by Michelle
Kellie nodded. “I saw them, and I have a backup plan, too.”
“Which is?” Mark always asked. He was years away from fatherhood and he wanted to keep it that way.
“I have an implant and it should be good until late next year.”
“Good. We’ll continue to use condoms, but I’m happy you’re doubly protected.” Mark turned and dropped his trash in the bin next to the drink cabinet.
“Okay, time for the rules.” She rolled her eyes and he wanted to spank her again. All in good time.
“Until I release you into your own home at the end of this trip, you will follow my directions to the letter. You will acknowledge me as your Dom, using the phrase ‘yes, Master’ when I ask something of you. I will push your limits and you will tell me if you’re hurting.”
Wide eyes flared. “Hurting?”
“If what I do hurts, you’ll tell me to stop and I will.”
Her face paled, coming close to white before she spoke. “You’re going to hurt me?”
Mark grabbed her hand and clasped it between both of his. “Not intentionally. Never intentionally. I’ll push your boundaries and make you uncomfortable, and you might feel a little pain in the beginning. If it doesn’t abate, I expect you to tell me. That’s why you need a safe word. If you feel out of control and on edge, I want you to go with the feeling. As you turn over control to me, it will free you to experience your environment more completely.”
“So you intend to break down all my barriers and create a slave mentality.”
He dropped her hand on the table and leaned back with a laugh. She tried hard to be tough as nails. The acerbic persona was a façade, one he would damn well break through by the end of the week. The woman underneath all that bravado would be exquisite.
Chapter 8
Midnight had come and gone when the plane landed at Corpus Christi’s airport. He’d allowed her to don her blouse but not her bra. He made sure she saw it in his hand, watched while his finger traced the edges, before he stuffed it into her bag. The sweet little moan she gave him added to his desire. He needed her off balance and open to suggestions in the heat of the moment. Given too much time to think, she’d argue the point or shut him down completely and he didn’t like either scenario.
As her Dom, he made all the decisions. Once she understood her role, he could take what he wanted of her freely and get his fill. She’d have her research and he could go back to his life.
A rental car waited for them and an attendant opened the passenger door for Kellie as they approached. The man handed Mark the keys, nodded and disappeared into the building.
“You really are rich,” Kellie said when he reached across to buckle her seatbelt and he laughed.
“Yeah, I am.”
By the time he pulled into his driveway, she was asleep. The sound of the garage door closing woke her into a semi-conscious state. Poor baby had been put through the wringer with all his changes and rules. He helped her into the house and up the stairs to the master suite.
Per his orders, Mrs. James had turned down the bed and readied the house for him. She’d return in the morning to cook and take care of sundry tasks as needed, keeping mostly to herself unless summoned.
Kellie woke slowly as light filtered through the blinds across the room and crept under her eyelids. Warmth surrounded her even though the only covering she had was a silky sheet. It was soft and sleek as it lay across her shoulder and hip, a smooth caress against her skin.
Her skin? No pajamas or nightgown present. Strange.
The heat intensified, warming her from back to front, and then a hot hand slipped over her hip and settled on her belly. Fire skidded over her body like she’d been set on a barbeque grill.
Now awake, she was alive with the feel of rough hair and even more heat pressing against her back. In addition, something long, hard and hot pressed against her hip.
“Morning, sleepyhead.”
She was in a bed, naked, with a naked man—Mark—and he was aroused.
Kellie’s eyes slid shut of their own accord to wait for the alarm clock. This dream would end soon and she’d wake up in her own bedroom. Instead of the blaring radio, she heard a fist make contact with the door right before it opened.
“Breakfast, Mr. Harrison.”
“Thank you, Mrs. James.”
Kellie heard footsteps and the sound of wood on wood, imagining but certainly not seeing a woman carrying a tray into the room. If she’d had a little more courage, she’d pull the covers over her head. As it was, she froze and wished for invisibility.
The hand on her belly squeezed a bit, and then began a leisurely stroll across her skin like one of those robotic vacuums that mapped your living room while it cleaned. Warm fingers delved into pubic curls and she held her breath until he moved higher, not prepared for what might come next if he went lower.
The palm adjusted north and zigged and zagged in its own good time across her torso until it bumped into the rise of her breast.
And then it stopped.
“I know you’re awake, Kellie.” His sleep-roughened voice washed over her senses and sent wake up calls to all her erogenous zones. Squeezing her eyes shut, she tried to think of England. Or Portland. Anything but the way he touched her.
She didn’t respond until he tweaked her nipple and a breathy exclamation flew past her lips. Instant arousal flooded her body from head to toe and every spot in between.
“I prefer to start each day one of two ways. With breakfast or with sex. Sometimes both are available and I have to choose one.”
Mark’s palm cupped the swell of her breast and his thumb rubbed lazily across the tight nipple. She could barely breathe, let alone answer his question.
“Do you trust me, Kellie?”
A nod was the best she could do while her heart thundered and her head buzzed. Her last sexual experience seemed ages ago, and from start to finish it hadn’t felt as good as the last few moments had.
