In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I)

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In the Beginning (Archangel Jarahmael and the War to Conquer Heaven, Book I) Page 23

by John J Higgins

  "Amazing, isn't it?" Jarahmael commented. "I had better get you out of here though, I don't know how one of those energy strikes would affect you, Lillith."

  Lillith again tightened her grip on Jarahmael as they now raced upwards through the rest of the Second Heaven, not stopping until they got through the gateway into the Third Heaven.

  As they entered the Third Heaven, Jarahmael slowed down once again.

  "You should be safer and more comfortable here. We are back in a realm where the Angels look more like me, not spherically shaped," he said to her reassuringly.

  "The sky here has a reddish color though, not blue like I am used to," Lillith said. "Pink clouds rather than white?"

  Before Jarahmael could answer, a small group of female Angels flew past, heading off into the distance.

  Lillith interjected, "There are female Angels too?"

  "Yes and no," responded Jarahmael. "The Almighty has given some of the Angels who live in this level of Heaven, the Order of the Principalities, the same physical characteristics that he had given you as a female Human. Most likely they were the model he had in mind when he created you. However, Angels don't reproduce like Humans do. So they are not female in that sense. And there has never been any question about males or females being equal among the Principalities as there was between Adam and you. Their leader is Annabael, a Principality with female characteristics."

  "The male Angels don't tell the female Angels what to do, then?" she asked.

  "The way it works is that we have Angels that are specially appointed by the Almighty who are designated leaders. They are considered to be trusted servants rather than masters. They all have greater responsibilities put upon them by the Almighty as well as special talents to equip them to carry out those responsibilities. Leaders are deemed to be worthy of those extra responsibilities because of the Almighty's selection of them for the tasks, and the Angels respect that."

  A particularly beautiful blue winged and white bodied Angel flew over and rose in the air parallel with Jarahmael and Lillith.

  "Who do you have there?" asked the female.

  "This is Lillith, Annabael. Lillith, meet Annabael."

  "You are one of the Humans, Lillith?" Annabael asked.

  "Yes, I am. I have not seen a female Angel before," responded Lillith

  "The Almighty made me like this," Annabael answered. "The Order of Principalities as Jarahmael insists on calling us, are Angels who engineer parts of the Creation as needed. For example, we are the ones engineering the pyramids that are now being built," she added, with a slight touch of pride in her voice. "The Almighty has found that male and female minds add to the ability to create; different viewpoints can be good. Sometimes even the male mind of an Archangel can have a decent view on things," she added, giving a sly grin to Jarahmael.

  Lillith noticed the look and wrapped her arms tighter around Jarahmael.

  "Jarahmael says that you are the leader here," Lillith said with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

  "That is true, Lillith. I am the leader of the Order of the Principalities," she said, giving an extra flourish to her wing stroke.

  "And you are in charge of building the pyramids?" asked Lillith.

  "Yes, in part. We are in charge of building the structures themselves," Annabael answered without noticing the hint of jealousy.

  "That is amazing," responded Lillith. "I think I have seen your face before, Annabael. Do you know about the statues down by the one pyramid?"

  "The pyramid at Aegyptus, Lillith?"

  Lillith nodded her head.

  "Yes, that is correct, Lillith. You are quite observant. There are two statues there called Sphinxes, one is half male and animal, the second is half female and animal. One of the statues has the face of Cerebriel and the other has my face. Better to have an even pair!"

  Jarahmael was proud of Lillith's observations but still interrupted. "We need to keep going. I am taking Lillith to meet with the Almighty," he added, speaking directly to Annabael.

  "I don't want to delay you," said Annabael. "Nice meeting you. I am sure I will see you again!" she added, dropping her head and gliding back down to the lower range of the Third Heaven.

  Ascending again, they flew though the gateway into the Fourth Heaven. Here Jarahmael and Lillith were illuminated by clear silver light.

