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Jinn Page 17

by Jessica Cage

  “I think you’re more than that, but either way, we are appreciative of your efforts in all of this.” Their conversation was cut short, interrupted by the sound of music and laughter in the background. They turned to see Bruto, hands full of food, dancing to his magically produced music. The upbeat tempo wasn’t his usual operatic choice, but the bottle of beer in his left hand had put him in a different mood. The music helped to further lighten the atmosphere and ease the tension between the species there. Both fae and fairy joined in on the dancing, neither ever able to ignore a good song. The shifters laughed and watched as the drunken djinn was overtaken by the magical cousins and pushed off the dance floor.

  As the party continued, Jinn found Briar. She sat at a table in the grass, surrounded by her guards, Mysti right at her side as always. “A word?” he asked.

  She nodded to her companions—she didn’t want them to follow her. Leaving the table, she walked with Jinn and watched the dancing as she did. It was hard, even for her to ignore the urge to dance.

  “I have a bad feeling about Joe.” Jinn followed her line of sight.

  “You too?” She turned to walk in the opposite direction of the subject of their conversation. Her gut told her that something with the guy wasn’t right. She’d been keeping a close eye on him. So far, he hadn’t done anything out of the ordinary, but she still didn’t trust him.

  “Something doesn’t sit well. He seems familiar.” He shook his head. “I can’t place what it is.”

  “Familiar, in what way? Have you met him before?” She looked over her shoulder to the dragon who now stood with one of his own, scanning the party with his eyes.

  “No, I’ve never laid eyes on the man, I definitely would have remembered him.” He leaned in, lowering his voice even more, afraid of being overheard not only by the dragon, but any other one of the creatures with advanced senses. “It’s more along the lines of how Bruto and Rosie were familiar to me before I ever knew them, it’s something that ties us together.”

  “Something that ties you together?” His words tumbled around her mind, pieces of a puzzle slowly forming to make one disturbing picture. “You don’t mean …”

  “Yes, the magic that created us.” Jinn found Joe again. The feeling was undeniable. Across the way, Bruto caught his gaze and gave him a knowing nod. Jinn wasn’t the only one to pick up on the abnormality.

  “You think he is in on this with Daegal?” Her guards still sat at the table where she left them, most of them relaxed, but Mysti had her eyes trained on the queen. Sensing her discomfort, she moved to come to her, but Briar lifted her hand and her eager guard remained where she was. If Joe noticed her running to the queen’s side, it would do more harm than good. He couldn’t know that they suspected him.

  “I wouldn’t put it past him, or anyone else.” The djinn peered around the party in front of them, lingering momentarily on Mysti, a pause Briar hadn’t caught. There was no magical familiarity there, but his gut still told him that something wasn’t right with that woman. She never did anything to make him suspect her, but then again, neither had Joe.

  “We need to let the others know, subtly.” She touched his shoulder and smiled, keeping the appearance of two friends in casual conversation.

  “Agreed.” He returned a small smile and paired it with a low chuckle.

  “Do you think Jax is aware?” What if her former friend was involved? Had he led them into a trap?

  “No, I don’t. If he was, the feeling would be there with him as well, but it isn’t. I don’t get it from any of the others, only Joe.”

  “Well, that’s good. Only one traitor amongst us.”

  “Let’s hope so. Let’s hope he isn’t planning to fuck over his own people as well as us.” He grunted. “They already have one crazed dragon locked up. Who’s to say he didn’t spark some inspiration in the others? This could be a play for power. Hell, if Daegal is involved, that’s definitely what it is. He loves promising power he can’t or doesn’t want to deliver.”

  “What if he is taking us in the wrong direction?”

  “He isn’t, I’ve been tracking our movement. I know this place well. Spent many years here once. Besides, the others don’t know he is dirty. They would have spoken up if we were going the wrong way.”

  “I’m going to speak to Mysti and the others, they will get the word out into the group quietly. Can you take on Mike and your friends?”

