Paranormal Payload

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by Paranormal Payload [lit]

  “Call me Sevan, Lorelei. I think we’re way past pleasantries.”

  “Fine. Sevan, I need to get to him so that he can assure the coming of the next line of leaders. It’s not something that should require an explanation.”

  Instantly, it felt as though Sevan had been kicked in the chest. The idea of Lorelei running to another man to give her a child not only sickened him, it infuriated him. “You will not let any other man touch you. You are mine. I have spent six months loving you and I am not about to let you lie with another man.”

  The two men gasped and stared at him with wide eyes.

  Lorelei shook her head. “Don’t give him that look. He’s not my mate. He can’t be my mate.”

  One of the men moved behind Sevan and touched his upper right shoulder blade. “Look, Devi. He carries you on him.”

  “Huh?” he and Lorelei said.

  Turning his head, Sevan strained to see what the man was pointing at. “How is my tattoo of a woman with a black panther painted on her leg lying cuddled with a lion a symbol of Lorelei?”

  Lorelei lunged at him, twisting him around fast and making a noise that was a cross between a yelp and a cry. “Bollacks! Get the Chieftain now. Tell him that he’ll need to perform a bond breaking ceremony immediately. Sevan cannot be permitted to stay on our planet any longer than necessary and I’m not about to allow him to remain bonded to me any longer than necessary.”

  “Bonded?” Sevan asked.

  “Would you stop asking so many questions? I’m trying to fix this.”

  “Hey, lady, don’t start yelling at me because I don’t understand your lingo for soul mate haven here. I’m just trying to get by. You know, friendly alien relations.”

  Lorelei snorted. “Bloody hell, if I’m an alien what are you? Oh, I know. A lower life form.”

  “A lower life form? Is that why you keep saying human like it’s a dirty word? Do you think you’re better than us?” Sevan asked, his anger with her growing but somehow channeling into the need for sex. “I saw your little magick trick in the corridor Lorelei. You may be gifted but you aren’t the only one with special qualities, honey.”

  “Are you trying to tell me something, Sevan?” Lorelei arched a brow. “I’m all ears. Are you ready to tell me why in my dreams I just knew something was different about you, that there was something more? When you bit me, it was with the teeth of a shifter, not a man. Yet, when you set foot on my planet I sense nothing more than human in you. How is that?”

  “Because I told you once already, Lorelei. I am not full-blooded. I carry a small bit of lion DNA in me. I don’t know how the hell I shifted in the dream. But I can tell you this. From the moment I entered your atmosphere the beast I carry in me has wanted out. It’s wanted to destroy Christian for daring to touch you and it’s wanted to fuck you as bad as I have. So you can check that holier than thou attitude at the door, sweetheart.”

  The men exchanged knowing looks and smiled. “It’s good to see that you and your mate love one another.”

  Sevan stared at the men, unsure if he wanted to shoot them or hug them for bringing the love word up.

  Lorelei shook her head, sending black tendrils cascading over her shoulders. “We are not mates and we are not in love. We only just met and he’s leaving very shortly.” She pushed past him fast, nearly knocking him over.

  She’s really fucking strong.

  Rushing up behind her, Sevan turned her to face him and stared into her blue eyes. “I’m not going anywhere. Do you mean to tell me that by claming you in the dream, I’ve claimed you in real life? Are we husband and wife?”

  She let out a soft laugh. “All evidence is proving that theory though I personally think it’s ridiculous. If you were able to successfully claim me in a dream why is it that I didn’t end up with child? It’s not like we didn’t join enough. Bloody hell, I’ve lost track of the amount of times we spent the night banging away.”