Beard stubble nudged her throat, his breath following, and she shivered when that melodious voice washed over her again. “I need to hear the word, Kellie. I need your consent. Give it to me.”
Mark leaned away and turned her to her back in a swift, silent move that gave him access to every part of her. His hot mouth engulfed her breast and she cried out at the pleasure of him suckling at her, only to shout again when his fingers invaded her core. She was wet and ready but he didn’t dive in.
Instead, he teased.
“Relax, Kellie. Let me take care of you,” he whispered over her breast. He licked at her as he would a soft ice cream cone in the summer, consuming her one long lap at a time while his fingers found the best places to play within her.
She squirmed under his touch and tried to help him find the right spot until his fingers left her cleft and tapped at her hip. “Be still, little one. I’m in charge.”
Lifting her head, she met his gaze and caught her breath. His face was taut with desire and an amazing display of self-control she had no way of emulating.
“Give me your trust and your body. I’ll take good care of both, Kellie.”
“Yes, I’ll give you both,” she stammered.
Mark’s mouth took hers and possessed her with mind-numbing control, his teeth at her lower lip, his tongue swiping inside and strip-searching her tonsils. She lost track of where his hands were, the overwhelming sensations within her leaving no room for thought.
Cool air crossed her body for a moment and then his knee pressed between her legs, his hand spreading her before his body covered hers. Mark was a big man, tall and strong, and the weight of him on top of her increased her need tenfold. “Please, Mark. Please....”
He was there, between her legs, between her thighs, the thick length of him pushing into her until he filled her completely. She sobbed at the intensity of the impending climax.
Mark’s hands stilled at her hips. “No, little one. You don’t get to come
until I give you permission. Do you understand?”
She exhaled hard. His demand took her out of the moment long enough to focus while her heart and her sex pulsed as one unit.
“Wait for my command, Kellie.”
“I—I’ll try.” The only offer she had, and not really a promise. Orgasms were a high priced commodity in her life, extremely rare, and not at all under her control.
He pressed against her, his hands catching at her wrists and lifting them up and over her head. The rip of Velcro sounded in the room and she jerked her mouth away from his.
“What the hell?”
“No talking. Remember, I’m in control and you are in my care.”
Kellie inhaled, great gulps of air coming in and leaving her body while she fought the panic. Her wrists were encased in leather and connected with something attached to the bed. A myriad of possibilities flooded her head, some shockingly decadent, others horrifying. Adrenalin spiked and her heart raced with fear instead of sensuality.
He left her body.
The loss of his heat against her added to the panic until warm hands soothed. “I’m not leaving, little one. Just making you wait a few minutes.”
Hands joined above her head, she watched as he moved around the room, opening drawers and cabinets. Afraid to see what he’d find and equally fearful of closing her eyes, Kellie followed his trek in silence.
A drawer closed and he approached the bed with something hidden in his fist. “I’m starting slow with you, Kellie. We’ll try a little lite erotic pain and see how you do. I think you’ll be asking for more in a day or two.”
Mark leaned over her body, one hand between her thighs while his mouth covered her breast. The climax she’d missed roared back, pushing sensation through her with every pull he took from her nipple, and Kellie’s eyes closed at the intensity, only to scream when a warm metal ring dropped over her distended bud and tightened.
“It hurts,” she managed to say while he twisted the ring to tighten it. Then his tongue lapped at the exposed tip the same moment his finger hit a particularly sensitive spot in her cleft and the pain morphed into—stinging pleasure? An unexpected moan left her mouth before his lips took control.
The bed shifted and his weight came down on her, pressing her into the bed and pressing the nipple ring into her breast. The increased pressure sent another zing of electricity into every sexual organ she had and a climax burgeoned.
“Wait for it, Kellie.” Mark’s mouth moved from hers to the bare nipple dying for attention. “No orgasm without permission.”
“I can’t hold it,” she whimpered.
“Yes, you can. Focus.” His hips moved back and he filled her again, and this time he didn’t pause, setting a smooth rhythm bound to make her fly apart in moments.
His tongue flicked and licked at her nipples, alternating until both were tight and tingling as if there were two clamps instead of one. Her head pounded with the impending orgasm no matter how hard she tried to keep it back. Such a new experience, since she’d spent most of her adult life trying to reach a climax.
Mark’s pace increased, his body slamming into hers, heat encasing her in his need.
“Come for me, Kellie. Come now.”
His command was a crack in the weakening damn of her resolve and she let go, a cry of painful pleasure echoing off the ceiling. His pumping slowed and one hand stroked her body, her breast. Another scream bounced against the walls as he released the clamp and her body arched off the bed as a second climax flew through her. All thoughts, all breath left her body as it convulsed around him and Mark’s words of praise delved deep within her heart and mind.
Chapter 9
Mark disposed of the condom and turned on the shower before returning to the bed. Head tipped back and body still twitching, Kellie took his breath away. All that luscious pale skin and golden brown hair waited for his touch and he stretched out next to her, willing to postpone the shower until after a cuddle.
