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Submissive on Display

Page 6

by Tara Quan

  She winced. Their list of compatibilities stacked up so high it threatened to topple and crush her dead. “Do you want to do me or talk about doing me?”

  His nostrils flared. “I’m trying my best to play the gentleman. You’re making it impossible.”

  “The entire concept is complete bullshit, propagated by dudes who never get laid.”

  In a single, smooth lunge, he grabbed her upper arms and pulled her face forward over his lap. What the heck? “You’re so not spanking me again. My butt hurts.”

  He hiked up her skirt. “That was just the warm-up, pet. Your bum is due for a lot more than a couple of whacks. I have not forgotten about the huge lie you told me this morning.”

  Their previous conversation about punishment and anal percolated from the recesses of her mind. “Wait a sec— God damn it!” He’d hit her butt, with something other than his hand. If she hadn’t been wearing panties, it would have left a mark.

  Only now did she notice the egg-shaped vibrator still pressing on her labia, the one he’d used to bring her to her knees less than an hour before. Screwed didn’t come close to describing her predicament.

  Something cold, smooth, and flat trailed along her naked thighs. A moment later, he traced the exact same path with a harder, cylindrical surface. When the hell had he snagged a crop?

  Her gaze landed on the open leather bag next to his feet. It was full of sex toys. Moisture gathered between her legs as her ass quivered. The bastard had taken her from enraged to horny in two seconds flat.

  “Do you remember the safe word?”

  “Red,” she murmured. “Are you going to give me a reason to use it?”

  “I plan on taking you further than you’ve gone before.” The vibrator came to life.

  She moaned. “You already have.” What did he consider deep throating, in public, while coming?

  “That’s the most honest thing you’ve said all day. We’re making progress.” Alternating between her thighs, he whipped her while gradually upping the stimulation between her legs. The ruthlessness with which he’d ramped up her arousal gave her reason to fear. Where was he going with this?

  But, soon, thinking became impossible. Her clit was on fire. The pulses drove her higher and higher, tying her stomach into knots and making her muscles spasm. Sweat beaded on her forehead. The patches of heat above her knees extended, the molten pain creeping up her legs until it reached the apex. There, the three threads of erotic pleasure met, knotted, and fed off each other, hurtling her toward another orgasm.

  Everything stopped. Frustrated tears clumped her lashes as he smoothed her panties off. Cold air assailed her damp flesh when the vibrator dropped away. She shivered.

  He placed one hand over her butt cheeks and spread his fingers. She yelped when cold, thick liquid landed between the cheeks. Sprawled across his lap, she wasn’t in the position for sex. Which meant—

  She straightened her spine. “Ah…. Let’s talk about this.”

  His laugh reverberated through his stomach, hitting the side of her torso. He waved the plug in front of her face. “Every bunny needs a tail.”

  She stared at the red sphere of fluff. It was connected to a blunt, cone-shaped piece of plastic about the thickness of his thumb. “I checked curious. Trust me, my curiosity has been satisfied.”

  His palm landed on her ass. The impact traveled straight to her clit, forcing her to squeeze her legs together to alleviate the pressure.

  He hit her again. “No cheating. Spread them. Now.”

  She flailed, instinct commanding her to break free. With a warning growl, he leveled his forearm across her back and shifted his weight to pin her down. The position allowed her little recourse.

  He brushed the plug’s tip on her lower back and trailed it along the slope of her ass. She bucked her hips, tried to escape, and whimpered when he positioned the tail at her butt hole. “Oh God. Don’t do this. Please, Luka.”

  “Shh…. Try to relax. You can take it.” The plug scalded her as he drove it in, forcing her tensed muscles to surrender. The fight drained from her. Going limp, she focused what little willpower she had left on not letting her cries escape. Firming her mouth into a line, she closed her hands into fists within the fluffy mitts.

  The torture intensified, widened, and scorched her from the inside out. Crying in earnest, she tried to breathe through the pain. Then, with a plop, the pressure relented, leaving behind a steady burn. She let out a pent-up breath. With one last smack on her bum, he helped her stand. “All better, see. Let’s start the show.”

