In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I) Page 7

by John J Higgins

  Michael was pleased that he was being given such an important assignment and responded, "I would be honored to do so, my Lord."

  The Almighty turned Himself visible and said: "Let us then begin." He picked up the piled soil in His hands, and pulled in some water from the nearby river, blended it with the portions of the piles of earth and formed into a creature with a combination of the features of the Simians and the Angels, but still without any wings. Once fully shaped He set it down and created another going through the same process and using the rest of the piles of clay blended with more of the nearby water.

  The Almighty then bent his head between the two molded figures and whispered something into each of their ears. Then He arose above them and called out, "Lillith come forth!" And the form that would be female came to life, her eyes blinking as she stared to look around and gain her bearings. He then called out to the other form, "Adam come forth!" And the male figure blinked as he too, awoke and tried to get his bearings. They sat up, and as they did, the Almighty reached out and touched each of them simultaneously on the forehead, which caused a flash of energy to pass into them. The clouded look of bewilderment in their eyes was immediately replaced with a sharpness in their pupils, the focus of cognition.

  The Almighty looked off into the distance and then vanished for a moment. He reappeared in a form very similar to the two Beings He had just created. Michael assumed this was to make them feel more comfortable, they never would have been able to look upon Him in His natural appearance.

  Michael observed that Lillith and Adam were evenly matched in beauty. The Almighty created them as equals. Lillith had long, flowing blonde hair that reached down to the back of her thighs, blue eyes so clear that they shone like blue tinted ice, plump red lips, full firm breasts, a slightly upturned nose, clear glowing pink skin, all atop a long slender body with sleek shapely legs. Adam was brown haired and brown eyed, muscular and strong, solid in form as the clay he was composed of, some hair on his body, but with a great deal more hairless skin than any of the Simians that Michael had observed earlier.

  Lillith and Adam glanced around at the Garden where they were placed, their eyes taking in their surroundings, but Michael was unsure if they were able to understand much of it, as even he was still astonished by the beauty of this place. He observed the two of them without worry as only the Almighty was visible to them, Michael and the rest remained invisible to these new creatures. Lillith and Adam remained sitting up on the ground for a while as they absorbed their surroundings. It took them some time to begin to move even their arms as they were becoming accustomed to their bodies.

  They remained silent for a long time, and there were just the sounds of the paradise in the background. Michael was able to hear the smaller winged creatures known as birds as well. He could watch their forms covered in colors and feathers that flew at will from one tree to another, making strange but soothing sounds as they communicated with one another.

  The Almighty then reached down and pulled both of these new creatures to their feet. He indicated that they should walk around, and after a short while of unsteadiness they were able to balance themselves just fine. The Almighty then indicated for the two of them to look at one another, and after a brief moment a surge of energy passed between them that Michael could feel even though he was still invisible and standing away from them.

  Michael had never felt a surge that accompanied creatures' attraction for one another before; it was a stream of energy that bounced between them, and that increased in intensity to the degree that he could feel its wake. After a few moments of them gazing at one another, the Almighty spoke. "Lillith and Adam, this is your new home, a place that is called the Garden of Eden."

  Then, with another circling gesture of His hand, the Almighty removed the veil of invisibility from Michael while keeping the rest of the Seraphim and Thrones hidden and invisible.

  "This is My Archangel Michael. He is responsible for helping create you two and will serve as My messenger and helper for you when I am not here."

  Michael stood across from Lillith and Adam, exchanging glances and smiles with each of them. Lillith's eyes lit up a bit more intensely and lingered in his gaze. He felt that her eyes were absorbing him, as he stood looking down upon her and her mate. Adam's glance, on the other hand, was quicker and much less intense. He was not paying much attention to Michael, as if he were just a larger creature found among other things in this garden. Michael thought that Lillith was much more observant and intelligent; Adam seemed slower in thought and probably did not comprehend everything he saw and heard.

  "Come walk with us," the Almighty said to Adam and Lillith as He began to walk down the clearing and then along the stream.

  Michael walked along behind them, visible to them while the Seraphim and Thrones remained invisible and flew above them. He listened as the Almighty showed the two creatures different things within the Garden of Eden. The Almighty took a lot of time with them, pointing out the various fruits that they could eat and enjoy as well as the clear cool waters that flowed beside them. These new creatures stayed quiet, not sure yet how to speak or what to say. He also showed them a small structure that His Seraphim had prepared for them, equipped with piles of straw where they could sleep at night.

  After a few hours the Almighty and His Angels prepared to depart, and by this time Lillith and Adam finally began to speak, even though it was only repeating their own names. The two new creatures would have the opportunity to explore the Garden of Eden on their own. Just before He left, the Almighty looked at Lillith and Adam lovingly and said, "All of this is for you to enjoy. This is your world now. You are in charge of it and can do whatever you wish."

  Chapter 9


  Luciferael was excited to be able to return to the stars at the far reaches of the Universe. He thought how wonderful it would feel to be able to immerse himself in the power of the new stars once again, even if he had to bring along the Potentates. Looking back upon Abrackus and his Order of Potentate Angels as they followed behind Mephistophael and Jarahmael, he almost laughed at the way they bobbed along in flight, pulsating balls of light that they were.

