Highland Yule: A MacLomain and MacLauchlin Hogmanay Tale

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Highland Yule: A MacLomain and MacLauchlin Hogmanay Tale Page 6

by Sky Purington

  Rona rested her head against his shoulder and remained silent for a time until she sat upright and stared at the small tapestry hanging across from them. “’Tis still there.”

  “Aye.” He looked at the image of MacLomain Castle. “It should be in the great hall to honor our most trusted ally, but ma has always liked it here. She thinks the light coming through the window flatters it and that those who sit here to collect their thoughts will find peace in it.”

  “Bróccín agreed.” She stood and eyed it. “He also said the night we kissed that he felt MacLomain Castle suited a lass like me...that it was a place I should always return to one way or another...”

  She glanced from him to the tapestry. “Ye dinnae think...”

  “I dinnae see how he could fit something back there.” He went to the tapestry. “Though there is some space between the material and the wall...” He trailed off when he peeked behind it. “Bloody hell, Brother!”

  A piece of material had been sewn into the back, and a scroll was tucked inside.

  “Is there another one, then?” Rona asked.

  “Aye.” He pulled it out and handed it to her. “Here ye go, lass.”

  She removed the holly, untied it then unrolled the parchment. This time he stood beside her and read as well.

  My Dear Friend,

  I hope ye have at last been kissed as ye should be. That ye felt the stirrings in yer soul that ye made me feel time and time again. I have only one message left for ye, but ye must go home to find it. Ye must ask Laird Adlin for what should have been yers from the verra beginning...



  “What was mine from the verra beginning?” She shook her head. “I will have to give that some thought.”

  “Did nothing of importance happen there then?” Yet he was starting to suspect something. But could it be? Could his brother have been so presumptuous and forward-thinking on his deathbed? Colmac would have to talk to ma. Something he tried to do after he saw Rona safely back to her chamber but his mother was sleeping.

  So he waited until the festivities died down then sat in front of the fire in the great hall to think things over. A lone pipe still trilled somewhere in the castle, and a few people meandered about, but for the most part, it was peaceful.

  “Might I join ye, friend?” Stuart handed him a mug of whisky then settled in with a dram of his own. They sat in companionable silence for a stretch before his first-in-command finally spoke, his keen eye sharper than ever.

  “’Tis a sad thing to know ye’ve lost so many years together when ‘tis clear ye and Rona share a great love.” Stuart shook his head. “I have seen love before but never so strong as what I witnessed betwixt ye two this eve.” His gaze went to Colmac. “But then I was not around that particular Hogmanay years ago.” His brows drew together. “If ye looked at each other then like ye did tonight, nobody could have mistaken it.”

  “Nay,” he murmured, thinking back on what his mother had said about witnessing a great love that eve. Could it be she referred not to Rona and Bróccín but Colmac and the lass? Was that when Bróccín saw it too? Or sooner? More so, did it really matter?

  What was done was done.

  “Ye arenae going to let her get away again, right?” Stuart’s gaze returned to the fire. “’Twould be verra foolish.”

  “She was betrothed to my brother,” he reminded.

  But never bedded him, thank the Lord.

  “Aye, but she isnae pledged to Bróccín anymore,” Stuart said.

  “’Tis ill to marry my brother’s betrothed, is it not?”

  “’Tis ill not to marry a lass ye’ve loved all these years,” Stuart counseled. “Not to finally have what ye gave up for the love of yer kin. A lass I believe was yers prior to being Bróccín’s based on the way she looked at ye this eve.”

  Hope stirred in his soul, but he kept it from his face. “What would the clan make of it, though?”

  “The clan loves her,” Stuart stated bluntly. “They did then and still do.” He met Colmac’s eyes, and his brows swept up. “Not only that, but she’s a MacLomain. A marriage alliance to her would be verra good for us.”

  “I wouldnae marry her for an alliance,” he said gruffly, marveling at the mere idea of calling her his wife.

  “Nay, that would be but a perk,” Stuart said. “Ye would marry her for the best reason possible, friend. True love.”