Not something he’d done lately. Kellie stirred emotional muscles he hadn’t used in a long time. Maybe it came from the innocence she still grasped or the strength of her convictions. She had things to prove to herself and to the world, and he’d support her if he could. Self-discovery was the bedrock of Private Delights.
He settled his palm on her midriff and let the rise and fall of her breath soak into him. A few kisses strategically placed in non-erogenous zones brought her down gently. Mark reached above her head and released the restraints, slowly lowering her arms, and when he slipped his arm under her shoulders to pull her close, she sighed instead of panicking.
“Good girl, Kellie. How do you feel?”
“Like a wet noodle left in the bottom of the pot.”
Damn, she was a pistol. He wanted to laugh but hugged her close instead and stroked her back from shoulder to hip, where he squeezed enough to get her attention. “Feel like a shower?”
“Sure. Maybe in a day or two.”
Mark did laugh, then sat up and pulled her with him. “Come on, we need a shower and some breakfast. Orgasms take energy.”
She grumbled but let him help her out of the bed. Once her feet were on the floor, she made a quick turn and plastered her body against his. When she laid an open mouthed kiss on his shoulder and whispered ‘thank you’ he almost lost his balance. Before he recovered, she’d walked across the room, her legs wobbly but capable.
“Wow,” she said from the bathroom door. “When did you install the car wash?”
Kellie stepped into the spray, her beautiful body loose and comfortable with her nudity for the first time in his presence. Moving further into the shower, she stood under the rain fixture and lifted her face to the soft spray. Water flowed over her curves and he wanted her again.
He wanted to push her against the wall and step into her. He wanted her legs wrapped around his hips while he thrust inside her. He wanted to feel her coming around him. With him.
Too soon.
Instead, he grabbed a washcloth and soap before he approached her. Tugging her just outside the range of the showerhead, he caressed her with the cloth, cleaning every inch of her body. Exchanging the soap for shampoo, he massaged it into her hair and played in the suds while her lithe body arched. Soft moans of pleasure had his cock throbbing like a teenager getting his first trim. Not yet, but soon.
“I should be doing this for you.”
He grinned. “Think of this as training. Once I’m finished with your bath, it’ll be my turn.”
Her face turned that gorgeous shade of pink he’d come to expect and he stole a quick kiss. “Rinse and you’re done.” Mark stepped back to watch the water play over her skin while it washed away the suds. He added soap to the cloth and rubbed it into a rich lather.
Kellie stepped out of the spray and squeezed the water out of her hair, then looked for Mark. Her master waited with a washcloth in hand. Her master. The word sounded strange in her head, but the way he made her feel was even stranger. She’d expected brute force and commandments. What she’d experienced so far was tenderness and directions and body-melting sex.
Yes, the sex was slightly different, but not in a bad way. Mark Harrison made her body respond in ways she’d never imagined possible. A virtual stranger with a penchant for kink took her places she didn’t know existed within her body.
Fear hadn’t raised its ugly head at all. Something to ponder when she had an hour or so without sex clouding her brain. Now wasn’t the time.
“Come here, Kellie.”
A command, but not one she’d willfully refuse. Washing all those tight muscles and every inch of sleek skin wouldn’t be a hardship.
“Don’t make eye contact unless invited.”
She dropped her chin in compliance.
“Begin at my shoulders and work your way down. When you get to my legs, I expect you to be on your knees.”
Her eyes, already pointing to the floor, fixated on his rising erection. When she was on her knees, his thick cock would b
e at eye level and he knew it.
She accepted the soapy cloth and put it on his shoulder, moving her hand in a circular motion then swiping down his arm. Bathing Mark was an erotic experience all by itself, giving her ample opportunity to touch every inch of him. She let her fingers test the texture of his skin and the pliancy of the long muscles of his arms. As she stepped behind him, her lips parted at the sight of his broad back. Not a speck of fat visible, her hands wandered far and wide under the guise of spreading soap.
He didn’t seem to mind. “Press harder, Kellie.”
She followed directions, working around his torso until she found herself kneeling at his feet.
His erection jutted out from his groin like a divining rod and its destination clearly indicated her mouth. She wasn’t ready. Washcloth in hand, she placed both hands on his left thigh and washed from top to bottom, avoiding the obvious end to his bath. It moved to its own rhythm while she moved to the right leg, washing it with the same care she gave the left.
Making him wait added to her own arousal.
A bead of moisture formed in the slit of his darkened head and the urge to lick it away socked her in the gut. She’d never been in this position, had always feigned disinterest in oral sex. It was one of the reasons Dale had been so frustrated with her.
Kellie closed her eyes and shook that nightmare out of her head. Mark was different, firm and dominant—yes, but she’d yet to see him angry. Wet hands captured her face and her head tipped up at his urging. He swept the wet tendrils away from her forehead with a gentle touch.
“Remember, until you decide on a safe word, no means no.”
He tapped her cheek. “Open for me, Kellie.”
“Master...” Oh, God, she didn’t want to admit this. “I’ve never...”
“Never what?”