  He didn’t wait for her to acquiesce. Grabbing her hemline, he yanked off her dress in a single movement, before dragging her to the front of the booth. Leaving her there, he marched toward the wall and flicked a switch.

  Spotlights bathed her naked body as a chain lowered from the ceiling. As if drawn by some sort of announcement, a crowd gathered. Men and women, Doms and subs, and even a few monitors sidled forward to revel in her plight. As lust-filled eyes surveyed her from head to toe, she forgot about the reason she’d proposed this in the first place.

  Her gaze flew to Luka, the one person she trusted to keep her safe.

  With a sexy smile, he ambled back to fasten leather cuffs on her wrists. Circling her waist with one arm, he lifted her off the ground. Reaching up, he hooked her cuffs to the chain. When he let her go, she was forced to stand on tiptoe to alleviate the strain on her shoulders.

  He hit her butt with the handle end of the crop, reminding her of the tail he’d pinned on her.

  When she jumped, the crowd cheered. “Cute little bunny. Isn’t she adorable?”

  Luka walked circles around her, each step accompanied by light flicks. The blows landed all across her body, except for her breasts and crotch. The ones on her calves prompted her to jump from toe to toe. When he hit her along the ribs, she twisted back and forth, making her ears flop from one side to the other.

  A few people whistled. Someone jeered. “She’s getting wet. This rabbit doesn’t even need a rabbit to get her in the mood.”

  Luka’s neglect of her two major erogenous zones soon resulted in hypersensitivity. Her nipples jutted out, as if begging to be punished. Moisture slicked her thighs, betraying her arousal to everyone who watched. The more eyes she felt on her, the more the scene turned her on. To top it all off, each consecutive blow gave her a minor high.

  The world seemed to fall away as his torment continued, the sea of bodies and faces merging into blotches of scarlet and obsidian. Flames licked her skin, the smell of her own sweat and the sound of leather meeting flesh melding into an erotic dream. She began to wonder if she’d already passed out when Luka’s searing mouth closed around her nipple. Teeth scraped her abused flesh, the pain echoing the blows on her butt and thighs.

  When her knees gave, he lifted her left leg and positioned it along his hip. The seam of his trousers abraded her clit as she undulated over his erection. He abandoned the crop in favor of kneading her ass, each press and squeeze heightening the fullness of the toy he’d inserted in her.

  She arched her back, offering her breasts for him to plunder. He spaced out love bites with fleeting, gentle kisses, painting patterns of stinging fire across her cleavage and neck. His swirling tongue and scraping teeth made her ears roar so loudly, she no longer registered the audience’s presence.

  Consciousness narrowed. He was her Dom, her master for the night, the man who could deliver her from this cage of unrelenting hunger. “Luka. I need….”

  What did she want? She no longer knew.

  “Beg me, pet. Beg me for my cock.”

  He reached between their bodies. As his zipper parted, the jagged edges kissed her clit. The jolt of pleasure rattled the chains. “Please. Oh, please. I’ll do anything.”

  He yanked her against his covered bulge. His ridge drove into her sensitive flesh. “No one fucks you but me,” he murmured against her ear. “Say it.”

  She ground herself against him. “Yes. No one. I
’ve never wanted anyone but you.”

  “Good girl. Here’s your reward.” He shoved two fingers into her.

  Because of her tail, the digits seemed massive. She shuddered, wanting more, but uncertain if she’d survive. “Oh God….”

  “Spend the weekend with me.”

  Frantic, she nodded.

  He pulled his hand out and used the moisture to decorate her nipple. “I’ll tie you to my bed, so I can use you when I want. How I want.”

  “Don’t stop.” She keened. “Whatever you want, as long as you don’t stop.”

  “You’re mine. Say it.” He squeezed her breast while pumping his hips.

  “Yes. I’m yours. Just. Fuck. Me.”

  With a growl, he pulled back. Without his support, gravity brought her down. The cuffs bit into her wrists as the chain drew taut. Moaning, she opened her eyes to find him smoothing on a condom. Relief emptied her lungs for a split second before he disappeared out of her line of sight.

