The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1)

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The Ghost Of Eslenda (Book 1) Page 8

by Jim Greenfield

  "Come forth!" he said in a voice of command.

  A small shadow stumbled forward.

  "Quink! Ah, you startled me. Very good work earlier, in the great hall. Hal knows what he needs to know. We shall meet again soon."

  Lockwell hurried away and Quink sat staring at the fireplace where Hal had entered the tunnel. Quink knew of a few tunnels. Maybe the tunnels could help him discover things for Hal. King Hal, he corrected himself. Secret passages were always a source of fascination for Quink. Perhaps his task need not be so unpleasant. He felt comfortable hidden away from the world. He nearly ran from the Great Hall to begin his search

  Chapter 7

  They followed Plucker into the narrow passage. The wall swung back into place and darkness enveloped them. Elizabeth felt the dry webs caress her face. Hal grasped her hand and they followed their guide deep into the secret world of the castle passages. It was not the romantic tunnels in the troubadour's tale, rather a close stifling place and a smell of earth. The sounds of their footfalls were deadened. It felt as if they had left the world and now walked in a realm unknown to Men.

  Plucker did not want to wait for Lockwell's diversion before escaping with Hal and Elizabeth. The timing was tight enough and his leg ached already. They had to be well through the tunnel before the search started. The exits were limited and only one would lead to safety. Still, they would not have that much of a lead if soldiers moved beyond the castle. They could not make great speed underground and were vulnerable to whoever waited at the tunnel's end. Butler's warehouse was not that far from the outer walls and would be among the first places outside the castle to be searched if Hal's disappearance is discovered.

  Plucker raised a polished stone Lockwell had given him. It gave off a faint light and allowed him to see a few feet ahead. Elizabeth and Hal drew close.

  The walls drew tight in a couple spots and Plucker could barely squeeze through. Voices could be heard from time to time through the walls. They were not certain if they could be heard but they had no choice - they had to move through the passage quickly. The sour air sickened them and Plucker's faint torch did not cheer their spirits. They passed three skeletons and Hal wondered how many people died forgotten in the castle over the generations.

  They heard a shout above them. The words were muffled but still recognizable. Plucker stopped at the noise and Hal nearly knocked Elizabeth to her knees.

  "I heard something in the wall!" said a voice.

  "Rubbish. Just rats."

  "No, much larger."

  "Have you seen the rats in this place?"

  "Very funny. Do you think we should report it?"

  "What, rats?"

  "I will report it."

  "This castle has more noises than an old man. Just worry about the things you see, not what you imagine."

  They waited as the footfalls marched away and the voices could no longer be heard. Plucker sighed loudly and started again into the dimness beyond the faint light of his torch. The journey seemed endless. They shuffled their feet to keep from tripping in the dark.

  Plucker halted. The passage connected to another that branched off to the left. He looked down one and then another. He looked down the first one again.

  "I can't remember which way," whispered Plucker. "Lockwell said to keep straight but neither path moves off straight and neither way looks used."

  "Well, neither did the one we just traveled. I trust your judgment, Sir John."

  Plucker nodded and veered left. The drum of heavy feet pounded above them. They stopped, hearts thumping. The sound faded. Plucker turned and smiled. Then the floor sloped downward and it became damper.

  "We are going under the earth now," said Plucker. "I chose correctly. We have left the castle proper."

  Plucker's huge body tore down most of the webs but the roots coming from above and alongside them, grabbed at their clothes. The tunnel became smaller and Plucker could not stand erect. He also had to hold his sword in front of him as he walked. The light from the stone faded and Plucker could see nothing but blotches in the darkness.

  The time seemed immeasurable and Hal wished he knew if they had friends or foes awaiting them at the tunnel's end. He hated to think they had done all this only to be captured again.

  Finally, Plucker stopped. He held a finger to his lips. The ceiling was higher now and Hal reached up and could not touch the top of the tunnel. There was no sound from above them. Plucker started to climb up rough steps cut into the earth and pushed open a trap door. It creaked and thudded. Filtered daylight floated down. Plucker waited but heard nothing to deter him. Plucker climbed out and helped Elizabeth up and then Hal. It was Butler's, the merchant's warehouse. They dusted themselves off and looked around at the wooden boxes stacked neatly in rows.