  "Look at that!" Lillith said, pointing towards the center of the Fourth Heaven, where there were a collection of tall buildings that floated on a layer of clouds. "What a beautiful thing!"

  From where they were hovering, they could see beautiful Angels in red tunics and brilliant white wings flying in and out of the structures.

  "What happens here?" asked Lillith.

  "This is the home of the Angels who are the Order of the Dominions. These Angels keep the Universe in motion, the ones who have a larger view of the Creation. They advise the lower Orders of Angels as they continue with the Creation, if needed," said Jarahmael

  "The Creation is a continuing thing?" asked Lillith

  "Yes. It is ever expanding. That's why the lower Order of Angels work to fill it in with structures like the pyramids and adapt new life forms for the planets. But all of that work must be maintained under a certain order and pattern. This way the Universe stays ordered and structured according to the plan of the Almighty. Rathaniel is the leader of this Order and a strict fellow. He was specially chosen, as he keeps a tight rein on how the Universe functions."

  "And where is he?" asked Lillith.

  "He often holds court in that building over there. He and his assistants keep busy supervising all the Angels working on the pyramids. Today, I suspect he is most likely at one of the pyramids checking on the progress of the work there, if I know him at all."

  "Yes, those pyramids are beautiful structures and quite amazing! I am so happy they existed, otherwise I never would have been able to make my escape from Adam," Lillith said.

  They next ascended upwards and through the gateway into the Fifth Heaven. They arrived into a clear brilliant light, but the clouds in this Heaven were all in shades of blue. In the center was a large meeting hall, a huge arched structure. Jarahmael pointed to the structure and said to Lillith, "This is the home of the Order of the Virtues. From this Heaven onwards will be the Heavens closest to the Almighty. Two of my Archangel brethren are the ones who hold court in that arched building. Michael and Sammuael often take different positions to argue. They discuss potential changes to the Almighty's plans and discuss the reasons why there should be such changes or not."

  "I remember Michael, he would be there with you checking up on me and Adam in the Garden of Eden, wouldn't he?" Lillith said.

  "Yes, Lillith, that is correct, Michael and I were assigned to help with the Garden of Eden."

  Lillith was looking over Jarahmael's shoulder and saw a group of Angels fly into the building. She asked, "How do the arguments end?"

  Jarahmael laughed when he responded. "Not all arguments end in decisions. Just like you and Adam. If the Virtues can agree to a position or decision, it is then given to the Almighty. They often act as advisers to the Almighty. If the Virtues can't agree, then most likely there will be no change at all. The Almighty will implement changes if everyone agrees, or propose a change that all can live with. It sounds much more complex than what it is."

  "It does sound complicated!" she responded.

  "Michael or Sammuael would be able to explain it better, and when the time comes they are the best to ask about what they do there.

  "Let's fly up to the Sixth Heaven now," Jarahmael said as he began ascending again. They then flew up into the Sixth Heaven. Lillith looked about, noticing that the sky in this Heaven had a purplish hue. Then Lillith nudged Jarahmael and pointed to a group of Angels flying into one of the palaces on a white cloud there.

  "These Angels look familiar, they resemble your friend Cerebriel!"

  "Yes, he is the leader of the Order of the Cherubim," he responded.

  Lillith loo
ked around further and saw a group of Angels who did not appear to be fully grown, but resembled small Humans. Sweet faced and smaller than the muscular animal-bodied Angels she knew as the Cherubim.

  "What type of Angels are those?" Lillith asked.

  "They are just Cherubim in another form," he responded. "They are the both the artists and the warriors of the Universe. They create beauty in many forms and processes to enable the Angels to expand their own talents as bestowed upon them by the Almighty. They are also headstrong and powerful, and protect what has been created by the Almighty. Cerebriel and his group were responsible for all the words and art written on the walls in the pyramid in Eden."

  Jarahmael again ascended up and out of the Sixth Heaven. "Now we are approaching my home," Jarahmael said as they crossed through the gateway into the Seventh Heaven.