  Without a shred of doubt, he loved the lass dearly but still, would it be proper? Would she want such? Something he pondered the next morn when he checked in on his mother only to find her still resting. He also wondered about what Rona had told him before she went to sleep last night. Apparently, his ma had mentioned Hogmanay being a final farewell. Rona worried Mórag meant to take her own life, but he’d assured her his mother would never do that.

  Nevertheless, he would have her watched closely.

  “Ye’ll sit with ma then?” he asked Stuart as a few of his and Rona's men and a handful of Sinclairs readied their horses for travel. “Whilst she seemed good enough with me leaving ‘tis hard to know if her mind was truly present at the time.”

  “Aye, I will keep a close eye on Mórag,” Stuart vowed. His gaze went from Rona, astride her horse back to him. “Wishing ye a verra merry Hogmanay’s eve. May ye find great happiness in the New Year and return with a lovely gift indeed.”

  “Time will tell.”

  Stuart grinned. “That is more than I got out of ye last night.”

  Colmac offered nothing more than a small smile then embraced his friend goodbye and joined Rona. “Have ye everything ye need, lass?”

  “Aye.” She peered down at him from beneath her hooded cloak, her eyes brighter than usual. “Any word from the scouts ye sent ahead?”

  “All is well,” he assured, swinging up behind her.

  They were not journeying all that far, so they took fewer horses. That way there would be less for his clansmen to return to the castle once he and his fellow travelers boarded the boat. After that, he knew without a doubt, the MacLomains would be awaiting them on the other side of the loch. They always were. Even if they were not, the walk was not all that far and the land far safer.

  “’Twill be close timing beating the storm,” she remarked. “But if all goes well, we should make it.”

  “Aye,” he murmured in her ear, inhaling her flowery scent. He wrapped his arms around her and took hold of the reins. “I suspect things will go verra well, lass.”

  When she trembled ever-so-slightly, he knew it had nothing to do with the brisk air.

  “I dinnae see why ‘tis necessary we share horses,” Brighid muttered. She and Aaron came alongside them on his horse.

  “Ye know well why ‘tis best.” Rona grinned at her. “Besides, ye look quite fetching all bundled up in Aaron’s arms, Auntie.” The corner of her mouth shot up. “Especially with yer cheeks all aglow like that.”

  “Och, ‘tis cold!” Brighid cozied back against Aaron. He, in turn, appeared just fine with that. “And what of ye, lassie? I dinnae think I have ever seen ye look so...what is the word I am looking for?” She appeared to mull it over before her devious gaze slid Rona’s way. “Smitten I’d say...downright—”

  “Ready to leave,” Rona cut her off, settling back against Colmac. “And looking forward to going home.”

  “Aye then.” Colmac gestured at the others, and they set out into the snow covered woodland. “How did ye sleep, lass? I had little chance to speak with ye when we broke our fast.”

  “Honestly, ‘twas difficult to rest,” she confided. “Not for lack of comfort, though. Yer bed is quite nice. Thank ye for letting me use it.”

  “’Twas no trouble at all.” With any luck, ‘twill soon be yers. But of course, he did not say that. “Like ye, I slept verra little. There was much to think about.”

  “Aye,” she agreed softly. “Did ye come to any conclusions?”

  “Aye,” he said just as softly, again breathing in her scent. �
�And ye?”

  “I think mayhap I did.”

  What were they talking about precisely? Her walking away? Or him getting a second chance? Because he most certainly wanted one in every sense of the word.

  “And what conclusions were those?” he asked.

  “That I dinnae wish to be angry with ye anymore for things that happened so long ago.” She glanced over her shoulder, pinning him with her lovely eyes. “Things went as they did and I dinnae want anger, bitterness or regret to make decisions for me about my future.”

  “I didnae know ye felt so strongly.”

  “Back then, I felt verra strongly.” Rona settled against him while they made their way through the trees. “’Twas heartbreaking the way ye turned from me.” She sighed. “What I learned last night was another matter entirely. I dwelled upon it for a time only to realize what ye did back then for yer brother is one of the verra reasons I care so deeply for ye. Ye have always been the least selfish person I know and I cannae fault ye for staying true to that.”

