The Awakening Guide: A Companion for the Inward Journey (Companions for the Inward Journey Book 2)

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The Awakening Guide: A Companion for the Inward Journey (Companions for the Inward Journey Book 2) Page 16

by Bonnie Greenwell

  Lerner, Eric (1977.) Journey of Insight Meditation: A Personal Experience of the Buddha’s Way, Schocken

  Lumiere-Wins, L. M and J., (2000). The Awakening West: Evidence of a Spreading Enlightenment, Clear Vision Press, Oakland (

  Roberts, Bernadette (1982). The Experience of No-Self, Shamhala, Boston..

  Sunyata (2001). Dancing with the Void: The Innerstandings of a Rare-Born Mystic, Blue Dove Press, San Diego.

  Ullman, R. & Reichenberg-Ullman, J. (2001). Mystics, Masters, Saints and Sages: Stories of Enlightenment, Conara Press, Berkeley.

  Philosophy of Zen, How To Practice,

  and Other Buddhist Teachings

  Abe, M. (1986). A Zen Life: D.T. Suzuki Remembered, Weatherhill.

  Bassui (trans. by Arthur Braverman) (1989). Mud and Water: A Collection of Talks by the Zen Master Bassui, North Point Press,Berkeley.

  Cleary, T. (trans) (1990) Transmission of Light: Zen in the Art of Enlightenment by Zen Master Keizan, Shambhala

  Cleary, T. (trans) (1989). Zen Essence: The Science of Freedom, Shambhala, Boston.

  Haskel, P. (1984). Bankei Zen: Translations from the Record of Bankei, Grove Weidenfeld, NY

  Landaw, J. with Bodian, S. (2003). Buddhism For Dummies, Wiley Pub.

  Maezumi Roshi, Taizan (2002). Appreciate Your life: The Essence of Zen Practice, Shambhala Classics

  Palmo, Ani Tenzin (2002). Reflections on a Mountain Lake: Teachings on Practical Buddhism, Snow Lion

  Sogyal Rinpoche (1989). Dzogchen & Padmansambhava, Rigpa Fellowship,

  Suzuki, Shunryu (1995). Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind: Informal talks on Zen meditation and Practice, Weatherhill

  Suzuki, D.T. (1972) Living By Zen: A Synthesis of the Historical and Practical Aspects of Zen Buddhism, Samuel Weiser.

  Tanahashi, Kazuaki (Ed) (1999). Enlightenment Unfolds: The Essential Teachings of Zen Master Dogen, SF Zen Center.

  Thurman, Robert (2004). Infinite Life: Awakening to Bliss Within, Riverhead Books, NY.

  Wu, John C.H. (2003). The Golden Age of Zen: Zen Masters of the T’ang Dynasty, World Wisdom.

  Non-Dual and

  Advaita Vedanta Teachings

  (Out of date books, scriptures and Indian books can frequently be found in the Eastern section of used bookstores, or at internet bookstores that specialize in importing Indian publications.)

  Ashokananda, Swami (1988.) Avadhuta Gita of Dattatreya, Sri Ramakrishna Math, India

  Godman, David (1985). Be as You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi, Arkana.

  Klein, Jean (1989) I Am, Third Millennium Pub., Guernsey, C.I.

  Maharshi, Ramana (2001). The Essential Teachings of Ramana Maharshi: A Visual Journey, InnerDirections.

  Natarajan (transl) (1994). Ramana Gita: Dialogues with Sri Ramana Maharshi, Ramana Maharshi Centre for Learning, Bangalore India.

  Nisardagatta Maharaj (1994). I Am That, Acorn Press, Durham

  Nisardagatta Maharaj (1952). Seeds of Consciousness: The Wisdom of Nisargadatta Maharaj, Acorn Press, Durham NC

  Osborne, Arthur (1979). The Collected Works of Ramana Maharshi, Sri Ramanashramam, India.

  Sankarachaarya, (Trans. by Alladi Mahadeva Sastry) (1984). Dakshinamurti Stotra of Sri Sankaracharya, Samata Books, Madras.

  Singh, Jaideva (1982). Siva Sutras: The Yoga of Supreme Identity, Motilal Banarsidass,

  Venkataraman, T. N., (1989). Talks With Sri Raman Maharshi (3 volumes in 1), Sri Ramanasraman, India.

  Venkatesananda, Swami (1991). The Supreme Yoga: A New Translation of Yoga Vasistha (2 volumes), The Divine Life Society, Himalayas.




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