as wild and hard as he needed. He could be gentle and creative later when both of them were exhausted and sore from the early marathon of gemat-gemate bonding sex. Even after the early mating heat was done, Lia had told her bonded mates still craved each other as often as two to three times a day for up to ten standard years. They’d have many opportunities over the coming years to go gentle and slow.

  “You’re amazing,” Iolyn breathed the words with adoration and awe, “but—”

  Bria leaned up and covered his lips with hers, swallowing the protest she found in his mind. After several seconds, she pulled away and whispered, “You’re worrying too much. Take me. Now.”

  She followed her words by placing a hand on his tight ass and pulling him against her lower body, forcing his cock to breach her opening. They both inhaled at the sensation of his cockhead stretching her widely.

  “Diew.” Iolyn closed his eyes as if praying. His body trembled above hers. “So tight. So good.”

  “Give me more.”

  Iolyn’s eyes flared open. They glowed like a million stars. “Then that’s what you’ll get.” Bracing himself on one arm, he slid his other hand under her bottom, cupped it, and pushed into her with one unrestrained thrust.

  Bria grunted. His cock was big and thick and filled her to the point of…pain…then pleasure. Her neck arched. She closed her eyes as she teetered on the verge of a conflagration she might not survive. But she sure wanted to try.

  But to get there, Iolyn needed to move his so-fine ass.

  “Iolyn,” she begged, “please…fuck me.”

  Her devious lover laughed. “No, you little menace, I control the pacing. Always. Now, be still. You need to adjust to my length and girth before I start pounding away on your sweet body.”

  “Move it, Caradoc, or—”

  “Or what, little cwen? You’ll make me?” Iolyn chuckled.

  Iolyn rotated his hips, grinding against her mons. The pressure on her clit was almost enough to tip her over, but not quite. She mewled her need. “Iolyn-n-n.”

  He leaned over and licked and nipped a path from her jaw to her ear where he gently bit the lobe then suckled the slight sting. “Not going anywhere.”

  Bria gasped as heat lightning swept down her spine and targeted her clit. She clenched around his dick.

  Iolyn threw back his head and groaned low in his throat. “Taking. My. Time.”

  His jaw tight, he pulled out slowly and then thrust into her sheath in one quick move. A mini-spasm resulted, and she moaned as pleasure suffused her lower body. It was divine, but not nearly enough.

  “Pacing, smacing.” Bria lifted her head and placed biting kisses along his jawline across his chin and upward to suck his lower lip between her teeth. She released his lip then laved the redness.

  His lusty groan made all her female parts happy. She affected him as much as he did her.

  “Make me come…” my arrogant gemat, “because…”mate,“…I’m about to go out of my ever…” She bit his chin. “…loving…” She teethed his neck. “…mind.” She bit his shoulder.


  The bite on the shoulder did it.

  Iolyn roared. His cock still planted fully in her tight channel, he surged upward, onto his knees. With one hand holding her bottom off the bed, he pulled up one of her legs and braced it on his shoulder. Then he positioned his hands, so one each cupped her ass cheeks and held her in place. Her lower body was going nowhere he didn’t want it to go.

  “Put your other leg on the opposite shoulder, Bria. Now,” he gritted out between clenched teeth as she flexed her vaginal muscles around his cock, testing his control.

  When she didn’t move fast enough to suit him, he braced her sweet ass with one hand and dragged the other leg onto his shoulder. “Like that, my little menace.” Then he rotated his hips, grinding his pubic bone against her clit.

  Bria screamed and tried to move away from him.

  Too late, peata. You asked for it…you got it.

  Iolyn continued to rotate and grind, but he didn’t thrust. He smiled at the picture she made as she clutched at the bedcovers and tossed her head from side to side as she tried to reach for her pleasure. Her body was under his control, and it would be his pleasure to give her what she so desperately needed.

  When he pulled his cock out until just the head breached her opening, she moaned, “No-o-o,” and reached to hold him to her.

  “Put your hands back on the bed, lubha.”

  When she did, he thrust back into her fully. She grunted, and her breasts shook from the momentum. He continued to pull back and then thrust. In. Out. In. Out. In a slow, steady pace that held them both on the edge of a high precipice.

  Iolyn turned his head and licked one ankle and then took a small nip of her satin-smooth calf.

  Bria shrieked, “Iolyn—” and his cock twitched inside her at the sound.