  Stark relief unknotted his shoulders. He had prayed she would truly forgive him, and it seemed she had. He went to speak but snapped his mouth shut when the horse neighed.

  Activity ahead stopped them in their tracks.

  Chapter Nine

  Rona pulled her blade free and scanned the woodland, trying not to panic. She must not let what happened a few nights ago rule her emotions. Something had stirred the horses. So if miscreants were ahead, she must face them.

  “’Tis just a small boar,” one of Colmac’s men called out.

  She breathed a sigh of relief, sheathed her blade, and shook her head. “How ironic.”

  “Why is that, lass?” Colmac’s warm breath against her ear invoked a variety of sensations. Overwhelming desire. A need to kiss him again. To lose herself in something she never imagined feeling.

  But he knew what he did, did he not? And was every bit aroused. So said what had been pressed against her backside since he got on the horse. The same thing she’d felt in his arms last night dancing then very much so during their kiss. A hard length that pressed against her belly, reminding her just how much she still had to experience...what life had to offer.

  What Colmac had to offer.

  “Why is it ironic?” he prompted, reminding her she had commented on the boar.

  “Because the beastie seems to mark important moments in my life,” she replied. “Ye and Bróccín so long ago and now...”

  When she trailed off, he whispered, “Now what?” in her ear then dropped several small kisses on the side of her neck.

  She shivered with awareness and glanced at Brighid and Aaron to see if they noticed, but they seemed lost in their own world, talking softly to each other. In fact, they appeared more at peace than ever, her aunt cozy in his arms.

  “Now it seems I am at another important moment in my life,” she whispered, closing her eyes to the feel of Colmac’s warm lips.

  “Boars symbolize many things,” he said. “But above all fearlessness and strength.”

  “Have I those qualities then?”

  “Aye, lass, always,” he said softly against her ear, sending another round of delicious shivers through her. “Mayhap, God is trying to remind ye of that.”

  She met his eyes over her shoulder again. “Why would God need to remind me of such?”

  “Because this is not easy,” he murmured. “Not for me and most especially not for ye.”

  Their gazes held, and she understood what he spoke of. She could see it in his steady gaze. The deep love he felt. What he wanted from the future. Rather than respond, she leaned back against him again. This was the very thing she had dwelled upon into the wee hours of the morn.

  How much she desired Colmac.

  How much, despite the years between, she still loved him.

  What was she to do with such love considering she had been betrothed to his brother? What would her clan make of it? His? Would everyone think they betrayed Bróccín’s memory if they came together? If they loved as they wanted to?

  As it turned out, they boarded a boat a few hours later without further incident. It was hard to say goodbye to her horse, but she was assured he would be well cared for. Once the weather permitted and it was safer to ride around the loch, she could come back for him.

  She and Brighid smiled at each other, eager to return home after so long. The whole way across Loch Fynn she about burst with anticipation until someone eventually said the words she’d been longing to hear.

  “There they are,” a Sinclair called out. “MacLomains await us ashore!”

  Within moments, she spied them. Teary, she glanced from Brighid and Aaron to the shore. “’Tis Adlin and Mistress Mildred.” She nodded. “I see Laird Tiernan too!”

  A short time later, she was off the boat and embracing them, teary all the while. Despite being past their fiftieth winter, Adlin and Mildred looked well, both remarkably attractive and fit. Tiernan had certainly filled out. Like his da, he was tall and broad-shouldered with piercing pale blue eyes.

  “’Tis bloody good to see ye again, lassie.” Adlin held her at arm’s length and looked her over after she had said hello to the others. “Ye’ve grown into a bonny lass, ye have!”

  He had always been like another father, so it was very good to see him. “Thank ye.” She smiled, glancing from Brighid and Aaron back to Adlin. “I was well taken care of.”

  He beamed at the others. “Aye, ye were indeed!”