  Walking into her, Sevan forced her against the hallway wall, pinning her in place so he could speak to her without fear of her running. He didn’t have all the answers but he did know that he loved her. “I’ll admit that I’m a little lost here. I don’t have all that great knowledge of the dream plane things like you do. I do, however, know that you are in no way, shape or form allowing another man to touch you. I told you once already, you are mine, Lorelei. My woman. My love. My mate. And my wife, if we believe that what happened in our dreams is real. I believe, Lorelei. I fully believe that I took you in my arms, marked you while I offered you my seed, my essence, making you my mate. I’ll do it again right now if it will make everyone feel better but you said it yourself, your markings began to fade six months ago. That is the exact time that the dreams started. I am your mate and you are mine. I’m the one who will handle what you need, not some muscle bound guy with hair like a girl. I am the man who will plant the seed deep within….” As the words fell from his lips, Sevan’s body tightened along with his stomach.

  One look at Lorelei told him that she was as shocked by his declaration as he was. She shook her head. “Take it back, now!”

  “It is too late, Devi. We have borne witness to the marks and the gods’ sign but have also heard his vows to you. It is official.”

  “No, it is not. You can’t count that. He’s an outsider. A cocky one at that.” She tossed her hands in the air. “There is no way that can count. He didn’t know what he was doing.”

  “What did I do?” Sevan asked, concern still gripping his stomach.

  “You stated before witnesses that you claim her with a bond in place.” The man was so matter-of-fact about it that Sevan actually felt a little slow not getting it.


  Lorelei glared at him. “Tell them you didn’t understand what you were doing and we can get this taken care of. I want to keep you for a husband like I want a gabaetion rash.”

  Sevan balked. “You would rather have a flesh eating rash devouring you than be my wife?”

  The realization of what he’d just said hit him hard. Joy tore through him. “I’m your…? You’re my…? We’re…? ”

  “Married, yeah, now that you’re up to speed can you take it back? I need to find Christian and….”

  Sevan dropped his lips down on hers, rendering her silent as his tongue did what it wanted to do, memorize her mouth. He heard the sound of the exterior door closing and planted his palms on the wall along the sides of Lorelei’s head. She tasted so sweet that it was intoxicating. The more she wiggled against him the stiffer his dick became.

  “Sevan, please,” she whispered, sliding her tongue over his lower lip. The small action told him how much she wanted what he wanted. If that was true they’d both be very happy very soon. The idea of waiting another moment to touch her, to take her was ludicrous.

  Chuckling into her mouth, Sevan continued his invasion of her mouth, not caring who watched him do it. He inched his fingers down her arms and over her smooth stomach. Aching to be in her, he went for the top of her pants, no longer able to wait or take it slow. The tops of his fingers grazed the tiny thatch of black hair he knew she possessed and need slammed throughout him. His pulse sped while his body tightened. “I need to be in you, Lorelei.”

  Instantly, her body began to heat up, so much so that Sevan had to take a step back. As soon as he opened his mouth to question her, some sort of power shot forth from her, hitting the wolf on the ground and lifting it high into the air. Sevan watched in awe as it burst into a ball of red fire before vanishing. He would have questioned her on it but he already knew she was beyond special. She was magnificent.

  “There,” she said, lowering her blue gaze and smiling with wanton wonderment. “Now we’re alone.”

  “Mmm, have anything special in mind?”

  Lorelei’s tongue slid out and over her lower lip, teasing him to the point the beast within threatened to rise. Doing his best to hold it down, not liking the surge of power it seemed to now carry with it, Sevan took a step closer t
o her. He couldn’t fight the desire. He didn’t want to.

  She smiled. “You should let me go, Sevan. Christian has understood that when the time was right he’d be the one to fill me with his seed and that we would have a child together. It doesn’t matter what my feelings or his are. All that matters is that our kind be able to once again conceive children. We are a dying race, Sevan. Please.”

  He clenched his fists, doing his best to squelch the beast within. It had never been this strong or this close to the surface in his waking hours. “Lorelei, you are mine. And I don’t share my things with anyone.”

  “I’m a thing?”

  “You’re my wife.”

  Shaking her head, she moved in even closer, running her hands over his bare chest. “Sevan, you can renounce it in front of witnesses and be free of me--of this place.”

  The idea of taking his claim back was absurd. “No. You are mine forever, Lorelei.”