  Mephistophael caught his eye and almost reading his mind, said, "What a freakish lot those Potentates are. They are so different from all the other Order of Angels."

  "I don't know why the Almighty created them to look like that," Luciferael responded. "And I have a good sense of why the Almighty does things. What do you think, Jarahmael?"

  "I don't know either, my lord Luciferael. I do know that Cerebriel of the Cherubim told me that they have proven to be very useful with the construction on the Earth. They can pulsate power into Angels of the other Orders, magnifying their strength."

  "Interesting," responded Luciferael, making a mental note of this, and quickly shot a glance over at Mephistophael to make sure he was paying attention.

  Mephistophael changed the subject. "We are here my lord, at the hub for the cosmic energy stream."

  "Good!" Luciferael responded. "Jarahmael, I want you to make sure all the Potentates fly into the portal after I bring Abrackus with me to lead the way. Mephistophael will come inside and try to make sure they are all touching so we all can travel together. But with Potentates . . . who knows what will happen? If we can't get them all to travel together, then Jarahmael you will have to get the stragglers into the cosmic energy stream. Ready, Mephistophael?"

  Mephistophael nodded his head.

  "Abrackus! Come up here!" Luciferael said, motioning for the pulsating violet colored orb to come up beside him. "Bring the rest of them too!" he called out again to Abrackus, motioning for them to line up. Luciferael then called out, "Prodeo Luminarium Fluo!" and a glowing circular hub of red appeared. Abrackus flashed some sort of signal to the others, indicating in their own way for the Potentates to follow Luciferael. Abrackus himself stayed back and called out to Luciferael, "I want to make sure all my Potentate Angels get through the port
al, lord Luciferael. I will come with the last of them."

  "I am leaving Jarahmael here to bring up the rear of our group and ensure all of your Potentates make it through, lord Abrackus, but you are welcome to do as you wish," Luciferael yelled back.

  Abrackus then pointed out two of his Potentates by striking them with electronic fire-bolts. "These are Salmac and Gaap, they will take the lead for the Potentates that are going in this group with you."

  Luciferael then motioned to them that they needed to fly into the red hub and demonstrated by flying into the tunnel himself, and then re-emerged to watch the large group of Potentates enter inside. Then Luciferael and Mephistophael followed them into the portal. Once inside, Luciferael then addressed the group "Salmac, Gaap, and the rest of you Potentates in here, make sure you are all touching. Here we go!" Luciferael and Mephistophael then turned south as Luciferael called out "South, end of the Universe!"

  With a flash they were all taken up in the cosmic energy stream and left the hub.

  Luciferael came out near the location where they had been the day before. Excited, he could still feel the excess energy radiating off one of the nearby stars that had been created just yesterday. Luciferael waited for a few more minutes and watched as more and more of the Potentates arrived.

  Luciferael waited for Jarahmael and the rear of the Potentate column of Angels to arrive. But he grew impatient as he kept remembering the ecstasy that he felt when he was immersed in the star. The heat of the star and its extra energy kept pulling Luciferael towards it, magnifying his desire to immerse himself once again into the energy within its core. He decided there was no reason for him to wait for Jarahmael and the others. Jarahmael was more than capable to show Abrackus and the remainder of the Potentates how to immerse themselves in the energy core of the star. They could catch up with him later.

  Luciferael turned to the lead Potentates as he began to fly towards one of the new stars and said, "Salmac and Gaap, I want you and your Angels to follow me and do whatever I do."

  Mephistophael moved to accompany Luciferael and motioned to Salmac and Gaap, encouraging them to follow. "It will be wonderful," Mephistophael added as he too began to fly towards the star. Salmac, Gaap and the other Potentates then began to move and followed the two Archangels, gathering speed as they tried to catch up. They watched as the Archangels began their dive into the star, and then followed them into the atmosphere.

  Luciferael and Mephistophael dove head first into the surface of the star and swam deeper, into the core. The energy pushed them back up to the surface and they bathed themselves in the rolling mass of energy, half-heartedly watching for Salmac, Gaap and the other Potentates with little interest.

  "I am going to take another dive into the core," Mephistophael announced. "I so enjoy crashing directly into the core from above."

  "That's fine, Mephistophael. I will wait for you here," Luciferael said, stretching out his wings so he could absorb even more energy.

  Salmac soon popped up near Luciferael and he watched the orb with amusement. Salmac's bluish hue became a more intense shade as he absorbed more and more energy from the star. Watching the orb, Luciferael remembered assisting the Almighty in creating these Angels, but he had trouble differentiating one from the other even then. Gaap soon popped up nearby, his reddish hue now blood red. Soon another group of the Potentates came up through the star's surface, while Luciferael leisurely floated watching their colors intensify as they absorbed more energy.

  "Tell me what you think of the energy here," Luciferael asked Salmac and Gaap as they continued to bob on the surface. Faces appeared through the smooth encasing that kept them spherical and Luciferael noticed that they appeared to be smiling. It's difficult to read what they are thinking or feeling, Luciferael thought, best to ask them. "Are you enjoying this?"