  "This is the most beautiful of all the Heavens! Look, the sky is crystal blue with golden cloud structures throughout!" Lillith exclaimed as she was admiring the various palaces floating on their own clouds. And there in the center of the Seventh Heaven was a tremendously large yet beautiful circular structure.

  "What is that?" she asked.

  "That is the Throne Room of the Almighty. This is where He appears when He addresses us or the great Assembly of all the Angels. Angels are assembled each morning for their instructions and the ceremony is something to behold. All Angels are supposed to attend unless there is an assignment more important. For instance, when the Almighty sent me to find you, I have not been able to attend the morning ceremonies until I have found you. It was a direct instruction from the Almighty and overrides anything else I would be responsible to do."

  "I am that important, Jarahmael?" Lillith asked excitedly.

  "Yes, you are," he said, giving her a quick squeeze with his arms. "The Almighty loves all of his creations and you are of special importance to him!"

  "What about to you? Am I important to you?" she asked coyly.

  "The Almighty could not care for you any more or to any greater depth than I do," he answered as he blushed in an Angelic fashion.

  To break his feeling of awkwardness, Jarahmael said, "I have something to show you."

  He then proceeded to fly over his own palace. It was similar to Luciferael's spired palace off in the distance, but not as grand. It was smaller, even though the rooms would expand if needed, it was just less imposing as Jarahmael did not keep it at its maximum size.

  "This is my palace," Jarahmael said, and he pointed to the building as they began an approach to softly land.

  "Let's go inside please!" exclaimed Lillith as they flew over the palace. She again nuzzled herself more deeply into the Archangel's body, her face pressed against the Angel's neck. "I thought Eden was beautiful and so were the other Heavens, but this place by far exceeds those places! I want to be an Angel!"

  "That may be a topic to bring up with the Almighty when He meets with you," responded Jarahmael. He was so enamored with her Human beauty that he began to feel ambivalent about any such change. He did want her to be happy and he knew he would feel strongly for her no matter what form she was in, but he did enjoy her being Human.

  "Going inside my palace will have to wait. My command was to bring you to the Almighty once I found you. And I have been searching for a long time to find you. I do not wish to keep Him waiting," Jarahmael said, not giving her any hint that he had taken it upon himself to bring her directly up into the Heavens.

  With that said, Jarahmael flew into the Throne Room with Lillith still on his back. They landed before the Throne itself in the center of the room and stepping forward, he went up to the Throne and placed Lillith on the floor that surrounded it. He then called out the name of the Almighty, a name that could not be said by Lillith because it was in the language and sound frequency only the Archangels were given to communicate directly with Him.

  A few moments later, the Seraphim slowly descended with a Human-like man seated in between them and on the top of descending Throne Angels. Jarahmael and Lillith looked up and watched the Beings coming down. She could see it was the Almighty who would often visit with her and Adam in the Garden of Eden. Although Jarahmael had seen the Almighty in Human form in the Garden of Eden before, he had never seen Him take this form in the Heavens. It was a strange sight, as the Almighty's presence still filled the room while His body seemed too small for the Heavens in that guise.

  Jarahmael could feel Lillith's breathing quicken, though he could not tell whether it was from her excitement to be able to speak with the Almighty once again or her fear of consequences for not having stayed with Adam. Out of the side of his eye though, he noticed that Lillith dropped to her knees before the sight of the Almighty and was looking at Him adoringly. Jarahmael decided that he would also kneel as a sign of respect to the Almighty.

  Lillith called out and said, "Here I am, my Lord. I am sorry if I did anything to offend You!" And she bent her head forward, hiding her face as the Almighty walked out from behind the Seraphim.

  "I am not cross with you. I have seen what you went through and I am sorry that Adam was not a better mate for you, My child."

  Jarahmael felt a wave of relief at hearing those words from the Almighty. Lillith's fear and lack of faith in the Almighty made him unsure what the Almighty would do, whether He would punish her, send her back to Adam, or even worse destroy her like the dinosaurs.