  When he closed in on her from behind, she tensed, remembering the last time they’d had sex. Even with her flat on her back, her legs spread wide and her knees forced apart by his crushing grip, the fit had been tight. They couldn’t pull off this position—not with her ass stuffed to the brim.

  He caught her waist with both hands, pulling her back onto her toes. She clamped her legs together, but it was too late. He wedged his knee between her thighs, kicking her limbs apart. Less than a second after his head brushed her opening, he shoved into her, his thrust hard enough to lift her off the ground.

  For the first time, she understood the true meaning of impalement. His shaft felt as if it might rend her in two, the scorching invasion robbing air from her lungs. Even as her mind protested the searing fit, a wanton instinct made her inner muscles clamp around his member.

  He pulled out then drove into her again. Thought ceased as he pounded against her, each impact a dual assault. Her butt flattened on hard muscle, grinding the plug deeper. When his hands shifted to roam her body, any remaining cognizance splintered, leaving behind pure sensation.

  His rough palms scraped her tingling skin; his nails dug into her fatigued muscles. Countless different caresses melded into a singularity. At his will, her nipples ached and throbbed, her clit pulsed and blazed.

  Her previous orgasm was nothing compared to this madness. Instead of flashes of white light behind her lids, a silver inferno consumed her awareness. Every nerve, from her fingertips to her clenching toes, seemed to fire in rhythm with her clit. The flames spread, melting her from the inside out. Pleasure exploded in a burst of shimmering light, the pinnacle of ecstasy enhanced by Luka’s guttural roar.

  Chapter Six

  Folding Naomi into his arms, Luka settled them both deep within the booth. He’d drawn the curtains, encasing the small nook in a private cocoon. Reaching for the fluffy blanket, he covered her trembling form and dropped a kiss onto her damp hair.

  Purring, she curled into a ball on his lap. Despite recent activities, his arousal rekindled. Prolonging their scene had been one of the most difficult moments of his adult life. Her tight, clenching channel had wrung him tighter than any fist, winding his pleasure into the most decadent of tortures.

  As soon as his cock recovered, he’d torment them both once more. He doubted he’d ever sate his craving for her.

  She squeezed her eyes shut and snuggled closer. Probably for the best, since he couldn’t wipe a smug grin off his face. The memory of her screaming pleas would keep him smiling for days.

  Would she continue to deny his mastery after she recovered? He couldn’t decide which outcome he preferred. After all, if her stubbornness persisted, he’d delight in changing her mind with multiple repeat performances.

  She’d landed a Dom—for the night, weekend, and foreseeable future. The tricky part would be taking her surrender beyond the bedroom. While starting something serious sent chills down his spine, self-awareness forced him to admit the obvious. Tonight was the culmination of countless months of bonding. Blinded by denial, they’d traversed friendship, respect, and understanding long before their chemistry ignited.

  When she finally lifted her lids, her gaze remained unfocused. Pain and orgasms had flooded her body with endorphins. She hadn’t yet descended from the high, leaving her in a vulnerable headspace. He couldn’t resist taking advantage of the window of opportunity. “Why did you lie to me?”

  Her brows furrowed, as if she had trouble understanding his question. “When?”

  He combed his fingers through her curly mane. He wondered if he could convince her to wear her hair down more often. With a cloud of ebony framing her face, the woman could stop traffic. “You told me you weren’t a sub. You did it so I’d leave you alone.”


  He sipped at her lips then devoured her luscious mouth. He tasted chocolate and the addictive elixir of submission. “What are you afraid of?”

  She nuzzled his neck, nipping at his earlobe. “A lot of things. The dark, heights, spiders. Does that mean I’m a coward?”

  Clucking his tongue, he rubbed his nose against hers. “You’re one of the bravest people I’ve met.” She worked hard, was earning a professional degree with what seemed like no parental support, and never once complained or asked for help.

  But she’d run scared this morning. From him.

  Since he intended to stick around, they risked a head-on collision with one of her triggers if she kept her emotional scars hidden. Honesty formed the bulwark of all relationships. Between a Dom and sub, it was nonnegotiable.

  “You like me. Admit it.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “Of course. I more than like you. It’s the damn problem.”