  “Bruto knows, and if he does, so does Rosie. I’ll talk to Mike.” Jinn stepped away from Briar and headed directly for the food, using the appearance of hunger as a misdirect for any suspicion that may have been raised by their hushed conversation. In addition, Briar’s touch on his shoulder and soft whispers should inspire rumors of a budding romance. It wouldn’t be something the fairies would approve of, and the djinns would be pissed if they believed it possible, but it was better for them if people suspected illicit behaviors. He kept his eyes away from Joe, focusing on his task of filling his plate and chatting with whoever came near. Not too much, though, as that too may cause suspicion as he hadn’t been too quick to converse with anyone the entire time they’d been in the Cascades.

  Briar had just stepped away from Mysti, who took to the shadows; she used the cover to hide her urgency. Standing alone, behind the building she was meant to sleep in, she stared up at the sky. Nothing was going right, and she wished that she could have Alesea there to guide her. Staring at the moon, she said a small prayer for her lost friend before the moon was blocked out by giant wings.

  “What the hell are you guys doing here? Just relaxing?” The dragon landed on the ground, his body returning to its human state.

  “Jax?” Briar met the man as he stepped forward. “What are you doing here?”

  “Yes, I guess you would be surprised to see me here, interrupting your festivities,” he fumed. “Hell, I didn’t know you all came here for a vacation.”

  “We didn’t.” She rolled her eyes, irritated by his attitude. “We’re following your directives.”

  “Mine?” Jax stepped forward. “My orders were not for you to bunker down here and party. I thought you all had a war to fight!”

  “Joe spelled it out for us. We were to rest here and move tomorrow morning.” Briar kept an even tone. Though she was frustrated with the dragon, she would not show any disrespect in his home.

  “That was not the directives he was given.” Jax scouted the area. “Fuck, I had a feeling about him. I hoped I was wrong.”

  “Excuse me?” she whispered angrily, etiquette out the window. “You knew he was in with Daegal and yet you still sent him with us?”

  “You know?”

  “Yeah, we figured something was a little off with the dragon you left in command.”

  “Fuck, well, we need to get moving. We should strike tonight, waiting another day is too risky. I’m surprised you agreed to this,” he snapped at her.

  “I was trying to be respectful,” she bit back.

  “What?” He stared at her. “Don’t tell me you’re changing on me now that you have that pretty crown to sit on your head.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, the Briar I once knew would have never accepted such a foolish plan. She would have put her foot down and demanded that you kept moving.” He dressed quickly in a pair of pants he pulled from a sack on his side. “Now, you’re just doing whatever you’re told? No questions asked?”

  “It’s different now.”


  “Because I represent all of my people. I can’t just go around stomping my foot to get what I want.”

  “Perhaps not, but you also can’t just accept whatever dumb ass plan is thrown at you when you know damn well that there is a better way. That is why we’re in the mess we’re in now. No one wants to stand up and say something, everyone just accepting shit that they know isn’t right.” He started off toward the party. It was time to light a fire under their guests’ asses.

  “Did you come here
to lecture me on how to be a better queen?”

  “No, I came here to warn you, but it looks like I’m too late.” He looked up to the sky. Where the moon had once stood alone, the sun was reemerging to share the space.

  “What the hell?” She blanched as she saw what he had.

  “It’s the eclipse!” He grunted.

  “How? This isn’t supposed to happen until tomorrow.” She followed him.

  As they entered the area where the others were gathered, the music stopped. All eyes were glued to the sky.

  “Well, it seems our unwanted friend found a way to move up the timeline on that. We need to move, and now!”

  “Sir, Joe is gone!” A burly dragon, one new to the group, ran up, alerting Jax that the traitor had escaped.

  “We’ll deal with him later. Gather the others and get everyone in the yard. We have to get to the island now.”

  “What the hell is going on?” Mike approached, directing his question to Briar.

  “Daegal is fucking up the plan is what. We gotta move. Get the djinns and anyone else with the ability to transport.”

  “The no magic ban has dropped,” Jax added. “We need to get every one of you out of here and to that fucking island. Immediately.”

  Briar looked up to the sky. “If we don’t move now, we’re all screwed.”