  "Where next?" asked Hal. He looked at Elizabeth's dirty face and grinned. "You must be the Queen."

  "You don't look any better, King Hal," said Elizabeth.

  "I have horses in the west woods," said Plucker. "We still have to get through town." There was a noise behind them.

  "Who do we have here?" Teresa Butler, a teenage girl yet a member of the King's Guard and well-armed. Her sword was drawn and her helmet covered her head. Only her blond braid stuck out the back. "By your size, you must be Sir Plucker. The other two are familiar but their names escape me. I must take you to my sergeant. How did you get in here?" She looked at the trapdoor.

  "The old tunnel? I thought it had collapsed."

  "Your father gave his permission for us to use this place," said Plucker. His hand was on his sword.

  "That may be, but he is traveling and cannot be reached to verify your story. So I must follow my orders: I have been ordered to bring suspicious people to Sergeant Dannen."

  "I am the Captain of the Guard. Dannen reports to me."

  "Not as of a quarter hour ago. Dannen reports directly to King Edward until such time as the King appoints a new captain. You are named a traitor."

  "I will fight you," said Plucker. "I will kill you."

  Teresa grinned. "I believe you, old bear. But you must catch me first."

  She danced backward and shouted for her brother, Russell, also of the Kings guard. Plucker drew his sword and moved forward, his speed belied by his size. Teresa fell backward, but her sword remained pointing at Plucker. Hal jumped between them.

  "Hold. I will not have you kill her."

  "But sire, we must not leave witnesses."

  "Sire?" said Teresa. "You, you are Prince Hal."

  "King Hal," said Plucker sharply. "Henry is dead."

  "Yes, yes, I know. But if you are the rightful king, why do you flee? Why let Edward claim the throne?"

  "It wasn't a matter of letting Edward do anything. Edward has more soldiers in the castle and long planned his grab for the throne," said Hal. "I must go and gather mine."

  "Count me as one," said Russell Butler. The young man stood in the doorway and sheathed his sword. "Teresa, put your sword away. Sir Plucker will not harm you."

  "He was sure determined to a minute ago," said Teresa.

  "I misspoke," said Russell. "Sir Plucker will not harm a defender of the true king."

  "Wisely spoken," said Hal. "But we have little time to tarry. We must go. You are in danger if we are traced here. If you would join me, gather what you can carry and leave immediately."

  "You do know what this means?" asked Plucker. "That you may be killing your comrades at arms."

  "If they do not support King Hal, then they are not our comrades," said Russell Butler.

  "Easily said," said Plucker. "Your test is yet to come."

  "Can't you raise an army here?" asked Teresa. "I know lots of people who want you for their king. We could fight and win without Edward getting settled in the castle. It's chaos up there right now. He won't expect it."

  Plucker looked at Hal. Hal frowned, and then shook his head.

  "No, I'm not ready. Edward has a trained fighting force at hand. It would be a slaughter.
We must get to Far Greening. We will return to deal with Edward later."

  "Yes, Sire," said Plucker. He looked at the two guards. "You heard the King, let's go."

  They quickly gathered a few supplies and found an extra short sword for Elizabeth. Teresa gave Hal her father's great sword from his youth. It was polished and the heft was perfect for Hal.

  "He served on the guard for a while," she said.

  "I remember him well," said Sir Plucker. "But I have not spoken to him in years."

  "Let us be quick then, so you won't have to," said Hal. "No sense to bring extra trouble to him. It will be bad enough if this tunnel is discovered. It is good he is traveling. If a message can reach him, ask him to remain away for a time."

  Russell moved a heavy wagon over the trapdoor and piled boxes around it. He looked to Hal who nodded and they crept through the warehouse door out into the night air. Shadows bathed the area near the warehouse and they walked unseen for several blocks. Their luck seemed to be holding.

  The city was noisy and people hurried past but few glanced in their direction. Edward as king did not appear to be welcome news. There was no celebration in the city and only Edward's men and Cane's men smiled and laughed.