  He tilted her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze. “Explain, pet. I learned a long time ago not to guess at what goes on in a female’s brain.”

  She heaved a sigh, her shoulders slumping as if they braced the entire weight of the world. “I have dreams. I can’t afford distractions. If I don’t keep my eye on the ball, I’ll get hit in the head and have to file for bankruptcy.”

  He chuckled. “You’re quite the cautious kitten. Okay, so you think I’m a bad influence—deadbeat boyfriend material?”

  Her head drooped. “Of course not. You’re Mr. Awesome. I could love you, which sucks balls. Stupid emotions like that make people crazy. If I give in, I’ll lose everything.” As if bolstered by an influx of fear, she tried to push herself up. Having anticipated the flight or fight response, he forced her to fall back with a light press on the chest.

  “Everything, huh? That sounds dire.” He massaged her forehead with the tips of his fingers, smoothing the adorable stress lines. “You know what? If you can convince me there’s something to worry about, I’ll walk away. Why don’t you give me an example of when love ruined everything?”

  Lifting her brows, she firmed her lips. Judging from the patronizing expression, she’d slotted him into the naive idiot category. “My mom loved my dad—loved him like mad. She didn’t care about anyone else. She didn’t give a damn if he came home drunk and threw up all over the floor. She didn’t call the police when he slapped her around and stole all our money. When they were together, she forgot to work, to take us to school, to pay the rent.”

  Damn. She’d had one crap deal growing up. But she’d come out swinging, so it must have turned out okay. “I see,” he prompted.

  Both the blanket and his tightening arms thwarted her attempt at a shrug. “Things got better. Dad died, and Mom met this guy she thought was a total snooze—super boring and annoying. But he treated her like a queen and was nice to all of us. They never fought. He didn’t make much money, but they always managed to pay the rent on time. She started to hum when she cooked, and they’d put our report cards on the fridge. It was awesome. He was awesome. That’s what I want—someone I think is a snooze. It’s why I can’t be with you. I really like you.”

  His remaining unease dissolved. This snag, he could work with. All he required wa
s time—close-quartered, sex-filled, orgasm-laden therapy. After she spent an entire weekend tied to his bed, he’d convince her to extend their arrangement day-by-day, week-by-week. Being a smart cookie, she’d figure out soon enough she could handle falling for a Dom.

  And even though he’d bet his entire net worth she’d survive a nasty breakup just fine, he’d do everything in his power to pave the path toward a happy ending. God knew she deserved one.

  “You have a horrible way of delivering great news.” Releasing a pent-up breath, he closed his mouth over hers. Their tongues tangled; their teeth scraped. He didn’t stop until his head spun. Ending the kiss, he leaned down and whispered, “I more than like you, too, by the way.”

  “Yes, I know.” Her lips grazed his jaw. “You’re crazy about me.” She nibbled his neck. “Which makes us horrible for each other. I have no idea why the one-night stand service matched us up.”

  Was he so damn obvious? “Crazy is a strong word….”

  She giggled. “You’ve been wearing a giant neon sign for months, ever since you got over the queen b—”

  As if on cue, the blonde in question yanked open the drapes. “Lulu. We need to talk.”

  Hot on her heels came Biker Dude. When Luka groaned and threw his head against the backrest, Ivanna’s sidekick cracked his scuffed knuckles a few times.

  Naomi ruined the menacing effect by asking, “Did she call you Lulu?”

  Scowling, Luka deposited his sub on the seat and sprang to his feet. “It’s one of the many reasons I broke off the engagement. Don’t move. We’ll pick this up in two seconds.”

  Stepping toward his relentless ex, he crossed his arms. “Ivanna, this has to end. It’s been almost a year. Nothing will make me date you again. Please. Quit. Stalking. Me.”

  “Why are you being so mean?” Liquid filled the woman’s bright-blue eyes. Her uncovered boobs heaved. Seriously? Crocodile tears? At this stage? No person in their right mind would count on the ploy working.

  Then again, he caught himself looking around for a tissue box. At times like these, he hated the good manners his parents had foisted on him. In his shoes, his friends would be telling the psycho to quit her whining.


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