  Following the orders of the new queen, Mike sent his men to alert Jinn and the fairies. Having seen Rosie slip into the building, he took it upon himself to tell her. He climbed the stairs to the plush room she’d constructed above the brown structure.

  “Yo, we gotta get going!” He ran into the room and instantly stopped and turned his back on the scene in front of him. “Oh, shit, sorry.”

  “Man, you never heard of knocking?” Bruto pulled up his pants, covering the muscled ass that had just greeted Mike.

  Rosie laughed at them both. “Aw, Brut, don't be so upset. It was a simple mistake.” She stood from the plush bed. “How can we help you, Mike?”

  “Well, clearly you haven’t heard the chaos downstairs. Our timeline has been moved up. Daegal is making his play now. We have to get going.”

  “What?” Bruto huffed as he struggled with the button on his pants.

  “Look out the window.” Mike pointed without turning around.

  The large, ginger-haired man peered out the lace covered frame at the sky. “Shit, how is he doing that?”

  “Your guess is as good as mine, but we need to get going. Everyone is rounding up downstairs, if you two care to join us.”

  “Absolutely.” Rosie waved her hand and the frilly dress she sported disappeared, replaced by combat wear. “How ’bout it boys? Ready to stir up a little hell?” She waved her hand again and disappeared from the room.

  “She’s a handful, isn't she?” Mike finally turned to Bruto who looked a bit less disheveled. Now that he wasn’t exposed, he was able to calm down.

  “Man, you have no idea.” Bruto put his shirt back on. “Let's get going, shall we?”

  Outside, the members of their group were all collected. Jax stood at the head with Jinn and Briar at his side. Joe, of course, was nowhere to be found, but the bounty had already been placed on his head. Jax would be sure that he didn’t get off with a shitty sentencing. He wouldn’t be held captive, he would pay for his betrayal.

  “All right, as you all can see, we don't have much time to get this done. We aren’t far from the entrance. Those who can fly, take to the skies. Those who can't, one of our magically inclined friends will transport you. Considering what is happening here, I say we are in for a battle like nothing else I’ve seen before. Keep your heads down, stay alert. We don’t know what he has going on in there or who he has with him. We’ve been monitoring activity, and after years of nothing, the island has suddenly burst into action. There are about twenty others there. We know at least a handful are witches, and some the captured djinn, the others are wild cards. Dragons are joining this fight, with full force.” As he spoke, above his head, the shadowed figures of dragons moved across the sky headed in the direction of Daegal’s hold out.

  Jinn stepped forward. “Bruto, you will go ahead, do some recon on the area. Don’t get too close, he will be able to sense you. Rosie, assist with the transport.” Bruto nodded and disappeared while Rosie gathered up her group. Fairies and fae alike took to the sky, a few remaining behind to help with transporting the shifters who couldn’t fly. They were able to use their affinity for air to lift the groups and carry them to their destination.

  “You ready for this?” Briar laid her hand on Jinn's shoulder, both knowing what he was risking. The closer he got to Daegal, the more chance there was that he would be affected by the warlock’s magic.

  “As ready as I will ever be.” He turned to Jax. “You flying?”

  “Nope, figured you could give us a lift.” The dragon placed his hand on his free shoulder, and in a puff of blue smoke, the three disappeared, leaving the field empty.

  They appeared on the side at the bridge that had been built between what was once Tasmania and Australia. The translucent structure was one of magic. Without the blood of a royal, they would never be able to cross. Jax was needed to make it a solid form. The island itself was protected by a forcefield that was supposed to stop anyone from entering or exiting. Clearly Daegal had found a way around it. Above, those with wings flew, scouting the area. On the ground, the shifters waited for instructions.

  Jax stepped forward and gave a nod to those who surrounded him. “Are we ready for war?” he called out, and the dragons above roared. The shifters below howled, growled, and pummeled the ground. Every one of them was poised to take off as soon as given the go. Jax lifted his hand to the sky, and with one finger used a razor-like talon of his dragon and slit open the palm of his hand. Drops of his blood fell to the bridge, the magical key working to unlock the hidden barrier. The translucent structure turned solid, and Jax signaled for everyone to proceed. Those in the sky flew into the opening while those below ran forward.