  Two soldiers stepped out of the doorway of a tavern, wiping the ale from their chins. They stopped in front of Hal.

  "Here now, wait a moment," said one. "Where do you think you are going? Do you have a pass from Sergeant Berand? No one is to leave the area."

  "Do you know who I am?" asked Plucker, looking down at the soldier.

  "Yes, I do, Sir Plucker. But I have my orders and with King Henry dead, I must take no chances."

  "I am Berand's superior."

  "Not no more. Word came as you are a traitor, like Prince Hal."

  "Do you believe Hal murdered his father?" asked Plucker.

  "Sir Plucker, that's a terrible thing to ask me, I'm just a poor guard. I can't be making those kinds of decisions."

  "Make it now," said Hal, his sword leveled at the guards.

  "Prince Hal!"

  "King Hal," said the other guard who dropped to his knees. The first guard followed his companion's example.

  "No pass needed,"

  "Thank you, gentlemen," said Hal. "Let's move before we are found out."

  "We never saw you," said the second guard.

  "Quite right," said Plucker. He spoke quietly to Hal. "Let's move out before they have the chance to talk, guards always do, at least to other guards when ale is involved."

  They turned north and moved quickly into the fields. Near a giant oak, they found one of Plucker's men, Bert Kalen, with a half dozen horses. Without a word, they mounted and rode toward Far Greening.

  After the sight of Riverdowns faded from view they rode for another three miles, then stopped for food and water. Bert Kalen kept watch for following riders while the others rested. Hal ate in thoughtful silence away from the others. Teresa's face was flushed with the excitement of their journey. Elizabeth smiled to herself. She would let Teresa enjoy the moment and she would enjoy the girl's new wonder. The reality of their situation would strike soon enough.

  Hal thought about what to do. He was clearly King, no doubt, but how to show the people of Eslenda that Edward framed him for Henry's murder? Should he resort to force to take the crown? Edward wouldn't give it up even if he were proved to be Henry's killer. It was war.

  They rode slowly through the cool night and as the new day dawned, they saw movement on the plains far to the east. They journeyed close to the western forests far from the main roads of Eslenda to avoid watching eyes. The trees were crowded close together, gray and gnarled from great age. The grassy plains neatly stopped by the edge of the forest so abrupt did the land change. The trees blocked part of the coastal wind, keeping the chill from them. The shadows from the trees and their reaching branches shielded them from the sight of the riders they watched. The plains flowed away from them with green grass waving in the breezes.

  The distant riders appeared as navigating a great sea. The greens and blues of the grasses bent in the wind appearing to caress the legs of the horses. They rode up a hill and their shapes were clearer. Hal put up his hand and they halted. He stared at the soldiers heading north to Far Greening.

  "Looks like Edward has sent someone against you already," said Plucker. "It's a good size force."

  "It's Howard Cane," said Teresa, squinting into the dawn sun. "Those are his colors. Edward doesn't want to give you a chance to get ready for him."

  Hal watched the movement, his jaw set. Elizabeth grasped his hand. She felt his strength and determination before he spoke.

  "Whatever food and water is stored in the castle will be all the people have. Cane will lay siege to the castle. Even with James in the field it will be hard for our people."

  "I know it will be a difficult time," said Elizabeth. "But we will do what we must."

  "Aye. That we will," agreed Hal, his voice cold.

  "Let's ride!" cried Russell Butler. "We can beat them."

  "Slow down," said Plucker. "They will have scouts out and if not enough scouts to kill us all, they will kill some of us and alert the army. We must move with caution. We do not want to reach Far Greening with Cane's soldiers snapping at our heels. If we get that far."

  Hal led the way as they rode a ways eastward before they turned to the north. They rode harder now. They put more distance between themselves and Cane's men. Plucker rode at the rear keeping watch behind them. Russell Butler rode alongside King Hal as his guard. Teresa answered Elizabeth's questions about her life and how she came to join the guard.