  "Yes my Lord," Lillith said as she slowly stood and gazed up at the Almighty.

  The Almighty turned to Jarahmael and said, "You have done well, My noble Archangel, bringing her back as I commanded." The Almighty paused, and it gave Jarahmael a signal that He was not upset with him for bringing the Human up into the Throne Room.

  The Almighty continued, "There are changes coming, dark changes I am afraid, and I need the two of you to help Me with some tasks if you are willing. But I need you to keep these tasks secret and only carry them out when they are required. So secret that I won't tell you about them until you promise to be willing to carry them out." He looked into each of their eyes before He continued. "Will you agree to do these unknown things on My behalf? I know it is a lot to ask, but I also know that the two of you are very strong and determined. Can I count on you?"

  Neither Jarahmael nor Lillith hesitated and said, "Yes!" at the same time.

  "Good," said the Almighty. "One more condition. Neither of you will know what the other shall have to do on My behalf. Is that still acceptable to each of you?"

  This time both Jarahmael and Lillith hesitated and looked at one another quickly. They both thought that the Almighty would have them work on the same endeavor together. If they weren't going to work with the same information, or on the same thing, they may be separated again. After a moment they smiled and shrugged their shoulders and again said, "Yes!" in unison.

  The Almighty smiled at their willingness to please Him and said, "Thank you! Now each of you come closer and I will tell you what will be required of each of you. Lillith, you first. . ."

  Chapter 37


  Mammonael had been returning to his own palace in the Seventh Heaven, when off in the distance he had seen Jarahmael fly into the Throne Room with a creature on his back. I wonder if that is Lillith, he thought. Jarahmael had been assigned to find her and I haven't seen Jarahmael at the morning ceremonies for a number of days. Must have still been looking for her. I wonder what he is up to, going into the Throne Room. Mammonael became stationary, hovering as inconspicuously as possible as he remained watching the Throne Room to see what was going on in there. I should get a closer look, he thought. Luciferael and the rest of the Auxilium would want me to listen in to what they are doing there!

  He began to fly forward to the doors at the entrance of the Throne Room when he could see the Seraphim and Thrones begin their descent into the room. They were entering through the skylight where the Almighty always entered. Because the doorway to the entrance and the skylight entrance were a distance away fro
m one another, Mammonael believed he could still stay out of sight. Landing in the entrance way and concealing himself behind one of the doors, Mammonael could see Jarahmael and a smaller wingless creature standing before the Throne as the Almighty's entourage finished their descent to the Throne. As the brightness given off by the Seraphim and Throne Angels subsided, Mammonael could see that there was something other than the Almighty now seated on the Throne itself. It was a different kind of creature, similar to the other wingless one who stood next to Jarahmael in front of the Throne. Whoever or whatever it was, it was seated in the position of the Almighty Himself! Shocked, Mammonael could not help blurt out, "Has something changed in Heaven?"

  Mammonael at first panicked that he had spoken aloud and given himself away, and looked around waiting to be confronted. But no one noticed him nor heard him speak aloud. He was still able to watch the events unfold in the Throne Room and he felt relieved.

  He decided against trying to move closer to the Throne to eavesdrop, for fear of getting caught. He decided on a better plan: he would fly instead over the skylight itself to see if he could identify who was there on the Throne. He thought to himself that if they stopped him, he could always claim that he was just flying over on the way to another Archangel's palace. Afraid that the creatures in the Throne Room may not be there much longer, he backed out of the Throne Room's main entrance and took flight headed towards the skylight area of the Throne Room.

  When Mammonael was flying over the Throne Room's skylight, he was excited that he could, in fact, see inside. The four Seraphim were in their usual position around where the Almighty should be. Jarahmael was standing before the Throne as he should be and was there with the female creature he had just had on his back a few moments before. That must be Lillith! The two of them were talking to what looked like a male version of the Lillith creature. A Human sitting on the Almighty's Throne? How can that be?


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