  As the beast charged forward, and dragons, fae, and fairies flew above, Jinn found his friends. Each of them could feel the pull of the magic that created them.

  “You ready for this?” Bruto took a deep breath. “Shit, that is strong. Was it always like this?”

  “Yes, it was.” Rosie had lost all her pep. Feeling the man who she hated so much and knowing how much he still could control her, filled her with an all too familiar anger. “What’s the plan, Jinn?”

  “If we can feel him, he damn sure can feel us. You two head for the boundary. Take as much of his attention from me as you can, but don’t let him in your head. Once he is in there, he has you.”

  “You don’t mean to tell me you’re going in there?” Rosie questioned. “Not by yourself.”

  “Yeah, I am. What choice do I have?” He smiled at her. “I won’t be by myself. We have a lot of help in there.”

  “You’re crazy man. The second you do, he’s got you,” Bruto spoke up. “At least let me go with you, we can work together.”

  “No, it has to be this way. If we are all there we have no way of breaking his focus. If I’m in trouble, I’ll signal you both and you can come running to the rescue.” He sighed and hugged Rosie who looked ready to cry. “What else would you have me do? Nitara is in there and we don’t have much time before the eclipse is complete.”

  “I don’t like this plan at all.” Rosie waved her hands in the air but caught the stern expression Jinn had on his face. She wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it. “Be careful. Okay?”

  “Aren’t I always?” Jinn asked.

  “No!” both of his friends responded in unison and they all laughed.

  Charging forward, Briar moved with her guards at her side. Jax had taken to the sky to join the other dragons while she remained closer to ground level, providing cover for the shifters who ran. The place was littered with magical landmines―explosions and traps that would have severely cut their numbers down if not for the fa
iries who shielded them from any injury.

  The ground below them became shadowed as a massive dragon swooped down and turned to man before he landed.

  “Redirect your people!” Jax shouted to them. “They aren’t where we thought, they’re at Freycinet!" Daegal, ever the strategist, had moved his headquarters to the peninsula. Knowing they would have shifters on their sides, people who couldn’t fly, it meant cutting down their point of attacks. There was only one way in and out, and no doubt that path would be heavily guarded.

  “You’re going to have to give us a bit more direction than that.” Briar responded.

  “Head east until you hit water then south. It’s not far from here. Hurry.”

  “You three, keep cover of the runners, the rest with me!” Briar headed for the peninsula. She was flying head first into a trap, but she had no choice. She hoped like hell that Praia was having better luck.

  Having received the same intel given to Briar, Praia chose another tactic. Leaving the battle against the witches, she took her fae to the water. With magic they created masks that allowed them to breathe underwater. Once below the surface, they used the same air magic to propel them forward.

  They dove deep enough to avoid being seen from above the surface as they headed for the peninsula. While his attention was on the fairies and shifters who headed straight for him, the dragons would hit from above and the fae from below. She questioned where Jinn was but had no time to find him and ask his plans. She rubbed the charm that hung around her neck, but he hadn’t responded. Regardless, she had to move ahead with the plan.

  Below the water, their path was clear; besides a few fish, it looked as if they would meet no resistance. That was until the piercing noise cut her eardrum. She looked back to see them closing in―sirens. Daegal’s reach went far, even beneath the seas. She gave signal to the others, it was time to fight. The women approached them quickly, powerful tails working better than the magical propellers they had. There was no outrunning them, not on their own turf. Even if they could swim faster than the finned women who chased them, more of the sirens were ahead of them. Praia smiled. Finally she was going to get in on some of the action. She stopped swimming, and held her hands out to her sides, waiting for the opposition to get within a good range. The others did the same, creating a large circle with their backs to each other. When the sirens were nearly on top of the fae, they all slammed their hands together. A massive ripple shot out from their circle. The force turned the tables in their favor. While the sirens were tousled, the fae attacked.


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