  Her every breath brought a moan or a cute little grunt as he slowly built her pleasure to the tipping point. Her breasts swayed sensuously with the rhythm of his thrusts. In. Out. In. Out.

  As sweat poured down his spine and his balls tightened to the point of excruciating pain, he knew he had to bring her off soon or end up losing control over his own orgasm. He moved one hand from holding her ass to rub his thumb through her musky juices then spread them over her engorged clit. Two swipes of his thumb, and Bria screamed her climax. Her pleasure swamped his senses, his mind, saturated his every pore, and fed his need to come.

  Holding onto her ass with both hands once more, Iolyn let his fierce control loose and began pounding into her sex so hard and fast that Bria’s upper torso moved up and down on the bed. Her breasts bounced wildly now. The only sounds coming out of her were unintelligible grunts and gasps. He touched her mind and found a dreamscape of an infinite universe with billions of exploding stars.

  As her body clenched and pulsed around his cock and her sexy little noises made him crazier with lust, he continued to soar until his pleasure-pain reached an apex and then he fell, roaring his orgasm against her neck. His cock fully lodged inside her hot, velvet channel, he held still as he released jet after jet of cum.

  Locked together physically, he shared her pleasure and she, his. His mind merged with hers and took flight, leaving the real plane of existence.

  Bria’s feminine essence twined and curled and tempted his masculine one until his spirit essence took hers into his. Their souls were now one, never to be separated in life or death.

  The gemat-gemate bond was complete.

  As he fell back into his body, he and Bria experienced another powerful joint orgasm, then another, and then another until neither of them could climax any longer.

  Iolyn wasn’t sure how he managed it, but he pulled his spent cock from an unconscious Bria. He arranged her limp body on the bed. He ran gentle fingers over her sensuous curves with a sense of wonder and again thanked the One for gifting him this special woman. Then, more exhausted than he could ever remember being, he crawled into bed alongside her and pulled the covers over their damp, cooling bodies. He turned onto his side, pulled her sweet bottom against his cock, then placed an arm over her waist and his leg over her legs. He wanted…no, needed her close.

  Finally, he planted his face into her sweet-smelling hair and let the welcoming darkness take him.

  He was home now…and it felt wonderful.

  Chapter 13

  Later that day, Iolyn’s quarters

  Bria woke slowly. Stretching, she discovered aches and twinges of pain in muscles and places on her body she was damn sure she’d never used before. She also found she was t
rapped on her side by a muscled arm around her waist. Her naked body was plastered against her very naked, extremely aroused gemat.

  She had a full body spasm as Iolyn’s long, thick erection slid between the cheeks of her ass, the cockhead nudging at her puckered small opening. She held her breath, then sighed with relief when the tip settled against her lower back.

  Some day, lubha. But not today.

  Her relieved sigh elicited a chuckle and a kiss on her naked shoulder. “How are you feeling?” Iolyn’s voice was husky, loving. He massaged her stomach and then worked his hand lower.

  How was she feeling?

  She looked over her shoulder and found her mate’s heavy-lidded gaze on her. He idly caressed her puffy labia with a thick, talented finger, smoothing her sexual fluids over her clit. She inhaled sharply then exhaled on a long, low moan as her inner muscles clenched at her all-too-empty channel.

  “You want me again?” she asked, the words coming out on gasping breaths.

  “Yes, again. Then again. And then again.” He traced her ear with his tongue. “Forget Oz. We may not make it out of our rooms until we reach Cejuru Prime.” He nuzzled her cheek. “Now answer my question.”

  What was the question? She couldn’t think. She was distracted by his emotions sweeping over her like a warm, sultry breeze, by his touches exciting little-used nerve endings—by his mental list of what he wanted sexually. It was a very long and decidedly kinky list.

  Oh, yeah, the question…how did she feel?

  “Needy. Aroused.” She angled her head to nip his chin. His low sexy groan made her tingly and happy. She could do that to him with just a small touch. Amazing. “Hungry…for you.”

  Bria sent him an image of her sucking his cock and him holding her head steady, guiding her movements. An image she’d plucked straight from his head.

  Her cheeks flushed, and she lowered her eyes. Her feelings were a mixture of shyness, embarrassment, and excitement. Would he think she was too forward? She’d never been tempted to perform oral sex on a man, but she’d seen how much it would please him, and she wanted to give her mate that.


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