  Eager to catch up, everyone chatted away while they traveled. She and Colmac had their own horses now, and she rode alongside Tiernan.

  “Look at ye, cousin.” She grinned at him. “I remember when we were the same height.”

  “Och, ‘twas but for a week or two,” Tiernan chided. He winked then grew serious. “I am truly sorry for yer loss, lass. Bróccín was a good lad. This should have been a verra different sort of homecoming for ye.”

  “Aye, he was,” she said softly.

  “But at least ye arenae alone.” He’d always had a way of putting her at ease. Soothing her sadness. He glanced back at Colmac then looked to her. “’Tis good Colmac came with ye. We were hoping he would.”

  “Ye were?”

  “Aye.” He smiled. “He’s a good man and has done well by his clan since returning from battle.” He cocked his head. “If I recall correctly, ye were fast friends with both Colmac and Bróccín, aye?”

  “Aye.” She nodded. “Verra much so.”

  Though the conversation moved on, she got the impression Tiernan was even happier than he let on that Colmac was here. Happy they would be celebrating Hogmanay together.

  “So have ye a lass ye’ll be marrying before midnight, m’Laird?”

  “Och, nay.” Tiernan chuckled and shook his head. “I enjoy the lasses plenty, but I’ve had little time or inclination to get that serious.”

  “Aye, ‘tis a lot of work running a clan,” she conceded. “But I suspect love will find ye when the time is right.”

  “Mayhap.” He met her eyes, his focus not on his lack of romance but that which flourished between others. “Whilst old friends will be missed, I believe ‘twill still be a joyous Hogmanay. One that will bring many a couple together. True love, indeed.”

  Like his father, Tiernan had always been good at saying one thing, while getting another point across. This time, based on the way he glanced at Colmac again and nodded once with approval, he made his point very clear. Not only did he think Colmac was her true love, but he very much approved of their marrying if that was her desire.

  She looked ahead, not sure what to make of that. She’d been on MacLomain land less than an hour, and already she had the chieftain’s approval to marry another.

  More than that, to marry the brother of her former betrothed.

  “There it is at long last, lassie,” Brighid exclaimed, her gaze alight with excitement.

  Fluffy, white snowflakes started falling as they left the woodland behind and MacLomain Castle
loomed ahead. Surrounded on three sides by water, it was a mighty fine sight with its numerous wall walks, turrets, multiple drawbridges, and motes. Torches were lit, and sparkled along its expanse, making it almost magical in appearance. Honoring holiday tradition, a great bonfire surrounded by dancing clanfolk burned on the field to purify MacLomain land and drive away evil spirits.

  Aaron joined them, grinning widely. “We are home, at last, my lasses.”

  “Aye,” they said in agreement.

  “I remember a time we would have raced each other at this juncture.” Colmac joined them and met her smile. “Do ye remember lass?”

  “All too well.” She chuckled, fondly recalling the many times they had raced across this very field. “If ‘twas not for the snow and ice, I would race ye now and beat ye just like I always did.”

  “Ha!” He met her chuckle. “Is that how ye remember it?”

  They laughed as they headed forward. What a wondrous thing to be home again. Though she had both anticipated and dreaded this moment, it was far less sad than she imagined and she knew why.

  She glanced at Colmac again, so very grateful he was here.

  That she was not facing this eve alone.

  Upon arrival in the courtyard, they were greeted by many, and she rarely had dry eyes. The wall surrounding the castle had been expanded substantially years ago, and many more cottages were built within. Well-protected, they were part of a thriving community where commerce was alive and well.

  Fiddles and pipes played, a merry backdrop to the falling snow. A variety of wares were sold from multiple carts, last minute gifts for the midnight hour. Children raced around, playing and laughing. Couples both young and old strolled by and nodded at them in greeting.

  Tiernan assured Rona that her chambers were ready for her arrival then left to see to business. Brighid and Aaron floated off together as well, charmed by something that caught their attention.

  “Shall we then, lass?” Colmac held out his elbow to her at the base of the stairs leading to the castle’s great hall.

  She smiled and looped her elbow with his. “We shall.”


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