  Salmac pulsated as he spoke, saying, "Oh yes, lord Luciferael. It is both refreshing and energizing. We generate our own energy, but this is a tremendous boost for us."

  Gaap said, "Thank you for showing us this, it is a great enjoyment."

  "All of the Angels are able to self-generate energy, we are Beings of Light!" Luciferael responded, hiding his annoyance that they may not appreciate that he was the one who created these Beings of Light on that first day, with what he now considered a little help from the Almighty. He did not want to offend them because they may have information he wanted. He was very curious about what Jarahmael had said earlier about their ability to transfer energy to others. "I hear that you are able to provide additional power to other Angels."

  "Yes, at times we have," answered Salmac. "It can be quite disorientating though, as it does temporarily drain us and make us sluggish afterwards."

  "I was providing energy for the Cherubim on the Earth the other day and for a while I forgot where I was," responded Gaap.

  "What did they use your power for, Gaap?" Luciferael asked.

  "I don't remember. That's the reason we don't like to do it," Gaap answered, his face now showing a flash that appeared to be anger.

  "That must be very disorienting when your power is drained like that," Luciferael sympathized and then asked. "Can you absorb power from another Angel too, does it go both ways?"

  "It is lord Luciferael, very disorienting. I don't know if we can absorb energy from the other Angels," answered Salmac, "no one has tried to do that with us before."

  "Let's try now," Luciferael said, as he pulled his wings back in closer to his body and then reached out, his right hand touching Salmac and his left hand touching Gaap. Luciferael then focused his mind and energy passed through him into each of the Potentates.

  Salmac smiled broadly, his face appearing in much greater detail through the murkiness of his sphere. Looking over, Luciferael saw the same effect on Gaap's face.

  "Now let's try you two generating power back into me," Luciferael said, and braced himself for a surge. Both Potentates' inner lights dimmed a bit in intensity as the power went deep into Luciferael, a sensation similar to what he was enjoying directly from the star.

  "Ooooh!" both Salmac and Gaap said in unison.

  "And we did not lose our memory!" exclaimed Salmac.

  "The power here in the star must replace the drain on your energy almost immediately," Luciferael said. "It may not work when you are not within the energy core of a star."

  "We need to tell lord Abrackus about this!" Salmac exclaimed, excited by their discovery.

  "I think we should wait before we tell Abrackus that the power can go both ways," Luciferael said. "For now let us keep this fact as our own secret. Agreed?"

  "Agreed," said Salmac.

  "Yes, of course," said Gaap.

  Before they could continue their conversation, Abrackus and Jarahmael came plunging into the star's core nearby as Luciferael and the two Potentates watched.

  "Ah here they are finally," said Luciferael as he moved closer to where they had just popped back up out of the core.

  "Yes!" Abrackus responded. "It took longer than I expected to get everyone through the cosmic energy stream." He then turned to Jarahmael and said, "But your brother Archangel Jarahmael here was of great help and exercised a great deal of patience with the slower members of my Order."

  Jarahmael answered, "It was my pleasure lord Abrackus. It gave us time to become better acquainted with one another. It was interesting to hear how you and your Order have been of so much assistance to the construction going on down on the Earth."

  "We do enjoy doing the will of the Almighty, whatever it may be," Abrackus answered.

  Luciferael noticed that Salmac and Gaap looked away when Abrackus said that, perhaps there is some rift among these Angels he thought to himself. Luciferael continued to watch Salmac and Gaap closely, expecting them to tell Abrackus that the Potentates could gather energy from other Orders of Angels, but they kept their agreement. Perhaps these two Potentate Angels will be able to keep a secret, he thought.

  Jarahmael interrupted and said, "It's time to
enjoy the energy of the star. Come on, lord Abrackus, follow me and I will show you some other areas of the core."

  Jarahmael and Abrackus then moved away from Luciferael, followed by Salmac and Gaap. Luciferael noticed their intensity kept growing as they remained within the star's energy fields. He watched Salmac and Gaap both turn around and send him a smile as they moved away. A sly grin appeared on Luciferael's face as he realized that Salmac and Gaap's loyalties were with him rather than their own leader, Abrackus.

  Chapter 10


  It had been a long day for Lillith and Adam. They had been created and given control over their own realm, a Garden that was part of both the Earth and First Heaven. The two of them enjoyed Paradise as they strolled naked through the lush greenery, feeling the warm sun on their skin, which was offset by the gentle breezes that caressed and cooled their bodies. They feasted upon the fruits that were abundant around them, even though they only needed a small amount of food from the Tree of Life for sustenance. The rest of the time they had the luxury of eating for the pure pleasure of it. Fruits of all sorts were available and all around them: strawberries, mangoes, oranges, apples and grapes, as well as nuts, figs, and vegetables grew in abundance throughout the Garden.

  As night began to fall, they retreated back to the hut that the Almighty had provided for them. The air became slightly cooler and they could both feel their bodies become tired. And it felt good to be able to relax in their hut. Although they had managed to say a few words when the Almighty and Archangel Michael had been with them earlier, speaking was not something that they were accustomed to doing, yet they were still able to communicate with one another easily enough by touch and gesture.


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