  "Russell taught me fighting," said Teresa. "I've been handling a sword for so long. I would not do anything after Mother died. I did no cleaning, cooking, mending -nothing. I just sat in the corner next to mother's stool and cook pot. Russell always worked with his sword and one day I stood in the yard watching him. He had an extra one and tossed it to me, then came at me with his sword. I just tried to block his sword and the piercing ring of the metal woke me up. It called to me. We worked with the swords daily. One day Russell asked me to help him guard a shipment of goods Father was sending to the coast. At first, we guarded some of Father's shipments to other towns, but when Russell joined the Kings Guard, I wanted to join too. Father would not let me until I was older and could fight like a man. He wanted me to be his little girl but when he finally figured out, I was to be a fighter he became supportive and hired guards to train me. He was very proud when I passed the tests and won my sword and shield."

  "Do you expect to have a family?" asked Elizabeth.

  "Oh sure, I'm only seventeen. I will marry some guard and raise children. But I'm in no hurry."

  "Nor should you be."

  "What's it like being a queen?" Teresa blushed, realizing she was too forward. She was only a guard. However, Elizabeth smiled.

  "Well, it's difficult to say at this point as I haven't been Queen for long, but being a princess was quite nice. At least when we had visitors I would be waited on and dressed in my best dresses. The rest of the time, I run the household and that is not too romantic. The only hard time is when your husband has to leave to fight for his king. Sometimes weeks pass by or even months without news. The time passes so slowly. It is a time of worry but you cannot show it to anyone. You must be brave for your people."

  "I see. I guess being Queen is tougher than I thought. There are more people to be brave for."

  "I think you are right."

  "Did you ever want to be a hunter or a soldier? Or did you know you would be Queen?"

  "No, I didn't expect to be Queen. I grew up with a bow and I still practice regularly. I would say there are not many men who could best me shooting at a target. I have not shot at a person. I do not know if I can."

  "Just remember your habits. That is what Russell always told me. Just concentrate on your patterns and timing. The details. Detach your emotions and let your training take over. It does work."

; "I will remember that, Teresa. Thank you."

  Hal halted them and motioned for Russell to ride ahead. Hal led them to a shadowy spot under some trees and they waited patiently for Russell to return.

  "It's unusual for a woman to be in the Guard," Hal said to Plucker. "Do you know of the girl?"

  "Yes. She serves under Dannen. He speaks highly of her. At first, her brother fought her battles for her. The Guard was not warm toward her at the beginning and Russell was kept busy. But Teresa is tall and rangy and will gain strength and possibly more height. It was two weeks into her duty as a Guard that another Guard tried to force himself on her. I assure you, sire, that kind of man is rare in the Guard and probably should have been tossed out before the incident. But as it was, Teresa killed him so fast the other Guards did not have a chance to move to aid her. After the initial shock of the man's blood spattered around the Guardroom, they saw to her slight injuries and applauded her skill. They realized she was not a liability to their unit. After that, they all watched out for her. Kind of adopted her. I don't know what they'll do when they meet her on the battlefield."

  "You were ready to run her through at the warehouse."

  "We could afford no chances. I had to move quickly as Lockwell told me, however I am not sure I could best her. Nor could many of the Guard. If they hesitate, she will kill them. She knows what is at stake."

  "John? Is that the truth, that you doubt yourself in battle?"

  Plucker exhaled and sighed. He rubbed his thumb over his ear lobe.

  "The fact is, I'm aging and slowing. Some young buck will take me someday and that time is nigh. My time on the battlefield is ending. My legs often fail me and the speed of my sword has slowed but I aim to have you on your rightful throne before I am finished."

  "Thank you, Sir John. You reassure me. I'm afraid I need more counsel than I will get during this struggle. I am not yet hard enough to be king, but I shall be, I must be. I am glad for your friendship and counsel and what little swordsmanship you have left." Hal smiled.

  Plucker pressed his lips together and looked away. The wind had freshened and brought the smell of the smoke from Cane's campfires. They were far beyond the hills in the distance but once on top they could see all the way across the plains to the eastern forests. Plucker wished he had brought more men instead of relying on secrecy and speed. It may be that they will be pressed to fight before reaching Far Greening.


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