  She bit her lower lip as tears welled in her eyes. “If I don’t get to Christian soon the window of my fertility may close, Sevan. I can’t let that happen and I sure in the hell cannot allow you to father a child with me only to leave. In the end it will be Christian who raises the child so it should be he who fathers it,” she said, whispering the last part so softly that Sevan knew that she didn’t believe her own words. She wanted him but had been conditioned to believe that if the time came she should run to another.

  Growling out, Sevan pulled at Lorelei’s vest, freeing her ample breasts to him. He cupped one harder than he should but he didn’t care. She needed to hear him. “Lorelei, I am not going anywhere. I’ve spent six months thinking I was going mad. Thinking I was in love with a dream. Now that I’ve found you, I’m never letting you go. If you decide that here is where you want to be then here is where I’ll stay. No man but me will raise my child and trust me when I say it will be my child that grows in you.”

  “Sevan,” she whispered, raking her fingernails over his skin, sending his cock into duress. It needed in her soon. “It’s too deadly here for you.”

  “Do you want me to go? Do you want to push me out of your life?”


  Exhaling, Sevan rolled her nipple between his thumb and first finger. “I’m not going anywhere, baby. When the ship is fixed Jordan can take it over.”

  “You’d say goodbye to your brother so easily?”

  He shook his head. “It won’t be easy but I can’t leave my mate behind. I can’t. Especially not since she’ll be carrying my child in her very soon.” Dipping his head down, he captured her nipple with his mouth and moaned.

  * * * *

  Stegian raked his nails over his desk, channeling the fury that burned inside him. The Janelle girl had managed to elude him yet again, this time finding her true mate. The moment he’d sensed the vessel enter the atmosphere he knew it had begun. Endless dreams of the Janelles mating, growing stronger in both strength and number as they mated one by one. Seven in all, he had never assumed he’d have so much grief over the only three who remained on the planet.

  They were nothing more than women. Their brothers had been forced into exile long ago, leaving them defenseless. Well, all except for the Chieftain and his brothers. Samson had taken some effort to sway but when he finally managed to find his weakness, Lorelei, he broke the man quickly. The nameless, faceless elders--the ones who managed to exist beyond his grasp had deemed Samson worthy of Lorelei’s hand should her mate not show himself. No one held out much hope of finding their one true mate on Sargaidia. Its sister planet, Margaidia was more a vacation paradise, held under tight control by the Commission.

  Having crashed aboard a Project Exorcism vessel over a hundred and fifty years ago, Stegian had reveled in the fact that the planet’s natural resources began to immediately enhance his already superhuman qualities. No longer requiring daily feedings, Stegian could go for extended periods of time and not lose his strength or powers. Being both a vampire and a sorcerer had left him in need of replenishing his system often while on Earth.

  The human officials who had come to an agreement with the traitorous heads of the supernatural committee never planned on an accident throwing their vessel off course and they never planned on how much stronger the supernaturals would be on account of it.

  Sensing Lorelei’s power riding the air, Stegian narrowed his eyes and sought to connect with her mentally again. He’d been doing it on and off for six months each time managing to stay a bit longer before she noticed he was there. In his mind he could see her mate, his blond hair and green eyes staring down at her as he caressed her body slowly.

  The smell of arousal managed to transcend the distance between Stegian and Lorelei, allowing him to catch the scent of her damp pussy. Need slammed through him and his dick hardened instantly. She and her sister, the captain of the Shamenian guards had always made his cock thirst to be buried in them. Now, as he stayed linked to her, viewing the events in third person, Stegian couldn’t help but reach down into his pants and stroke his rapidly growing erection.

  “Yunoc,” he called out, knowing his loyal servant would come immediately.

  He heard him standing quietly behind him but didn’t bother to turn around. “Bring me one of the Shamenian mixed females we have. I want one with black hair and an appetite for rough sex.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Stegian concentrated on Lorelei again, mentally tracing the contours of her body, wishing it was he touching her now not that dreaded Commission Captain whom he’d tried desperately to block from her dreams with no success. The man slid his hand down the front of Lorelei’s pants and cupped her mound. Stegian could almost taste the cream the smell was so great.

  Warm hands moved over his arm and he knew the woman he’d sent Yunoc for had arrived. Looking up, he smiled as he found her wearing nothing but a collar. Being part wolf and part Shamenian left her an outcast in both worlds. Stegian knew she’d have been better off staying with her own kind but when he’d first spotted her, he had to have her. The female reminded him of Lorelei and Nina, making her a perfect bed partner when the mood struck him.

  Taking hold of her waist, he pulled her before him, still sitting in his chair and still smelling Lorelei’s cream. He stared into the female’s well maintained black thatch between her thighs and snapped out at it, not biting but wanting to. Parting her folds, Stegian leaned forward and licked her, instantly picturing Lorelei’s pussy before him. Not the woman there now. “Mmm, you taste sinfully delicious.”

  When Stegian watched the Captain before Lorelei drop to his knees, pull her pants down and mimic Stegian’s actions he couldn’t hide his joy. The man was sensing his presence and reacting to Stegian’s lead.

  Wanting to test the theory, Stegian pushed two fingers into the slut before him and began thrusting them into her with superhuman speed. The Captain followed suit. Still wanting to push it further to know for sure, Stegian stood fast, licked the cream from his fingers and immediately spun the woman around. Grabbing her hips, he bent her over exposing the globes of her ass to him.

  He freed himself from the confines of his pants and fisted his cock. The Captain continued to do exactly as Stegian did. He rubbed the head of his penis over the female’s wet core twice before grasping her hair and ramming himself to the hilt in her. She screamed out and tried to get away from him. Tightening his hold on her, he kept her in place. Slowly, her tight channel loosened for him and she began to rock back onto his dick.

  “Do you like that, slut?” he asked, shocked to hear the Captain ask Lorelei the same question.

  Lorelei nodded as best she could, moaning and arching her back, leaving Stegian drilling into the female before him, fucking his desires away and not caring how rough he was. The woman didn’t seem to mind. She continued to cream on his shaft as he fucked her and began to knead her fingers into her thighs, panting as she went.

  “Yes. Take it, slut. Take it.”

  He fucked her harder, bending her over more, exposing t
he pink rosette of her ass to him. The need to take it hit him hard. Knowing that he couldn’t let Lorelei’s mate spill his seed into her, Stegian pulled his cock free from the female’s pussy and pressed it into her ass quickly, allowing her little to no time to prepare for it. She bucked against him, taking the full, massive length of him into her tight ass.

  It felt too good to stop. It wasn’t the woman from his never ending harem bent over before him in his mind. No. To Stegian it was Lorelei’s ass he was in. He searched out and to his shock found the Captain still fucking her pussy, still thrusting into her. Each of them panted as they stay locked together. The second Stegian saw the Captain reaching around to tweak Lorelei’s clit, he let his rage out.

  “No! Obey me. Pull out and do not release your seed into her.”

  “Master?” the woman before him asked, sounding as though his dick was filling her to the point she bordered on pain.

  “Speak only when spoken to.” Unable to stop himself, Stegian continued to thrust into her, enjoying the feel of her tight passageway around his shaft.

  “Pull out!”

  The captain ignored his command. Infuriated, Stegian thrust harder, needing to find the ever elusive release he thought sure would come. As the smell of Lorelei hitting her peak hit him, Stegian gave into the need to ejaculate, instantly bathing the woman in his come. It was then he knew that the captain, Lorelei’s true mate was filling her with his seed, fertilizing the egg that had come forth demanding his seed.

  Raking his dagger-like finger nails down the female’s back, Stegian smiled as she cried out. Pulling his dick free from her, he turned her quickly and bent her over his desktop. The blood that welled to the surface on her back called to him. He dropped his face down and lapped it up slowly. Stegian’s cock returned to a need of sex almost instantly as the blood of the woman filled his veins, breathing new life into him.

  In mere seconds he had his cock shoved back into her ass as he bent down, licking her wounds. It was exactly what he liked--a fuck and a suck. As a vampire there was no greater high. Well, the Janelle sisters would certainly improve that.


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